Confirming Mental Illness: Homosexuals Now Demand Permanent Rainbow Crosswalks In Cities Across USA

As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, r

LOL- you are a racist asshole with no moral values.

Poor little snowflake- you can't even handle rainbow crosswalks.

So gays are a race now? Y.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?

Stevie the racist is a racist because he hates Blacks and Jews and Mexicans and Arabs- because of their race. That makes him a racist and an anti-semite.

He just also happens to hate Gays and probably anyone who doesn't happen to have lilly white ancestors from Northern Europe and who isn't also a Southern Baptists- that doesn't make him a racist- that just makes him a bigot.

I'm not religious myself, but your demeaning reference to my lily-white European, Plastic-Paddy ancestry proves you are a racist pig yourself.

Since i am as 'lily white' as Stevie insists all true Americans are supposed to be- how exactly am I a racist for pointing out that Stevie the racist thinks that only people who have lily white ancestors from Northern Europe are true Americans?
As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, r

LOL- you are a racist asshole with no moral values.

Poor little snowflake- you can't even handle rainbow crosswalks.

So gays are a race now? Y.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?

Stevie the racist is a racist because he hates Blacks and Jews and Mexicans and Arabs- because of their race. That makes him a racist and an anti-semite.

He just also happens to hate Gays and probably anyone who doesn't happen to have lilly white ancestors from Northern Europe and who isn't also a Southern Baptists- that doesn't make him a racist- that just makes him a bigot.

of our white technical accomplishments?

I am just curious- what has your white technical accomplishment been- specifically?

Personally, while I admire the writings of Shakespeare, just because he and share English ancestry doesn't mean I get some sort of credit for what Shakespeare accomplished.
What if hippies had demanded crosswalks be painted with flowers and succeeded in the 60's? How about painting them with trees for environmentalists, candy bars for fat people or maple bars for cops?
The strangest thing about this whole lgbtqmgjit%$cvbra nonsense is that the majority of gay people that I know are embarrassed by it. They don't want to in the spotlight, they just want to be left alone to live their lives. To me it seems more of a generational thing, most of the gay folks I know are a bit older and not part of the "look at me" generation.
Homosexuality is a perfect natural parallel to booger-eating. Both are personal, innate behavior choices; both run counter to nature; both elicit innate reactions of nausea; and both are equally irrelevant in the social collective.
Consider the homo agenda and replace everything homo with booger-eating and you'll get a better idea of the absurdity.
Crosswalks dedicated to the agenda of booger-eating? What would that look like? I don't really want to know.
Your cruise was ruined b/c of a rainbow on a building!? lol. My aren't you a delicate thing
Yes. It didn't belong there. Although not as disgusting as the White House lit up in those colors. The Homs need to end these pride events and businesses need to quit this homo outreach.
As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, r

LOL- you are a racist asshole with no moral values.

Poor little snowflake- you can't even handle rainbow crosswalks.

So gays are a race now? Y.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?

Stevie the racist is a racist because he hates Blacks and Jews and Mexicans and Arabs- because of their race. That makes him a racist and an anti-semite.

He just also happens to hate Gays and probably anyone who doesn't happen to have lilly white ancestors from Northern Europe and who isn't also a Southern Baptists- that doesn't make him a racist- that just makes him a bigot.

I'm not religious myself, but your demeaning reference to my lily-white European, Plastic-Paddy ancestry proves you are a racist pig yourself.

Since i am as 'lily white' as Stevie insists all true Americans are supposed to be- how exactly am I a racist for pointing out that Stevie the racist thinks that only people who have lily white ancestors from Northern Europe are true Americans?
Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the first Congress. It tells you who our founders wanted as true Americans, Free White people.
As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, r

LOL- you are a racist asshole with no moral values.

Poor little snowflake- you can't even handle rainbow crosswalks.

So gays are a race now? Y.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?

Stevie the racist is a racist because he hates Blacks and Jews and Mexicans and Arabs- because of their race. That makes him a racist and an anti-semite.

He just also happens to hate Gays and probably anyone who doesn't happen to have lilly white ancestors from Northern Europe and who isn't also a Southern Baptists- that doesn't make him a racist- that just makes him a bigot.

I'm not religious myself, but your demeaning reference to my lily-white European, Plastic-Paddy ancestry proves you are a racist pig yourself.

Since i am as 'lily white' as Stevie insists all true Americans are supposed to be- how exactly am I a racist for pointing out that Stevie the racist thinks that only people who have lily white ancestors from Northern Europe are true Americans?

Then you're a self-hating white excrement of my race, sir. If you feel so guilty about being white, I have a solution that works for both of us: get a potato peeler and skin yourself; that way nobody can tell what race you are. You're an ingrate spoiled brat who doesn't appreciate being born into the ULTIMATE race of engineers who split the atom, put men on the moon and invented EVERY modern piece of machinery you enjoy. That's all you are, punk. Spoiled PUNK!
As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, I've always warned against kowtowing to perversion. As a heterosupremacist alpha male American patriot, I continue to be derided as 'homophobic' and 'noninclusive' and accused of discrimination and bigotry.

In my loving church congregation, we could indeed discriminate between natural, Godly behavior and perverted evil. We're doing it out of love for God. My thoughts on this latest mental health breakdown by degenerate homosexuals is clear, this is just so wrong on so many levels. First off, to even accept this idea, you have to buy into their idea that being normal is wrong. In our eternal love for God and morality, we must shame Homosexuals back into the closet in order to have a moral non-degenerate country for our children. Their safety depends on it.
The mental illness is the need to make a big fucking deal over this. It is being threatened by something colorful and attractive. It is being aghast that people want to express pride.

Tell me , what do you think of those red and blue lines being painted between the double yellow lines on roads to show support for firefighters and police. Outrageous!!
The strangest thing about this whole lgbtqmgjit%$cvbra nonsense is that the majority of gay people that I know are embarrassed by it. They don't want to in the spotlight, they just want to be left alone to live their lives. To me it seems more of a generational thing, most of the gay folks I know are a bit older and not part of the "look at me" generation.

That's pretty much what I say: if gays are butch, act like guys and don't badger everyone else with it, I wouldn't care about the subject in the slightest. I'm a realist, I don't find it appealing but I already know that homosexuality has always existed and always will, I just don't want to see public melodrama over it.
LOL- you are a racist asshole with no moral values.

Poor little snowflake- you can't even handle rainbow crosswalks.

So gays are a race now? Y.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?

Stevie the racist is a racist because he hates Blacks and Jews and Mexicans and Arabs- because of their race. That makes him a racist and an anti-semite.

He just also happens to hate Gays and probably anyone who doesn't happen to have lilly white ancestors from Northern Europe and who isn't also a Southern Baptists- that doesn't make him a racist- that just makes him a bigot.

I'm not religious myself, but your demeaning reference to my lily-white European, Plastic-Paddy ancestry proves you are a racist pig yourself.

Since i am as 'lily white' as Stevie insists all true Americans are supposed to be- how exactly am I a racist for pointing out that Stevie the racist thinks that only people who have lily white ancestors from Northern Europe are true Americans?

Then you're a self-hating white excrement of my race, sir. If you feel so guilty about being white, !

Why would I feel guilty about being white? Why would I hate being white? LOL- hell being white is very helpful.

Why exactly do you think that anyone who points out that Stevie the racist- who hates blacks, Mexicans, Jews and pretty much everyone who isn't a white Southern Baptist racist like himself- is a racist?
LOL- you are a racist asshole with no moral values.

Poor little snowflake- you can't even handle rainbow crosswalks.

So gays are a race now? Y.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?

Stevie the racist is a racist because he hates Blacks and Jews and Mexicans and Arabs- because of their race. That makes him a racist and an anti-semite.

He just also happens to hate Gays and probably anyone who doesn't happen to have lilly white ancestors from Northern Europe and who isn't also a Southern Baptists- that doesn't make him a racist- that just makes him a bigot.

I'm not religious myself, but your demeaning reference to my lily-white European, Plastic-Paddy ancestry proves you are a racist pig yourself.

Since i am as 'lily white' as Stevie insists all true Americans are supposed to be- how exactly am I a racist for pointing out that Stevie the racist thinks that only people who have lily white ancestors from Northern Europe are true Americans?
Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the first Congress. It tells you who our founders wanted as true Americans, Free White people.

Thanks for confirming my point- that you are just another racist asshole.
The strangest thing about this whole lgbtqmgjit%$cvbra nonsense is that the majority of gay people that I know are embarrassed by it. They don't want to in the spotlight, they just want to be left alone to live their lives. To me it seems more of a generational thing, most of the gay folks I know are a bit older and not part of the "look at me" generation.

That's pretty much what I say: if gays are butch, act like guys and don't badger everyone else with it, I wouldn't care about the subject in the slightest. I'm a realist, I don't find it appealing but I already know that homosexuality has always existed and always will, I just don't want to see public melodrama over it.
The public drama that you speak of is mostly coming from maudlin idiots on the right who do stupid and hatful things like that pathetic march for marriage in DC, and trying to pass laws making it legal to discriminate in the name of religious freedom.
As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, I've always warned against kowtowing to perversion. As a heterosupremacist alpha male American patriot, I continue to be derided as 'homophobic' and 'noninclusive' and accused of discrimination and bigotry.

In my loving church congregation, we could indeed discriminate between natural, Godly behavior and perverted evil. We're doing it out of love for God. My thoughts on this latest mental health breakdown by degenerate homosexuals is clear, this is just so wrong on so many levels. First off, to even accept this idea, you have to buy into their idea that being normal is wrong. In our eternal love for God and morality, we must shame Homosexuals back into the closet in order to have a moral non-degenerate country for our children. Their safety depends on it.
As a devout Christian conservative Southern Baptist with impeccable moral values, I've always warned against kowtowing to perversion. As a heterosupremacist alpha male American patriot, I continue to be derided as 'homophobic' and 'noninclusive' and accused of discrimination and bigotry.

In my loving church congregation, we could indeed discriminate between natural, Godly behavior and perverted evil. We're doing it out of love for God. My thoughts on this latest mental health breakdown by degenerate homosexuals is clear, this is just so wrong on so many levels. First off, to even accept this idea, you have to buy into their idea that being normal is wrong. In our eternal love for God and morality, we must shame Homosexuals back into the closet in order to have a moral non-degenerate country for our children. Their safety depends on it.
I was in Chicago this past weekend for Father's Day and took the architectural cruise on The Chicago River It was ruined because one of the buildings had its side lit up in rainbow colors Apparently they are celebrating pride that weekend and shoving it down everyone's throat. If they install rainbow side walks here I will desecrated it with black paint.

A rainbow ruined your cruise on the Chicago river?

Boy, you people really are fragile.

And, no, you won't "desecrate" rainbows with black paint cuz, along with being fragile, you're also keyboard cowboys.

Now man up, grow a pair, pull up your big girl panties and all that stuff.

You're an advocate for perversion.

Not at all. Actually, I would like to see sicko racists segregated from the normal populations. Surely, even they recognize that they belong with their own kind but if they don't, we need to build a "big, beautiful wall" to keep them away from our children and away from others they want to harm.

The US would be much healthier and happier without the racist nutters.

When you have to choose your bathroom and not use your gender one. You are not normal.
So gays are a race now? Y.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?

Stevie the racist is a racist because he hates Blacks and Jews and Mexicans and Arabs- because of their race. That makes him a racist and an anti-semite.

He just also happens to hate Gays and probably anyone who doesn't happen to have lilly white ancestors from Northern Europe and who isn't also a Southern Baptists- that doesn't make him a racist- that just makes him a bigot.

I'm not religious myself, but your demeaning reference to my lily-white European, Plastic-Paddy ancestry proves you are a racist pig yourself.

Since i am as 'lily white' as Stevie insists all true Americans are supposed to be- how exactly am I a racist for pointing out that Stevie the racist thinks that only people who have lily white ancestors from Northern Europe are true Americans?
Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the first Congress. It tells you who our founders wanted as true Americans, Free White people.

Thanks for confirming my point- that you are just another racist asshole.
Were the founders racist?
Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?

Stevie the racist is a racist because he hates Blacks and Jews and Mexicans and Arabs- because of their race. That makes him a racist and an anti-semite.

He just also happens to hate Gays and probably anyone who doesn't happen to have lilly white ancestors from Northern Europe and who isn't also a Southern Baptists- that doesn't make him a racist- that just makes him a bigot.

I'm not religious myself, but your demeaning reference to my lily-white European, Plastic-Paddy ancestry proves you are a racist pig yourself.

Since i am as 'lily white' as Stevie insists all true Americans are supposed to be- how exactly am I a racist for pointing out that Stevie the racist thinks that only people who have lily white ancestors from Northern Europe are true Americans?
Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the first Congress. It tells you who our founders wanted as true Americans, Free White people.

Thanks for confirming my point- that you are just another racist asshole.
Were the founders racist?

Absolutely they were. A large percentage of them were slave owners too.

Doesn't make them right.

Doesn't change the fact that you are a racist, anti-semitic asshole.
I'm not religious myself, but your demeaning reference to my lily-white European, Plastic-Paddy ancestry proves you are a racist pig yourself.

Since i am as 'lily white' as Stevie insists all true Americans are supposed to be- how exactly am I a racist for pointing out that Stevie the racist thinks that only people who have lily white ancestors from Northern Europe are true Americans?
Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the first Congress. It tells you who our founders wanted as true Americans, Free White people.

Thanks for confirming my point- that you are just another racist asshole.
Were the founders racist?

Absolutely they were. A large percentage of them were slave owners too.

Doesn't make them right.

Doesn't change the fact that you are a racist, anti-semitic asshole.
How does it feel for you to be unAmerican?
Since i am as 'lily white' as Stevie insists all true Americans are supposed to be- how exactly am I a racist for pointing out that Stevie the racist thinks that only people who have lily white ancestors from Northern Europe are true Americans?
Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the first Congress. It tells you who our founders wanted as true Americans, Free White people.

Thanks for confirming my point- that you are just another racist asshole.
Were the founders racist?

Absolutely they were. A large percentage of them were slave owners too.

Doesn't make them right.

Doesn't change the fact that you are a racist, anti-semitic asshole.
How does it feel for you to be unAmerican?

How the hell is he being un-American?

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Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the first legislation of the first Congress. It tells you who our founders wanted as true Americans, Free White people.

Thanks for confirming my point- that you are just another racist asshole.
Were the founders racist?

Absolutely they were. A large percentage of them were slave owners too.

Doesn't make them right.

Doesn't change the fact that you are a racist, anti-semitic asshole.
How does it feel for you to be unAmerican?

How the hell is he being un-American?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Calling the founders racists and advocating for the walking plague aka homosexuals.
Thanks for confirming my point- that you are just another racist asshole.
Were the founders racist?

Absolutely they were. A large percentage of them were slave owners too.

Doesn't make them right.

Doesn't change the fact that you are a racist, anti-semitic asshole.
How does it feel for you to be unAmerican?

How the hell is he being un-American?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Calling the founders racists and advocating for the walking plague aka homosexuals.

No ! Revising and denying history is in-American. Being a bigot and protecting the rights of all people is in-American . YOU are in-American

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