Congratulations America You've Been Scammed

It's the same result either way, dope.
Any increase to the production cost will be passed on to the consumer.

If the steel is not imported it will cost the same as before dummy.

Yes, dope. More expensive than the foreign steel before tariffs.

No matter how you slice it, the tariffs will raise the cost of goods and will ultimately cost more jobs than it saves.

So it cost more, the tariffs will help reduce the deficit, if we would cut spending, but we won’t do that will we.

Higher tariffs, higher taxes and less government spending is the way out of our current situation. It’s time to take responsibility and pay down our debt.
Sure didn't sound that way when Obama was adding 1.25 trillion a year to the national debt and printing FAUX money at the tune of 4.5 trillion... Why now?

We should have been doing this for decades, I have always been against government spending and since we are so far in debt, I believe raising taxes is also needed. I have been a fiscal conservative my whole life. That is why it pisses me off when supposed fiscal conservatives lower taxes and raise spending, it isn’t a smart and someday we will pay big time.
Obama raised taxes on energy and healthcare yet 1.25 trillion was added to the debt as the largesse of the federal government increased exponentially. I bet you could cut 1/2 the budget of all agencies forcing out the Fraud, Waste and Abuse, and the national debt would come down very quickly.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Thanks to this tax cut, Medicare and Medicaid will face mandatory PayGo cuts beginning January 2019. This will mean that health care costs will increase for those on one or both of those programs. The increase in the out-of-pocket costs will surpass any "break" most people got on their taxes.

BTW - less than 3% of workers saw any kind of nominal benefit despite 100% of businesses getting a tax cut.
If the steel is not imported it will cost the same as before dummy.

Yes, dope. More expensive than the foreign steel before tariffs.

No matter how you slice it, the tariffs will raise the cost of goods and will ultimately cost more jobs than it saves.

So it cost more, the tariffs will help reduce the deficit, if we would cut spending, but we won’t do that will we.

Higher tariffs, higher taxes and less government spending is the way out of our current situation. It’s time to take responsibility and pay down our debt.
Sure didn't sound that way when Obama was adding 1.25 trillion a year to the national debt and printing FAUX money at the tune of 4.5 trillion... Why now?

We should have been doing this for decades, I have always been against government spending and since we are so far in debt, I believe raising taxes is also needed. I have been a fiscal conservative my whole life. That is why it pisses me off when supposed fiscal conservatives lower taxes and raise spending, it isn’t a smart and someday we will pay big time.
Obama raised taxes on energy and healthcare yet 1.25 trillion was added to the debt as the largesse of the federal government increased exponentially. I bet you could cut 1/2 the budget of all agencies forcing out the Fraud, Waste and Abuse, and the national debt would come down very quickly.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion

The economy grew steadily through Obama's tenure. A trade war will make that very difficult for Trump to accomplish.

What else did you expect from a scam artist?

While Americans are feeling queasy about a violently gyrating stock market that reacts on a daily basis to the reckless and clueless actions of an unbalanced and irrational President, there’s nothing that will quite prepare them for the shock they’re going to receive over the next couple years, thanks to the Republican Party’s tax giveaway to the nation’s wealthiest that Trump signed into law last December.

But Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman is here to tell them. And the news is not good.

So you go out for dinner with a wealthy acquaintance. “I’ll take care of everything,” he says, and orders you a hamburger. Then he orders himself an expensive steak and a bottle of wine, which he doesn’t share. And when the waiter comes with the check, he points at you and says, “Charge it to his credit card.”

Now you understand the essence of the Trump tax cut, signed into law a little over two months ago.

Krugman: Congratulations America, You've Been Scammed.

Taxpayers, You’ve Been Scammed
Poor skews, such a little man, so much hate. The requisite "I hate Trump" thread for the day.

It is good to have a "I hate Trump" thread to balance out the 15 "Trump is the savior of the modern world" threads we get every day.
both are trolling. my main page can be down to like 6 posts at times cause i have many on both sides ignored because of the 24x7 whining.

1 more to ignore.

I know skewsy from another Board. Never any substance, always the furthest leftwing sources. Hit and run is what he does best, especially if he gets caught in a lie and cornered. He does best when the Modas protect Lefty's, which is the case at the other board.

I am not doubting you about him at all, just pointing out that balance is a good thing and there are way more "Trump walks on water and I want to have his babies" threads than there are "Trump is the Anti-Christ" threads.

These are the kind of posts he makes everytime he is exposed as a partisan fool with no refutation with facts, to the articles posted.

The one thing you learn very quickly about these people s they don't even have an elementary understanding of economics.

Like, you don't cut taxes at the same time you start two wars, and then deregulate the entire banking system at the sametime.

This is only something a shit for brains talk radio listening, Fox News watching, easily led around by the nose conservative does, because he's told he's sticking it to the Liberals.

You don't try to stimulate the economy that is recovering nicely with stable interest rates, low inflation, a recovered housing market, rising stock market, low unemployment, and rising waging with more tax cuts, just 10 years after a major recession, by cutting taxes, raising military spending, deregulating the entire banking system, and then cut corporate taxes and estate taxes permanently on top of that.

This is only something a shit for brains talk radio listening, Fox News watching, easily led around by the nose conservative does, because he's told he's sticking it to the Liberals.

And now the moron in chief has stared a trade war with steel and aluminum not realizing we get most of it from our main trading partner Canada, not China, who happens to be third on the list, trying to stimulate an industry that employs around 85,000 people here, to try and add maybe 5-10,000 more jobs, which will only mean more automobiles and other goods using that steel and aluminum will now be a net jobs loser because those companies will now lay off workers here, and increase manufacturing of those goods in other countries.

Oh, I don't know, like Canada.

This is only something a shit for brains talk radio listening, Fox News watching, easily led around by the nose conservative does, because he has the economic sense of a fucking fruitfly.

But we are talking about people that voted for a guy that filed bankruptcy 6 times after inheriting a fortune, because that's what you do when you're a bad businessman, that makes bad decisions, sells out your county to the Russians, Chinese, and Saudis, for bailing you out, hides your tax returns from the people so they don't see that, because you are a shit for brains talk radio listening, Fox News watching, easily led around by the nose conservative moron, that knows nothing about economics, proudly wears that ignorance on their sleeve, because they think they are sticking it to the Liberals.

No really.

What else did you expect from a scam artist?

While Americans are feeling queasy about a violently gyrating stock market that reacts on a daily basis to the reckless and clueless actions of an unbalanced and irrational President, there’s nothing that will quite prepare them for the shock they’re going to receive over the next couple years, thanks to the Republican Party’s tax giveaway to the nation’s wealthiest that Trump signed into law last December.

But Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman is here to tell them. And the news is not good.

So you go out for dinner with a wealthy acquaintance. “I’ll take care of everything,” he says, and orders you a hamburger. Then he orders himself an expensive steak and a bottle of wine, which he doesn’t share. And when the waiter comes with the check, he points at you and says, “Charge it to his credit card.”

Now you understand the essence of the Trump tax cut, signed into law a little over two months ago.

Krugman: Congratulations America, You've Been Scammed.
Sounds serious

What else did you expect from a scam artist?

While Americans are feeling queasy about a violently gyrating stock market that reacts on a daily basis to the reckless and clueless actions of an unbalanced and irrational President, there’s nothing that will quite prepare them for the shock they’re going to receive over the next couple years, thanks to the Republican Party’s tax giveaway to the nation’s wealthiest that Trump signed into law last December.

But Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman is here to tell them. And the news is not good.

So you go out for dinner with a wealthy acquaintance. “I’ll take care of everything,” he says, and orders you a hamburger. Then he orders himself an expensive steak and a bottle of wine, which he doesn’t share. And when the waiter comes with the check, he points at you and says, “Charge it to his credit card.”

Now you understand the essence of the Trump tax cut, signed into law a little over two months ago.

Krugman: Congratulations America, You've Been Scammed.

krugman is just another Dumb Ass liberal.

He has never been right about anything.

What else did you expect from a scam artist?

While Americans are feeling queasy about a violently gyrating stock market that reacts on a daily basis to the reckless and clueless actions of an unbalanced and irrational President, there’s nothing that will quite prepare them for the shock they’re going to receive over the next couple years, thanks to the Republican Party’s tax giveaway to the nation’s wealthiest that Trump signed into law last December.

But Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman is here to tell them. And the news is not good.

So you go out for dinner with a wealthy acquaintance. “I’ll take care of everything,” he says, and orders you a hamburger. Then he orders himself an expensive steak and a bottle of wine, which he doesn’t share. And when the waiter comes with the check, he points at you and says, “Charge it to his credit card.”

Now you understand the essence of the Trump tax cut, signed into law a little over two months ago.

Krugman: Congratulations America, You've Been Scammed.
Sounds serious

Yeah, fiscal conservatism.

Where you cut taxes on the rich and corporations, then borrow the money to make up for the shortfall in revenue, so now you're creating a deficit because you now have to pay interest on that borrowed money, increase military spending, even though you spend more on the military than every major industrialized country combined, deregulate financial institutions that engage in gambling with interest free money they get from the Fed, and then loan to you at 26% on loans you can no longer afford after you lose your job, then bailout the financial institutions while the Fed prints money to stimulate a system they created then crashed, while telling you that you have to do more with less, because it's not fair that the rich and corporations should have to pay more taxes, and all of this while the debt steadily piles up, so then they say the only way to fix it is to cut taxes on the rich and corporations even more, spend more money on the military, further deregulate the financial institutions that get more interest free money from the Fed, that loans you more money at 26% that you can't afford to pay the past bills, raising interest payments even higher due to the larger deficit that is being created, while the debt steadily piles up, so you are told you have to do more with less, but this time the tax cuts will pay for themselves because it will trickle down to you, which will create more revenues.

Fiscal conservatism. Got it?
The idiocy of blind partisan Trump sycophants knows no bounds.

They’re actually defending Trump’s reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted trade war for no other reason that Trump is a Republican.
The idiocy of blind partisan Trump sycophants knows no bounds.

They’re actually defending Trump’s reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted trade war for no other reason that Trump is a Republican.
I'm a proud 'Trumpist', not in the man - but the platform he is marching down the field. - Definitely not proud of this tariff though - and the effects on all of us, the lowly citizenry, will be significant. Historically picking favorites has only helped the industry that has been artificially propped up and not the masses who become the artificially picked losers.

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