Congratulations to the winner?

It really doesnt matter who won at this point. Democrats have the house, Republicans have the senate. Whoever the president is? Irrelevant. Nothing will get done anyway. Another 4 years of no compromise.

Government Gridlock is actually one of the intents of the Constitution

We The People are FAR better off with it than without it
It really doesnt matter who won at this point. Democrats have the house, Republicans have the senate. Whoever the president is? Irrelevant. Nothing will get done anyway. Another 4 years of no compromise.
Thank God for GRIDLOCK!
The only places that compromise is needed are SS fixes, infrastructure, and a stimulus.

Need for that Defense Dept (Pentagon) audit to happen and be released. Really like to see how many expensive "toys" that won't help us in our national defense are on the books.
We know that the Pentagon will go back to austerity budgets since Nancy and Biden will be putting more money into social programs.

Bit premature to call it for Biden. Still lots of votes to count. Not everyone who voted early voted for Biden.
Need to know what kind of black hole that Pentagon budget has become.

Did you watch Donnie last night. He wants to stop the counting in states where he's ahead, and count ALL the votes in states he is behind.
He's a two-faced tinhorn prick-tater.
I watched him last night. He did not say that.

Yes he did. It was one of the saddest chapters in US political history.
No he didnt. Listen to what he said...not what the opinionists want you to think he said
It really doesnt matter who won at this point. Democrats have the house, Republicans have the senate. Whoever the president is? Irrelevant. Nothing will get done anyway. Another 4 years of no compromise.
Thank God for GRIDLOCK!
The only places that compromise is needed are SS fixes, infrastructure, and a stimulus.

Need for that Defense Dept (Pentagon) audit to happen and be released. Really like to see how many expensive "toys" that won't help us in our national defense are on the books.
We know that the Pentagon will go back to austerity budgets since Nancy and Biden will be putting more money into social programs.

Bit premature to call it for Biden. Still lots of votes to count. Not everyone who voted early voted for Biden.
Need to know what kind of black hole that Pentagon budget has become.

So what happens when the number of votes counted exceeds the number of registered voters?
It can't....

Except in your right wing head....

Check out the rules and regs that prevents such a thing, in real life....

My "right-wing head" is telling me that a large portion of those uncounted votes eventually will be discarded. They will be found to be duplicates and fraudulent ballots. There will also be found ballots marked for President Trump, that were never counted, were hidden, or were discarded.
Part of the system for voting, in all states.... is a check, on the same person voting twice... No double voting. The system PREVENTS this kind of fraud, so you can rule that out....

Absentee ballots are in a separate envelope, making the citizen's vote private.... No one knows what the vote is, inside the envelope.... how would anyone know which envelopes to throw out, that are in Trump' s favor or Biden's favor...for that matter?

And, if actual ballots are thrown out by a poll counter/worker, the count totals of actual votes, verses actual accepted absentee envelopes, will come up short....among other checks.... it would be caught, then found in the trash, security video tape, catching the crook....
there is a bigger issue with unsolicited absentee voter ballots. I know from first experience. My nephew moved from Florida to Mass. He had a forwarding address to Mass. He received a ballot from his Florida address and it gave him the right to vote for down ballot candidates in Florida where he no longer lives. Whereas he was tempted to fill it out, I reminded him it was voter fraud and illegal. He said he would only vote once for President in Mass, and not vote for president on the mail in ballot....but exactly what right does he have to choose down ballot candidates in a state he no longer well as down ballot candidates in the state he now lives?
And in the year of COVID and unpresented moving from state to state. how many people did what I told him not to do?
Only the crooks/felons....would commit that kind of fraud, on either or both sides of the aisle..... but unlikely Not enough to swing any election vote in any state.

Some States have packs with one another, to check for cross over state voting, in the north....

Somehow this needs to be secured up, by all states...., even though election votes would likely not be changed by the malfeasance!
The best way to control it is by doing what we used to do. You want an absentee ballot? You request one. You have plenty of time to do so.-
But that would not stop it. They can still request one, from their previous residence state...
true. But then they will have their signature on a fraudulent document. One scenario is involuntary, the other is voluntary. My nephew would never sign a document saying he still lives in Florida seeing as he doesn't. That is a documented act of fraud.
When potential fraud is presented to you without your intent to commit fraud, the first thing you will think to yourself is "I didnt ask for this and if I am caught I can simply say I didnt understand.
But when you ask for a document and you sign it to validate it, you no longer have "did not understand" as your defense.
Without that defense, you are less likely to commit fraud.
It really doesnt matter who won at this point. Democrats have the house, Republicans have the senate. Whoever the president is? Irrelevant. Nothing will get done anyway. Another 4 years of no compromise.

Government Gridlock is actually one of the intents of the Constitution

We The People are FAR better off with it than without it
I agree as it was intended.
But now gridlock has nothing to do with checks and balances. Gridlock has ONLY to do with what is politically expedient for party.
It really doesnt matter who won at this point. Democrats have the house, Republicans have the senate. Whoever the president is? Irrelevant. Nothing will get done anyway. Another 4 years of no compromise.
Thank God for GRIDLOCK!
The only places that compromise is needed are SS fixes, infrastructure, and a stimulus.

Need for that Defense Dept (Pentagon) audit to happen and be released. Really like to see how many expensive "toys" that won't help us in our national defense are on the books.
We know that the Pentagon will go back to austerity budgets since Nancy and Biden will be putting more money into social programs.

Bit premature to call it for Biden. Still lots of votes to count. Not everyone who voted early voted for Biden.
Need to know what kind of black hole that Pentagon budget has become.

Did you watch Donnie last night. He wants to stop the counting in states where he's ahead, and count ALL the votes in states he is behind.
He's a two-faced tinhorn prick-tater.
I watched him last night. He did not say that.

Yes he did. It was one of the saddest chapters in US political history.
No he didnt. Listen to what he said...not what the opinionists want you to think he said

Check - We've been through this a million times dude.
PASS on 1,000,001 :)

Interesting how you chose to post a mock....but not actually post what he was accused of saying.
Speaks volumes.
It really doesnt matter who won at this point. Democrats have the house, Republicans have the senate. Whoever the president is? Irrelevant. Nothing will get done anyway. Another 4 years of no compromise.
Thank God for GRIDLOCK!
The only places that compromise is needed are SS fixes, infrastructure, and a stimulus.

Need for that Defense Dept (Pentagon) audit to happen and be released. Really like to see how many expensive "toys" that won't help us in our national defense are on the books.
We know that the Pentagon will go back to austerity budgets since Nancy and Biden will be putting more money into social programs.
Social programs that now take a trillion dollars a year the democrats fixed in the 60's with there Great Society, those social issues?

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