Congrats to Democrats, well played


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Lost in all this is perhaps the elephant in the room. If this election proved one thing it's conservatives are something PROGS aren't and that's unified. Don't you find it amazing Trump attracted millions for support while China Joe & the Ho couldn't attract more than a handful. They're PROGS I guess, thus they represent nothing definitive, thanks in part to misinformation controlled by their own, including "education".

Course PROGS are often physically lazy too, one has to count that in, which is exactly what the Democrats did introducing mail-in ballots under their use of fear tactics, China loving COVID & that. Never mind cheating, that alone might have put Biden over the top, well played.

We conservatives and independents will just have take this one on the chops, call it a lesson of some sort. The fact the numbers don't add up set aside I suppose. It was only a coincidence the Democrats in swing States decided to take things into their own hands. Ballot harvesting is legit now, and USPS is awesome too, same guys who stole from me can manage it, full transparency. Nice job Democrats, Biden is going to be awesome.
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Lost in all this is perhaps the elephant in the room. If this election proved one thing it's conservatives are something PROGS aren't and that's unified. Don't you find it amazing Trump attracted millions for support while China Joe & the Ho couldn't attract more than a handful. They're PROGS I guess, thus they represent nothing definitive, thanks in part to misinformation controlled by their own, including "education".

Course PROGS are often physically lazy too, one has to count that in, which is exactly what the Democrats did introducing mail-in ballots under their use of fear tactics, China loving COVID & that. Never mind cheating, that alone might have put Biden over the top, well played.

We conservatives and independents will just have take this one on the chops, call it a lesson of some sort. The fact the numbers don't add up set aside I suppose. It was only a coincidence the Democrats in swing States decided to take things into their own hands. Ballot harvesting is legit now, and USPS is awesome too, same guys who stole from me can manage it, full transparency. Nice job Democrats, Biden is going to be awesome.

Unified is right. Now if we can get ORGANIZED, that would be important thing. Give these excellent people leadership on a field level; goals to accomplish, and priority order for the goals.

They can supply their own munitions. . . . .
Biden is illegitimate. We need a special prosecutor to investigate the Bidens money-laundering schemes.
We also need consistent election laws, verified voter rolls, and only requested absentee ballots with justification.
You are right, Biden will be awesome and all of us are better for it. I sure hope your brainwashed affliction is temporary and we welcome you back to reality when it wears off.
While pseudocons were chortling over the people leaving the Democratic Party, they failed to notice the exodus from the GOP, all thanks to Trump.
Biden is illegitimate. We need a special prosecutor to investigate the Bidens money-laundering schemes.
We also need consistent election laws, verified voter rolls, and only requested absentee ballots with justification.
Yeah, the investigation of Biden can start right after the one of the trump's conclude. Good? Good!
Lost in all this is perhaps the elephant in the room. If this election proved one thing it's conservatives are something PROGS aren't and that's unified. Don't you find it amazing Trump attracted millions for support while China Joe & the Ho couldn't attract more than a handful. They're PROGS I guess, thus they represent nothing definitive, thanks in part to misinformation controlled by their own, including "education".

Course PROGS are often physically lazy too, one has to count that in, which is exactly what the Democrats did introducing mail-in ballots under their use of fear tactics, China loving COVID & that. Never mind cheating, that alone might have put Biden over the top, well played.

We conservatives and independents will just have take this one on the chops, call it a lesson of some sort. The fact the numbers don't add up set aside I suppose. It was only a coincidence the Democrats in swing States decided to take things into their own hands. Ballot harvesting is legit now, and USPS is awesome too, same guys who stole from me can manage it, full transparency. Nice job Democrats, Biden is going to be awesome.
WTF did I just read?
You are right, Biden will be awesome and all of us are better for it. I sure hope your brainwashed affliction is temporary and we welcome you back to reality when it wears off.
Will it be the raise in gas prices to over 5 dollars a gallon that will make us all better? Or will it be socialized medicine that will be given freely to those who come here illegally, but get to walk in and the rest of US have to pay the bill? Or will it be that BLM/ANTIFA will have free reign to show up at your door and demand that you give up your house? I just cant wait till you get royally fucked...As what always happens when the progs are in charge.

Biden is illegitimate. We need a special prosecutor to investigate the Bidens money-laundering schemes.
We also need consistent election laws, verified voter rolls, and only requested absentee ballots with justification.
Keep repeating that bullshit. Your party will never recover if you do.
While pseudocons were chortling over the people leaving the Democratic Party, they failed to notice the exodus from the GOP, all thanks to Trump.
Trump's vote count went from 65m in 2016 to 75m in 2020, what "exodus"?
The democrats' vote count increase were illegitimate voters. Simple explanation.
Lost in all this is perhaps the elephant in the room. If this election proved one thing it's conservatives are something PROGS aren't and that's unified. Don't you find it amazing Trump attracted millions for support while China Joe & the Ho couldn't attract more than a handful. They're PROGS I guess, thus they represent nothing definitive, thanks in part to misinformation controlled by their own, including "education".

Course PROGS are often physically lazy too, one has to count that in, which is exactly what the Democrats did introducing mail-in ballots under their use of fear tactics, China loving COVID & that. Never mind cheating, that alone might have put Biden over the top, well played.

We conservatives and independents will just have take this one on the chops, call it a lesson of some sort. The fact the numbers don't add up set aside I suppose. It was only a coincidence the Democrats in swing States decided to take things into their own hands. Ballot harvesting is legit now, and USPS is awesome too, same guys who stole from me can manage it, full transparency. Nice job Democrats, Biden is going to be awesome.
The thing is we are supposed to have people who knw these things. If politics is nothing else it is double think and triple think. It is macabre to some degree. Now what do the Capitol police do? Protect the Political men and women of an ascending tyranny? And that is what we have going.
I am trying to figure out why police are stopping a conservative protest but would not a left wing riot.
While pseudocons were chortling over the people leaving the Democratic Party, they failed to notice the exodus from the GOP, all thanks to Trump.
Trump's vote count went from 65m in 2016 to 75m in 2020, what "exodus"?
The democrats' vote count increase were illegitimate voters. Simple explanation.
Butt there's no possibility that the republicans cheated, right?
Lost in all this is perhaps the elephant in the room. If this election proved one thing it's conservatives are something PROGS aren't and that's unified. Don't you find it amazing Trump attracted millions for support while China Joe & the Ho couldn't attract more than a handful. They're PROGS I guess, thus they represent nothing definitive, thanks in part to misinformation controlled by their own, including "education".

Course PROGS are often physically lazy too, one has to count that in, which is exactly what the Democrats did introducing mail-in ballots under their use of fear tactics, China loving COVID & that. Never mind cheating, that alone might have put Biden over the top, well played.

We conservatives and independents will just have take this one on the chops, call it a lesson of some sort. The fact the numbers don't add up set aside I suppose. It was only a coincidence the Democrats in swing States decided to take things into their own hands. Ballot harvesting is legit now, and USPS is awesome too, same guys who stole from me can manage it, full transparency. Nice job Democrats, Biden is going to be awesome.
We've never been pep rally types.
Lost in all this is perhaps the elephant in the room. If this election proved one thing it's conservatives are something PROGS aren't and that's unified. Don't you find it amazing Trump attracted millions for support while China Joe & the Ho couldn't attract more than a handful. They're PROGS I guess, thus they represent nothing definitive, thanks in part to misinformation controlled by their own, including "education".

Course PROGS are often physically lazy too, one has to count that in, which is exactly what the Democrats did introducing mail-in ballots under their use of fear tactics, China loving COVID & that. Never mind cheating, that alone might have put Biden over the top, well played.

We conservatives and independents will just have take this one on the chops, call it a lesson of some sort. The fact the numbers don't add up set aside I suppose. It was only a coincidence the Democrats in swing States decided to take things into their own hands. Ballot harvesting is legit now, and USPS is awesome too, same guys who stole from me can manage it, full transparency. Nice job Democrats, Biden is going to be awesome.
WTF did I just read?
I'm guessing, the rantings of a madman. Apparently they already caused the death of one woman and what I've noticed is that there's more being said about her being a symbol, than an actual human being. Of course, the Trumpistas have trouble with identifying with a humans, except when they're in the womb, as we saw during the George Floyd incident.
Lost in all this is perhaps the elephant in the room. If this election proved one thing it's conservatives are something PROGS aren't and that's unified. Don't you find it amazing Trump attracted millions for support while China Joe & the Ho couldn't attract more than a handful. They're PROGS I guess, thus they represent nothing definitive, thanks in part to misinformation controlled by their own, including "education".

Course PROGS are often physically lazy too, one has to count that in, which is exactly what the Democrats did introducing mail-in ballots under their use of fear tactics, China loving COVID & that. Never mind cheating, that alone might have put Biden over the top, well played.

We conservatives and independents will just have take this one on the chops, call it a lesson of some sort. The fact the numbers don't add up set aside I suppose. It was only a coincidence the Democrats in swing States decided to take things into their own hands. Ballot harvesting is legit now, and USPS is awesome too, same guys who stole from me can manage it, full transparency. Nice job Democrats, Biden is going to be awesome.

Just now appearing on my fussy boy with sore loser syndrome.

As a tree hugging, Liberal, I love you too! :bye1:
Great day for Democrats as the Trump regime implodes in a riot while Democrats take the Senate and Biden steps up in a crisis
You are right, Biden will be awesome and all of us are better for it. I sure hope your brainwashed affliction is temporary and we welcome you back to reality when it wears off.
Will it be the raise in gas prices to over 5 dollars a gallon that will make us all better? Or will it be socialized medicine that will be given freely to those who come here illegally, but get to walk in and the rest of US have to pay the bill? Or will it be that BLM/ANTIFA will have free reign to show up at your door and demand that you give up your house? I just cant wait till you get royally fucked...As what always happens when the progs are in charge.

I understand you have to tell yourself that the sky is falling, it's the foundation of your hate for anything (and anyone) that doesn't agree with you, but this hatred doesn't make it so.

Yes, there was an uprising at Trump's election win in 2016, I laughed as I voted for him over that disgusting obnoxious bitch hillary. However I felt it was immature then and your thought processes are immature now. This country is resilient and will survive. Will Biden spend us into more debt? Absolutely! However, trump truly was a cancer on this country and had to go. And while we are ravaged from by a virus, economically in bad shape, and facing threats from both Russia and China, we will all make it. In 2022, a new and more vibrant Republican party will rise and take over the house, thus limiting what damage Biden can do.

In the end, Trump had to go as he's the worst president in almost two centuries.

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