Congratulations Democrats

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You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

Except for the health insurance industry....And just for your information, police, fire, rescue are all local entities....not federal.

They are socialist in nature... Can't you read?

The insurance business will survive on homeowners, auto insurance etc.

Nonsense...How in the hell are local police “socialist in nature”
Like any police, they are funded by tax revenue which is socialism lol
You're reaching there. To me Socialism is more where the Gov't takes over what are normally private businesses. Military, policing, fire, DPW, public schools...are of course paid by tax dollars that are generated from private businesses and real estate taxes.
That would be an example of socialism but the definition is far more broader than that.
We all have our different operational definition in a sense. My view is the less the Gov't controls the better. You view is the more the better. America agrees with you not me. You win. Congrats.
No, you’re making a false dichotomy. You can’t put this shit in such black and white terms. My idea of “more government” is far more nuanced than you are claiming.
How so?

You're pro Universal Healthcare; Pro Free College; Pro nationalizing other industries; Pro open borders.

Explain the nuance to me? Again the country agrees with you. So you don't need to explain yourself. At least not to me.
Pro open borders? No. That’s just, again, a typical hyperbolic rightwing talking point. I simply support DACA and certain path to citizenship circumstances for some. Again, this is about nuance. The rest of those examples are true.

You said “more government the better”. That would cover a huge litany of examples, don’t you think? That would mean totalitarianism for instance which is obviously something most of us oppose. Government censorship would be another. I mean my god the list goes on and on lol.
So what do you not support the Gov't take over? To me everything the Gov't runs directly is not as good as if a private company runs it.

We need the 25th amendment to insure this republican AH doesn't cause more chaos

He is done in 13 days and you're still trying to get him removed. Amazing how your TDS is off the charts. I am glad the D have control of Washington as it will stop you from posting here since you'll have nothing to bitch about. There is a silver lining here after all.
We will be paying the price for electing this bitter evil man for a long time coming
Sorta like Netanyahoo }SP}
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

Except for the health insurance industry....And just for your information, police, fire, rescue are all local entities....not federal.

They are socialist in nature... Can't you read?

The insurance business will survive on homeowners, auto insurance etc.

Nonsense...How in the hell are local police “socialist in nature”
Like any police, they are funded by tax revenue which is socialism lol
You're reaching there. To me Socialism is more where the Gov't takes over what are normally private businesses. Military, policing, fire, DPW, public schools...are of course paid by tax dollars that are generated from private businesses and real estate taxes.
That would be an example of socialism but the definition is far more broader than that.
We all have our different operational definition in a sense. My view is the less the Gov't controls the better. You view is the more the better. America agrees with you not me. You win. Congrats.
No, you’re making a false dichotomy. You can’t put this shit in such black and white terms. My idea of “more government” is far more nuanced than you are claiming.
How so?

You're pro Universal Healthcare; Pro Free College; Pro nationalizing other industries; Pro open borders.

Explain the nuance to me? Again the country agrees with you. So you don't need to explain yourself. At least not to me.
Pro open borders? No. That’s just, again, a typical hyperbolic rightwing talking point. I simply support DACA and certain path to citizenship circumstances for some. Again, this is about nuance. The rest of those examples are true.

You said “more government the better”. That would cover a huge litany of examples, don’t you think? That would mean totalitarianism for instance which is obviously something most of us oppose. Government censorship would be another. I mean my god the list goes on and on lol.
So what do you not support the Gov't take over? To me everything the Gov't runs directly is not as good as if a private company runs it.

We need the 25th amendment to insure this republican AH doesn't cause more chaos

He is done in 13 days and you're still trying to get him removed. Amazing how your TDS is off the charts. I am glad the D have control of Washington as it will stop you from posting here since you'll have nothing to bitch about. There is a silver lining here after all.
We will be paying the price for electing this bitter evil man for a long time coming
You won't be around why do you care and what "price" is that exactly? The only bitter evil man I see is you.
What price?? Are you American or Israeli??? The swine who supported him won't go away in 13 days The pos will still try to ruin all those who fought against him
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

Except for the health insurance industry....And just for your information, police, fire, rescue are all local entities....not federal.

They are socialist in nature... Can't you read?

The insurance business will survive on homeowners, auto insurance etc.

Nonsense...How in the hell are local police “socialist in nature”
Like any police, they are funded by tax revenue which is socialism lol
You're reaching there. To me Socialism is more where the Gov't takes over what are normally private businesses. Military, policing, fire, DPW, public schools...are of course paid by tax dollars that are generated from private businesses and real estate taxes.
That would be an example of socialism but the definition is far more broader than that.
We all have our different operational definition in a sense. My view is the less the Gov't controls the better. You view is the more the better. America agrees with you not me. You win. Congrats.
No, you’re making a false dichotomy. You can’t put this shit in such black and white terms. My idea of “more government” is far more nuanced than you are claiming.
How so?

You're pro Universal Healthcare; Pro Free College; Pro nationalizing other industries; Pro open borders.

Explain the nuance to me? Again the country agrees with you. So you don't need to explain yourself. At least not to me.
Pro open borders? No. That’s just, again, a typical hyperbolic rightwing talking point. I simply support DACA and certain path to citizenship circumstances for some. Again, this is about nuance. The rest of those examples are true.

You said “more government the better”. That would cover a huge litany of examples, don’t you think? That would mean totalitarianism for instance which is obviously something most of us oppose. Government censorship would be another. I mean my god the list goes on and on lol.
So what do you not support the Gov't take over? To me everything the Gov't runs directly is not as good as if a private company runs it.

We need the 25th amendment to insure this republican AH doesn't cause more chaos

He is done in 13 days and you're still trying to get him removed. Amazing how your TDS is off the charts. I am glad the D have control of Washington as it will stop you from posting here since you'll have nothing to bitch about. There is a silver lining here after all.
We will be paying the price for electing this bitter evil man for a long time coming
You won't be around why do you care and what "price" is that exactly? The only bitter evil man I see is you.
What price?? Are you American or Israeli??? The swine who supported him won't go away in 13 days The pos will still try to ruin all those who fought against him
More conspiracy theories. Only swine I see here is you. Traitor.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

Except for the health insurance industry....And just for your information, police, fire, rescue are all local entities....not federal.

They are socialist in nature... Can't you read?

The insurance business will survive on homeowners, auto insurance etc.

Nonsense...How in the hell are local police “socialist in nature”
Like any police, they are funded by tax revenue which is socialism lol
You're reaching there. To me Socialism is more where the Gov't takes over what are normally private businesses. Military, policing, fire, DPW, public schools...are of course paid by tax dollars that are generated from private businesses and real estate taxes.
That would be an example of socialism but the definition is far more broader than that.
We all have our different operational definition in a sense. My view is the less the Gov't controls the better. You view is the more the better. America agrees with you not me. You win. Congrats.
No, you’re making a false dichotomy. You can’t put this shit in such black and white terms. My idea of “more government” is far more nuanced than you are claiming.
How so?

You're pro Universal Healthcare; Pro Free College; Pro nationalizing other industries; Pro open borders.

Explain the nuance to me? Again the country agrees with you. So you don't need to explain yourself. At least not to me.
Pro open borders? No. That’s just, again, a typical hyperbolic rightwing talking point. I simply support DACA and certain path to citizenship circumstances for some. Again, this is about nuance. The rest of those examples are true.

You said “more government the better”. That would cover a huge litany of examples, don’t you think? That would mean totalitarianism for instance which is obviously something most of us oppose. Government censorship would be another. I mean my god the list goes on and on lol.
So what do you not support the Gov't take over? To me everything the Gov't runs directly is not as good as if a private company runs it.
A private company’s aim is profit. A profit motive creates a strain on an institution that is meant to be egalitarian. Privatizing prisons is a horrible idea, for example, because it creates an incentive for them to lobby the government to make putting people in prison more easy. They could also make their own rules about an inmate’s pay or living conditions. That’s something that only benefits the private company itself and not society at large.
Subjective. Private Company's aim is maximizing shareholder value, correct. But you do that by hiring the best people, investing in innovation and ensuring your employees are treated well to maintain them and to attract new ones. Private prisons and public prisons don't control who goes there, our court systems do. They may lobby all they want. Hell drug companies lobby. Cigarette companies do to. I would support eliminating ALL lobbyists.
All of those things you listed are for the greater aim of profit motive or the shareholder value like you said. Retaining employees because they are happy doesn’t somehow mean the prison institution won’t suffer. And yeah, since we agree lobbying is a problem, we must minimize private takeover of institutions that are to some extent sacred.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

Except for the health insurance industry....And just for your information, police, fire, rescue are all local entities....not federal.

They are socialist in nature... Can't you read?

The insurance business will survive on homeowners, auto insurance etc.

Nonsense...How in the hell are local police “socialist in nature”
Like any police, they are funded by tax revenue which is socialism lol
You're reaching there. To me Socialism is more where the Gov't takes over what are normally private businesses. Military, policing, fire, DPW, public schools...are of course paid by tax dollars that are generated from private businesses and real estate taxes.
That would be an example of socialism but the definition is far more broader than that.
We all have our different operational definition in a sense. My view is the less the Gov't controls the better. You view is the more the better. America agrees with you not me. You win. Congrats.
No, you’re making a false dichotomy. You can’t put this shit in such black and white terms. My idea of “more government” is far more nuanced than you are claiming.
How so?

You're pro Universal Healthcare; Pro Free College; Pro nationalizing other industries; Pro open borders.

Explain the nuance to me? Again the country agrees with you. So you don't need to explain yourself. At least not to me.
Pro open borders? No. That’s just, again, a typical hyperbolic rightwing talking point. I simply support DACA and certain path to citizenship circumstances for some. Again, this is about nuance. The rest of those examples are true.

You said “more government the better”. That would cover a huge litany of examples, don’t you think? That would mean totalitarianism for instance which is obviously something most of us oppose. Government censorship would be another. I mean my god the list goes on and on lol.
So what do you not support the Gov't take over? To me everything the Gov't runs directly is not as good as if a private company runs it.
A private company’s aim is profit. A profit motive creates a strain on an institution that is meant to be egalitarian. Privatizing prisons is a horrible idea, for example, because it creates an incentive for them to lobby the government to make putting people in prison more easy. They could also make their own rules about an inmate’s pay or living conditions. That’s something that only benefits the private company itself and not society at large.
Subjective. Private Company's aim is maximizing shareholder value, correct. But you do that by hiring the best people, investing in innovation and ensuring your employees are treated well to maintain them and to attract new ones. Private prisons and public prisons don't control who goes there, our court systems do. They may lobby all they want. Hell drug companies lobby. Cigarette companies do to. I would support eliminating ALL lobbyists.
All of those things you listed are for the greater aim of profit motive or the shareholder value like you said. Retaining employees because they are happy doesn’t somehow mean the prison institution won’t suffer. And yeah, since we agree lobbying is a problem, we must minimize private takeover of institutions that are to some extent sacred.
Prisons are sacred? They have done a terrible job in terms turning people around and the corruption and crimes there are off the charts.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

Except for the health insurance industry....And just for your information, police, fire, rescue are all local entities....not federal.

They are socialist in nature... Can't you read?

The insurance business will survive on homeowners, auto insurance etc.

Nonsense...How in the hell are local police “socialist in nature”
Like any police, they are funded by tax revenue which is socialism lol
You're reaching there. To me Socialism is more where the Gov't takes over what are normally private businesses. Military, policing, fire, DPW, public schools...are of course paid by tax dollars that are generated from private businesses and real estate taxes.
That would be an example of socialism but the definition is far more broader than that.
We all have our different operational definition in a sense. My view is the less the Gov't controls the better. You view is the more the better. America agrees with you not me. You win. Congrats.
No, you’re making a false dichotomy. You can’t put this shit in such black and white terms. My idea of “more government” is far more nuanced than you are claiming.
How so?

You're pro Universal Healthcare; Pro Free College; Pro nationalizing other industries; Pro open borders.

Explain the nuance to me? Again the country agrees with you. So you don't need to explain yourself. At least not to me.
Pro open borders? No. That’s just, again, a typical hyperbolic rightwing talking point. I simply support DACA and certain path to citizenship circumstances for some. Again, this is about nuance. The rest of those examples are true.

You said “more government the better”. That would cover a huge litany of examples, don’t you think? That would mean totalitarianism for instance which is obviously something most of us oppose. Government censorship would be another. I mean my god the list goes on and on lol.
So what do you not support the Gov't take over? To me everything the Gov't runs directly is not as good as if a private company runs it.
A private company’s aim is profit. A profit motive creates a strain on an institution that is meant to be egalitarian. Privatizing prisons is a horrible idea, for example, because it creates an incentive for them to lobby the government to make putting people in prison more easy. They could also make their own rules about an inmate’s pay or living conditions. That’s something that only benefits the private company itself and not society at large.
Subjective. Private Company's aim is maximizing shareholder value, correct. But you do that by hiring the best people, investing in innovation and ensuring your employees are treated well to maintain them and to attract new ones. Private prisons and public prisons don't control who goes there, our court systems do. They may lobby all they want. Hell drug companies lobby. Cigarette companies do to. I would support eliminating ALL lobbyists.
All of those things you listed are for the greater aim of profit motive or the shareholder value like you said. Retaining employees because they are happy doesn’t somehow mean the prison institution won’t suffer. And yeah, since we agree lobbying is a problem, we must minimize private takeover of institutions that are to some extent sacred.
Prisons are sacred? They have done a terrible job in terms turning people around and the corruption and crimes there are off the charts.
The institution itself is sacred, yes. The certain failures of the system is another matter. Of course, youre cherry-picking what’s wrong and ignoring what’s done right. They still succeed in protecting society from dangerous criminals. That is a fundamental purpose.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

Except for the health insurance industry....And just for your information, police, fire, rescue are all local entities....not federal.

They are socialist in nature... Can't you read?

The insurance business will survive on homeowners, auto insurance etc.

Nonsense...How in the hell are local police “socialist in nature”
Like any police, they are funded by tax revenue which is socialism lol
You're reaching there. To me Socialism is more where the Gov't takes over what are normally private businesses. Military, policing, fire, DPW, public schools...are of course paid by tax dollars that are generated from private businesses and real estate taxes.
That would be an example of socialism but the definition is far more broader than that.
We all have our different operational definition in a sense. My view is the less the Gov't controls the better. You view is the more the better. America agrees with you not me. You win. Congrats.
No, you’re making a false dichotomy. You can’t put this shit in such black and white terms. My idea of “more government” is far more nuanced than you are claiming.
How so?

You're pro Universal Healthcare; Pro Free College; Pro nationalizing other industries; Pro open borders.

Explain the nuance to me? Again the country agrees with you. So you don't need to explain yourself. At least not to me.
Pro open borders? No. That’s just, again, a typical hyperbolic rightwing talking point. I simply support DACA and certain path to citizenship circumstances for some. Again, this is about nuance. The rest of those examples are true.

You said “more government the better”. That would cover a huge litany of examples, don’t you think? That would mean totalitarianism for instance which is obviously something most of us oppose. Government censorship would be another. I mean my god the list goes on and on lol.
So what do you not support the Gov't take over? To me everything the Gov't runs directly is not as good as if a private company runs it.
A private company’s aim is profit. A profit motive creates a strain on an institution that is meant to be egalitarian. Privatizing prisons is a horrible idea, for example, because it creates an incentive for them to lobby the government to make putting people in prison more easy. They could also make their own rules about an inmate’s pay or living conditions. That’s something that only benefits the private company itself and not society at large.
Subjective. Private Company's aim is maximizing shareholder value, correct. But you do that by hiring the best people, investing in innovation and ensuring your employees are treated well to maintain them and to attract new ones. Private prisons and public prisons don't control who goes there, our court systems do. They may lobby all they want. Hell drug companies lobby. Cigarette companies do to. I would support eliminating ALL lobbyists.
All of those things you listed are for the greater aim of profit motive or the shareholder value like you said. Retaining employees because they are happy doesn’t somehow mean the prison institution won’t suffer. And yeah, since we agree lobbying is a problem, we must minimize private takeover of institutions that are to some extent sacred.
Prisons are sacred? They have done a terrible job in terms turning people around and the corruption and crimes there are off the charts.
The institution itself is sacred, yes. The certain failures of the system is another matter. Of course, youre cherry-picking what’s wrong and ignoring what’s done right. They still succeed in protecting society from dangerous criminals. That is a fundamental purpose.
Yep and both private and public do that. We can just kill all the prisoners. That would protect society too....
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

Except for the health insurance industry....And just for your information, police, fire, rescue are all local entities....not federal.

They are socialist in nature... Can't you read?

The insurance business will survive on homeowners, auto insurance etc.

Nonsense...How in the hell are local police “socialist in nature”
Like any police, they are funded by tax revenue which is socialism lol
You're reaching there. To me Socialism is more where the Gov't takes over what are normally private businesses. Military, policing, fire, DPW, public schools...are of course paid by tax dollars that are generated from private businesses and real estate taxes.
That would be an example of socialism but the definition is far more broader than that.
We all have our different operational definition in a sense. My view is the less the Gov't controls the better. You view is the more the better. America agrees with you not me. You win. Congrats.
No, you’re making a false dichotomy. You can’t put this shit in such black and white terms. My idea of “more government” is far more nuanced than you are claiming.
How so?

You're pro Universal Healthcare; Pro Free College; Pro nationalizing other industries; Pro open borders.

Explain the nuance to me? Again the country agrees with you. So you don't need to explain yourself. At least not to me.
Pro open borders? No. That’s just, again, a typical hyperbolic rightwing talking point. I simply support DACA and certain path to citizenship circumstances for some. Again, this is about nuance. The rest of those examples are true.

You said “more government the better”. That would cover a huge litany of examples, don’t you think? That would mean totalitarianism for instance which is obviously something most of us oppose. Government censorship would be another. I mean my god the list goes on and on lol.
So what do you not support the Gov't take over? To me everything the Gov't runs directly is not as good as if a private company runs it.
A private company’s aim is profit. A profit motive creates a strain on an institution that is meant to be egalitarian. Privatizing prisons is a horrible idea, for example, because it creates an incentive for them to lobby the government to make putting people in prison more easy. They could also make their own rules about an inmate’s pay or living conditions. That’s something that only benefits the private company itself and not society at large.
Subjective. Private Company's aim is maximizing shareholder value, correct. But you do that by hiring the best people, investing in innovation and ensuring your employees are treated well to maintain them and to attract new ones. Private prisons and public prisons don't control who goes there, our court systems do. They may lobby all they want. Hell drug companies lobby. Cigarette companies do to. I would support eliminating ALL lobbyists.
All of those things you listed are for the greater aim of profit motive or the shareholder value like you said. Retaining employees because they are happy doesn’t somehow mean the prison institution won’t suffer. And yeah, since we agree lobbying is a problem, we must minimize private takeover of institutions that are to some extent sacred.
Prisons are sacred? They have done a terrible job in terms turning people around and the corruption and crimes there are off the charts.
The institution itself is sacred, yes. The certain failures of the system is another matter. Of course, youre cherry-picking what’s wrong and ignoring what’s done right. They still succeed in protecting society from dangerous criminals. That is a fundamental purpose.
Yep and both private and public do that. We can just kill all the prisoners. That would protect society too....
You and I can debate the failures and successes of the American prison institution all day long. The point is, the CONCEPT itself is sacred and it cannot be perverted by a private company’s goal which is its bottomline. In the wrong hands, the aim of the bottom line can easily undermine the institution itself. That is corruption.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
LOL --- why the personal attacks?
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
LOL --- why the personal attacks?

I'm not sure why she goes with personal attacks all the time, I'm just returning the favor.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
LOL --- why the personal attacks?

I'm not sure why she goes with personal attacks all the time, I'm just returning the favor.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
LOL --- why the personal attacks?

I'm not sure why she goes with personal attacks all the time, I'm just returning the favor.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

When I make a wrong I'll let you know.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
LOL --- why the personal attacks?

I'm not sure why she goes with personal attacks all the time, I'm just returning the favor.
No. You are a democrat communist and all Americans are your enemy.
Be honest for once. The first time.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
LOL --- why the personal attacks?

I'm not sure why she goes with personal attacks all the time, I'm just returning the favor.
No. You are a democrat communist and all Americans are your enemy.
Be honest for once. The first time.

I mean this not as a complement but you sound like Trump when he isn't using his best words.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
LOL --- why the personal attacks?

I'm not sure why she goes with personal attacks all the time, I'm just returning the favor.
No. You are a democrat communist and all Americans are your enemy.
Be honest for once. The first time.

I mean this not as a complement but you sound like Trump when he isn't using his best words.
You mean compliment? complement has an altogether different meaning. LOL
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
LOL --- why the personal attacks?

I'm not sure why she goes with personal attacks all the time, I'm just returning the favor.
No. You are a democrat communist and all Americans are your enemy.
Be honest for once. The first time.

I mean this not as a complement but you sound like Trump when he isn't using his best words.
You mean compliment? complement has an altogether different meaning. LOL

Yes, compliment.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
LOL --- why the personal attacks?
an all out assault on our democracy and people like you traitor azog, are most of the cause Go back to Israel with your other crook Netencheatum
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

If Biden raises taxes on alcohol you'll finally be a contributor to society.
LOL --- why the personal attacks?
an all out assault on our democracy and people like you traitor azog, are most of the cause Go back to Israel with your other crook Netencheatum
Oh please. Stop your whining.
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