Congrats on believing another Media Lie

They usually want to send you to a "pain management" session or three.
Gee wonder how much those cost?
It isn't "how much those cost," it has to do with what is covered by your insurance, and what is not.
I bet they cost more than a prescription...and if they are aren't covered thank you very much for nothing
Whether they cost more or less is irrelevant.

If you pay your insurance premiums, but they do not help you out when you need them, but then turn around and expect you to pay again for a physical therapist or counselor of some sort?

In the end, it is all about socking the consumer with more cost and protecting the Wall Street profits.
Gee why do health care costs keep going up ......because Congress mandates they do.

Actually it's because of government allowing lawsuits against our doctors and medical facilities.

Years ago you went to see your doctor because of a pain in your belly. The doc looked you over, and either gave you a prescription or sent you for some tests. Today, you go to your family doctor, and he or she is nothing more than a referral service. They tell you to see this specialist, so you go, and that specialist sends you to another specialist. By the time they figure out what's wrong with you, now you have to take a dozen tests.

Malpractice insurance is a fear most any doctor has. When you have a problem, the first thing on their mind is how to get rid of you to transfer the liability to somebody else. Most tests we take are not even needed. But they have the tests done in case you decide to sue them.

Granted, most lawsuits are never successful, but the cost to fight them is expensive. That's why malpractice insurance is so high.
Look again, it's not a lie. The link doesn't dispute the fact that there is an opioid epidemic. It merely suggests, I repeat "suggests" a different narrative.

Those products have been around a long time. Why only now is it a problem? It's a problem because they are street available today. When it was only through a doctor where you could get them, the physician made sure you didn't get hooked, or prescribed treatment if you did. Today, if the doctor cuts you off an addicted medication, you simply make a few phone calls and get a connection to buy them beyond your doctor.
Look again, it's not a lie. The link doesn't dispute the fact that there is an opioid epidemic. It merely suggests, I repeat "suggests" a different narrative.

Those products have been around a long time. Why only now is it a problem? It's a problem because they are street available today. When it was only through a doctor where you could get them, the physician made sure you didn't get hooked, or prescribed treatment if you did. Today, if the doctor cuts you off an addicted medication, you simply make a few phone calls and get a connection to buy them beyond your doctor.
Internet.....and China or such. Don't need to go on the street and most law abiding people won't. Just want to re-emphasize the abuse problem does not lie with people getting it by prescription. It's illegal use....of non prescription opioids
Far more doctors and medical facilities are now hesitant to prescribe opiods, thanks to the big kerfuffle about them.

I wonder if anyone has done a study on how many people have committed suicide or went to street drugs after the doctors cut off their opiods?
I had surgery on the bones and nerves in my foot. The doctor did not cut off opiods. I never got anything for pain. Nothing. All those doctors. Nothing. The surgeon that did the surgery suggested I take benedryl. It took seven months of recovery. Yes it can be done. Don't be a pansy. Grit your teeth and muscle through.

Try three hip replacements,two hip dislocations and back surgery.....
You'll be screaming for pain relief.
Look again, it's not a lie. The link doesn't dispute the fact that there is an opioid epidemic. It merely suggests, I repeat "suggests" a different narrative.

Those products have been around a long time. Why only now is it a problem? It's a problem because they are street available today. When it was only through a doctor where you could get them, the physician made sure you didn't get hooked, or prescribed treatment if you did. Today, if the doctor cuts you off an addicted medication, you simply make a few phone calls and get a connection to buy them beyond your doctor.
Internet.....and China or such. Don't need to go on the street and most law abiding people won't. Just want to re-emphasize the abuse problem does not lie with people getting it by prescription. It's illegal use....of non prescription opioids

I think if you're in serious enough pain, you will turn to the street, depending on who your friends and neighbors are. An old friend of mine has a lot of medical problems, and when this whole thing started, her doctor cut down on her meds. Now she lives in pain. I don't know if she'll eventually go after the illegal stuff, but without a doubt, she has the right connections.

There is a line somewhere between not doing enough and going too far. I say only go as far as it takes so you accomplish something without getting others hurt in the process.

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