Congress didn’t act on prescription drug prices so President Trump did.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
One more reason he will be reelected .

Americans have waited decades for Washington to keep its promise to fix soaring prescription drug prices. Now, thanks to President Trump, that long wait is over.

It's amazing what can happen when you get someone who doesn't understand the "system" properly.
So prove it with the prices. When he says he is covering PECS, is that without a raise in premiums, will there be a questionnaire?

so far nothing.
One more reason he will be reelected.

And one more reason you morons are so dangerous.
I only see one moron here....
It's early. They all haven't had their daily TDS koolaid yet.
So prove it with the prices. When he says he is covering PECS, is that without a raise in premiums, will there be a questionnaire?

so far nothing.
We'll see what happens, Mrs Optimism.
One more reason he will be reelected.

And one more reason you morons are so dangerous.
I only see one moron here....
It's early. They all haven't had their daily TDS koolaid yet.
So prove it with the prices. When he says he is covering PECS, is that without a raise in premiums, will there be a questionnaire?

so far nothing.
We'll see what happens, Mrs Optimism.

Not good enough. I'm voting for Democrats, they did the ACA, SS, Medicare, Food Stamps, Hud, etc.
The prescription drug companies told Trump to take his Executive Order and shove it up his ass
One more reason he will be reelected.

And one more reason you morons are so dangerous.
Says the one voting for Beijing Joe.
Fuck you. I'd never vote Democrat.

You people are too fucking stupid to realize that if we let a Republican President get away with this shit, the next Democrat President with have the same power. They will use it. And you won't like it.
Not good enough. I voting for Democrats, they redid the ACA, SS, Medicare, Food Stamps, Hud, etc.
Obamacare helped some people but it wasn't enough, and so far nothing's changed there except no more individual mandate which sucked anyway. I'm more progressive about Medicare for all or single payer healthcare ( what Obama promised and never delivered). It's about eliminating the insurance bureaucracy and following the examples where it's already proven successful....Canada, Finland, Germany.........btw USA ranks #19 on the 'list of happy countries', and this is a big reason.

Again Trump is the boss. Trump already has granted favored nation status so that the US can get the prevailing lowest price. So if these assholes in the drug companies or the Dem. party think they're going to continue to fleece the American people on their drug prices, They're wrong. Viva Trump. First American President in 30 years.
Again Trump is the boss. Trump already has granted favored nation status so that the US can get the prevailing lowest price. So if these assholes in the drug companies or the Dem. party think they're going to continue to fleece the American people on their drug prices, They're wrong. Viva Trump. First American President in 30 years.

Trump has no authority over the Drug Companies
One more reason he will be reelected.

And one more reason you morons are so dangerous.
I only see one moron here....
It's early. They all haven't had their daily TDS koolaid yet.
So prove it with the prices. When he says he is covering PECS, is that without a raise in premiums, will there be a questionnaire?

so far nothing.
We'll see what happens, Mrs Optimism.

Not good enough. I'm voting for Democrats, they did the ACA, SS, Medicare, Food Stamps, Hud, etc.

I looked at the Dems Green Deal, Biden is only going to tax those making over $400,000 a year. They bill for all his plans is going to increase the debt by 3.1 trillion and his tax plan will cover $600 billion. That puts us 2.5 trillion in the hole. How is this sound or responsible? I'm not advocating for Trump either as he is a spender. What is concerning, where does all the money come from and what is long term cost to our children and grandchildren?
One more reason he will be reelected .

Americans have waited decades for Washington to keep its promise to fix soaring prescription drug prices. Now, thanks to President Trump, that long wait is over.

I don't know if this is a good thing or not, I'm certainly no fan of Big Pharma, but it saddens me that Trump is governing through Executive Orders. It is hard work to enact laws and you have to compromise with people you don't like, but laws last and they have an effect.. In 6 months or 4 1/2 years, the next president may overturn every Trump EO and it will be like he never existed.

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