Confirming Mental Illness: Homosexuals Now Demand Permanent Rainbow Crosswalks In Cities Across USA

They just keep pushing it all :


DAYS OF LOT: LGBT Groups Say Conservative Christians 'Have No Place in Government'
I never want Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council to shut up. They do great work by driving more allies to gay community. In fact, I think they should win a GLAAD award. lol
As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, I've always warned against kowtowing to perversion. As a heterosupremacist alpha male American patriot, I continue to be derided as 'homophobic' and 'noninclusive' and accused of discrimination and bigotry.

In my loving church congregation, we could indeed discriminate between natural, Godly behavior and perverted evil. We're doing it out of love for God. My thoughts on this latest mental health breakdown by degenerate homosexuals is clear, this is just so wrong on so many levels. First off, to even accept this idea, you have to buy into their idea that being normal is wrong. In our eternal love for God and morality, we must shame Homosexuals back into the closet in order to have a moral non-degenerate country for our children. Their safety depends on it.
As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, I've always warned against kowtowing to perversion. As a heterosupremacist alpha male American patriot, I continue to be derided as 'homophobic' and 'noninclusive' and accused of discrimination and bigotry.

In my loving church congregation, we could indeed discriminate between natural, Godly behavior and perverted evil. We're doing it out of love for God. My thoughts on this latest mental health breakdown by degenerate homosexuals is clear, this is just so wrong on so many levels. First off, to even accept this idea, you have to buy into their idea that being normal is wrong. In our eternal love for God and morality, we must shame Homosexuals back into the closet in order to have a moral non-degenerate country for our children. Their safety depends on it.
I was in Chicago this past weekend for Father's Day and took the architectural cruise on The Chicago River It was ruined because one of the buildings had its side lit up in rainbow colors Apparently they are celebrating pride that weekend and shoving it down everyone's throat. If they install rainbow side walks here I will desecrated it with black paint.

Those damn pride events are like perverted circuses
How many have you been to? Churches participate around fact, a few years back, the Long Beach Pride had a Gospel Karaoke tent going on. Booths can be found for the Methodists, Lutherans, Catholics, etc.
I never want Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council to shut up. They do great work by driving more allies to gay community. In fact, I think they should win a GLAAD award. lol
Exactly. They've done more to sway public opinion to be in support of gays and gay marriage than almost everything else. When families and friends of gay Americans see the craziness these people spout about their loved ones........they realize how ridiculous the anti-gay position is....and always was.
I have a reasonable compromise. We give the gays rainbow diapers. They want to be equals, fine, but like so many other minorities, when they demand equality and fair treatment, it turns out what they expect is superiority and SPECIAL treatment! I say, NYET!

KEEP your fucking clothes on, KEEP your fucking sexuality to yourself, and act like normal reasonable people and you will be respected. We are all different in some way, but that doesn't mean you have to parade it around and ram it down other people's throats.
Amen to this. When I was a kid and made a big enough stink over something, absolutely nothing is what I got at the end of the day.

God bless you always!!!

The insanity is never ending. As if we don't have bigger fish to fry in this country. Yet all the left wants to talk about is meaningless divisive identity politics shit like this. They are truly delusional and out of touch.
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Gays have rights to exist and to live their lives. But it's silly to give them so much attention as Western Media does and to spread gay propaganda. Kids and teens should be kept away from gay propaganda: the society should respect their own choice in privet life unless it doesn't care about them having a right for a free choice.

Have you ever heard about normal people having parades or demanding heterosexual crosswalks? Why those gays have to be so loud then?
they have the same base rights as a person we all do. nothing more, nothing less. if there are areas this isn't true then we need to work to even that up.

while we work to ignore things like this.
The insanity is never ending. As if we don't have bigger fish to fry in this country. Yet all the left wants to talk about is meaningless divisive identity politics shit like this. They are truly delusional and out of touch.

We're here, we're queer!!!!!! Pacify us!!!!!!! Pay attention to us!!!!!!!

As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, I've always warned against kowtowing to perversion. As a heterosupremacist alpha male American patriot, I continue to be derided as 'homophobic' and 'noninclusive' and accused of discrimination and bigotry.

In my loving church congregation, we could indeed discriminate between natural, Godly behavior and perverted evil. We're doing it out of love for God. My thoughts on this latest mental health breakdown by degenerate homosexuals is clear, this is just so wrong on so many levels. First off, to even accept this idea, you have to buy into their idea that being normal is wrong. In our eternal love for God and morality, we must shame Homosexuals back into the closet in order to have a moral non-degenerate country for our children. Their safety depends on it.
That's headline news for The Blaze?
It's a case of gays not having enough self-awareness to realize what extreme attention whores they are. And not realizing that attention whores will never be happy. Because attention is like cocaine; no matter how much you consume, it's simply never, ever enough.
Children will be distracted by the colors. They might even play in them or cross against the lights.

Colors are important at intersections, but let's keep them red for stop, green for go and yellow.

Rainbows there are sheer lunacy.
The insanity is never ending. As if we don't have bigger fish to fry in this country. Yet all the left wants to talk about is meaningless divisive identity politics shit like this. They are truly delusional and out of touch.

We're here, we're queer!!!!!! Pacify us!!!!!!! Pay attention to us!!!!!!!

Yet they complain when they are beaten to death! Go figure.
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As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, r

LOL- you are a racist asshole with no moral values.

Poor little snowflake- you can't even handle rainbow crosswalks.

So gays are a race now? You liberals have wiped your asses with the word "racism" so much even you don't know what it means. Calling out attention whores for being obnoxious isn't "snowflakeism," it's a rejection of snowflakes. So far as I know, nobody in this thread has to run to a "safe space" with their play-doh.
As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, r

LOL- you are a racist asshole with no moral values.

Poor little snowflake- you can't even handle rainbow crosswalks.

So gays are a race now? Y.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?

Stevie the racist is a racist because he hates Blacks and Jews and Mexicans and Arabs- because of their race. That makes him a racist and an anti-semite.

He just also happens to hate Gays and probably anyone who doesn't happen to have lilly white ancestors from Northern Europe and who isn't also a Southern Baptists- that doesn't make him a racist- that just makes him a bigot.
What is after nationwide rainbow crosswalks? They will want rainbow playgrounds, rainbow fields and trails. It will be a crazy world.

If someone paints their driveway or has rainbow artificial turf, they could not even get away with that, and I bet they would be hauled to court by neighbors who won't let that happen.
As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, r

LOL- you are a racist asshole with no moral values.

Poor little snowflake- you can't even handle rainbow crosswalks.

So gays are a race now? Y.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?

Stevie the racist is a racist because he hates Blacks and Jews and Mexicans and Arabs- because of their race. That makes him a racist and an anti-semite.

He just also happens to hate Gays and probably anyone who doesn't happen to have lilly white ancestors from Northern Europe and who isn't also a Southern Baptists- that doesn't make him a racist- that just makes him a bigot.

I'm not religious myself, but your demeaning reference to my lily-white European, Plastic-Paddy ancestry proves you are a racist pig yourself. Just like "Typhoid Barry" and the racial CHIP on that fucker's shoulder that's larger than he is! You're less honest about your bigotry than Stevie. When will you non-whites get over your inferiority complex over centuries of our white technical accomplishments?

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