Congratulations America (in advance)

You have either decided to hold the barbarians at the gates for four more years, or you have opened the gates. In the latter case, I can stop worrying about our nation going to hell during the past 50 years. We will have arrived.
There is always hope, as without it we have nothing. Don't give in to the constant drum beats of the liberal media who proclaim doom and gloom for all and want us to have no hope. I almost caught myself buying into their sky is falling daily message but remembered their motive. The leftist media abuses their power of the national message on an hourly basis. I look forward to when the miscreants (sorry, this is my new favorite word so I must use it in all posts;) in the mix will be replaced by honest AI's. That's how bad they are, when a robot is a better substitute (and one that still could be "infected" with garbage info during self-learning) compared to a politically biased human who wants to call the election. Not only do they want to play politics, but their intent is to tell the citizens HOW to think, act, and vote.

We can hold off the people who want to defund the police and those who want to change the constitution if necessary (court packing) to benefit "one side" politically at a time when unity is needed. Admittedly, the concept of unity is more of a pipedream, but there are many good Americans who happen to want a similar outcome or state of existence even if labeled Dems, Reps, or independents. There are many more good people than bad, at least 300 million "good guys" or so within the US (which still leaves around 31 million intentional loser types out there but that sounds like a high number). Goodness will prevail, it's just been a rough course with all of the issues we humans have created and have allowed to carry on for decades without much progress. Technology has outpaced ethical decision making by far, which is a choice by many of the miscreants who want chaos and destruction.
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
if the government moves to the far left like dems and people like you hope ....look for states to start succeeding from the union.
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
Reasonable dialog like under Obama? "Elections have consequences"? That kind of dialog?
You're further left than what you're giving yourself credit for. Open borders, social services for
illegal aliens is fear mongering? The rioting in the streets of democrat cities is just fear mongering?
Fresh ideas and directions away from our Constitution is fear mongering? You really are a socialist democrat
or an all out commie, Jack. Make no mistake of that, dude.
Hey, I think I have 10-12 more years in me if I'm lucky....I won't see this country dissolve like what your ilk
will have to endure after their boneheaded decisions.
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
Reasonable dialog like under Obama? "Elections have consequences"? That kind of dialog?
You're further left than what you're giving yourself credit for. Open borders, social services for
illegal aliens is fear mongering? The rioting in the streets of democrat cities is just fear mongering?
Fresh ideas and directions away from our Constitution is fear mongering? You really are a socialist democrat
or an all out commie, Jack. Make no mistake of that, dude.
Hey, I think I have 10-12 more years in me if I'm lucky....I won't see this country dissolve like what your ilk
will have to endure after their boneheaded decisions.

Please. You guys have ridden the whole "consequences" saying about as far as that horse will take you. Compared to the rhetoric the idiot in the Oval Office spews on a daily basis, Obama seems downright stately.
What is it with the abject fear on the right? Really. What are you TRULY afraid of happening? This country has had Democrat presidents before and we've survived.
You hold that Constitution up in front of you like Captain America's shield until it comes time for it to apply to people who don't think and look like you. Then, you're silent.
No one is for open borders. Social services for the undocumented was a campaign shout out. Learn the reasons behind the protests and the resulting violence and property damage.

Honestly, do you fear evolving?
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
Remember, if you're not a mindless Trump sheep, you must be a "commie". That's the level of mentality we're dealing with. Modern-day Archie Bunkers.
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
Reasonable dialog like under Obama? "Elections have consequences"? That kind of dialog?
You're further left than what you're giving yourself credit for. Open borders, social services for
illegal aliens is fear mongering? The rioting in the streets of democrat cities is just fear mongering?
Fresh ideas and directions away from our Constitution is fear mongering? You really are a socialist democrat
or an all out commie, Jack. Make no mistake of that, dude.
Hey, I think I have 10-12 more years in me if I'm lucky....I won't see this country dissolve like what your ilk
will have to endure after their boneheaded decisions.

Please. You guys have ridden the whole "consequences" saying about as far as that horse will take you. Compared to the rhetoric the idiot in the Oval Office spews on a daily basis, Obama seems downright stately.
What is it with the abject fear on the right? Really. What are you TRULY afraid of happening? This country has had Democrat presidents before and we've survived.
You hold that Constitution up in front of you like Captain America's shield until it comes time for it to apply to people who don't think and look like you. Then, you're silent.
No one is for open borders. Social services for the undocumented was a campaign shout out. Learn the reasons behind the protests and the resulting violence and property damage.

Honestly, do you fear evolving?
What a load of BS. Social services for the illegals is just a "shout out" to you? :laughing0301:
No one is for open borders? :auiqs.jpg:
Riots and beatings and property damage, businesses destroyed....and we just need to "learn the reasons"?
Good grief, Jack. You ask if I fear evolving? Well if that's evolving, I guess so.
Having said that, I'm not a socialist, or a communist, that's something you can't say without it being an outright lie.
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
Remember, if you're not a mindless Trump sheep, you must be a "commie". That's the level of mentality we're dealing with. Modern-day Archie Bunkers.
Everyone knows where you fall, '58.
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
Reasonable dialog like under Obama? "Elections have consequences"? That kind of dialog?
You're further left than what you're giving yourself credit for. Open borders, social services for
illegal aliens is fear mongering? The rioting in the streets of democrat cities is just fear mongering?
Fresh ideas and directions away from our Constitution is fear mongering? You really are a socialist democrat
or an all out commie, Jack. Make no mistake of that, dude.
Hey, I think I have 10-12 more years in me if I'm lucky....I won't see this country dissolve like what your ilk
will have to endure after their boneheaded decisions.

Please. You guys have ridden the whole "consequences" saying about as far as that horse will take you. Compared to the rhetoric the idiot in the Oval Office spews on a daily basis, Obama seems downright stately.
What is it with the abject fear on the right? Really. What are you TRULY afraid of happening? This country has had Democrat presidents before and we've survived.
You hold that Constitution up in front of you like Captain America's shield until it comes time for it to apply to people who don't think and look like you. Then, you're silent.
No one is for open borders. Social services for the undocumented was a campaign shout out. Learn the reasons behind the protests and the resulting violence and property damage.

Honestly, do you fear evolving?
What a load of BS. Social services for the illegals is just a "shout out" to you? :laughing0301:
No one is for open borders? :auiqs.jpg:
Riots and beatings and property damage, businesses destroyed....and we just need to "learn the reasons"?
Good grief, Jack. You ask if I fear evolving? Well if that's evolving, I guess so.
Having said that, I'm not a socialist, or a communist, that's something you can't say without it being an outright lie.

Again, I don't condone violence or property damage. But that's ALL your ilk is keying in on. You're not even remotely curious as to the reasons behind the protests springing up are you? Or any possible remedies to propose? Just like your savior. Knee jerk reactions. "Law and Order". Sorry, when did a whole section of people drink the Stupid Kool-Aid? Yes. NO ONE has advocated for open borders. Stop spewing this bullshit. :)
Yes, forgive me if I don't pay much attention to one off campaign slogans. Kinda like "Make America Great (White) Again". Like it wasn't great before the great orange roughy came along. :auiqs.jpg:

And I really don't care what kind of "ist" you identify as. I care what policies work and which don't.
You know, have spirited conversations and agree to disagree...and maybe, just maybe, come to some sort of bipartisanship.
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
Reasonable dialog like under Obama? "Elections have consequences"? That kind of dialog?
You're further left than what you're giving yourself credit for. Open borders, social services for
illegal aliens is fear mongering? The rioting in the streets of democrat cities is just fear mongering?
Fresh ideas and directions away from our Constitution is fear mongering? You really are a socialist democrat
or an all out commie, Jack. Make no mistake of that, dude.
Hey, I think I have 10-12 more years in me if I'm lucky....I won't see this country dissolve like what your ilk
will have to endure after their boneheaded decisions.

Please. You guys have ridden the whole "consequences" saying about as far as that horse will take you. Compared to the rhetoric the idiot in the Oval Office spews on a daily basis, Obama seems downright stately.
What is it with the abject fear on the right? Really. What are you TRULY afraid of happening? This country has had Democrat presidents before and we've survived.
You hold that Constitution up in front of you like Captain America's shield until it comes time for it to apply to people who don't think and look like you. Then, you're silent.
No one is for open borders. Social services for the undocumented was a campaign shout out. Learn the reasons behind the protests and the resulting violence and property damage.

Honestly, do you fear evolving?
What a load of BS. Social services for the illegals is just a "shout out" to you? :laughing0301:
No one is for open borders? :auiqs.jpg:
Riots and beatings and property damage, businesses destroyed....and we just need to "learn the reasons"?
Good grief, Jack. You ask if I fear evolving? Well if that's evolving, I guess so.
Having said that, I'm not a socialist, or a communist, that's something you can't say without it being an outright lie.

Again, I don't condone violence or property damage. But that's ALL your ilk is keying in on. You're not even remotely curious as to the reasons behind the protests springing up are you? Or any possible remedies to propose? Just like your savior. Knee jerk reactions. "Law and Order". Sorry, when did a whole section of people drink the Stupid Kool-Aid? Yes. NO ONE has advocated for open borders. Stop spewing this bullshit. :)
Yes, forgive me if I don't pay much attention to one off campaign slogans. Kinda like "Make America Great (White) Again". Like it wasn't great before the great orange roughy came along. :auiqs.jpg:

And I really don't care what kind of "ist" you identify as. I care what policies work and which don't.
You know, have spirited conversations and agree to disagree...and maybe, just maybe, come to some sort of bipartisanship.
Protests? It's beyond protests, but, I do notice how you downplay the riots. There is nothing wrong with protests, but when it turns to property destruction and
and violence, there is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for that, period. I don't care at that point.

And like most of the other candidates, she supported decriminalising border crossings by undocumented immigrants and providing taxpayer-funded healthcare for those crossing the US border without papers.

Doesn't get that much clearer, comrade. So stop spewing your bullshit. :)
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
Reasonable dialog like under Obama? "Elections have consequences"? That kind of dialog?
You're further left than what you're giving yourself credit for. Open borders, social services for
illegal aliens is fear mongering? The rioting in the streets of democrat cities is just fear mongering?
Fresh ideas and directions away from our Constitution is fear mongering? You really are a socialist democrat
or an all out commie, Jack. Make no mistake of that, dude.
Hey, I think I have 10-12 more years in me if I'm lucky....I won't see this country dissolve like what your ilk
will have to endure after their boneheaded decisions.

Please. You guys have ridden the whole "consequences" saying about as far as that horse will take you. Compared to the rhetoric the idiot in the Oval Office spews on a daily basis, Obama seems downright stately.
What is it with the abject fear on the right? Really. What are you TRULY afraid of happening? This country has had Democrat presidents before and we've survived.
You hold that Constitution up in front of you like Captain America's shield until it comes time for it to apply to people who don't think and look like you. Then, you're silent.
No one is for open borders. Social services for the undocumented was a campaign shout out. Learn the reasons behind the protests and the resulting violence and property damage.

Honestly, do you fear evolving?
What a load of BS. Social services for the illegals is just a "shout out" to you? :laughing0301:
No one is for open borders? :auiqs.jpg:
Riots and beatings and property damage, businesses destroyed....and we just need to "learn the reasons"?
Good grief, Jack. You ask if I fear evolving? Well if that's evolving, I guess so.
Having said that, I'm not a socialist, or a communist, that's something you can't say without it being an outright lie.

Again, I don't condone violence or property damage. But that's ALL your ilk is keying in on. You're not even remotely curious as to the reasons behind the protests springing up are you? Or any possible remedies to propose? Just like your savior. Knee jerk reactions. "Law and Order". Sorry, when did a whole section of people drink the Stupid Kool-Aid? Yes. NO ONE has advocated for open borders. Stop spewing this bullshit. :)
Yes, forgive me if I don't pay much attention to one off campaign slogans. Kinda like "Make America Great (White) Again". Like it wasn't great before the great orange roughy came along. :auiqs.jpg:

And I really don't care what kind of "ist" you identify as. I care what policies work and which don't.
You know, have spirited conversations and agree to disagree...and maybe, just maybe, come to some sort of bipartisanship.
Protests? It's beyond protests, but, I do notice how you downplay the riots. There is nothing wrong with protests, but when it turns to property destruction and
and violence, there is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for that, period. I don't care at that point.

And like most of the other candidates, she supported decriminalising border crossings by undocumented immigrants and providing taxpayer-funded healthcare for those crossing the US border without papers.

Doesn't get that much clearer, comrade. So stop spewing your bullshit. :)

Calm down, Francis. Campaign slogans and reality are always two separate issues.
Dude, the 80's called. They want their "commie" slogan back.
True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
Reasonable dialog like under Obama? "Elections have consequences"? That kind of dialog?
You're further left than what you're giving yourself credit for. Open borders, social services for
illegal aliens is fear mongering? The rioting in the streets of democrat cities is just fear mongering?
Fresh ideas and directions away from our Constitution is fear mongering? You really are a socialist democrat
or an all out commie, Jack. Make no mistake of that, dude.
Hey, I think I have 10-12 more years in me if I'm lucky....I won't see this country dissolve like what your ilk
will have to endure after their boneheaded decisions.

Please. You guys have ridden the whole "consequences" saying about as far as that horse will take you. Compared to the rhetoric the idiot in the Oval Office spews on a daily basis, Obama seems downright stately.
What is it with the abject fear on the right? Really. What are you TRULY afraid of happening? This country has had Democrat presidents before and we've survived.
You hold that Constitution up in front of you like Captain America's shield until it comes time for it to apply to people who don't think and look like you. Then, you're silent.
No one is for open borders. Social services for the undocumented was a campaign shout out. Learn the reasons behind the protests and the resulting violence and property damage.

Honestly, do you fear evolving?

NOTHING excuses rioting, burning and looting. NOTHING. They should be put down like rabid dogs.

True, and if Biden does get in we deserve everything that's coming to us.
We did it to ourselves.

I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Talk about getting what you deserve.
Only to the socialists and communists, Jack. Which of those are you?

Neither. But I do believe in reason, common sense, and reasonable dialog that can lead to bipartisanship.
The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Throwing out labels like this is
just fear mongering directed at the unwashed masses. I understand that there is a lot fear on the right.
There should be. Demographics are going to shift away from the aging baby boomers to the younger generation
over the next decade. That will mean fresh ideas and directions a lot of people won't like. Even if Trump manages to
win tomorrow, you won't be able to stop the coming shift. It will just be delayed a year or two.
Reasonable dialog like under Obama? "Elections have consequences"? That kind of dialog?
You're further left than what you're giving yourself credit for. Open borders, social services for
illegal aliens is fear mongering? The rioting in the streets of democrat cities is just fear mongering?
Fresh ideas and directions away from our Constitution is fear mongering? You really are a socialist democrat
or an all out commie, Jack. Make no mistake of that, dude.
Hey, I think I have 10-12 more years in me if I'm lucky....I won't see this country dissolve like what your ilk
will have to endure after their boneheaded decisions.

Please. You guys have ridden the whole "consequences" saying about as far as that horse will take you. Compared to the rhetoric the idiot in the Oval Office spews on a daily basis, Obama seems downright stately.
What is it with the abject fear on the right? Really. What are you TRULY afraid of happening? This country has had Democrat presidents before and we've survived.
You hold that Constitution up in front of you like Captain America's shield until it comes time for it to apply to people who don't think and look like you. Then, you're silent.
No one is for open borders. Social services for the undocumented was a campaign shout out. Learn the reasons behind the protests and the resulting violence and property damage.

Honestly, do you fear evolving?
What a load of BS. Social services for the illegals is just a "shout out" to you? :laughing0301:
No one is for open borders? :auiqs.jpg:
Riots and beatings and property damage, businesses destroyed....and we just need to "learn the reasons"?
Good grief, Jack. You ask if I fear evolving? Well if that's evolving, I guess so.
Having said that, I'm not a socialist, or a communist, that's something you can't say without it being an outright lie.

Again, I don't condone violence or property damage. But that's ALL your ilk is keying in on. You're not even remotely curious as to the reasons behind the protests springing up are you? Or any possible remedies to propose? Just like your savior. Knee jerk reactions. "Law and Order". Sorry, when did a whole section of people drink the Stupid Kool-Aid? Yes. NO ONE has advocated for open borders. Stop spewing this bullshit. :)
Yes, forgive me if I don't pay much attention to one off campaign slogans. Kinda like "Make America Great (White) Again". Like it wasn't great before the great orange roughy came along. :auiqs.jpg:

And I really don't care what kind of "ist" you identify as. I care what policies work and which don't.
You know, have spirited conversations and agree to disagree...and maybe, just maybe, come to some sort of bipartisanship.
Protests? It's beyond protests, but, I do notice how you downplay the riots. There is nothing wrong with protests, but when it turns to property destruction and
and violence, there is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for that, period. I don't care at that point.

And like most of the other candidates, she supported decriminalising border crossings by undocumented immigrants and providing taxpayer-funded healthcare for those crossing the US border without papers.

Doesn't get that much clearer, comrade. So stop spewing your bullshit. :)

Calm down, Francis. Campaign slogans and reality are always two separate issues.
Dude, the 80's called. They want their "commie" slogan back.
So they said it, but we shouldn't believe it? :rolleyes-41:
You can deflect all you want, it's what you do I guess.

Sheesh, riots and destruction of property is just protesting and we need to find out why.
Open borders aren't open borders, they are just a slogan. :clap2:

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