Congress Is Getting Interesting

Good Freakin' Grief, Am I going to have to listen to an entire afternoon of Republican one minute speeches about Benghazi? Republicans are scum. Drag the dead down the isle why don't you. Seriously, why don't the Republicans have any of those big picture boards with dead bodies on it? "And that is just the way it is." Here's a "that's just the way it is for ya: Republicans would sell their mother if they thought it would get them reelected. If you are the mother of a Republican watch your back ladies.

To RandomVariable: You’re weird. I suppose you are trying to tie Republicans to your political party’s culture of death; infanticide, euthanasia, death panels, doctor-assisted suicides, and so on. Get some help before your problem descends into necrophilia.
Good Freakin' Grief, Am I going to have to listen to an entire afternoon of Republican one minute speeches about Benghazi? Republicans are scum. Drag the dead down the isle why don't you. Seriously, why don't the Republicans have any of those big picture boards with dead bodies on it? "And that is just the way it is." Here's a "that's just the way it is for ya: Republicans would sell their mother if they thought it would get them reelected. If you are the mother of a Republican watch your back ladies.

To RandomVariable: You’re weird. I suppose you are trying to tie Republicans to your political party’s culture of death; infanticide, euthanasia, death panels, doctor-assisted suicides, and so on. Get some help before your problem descends into necrophilia.

When someone like you calls me 'weird' I am not trying near hard enough. That right there was a motivational speech. There is such a thing as respect for life and a respect for the dead. If Democrats did this I would be at least as outraged if not three times as much. If Democrats did this I would be downright pissed, not that I am not already. A soldier's death should be treated with honor. Rep. Gowdy is not a Congressman of honor. He's a 2010 Tea partier. He was chosen for his base appeal and nothing else.

One of the ways to tell this is a political stunt is that this is supposedly about an administration talking point cover-up but the level of security is brought up and why there was no rescue, which have been explained. So this is not just about a talking point cover-up, or is it? It's a political circus and in center ring are 4 dead Americans. Fucking disgusting.
Stalin should have his face urinated upon by everyone in russia. Eff that pos
I have another question. (Coincidence that the previous post references Russia also.) That picture of the kid standing in front of a burning consulate, is that like the picture of the shirtless Putin? Do righties cheer anybody and everybody who does anything that might possibly make Obama look bad? Obama looking bad is one thing but cheering the other side is a little anti-American from my point of view.
Republicans want truth or a political show?

Dems Open Door to Participating in Benghazi Probe - ABC News
ASHINGTON May 5, 2014 (AP)
By BRADLEY KLAPPER Associated Press
House Democrats opened the door Tuesday to participating in a select committee investigation of Benghazi if they are equally represented on the panel with Republicans.

House Speaker John Boehner has named a GOP congressman to chair the select committee but has yet to outline his full plan. A vote to authorize the probe is expected this week. It is unlikely the Republican majority would accept the Democratic minority's request for equal representation.

"If this review is to be fair, it must be truly bipartisan," Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said.

"The panel should be equally divided between Democrats and Republicans," she said in a statement. "It should require that witnesses are called and interviewed, subpoenas are issued and information is shared on a bipartisan basis. Only then could it be fair."
Republicans are doing everything they can possibly think of to make this into a political stunt. They should be putting so much effort into passing legislation. Republicans are try to show that they had to issue all these subpoenas because everyone was trying to hide information. The "all these subpoenas" if just another part of the game.

But the secretary of state said Tuesday said he expects to satisfy all legal requirements related to the subpoena, while arguing that in his own 28 years in the Senate, he couldn’t remember a subpoena going out to anyone ahead of simply asking for a conversation.

Read more: John Kerry: I?ll comply with House GOP?s Benghazi request - Edward-Isaac Dovere -
we want a lying psychopathic bit** NOT in the White house. Clinton should have been locked up over 20 years ago, over her insider trading, travelgate and other crimes.
we'll see. It will have been WELL worth it if we can keep that vicious female crook out of the white house.
Gowdy is a flamethrower. USMB Nutters are moths.

I don't think the Republicans have picked the committee members yet. I hope Rep. Kelly (R-PN-3) gets on it. He is a regular Shakespearean actor, must have made his parents so proud in the 2nd grade play. He's another Tea party destroy-government type. I wonder if the whole Republican committee membership will be Tea partiers. I wonder if they feel they need to shore up their support for this fall.
Rep. Gowdy is to politics what porn stars are to the feminist movement.

Feminists don't support women who choose to be porn stars??:dunno: Huh, maybe some man should come along and set them straight on making better choices.:eusa_whistle:

Politicians don't support Rep. Gowdy either. Only the Republican party does and that's the whole political porn movie industry right there. Getting interesting? You should see it. One by one the Republican House members go up to their little stage and do their thing for the money they get. They don't pass legislation, they don't provide useful debate, they just give their little speeches trying to get to the top of the conservative chart and be the next Republican darling.
(How's that for my first post of the day? Haven't even had my coffee yet.)

Damn, that's gonna make the sting even worse when they control both houses.:D
Wrong you are. Fact is the democratic senate are not even looking at well for instance 14 job bills that have been voted through congress from 14 months ago till now.

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Obama would lie about anything including his mother to get elected and all americans. His nose is longer than pinocchios

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The coverup is about to get uncovered:

South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor known for his aggressive style of questioning at congressional hearings, has been tapped to lead a select committee tasked with investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

Rep. Gowdy named to lead Benghazi select committee
Published May 05, 2014

Rep. Gowdy named to lead Benghazi select committee | Fox News

Trey Gowdy is a prince in a city full of paupers. The way he handled IRS Commissioner John Koskinen heightened my expectations for a hot time in the old town when he gets going on the Benghazi coverup witnesses.

I cracked up near the beginning of this video when he referred to Koskinen’s “WE” as the royal we:


I wish Rep. Gowdy would have asked Koskinen if he had a tapeworm.

Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial "we." Mark Twain
Trey Gowdy even looks like a weasel. Where do they find these wackos anyway? Do any of you right wing birdbrains wonder where the jobs are the losers in congress talked so much about? This is reminiscence of Whitewater, impeachment, or any other useless, wasteful effort of the do nothing republicans. You people are either rather stupid or insane. Pick one. The right wing in America is a circle jerk of idiots, even usmb has its clown car of wingnuts. Calling Ken Starr, calling Ken Starr..... LOL

'GOP’s Benghazi humiliation: Capture of suspect upends deranged agenda .... With alleged ringleader now in custody, the Benghazi Select Committee just lost a prized grandstanding opportunity' GOP?s Benghazi humiliation: Capture of suspect upends deranged agenda -
Actually Congress did pass a bill that Oblama signed this week for a job training. 2 days ago and it was a bipartisan bill...
'GOP’s Benghazi humiliation: Capture of suspect upends deranged agenda .... With alleged ringleader now in custody, the Benghazi Select Committee just lost a prized grandstanding opportunity' GOP?s Benghazi humiliation: Capture of suspect upends deranged agenda -

To midcan5: Do not be so sure. Khattala is going to backfire on Democrat America-haters. See this thread:

How many more of these threads are necessary?

To Moonglow: The topic of this thread is the first. Gowdy’s appointment to head the special committee was announced less than an hour ago.

who cares ... he won't go any further then Isa did ... another 10 million dollars of tax payers money wasted by the rightwingnutjobs of the country... they sit and whine about creating debt and yet they are the biggest waste of tax payers money to date...:lol::lol::lol:

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