Congress HARD AT WORK wasting our tax dollars

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Voting on a resolution to condemn the kidnapping of the Nigerian girls.

Seriously? It isn't already common fucking sense that we don't approve?

All the issues we face and this is what their time, our money is wasted on? A superficial toothless gesture?

Get to work ya bums
Pentagon squanderin' money on high livin' in Afghanistan...

Pentagon spent $150 mn on luxury villas and meals in Afghanistan
Thursday 3rd December, 2015 WASHINGTON - A watchdog report has alleged that a Pentagon task force established in 2009 to help lure private businesses in Afghanistan has blown up some $150 million on renting private "villas" and visitors in the war-ravaged country.
The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), John Sopko, has written to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, detailing the services provided by private contractors in Afghanistan to the Task Force Business Stability Operations (TFBSO) employees and guests. "I am writing to request information concerning TFBSO's decision to spend nearly $150 million, amounting to nearly 20 percent of its budget, on private housing and private security guards for its US government employees in Afghanistan," Sopko wrote to Carter.

The letter notes that the task force should have lodged its visitors cheaply, or for free, at the US embassy or any one of numerous large American military bases in the war-torn country. "If (task force) employees had instead lived at (Department of Defense) facilities in Afghanistan, where housing, security, and food service are routinely provided at little or no extra charge to DoD organizations, it appears the taxpayers would have saved tens of millions of dollars," Sopko wrote. The Task Force for Business and Stability Operations was disbanded in March. Contracts reviewed by SIGAR showed that private contractor Triple Canopy received more than $57 million from TFBSO for "armed support".


The services also included "queen size beds in certain rooms, a flat screen TV in each room that was 27 inches or larger, a DVD player in each room, a mini refrigerator in each room, and an 'investor villa' that had 'upgraded furniture' and 'western-style hotel accommodations.'" Surprisingly, former TFBSO employees told SIGAR investigators that the $150 million spent on accommodations in Afghanistan fully 20 percent of the task force's total budget supported "no more than 5 to 10" employees. Sopko's letter also calls on the Pentagon to divulge more information on who stayed at the villas and approved the expenditures. "We have received the recent letter from SIGAR and will respond," said Army Lt. Col. Joe Sowers, a Pentagon spokesman.

This is not the first time the task force has come under the SIGAR scanner. An audit conducted in April of America's $488 million investment to develop Afghanistan's mining, oil and gas industries found that the almost $300 million invested by TFBSO lacks sustainability. In addition, a United States Agency for International Development official said it would take "a hundred years to build the necessary infrastructure and fulfill training requirements to completely develop Afghanistan's extractive industries".

Pentagon spent 150 mn on luxury villas and meals in Afghanistan

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