
Democrats won the election? Its dumfounding, those same people that support race riots destroying democracy. Really? Methinks we need more than a recount. Democrats are pushing for one party system. Hegemony isn't American.

Winning an election isn't 'pushing for a one-party system'. Republicans are invited to try and compete

That they often pick shit candidates and have wiped their asses with their own ideals isn't our fault.
Its become amazingly clear: The Democrats are pushing to create a one party system. Hegemony. A dictatorship. Socialism.

In all fairness, many Dems (especially the younger ones) are very sincere.

During the summer, I was dumbfounded (and disappointed) to see how many young Euro Americans were participating in BLM marches.

And, I believe, many Euro American youths joined in the happy demos celebrating Mr. Biden's victory.

Of course, those youths' great-grandchildren will have some choice thoughts about them, but that's another story.
Why wouldn't 'Euro-Americans' support BLM? Or Biden?
Democrats won the election? Its dumfounding, those same people that support race riots destroying democracy. Really? Methinks we need more than a recount. Democrats are pushing for one party system. Hegemony isn't American.
Democrats aren't the one's who attempted to ban the opposition party.
Well, as we all know, Trump has worked every single day to work closely with the Democrats to MAGA. Thoughtful, respectful, innovative and brilliant, that's Trump.
Its become amazingly clear: The Democrats are pushing to create a one party system. Hegemony. A dictatorship. Socialism.

In all fairness, many Dems (especially the younger ones) are very sincere.

During the summer, I was dumbfounded (and disappointed) to see how many young Euro Americans were participating in BLM marches.

And, I believe, many Euro American youths joined in the happy demos celebrating Mr. Biden's victory.

Of course, those youths' great-grandchildren will have some choice thoughts about them, but that's another story.
Why wouldn't 'Euro-Americans' support BLM? Or Biden?

I don't think that I am allowed to give an honest answer, so I shall just wish you a nice weekend.
Democrats won the election? Its dumfounding, those same people that support race riots destroying democracy. Really? Methinks we need more than a recount. Democrats are pushing for one party system. Hegemony isn't American.

I agree Mary ^^

And like James Woods says:

"The Left can put whipped cream on shit all they want, but 70,000,000 Americans are outraged about this befouled election. We don’t accept this fraudulent result, and none of us is inclined to bury the hatchet with a mob that lied, cheated, burned, and looted to get their way. "
The 80M who won don’t give a fuck what you accept
The over 200 million that didn't vote for Biden don't give a fuck what you think.
Yet here you are reading my every thought
Frivolous entertainment. Nothing more.
Democrats won the election? Its dumfounding, those same people that support race riots destroying democracy. Really? Methinks we need more than a recount. Democrats are pushing for one party system. Hegemony isn't American.

Even if biden wins he'll be the first president in my lifetime who didn't come in with control of congress in his first term....?

How is that hegemony? They lost their bid for hegemony
Democrats won the election? Its dumfounding, those same people that support race riots destroying democracy. Really? Methinks we need more than a recount. Democrats are pushing for one party system. Hegemony isn't American.

It is Republicans who are actively trying to "destroy democracy". Republicans are moving towards an autocracy and away from democracy. This is

It's dumbfounding to you that people would get upset and angry enough that their very real problems and concerns were being ignored that they would take to the streets? It's dumbfounding to me that it took this long for people to take to the streets. Especially given that peaceful protests, such a "taking a knee" were vilified as "unpatriotic". When peaceful protest is ignored, violent protest is inevitable.

It seems the right has a real problem with any kind of protest. "America - love it or leave it", seems to be the right wing response to any criticism of the country or its policies. This is NOT democracy, in any way shape or form, this is right wing authoritarianism. Democracy encourages the voices of those who have issues, and they listen to those issues and take steps to address the problem. What you are asking for is "authoritarism", where the government is always right, and the people don't dare protest - like Russia.

Yet you take it as a point of pride that when Governors refused to open states during the pandemic, groups of armed, right wing, thugs attacked state houses and intimmidated the legislators and their staff, who worked there. You called these armed thugs "patriots" who were standing up for their rights. You called one of these thugs, who crossed state lines with an illegal gun, and shot three people, killing two of them, a "hero".

You cheered when a right wing thug with a gun, hunted down and terrorized a 17 year old boy on his way home from the corner store, and then killed the boy, got off on a phony "self defense" plea.

What you describe as "destroying democracy" is actually the opposite. Democracy is messy and difficult. You have to listen to people you don't like, and consider their feelings. Black people have been protesting the violence and systemic racism they've been dealing with from the police since slavery was abolished.

Republican held states have been closing polling places in poor and low income neighbourhoods, "purging" voter rolls of "inactive voters" in primarily "poor neighbourhoods", usually a short time before national elections, without notification to those whose voting rights are affected.

Republicans have been gerrymandering and taking extreme steps to supress the votes of minorities and the poor. Backed by a judicial system which strips voting rights from felons and a "zero tolerance" drug policy. Republicans have only won the popular vote in one Presidential election since 1992, and yet they've held the White House for 12 years during that time frame, not 4.

So pardon me if I find your wailing and gnashing of teeth over the "death of democracy" by supporters of the Republican Party, laughable at best.
Democrats won the election? Its dumfounding, those same people that support race riots destroying democracy. Really? Methinks we need more than a recount. Democrats are pushing for one party system. Hegemony isn't American.

It is Republicans who are actively trying to "destroy democracy". Republicans are moving towards an autocracy and away from democracy. This is

It's dumbfounding to you that people would get upset and angry enough that their very real problems and concerns were being ignored that they would take to the streets? It's dumbfounding to me that it took this long for people to take to the streets. Especially given that peaceful protests, such a "taking a knee" were vilified as "unpatriotic". When peaceful protest is ignored, violent protest is inevitable.

It seems the right has a real problem with any kind of protest. "America - love it or leave it", seems to be the right wing response to any criticism of the country or its policies. This is NOT democracy, in any way shape or form, this is right wing authoritarianism. Democracy encourages the voices of those who have issues, and they listen to those issues and take steps to address the problem. What you are asking for is "authoritarism", where the government is always right, and the people don't dare protest - like Russia.

Yet you take it as a point of pride that when Governors refused to open states during the pandemic, groups of armed, right wing, thugs attacked state houses and intimmidated the legislators and their staff, who worked there. You called these armed thugs "patriots" who were standing up for their rights. You called one of these thugs, who crossed state lines with an illegal gun, and shot three people, killing two of them, a "hero".

You cheered when a right wing thug with a gun, hunted down and terrorized a 17 year old boy on his way home from the corner store, and then killed the boy, got off on a phony "self defense" plea.

What you describe as "destroying democracy" is actually the opposite. Democracy is messy and difficult. You have to listen to people you don't like, and consider their feelings. Black people have been protesting the violence and systemic racism they've been dealing with from the police since slavery was abolished.

Republican held states have been closing polling places in poor and low income neighbourhoods, "purging" voter rolls of "inactive voters" in primarily "poor neighbourhoods", usually a short time before national elections, without notification to those whose voting rights are affected.

Republicans have been gerrymandering and taking extreme steps to supress the votes of minorities and the poor. Backed by a judicial system which strips voting rights from felons and a "zero tolerance" drug policy. Republicans have only won the popular vote in one Presidential election since 1992, and yet they've held the White House for 12 years during that time frame, not 4.

So pardon me if I find your wailing and gnashing of teeth over the "death of democracy" by supporters of the Republican Party, laughable at best.

So you support extra legal lock downs with no scientific efficacy?

Look at france and germany, lock downs don't work.

Maybe don't sprawl out way beyond your area of expertise woman. It's clear now in november nothing we've tried has had any effect. Very consistent death rate between places who did nothing with no mask mandates. And places with lock downs and very strict adherence to mask mandates. No difference at all

Also we're a republic, it's in the name. United state of america. Not united people of america or just plain old america

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