Congrats to Joe Biden and his administration. His first good move since becoming potus.

Biden also has China Eating Out of Our Hand!
China Purchase US Corn.png
Agreed. From the OP and worth a mention "It’s hard to say exactly how much financial damage the new sanctions will do, but given the coordination with Europe, Britain and Canada, it packs a symbolic punch." Good to know. Having a few allies on board can have a greater impact and with staying the course. Always good to keep a chameleon eye on both China and Russia. Iran is the worst of the worst imo regarding trusting relations, but a bit hard to compare shifting shysters. Iran's hostile US posturing and weekly sermons against the Great Satan over the years haven't helped. Hopefully for the sake of their own people, Iran will at some point collapse from internal infighting among the factions eventually leading to improved conditions.
Agreed. From the OP and worth a mention "It’s hard to say exactly how much financial damage the new sanctions will do, but given the coordination with Europe, Britain and Canada, it packs a symbolic punch." Good to know. Having a few allies on board can have a greater impact and with staying the course. Always good to keep a chameleon eye on both China and Russia. Iran is the worst of the worst imo regarding trusting relations, but a bit hard to compare shifting shysters. Iran's hostile US posturing and weekly sermons against the Great Satan over the years haven't helped. Hopefully for the sake of their own people, Iran will at some point collapse from internal infighting among the factions eventually leading to improved conditions.
The US (shysters) have brought this onto, we the stinky tourists- stop with the finger pointing- our troubles are our own searching for monsters to destroy- I'm pretty sure the founders had something to say about that- and even one of them was more intelligent and wise than the entire gamut since they left the bldg-
The citizens suffer- not the gov't- geeze people wake the fuck up- starving people when your feelings are hurt is insane.
When sanctions are used to target specific individuals it's more effective than some general slapstick all over the place "penalty". I know you're right...this will likely lead to more people starving as CCP makes sure to feed the troops I guess...even if it's roots from neighboring fields they have to steal in order to eat to survive..they do what they need to do. Targeting sanctions is a tricky business. I haven't read the details yets about who or what the US is hitting...but I'm afraid regardless of method you're right...first to go down are always the dirt poor in China. How can the people be saved...and considering the numbers....that is the question.
Agreed. From the OP and worth a mention "It’s hard to say exactly how much financial damage the new sanctions will do, but given the coordination with Europe, Britain and Canada, it packs a symbolic punch." Good to know. Having a few allies on board can have a greater impact and with staying the course. Always good to keep a chameleon eye on both China and Russia. Iran is the worst of the worst imo regarding trusting relations, but a bit hard to compare shifting shysters. Iran's hostile US posturing and weekly sermons against the Great Satan over the years haven't helped. Hopefully for the sake of their own people, Iran will at some point collapse from internal infighting among the factions eventually leading to improved conditions.
The US (shysters) have brought this onto, we the stinky tourists- stop with the finger pointing- our troubles are our own searching for monsters to destroy- I'm pretty sure the founders had something to say about that- and even one of them was more intelligent and wise than the entire gamut since they left the bldg-
Oh the US under various administrations has a long history of searching for monsters...often a tactic used to unify the people against some outside enemy/entity. One thing is, no matter what the US has done under numerous administrations that were: short-sighted, total mistake, or total greed motive to pursue, we have foreign governments that if given the chance, would take us out without question. The US should be concerned about our own issues: growing tent populations, elements of violence acting out freely in the streets etc. I don't believe that the US should be policing the world. I believe we have the right to defend our nation to the full extent if an impending attack were to be uncovered with hard evidence. Problem now...well two problems. First: our level of global technology has now almost surpassed a most important counterpart: ethical deciding making. All I want to do is live a life of my own choosing and to be free from authoritarian rule. I wish I could have the means to make that so for all people of the world. Second problem: although the world has the means to feed all nations and all people living below poverty line distribution is reportedly the current hurdle. Global and nation to nation motivation is questionable since it's not happening. You're right to insert the most important element of all discussions: people. Thanks for reminder.
Sanctioning China.

Credit where credit is due.

You think China will let stumbling joe get away with this? You best wake up.

China has Joe's number and they know better even than me what a moronic fraud he is.

Here ....for all you clueless dupes is what is going to happen next....a military move by China.....most likely against Taiwan.

Irregardless of where they do it.....ole joe and the democratic party are gonna sheet their britches....China knows the biden folks have no stomach for a military confrontation....and that is exactly what will be presented to them.

When America sees how China pushes ole joe around they are going to rue the day they voted against Trump.

What the biden regime should have done would have been to offer China an advantageous deal of some that would not make biden and his puppetmaster look too bad to the American public ...yet one that China would accept and be satisfied with for awhile at least.
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Sanctioning China.

Credit where credit is due.
Well that can't be right. We all know Joe is owned by china, right?
Trump put tough sanctions on Russia and you insisted the same thing. This just lip service they will not tough sanctions.
Sanctioning China.

Credit where credit is due.
Well that can't be right. We all know Joe is owned by china, right?
Trump put tough sanctions on Russia and you insisted the same thing. This just lip service they will not tough sanctions.
Lol, no. Congress out sanctions on Russia over tRump's objections.

Now tell us the next lie.
Sanctioning China.

Credit where credit is due.
Well that can't be right. We all know Joe is owned by china, right?
Trump put tough sanctions on Russia and you insisted the same thing. This just lip service they will not tough sanctions.
Lol, no. Congress out sanctions on Russia over tRump's objections.

Now tell us the next lie.
Sanctioning China.

Credit where credit is due.
Well that can't be right. We all know Joe is owned by china, right?

China owns joe lock stock and barrell.....Joe's handlers thought this stupid move would make Joe look tough to the American People.....what a bunch of amateurs.

I have warned you morons time and again....Russia is not the threat...he might get away with sanctions on Russia....Not China.

Joe and his handlers are playing checkers....the Chinese are grand master Chess Players.

China will set up a military confrontation of a serious enough nature that the biden regime will have no choice but to respond in a limited fashion....this is exactly what China wants...they will pick the time and the place and will humiliate the American response....they have been planning for this for a long time....but were too fearful of Trump to put it into is the time for it......thanks to the stupid biden regime.

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