Congress sleeps, Unions Forced Pro-life teachers to pay for abortions, fetuses called "parasites"

When is Congress going to acknowledge that life begins at conception inside the mother?

  • Never. It's okay to kill an unborn American.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Now. It's not okay to kill an unborn American.

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    Votes: 1 14.3%

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Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
When does life begin? Congress knows but does nothing to declare that a human life begins at conception.
Because of it, we have multiple Public and State schools causing some people moral chaos.

Rebecca Fredrichs Teacher Unions Force Pro-life teachers to fund abortions​
Public school teacher Rebecca Friedrichs is suing the unions over violating her First-Amendment rights.
Rebecca Friedrichs: Pro-life teachers, your union dues fund abortion

Years ago, as a California teacher, I was shocked to learn that state and national teachers’ unions collude with Planned Parenthood. They use teacher dues money and resources — behind our backs and against our wills — to bring the abortion industry into our schools. Many of our nation’s public schools require teachers to instruct children as young as 12 on how and where to obtain birth control — including the morning-after pill and abortions — without parental knowledge or permission. If teachers refuse to teach this, the law mandates “experts” like Planned Parenthood take over the classroom.

Here, a California professor in a state medical school calls a fetus "parasite:"
Dylan Griswold, a Stanford Medical student, posted a screengrab of the slide Thursday night with the caption: "No joke, a friend just sent me this slide from her upper-level biology course. I'm speechless."
Later, Griswold tweeted: "as all 'woke' medical students know, pregnancy is a disease. Abortion is the remedy...Ironically, it is you whose language espouses vitriol, division, and bigotry." The slide went viral.
See slide of the screengrab and Professor's subsequent denial of responsibility for his words here: California professor slammed for calling fetus 'legitimate parasite' during lecture on cancer
How long do we have to go on making certain people whose religion disallows abortion must not have to be forced to pay for other people's abortions?

How long do physicians in any states have to be licensed to do abortions or give up their medical licenses when it is a religious wrong in their beliefs?

And when is Congress going to admit that human life begins at conception? Its refusal to do this has produced about 55 million unborn American deaths since Roe v. Wade was passed.

How long will this nation force everyone to sponsor abortions, whether or not their First Amendment rights gives them the freedom to practice their own beliefs which certainly excludes practicing someone else's verboten ways to their religion?

The Bible knows killing other humans is wrong. Scientists know that killing a viable zygote that is implanted in its mother's womb is tomorrow's alive person. Why doesn't the Congress know and show what everyone else knows? And how the hell did schools start this making their "educated" teachers pay for abortions when it offends their religion? Stop the madness of extinguishing human life after conception, except in extreme cases of the physical life-threat to the mother that bearing a child would cause.

Roe v. Wade screwed millions of Americans out of being born. It's a scandal that arose from one single case and has been a means of birth control by tens of millions of irresponsible people ever since. Traditional womanhood has been replaced by people who have no compunction about bullying and killing defenseless preborn children ever since. That no compunction shit to kill is contagious. It spread from the taking of one baby to the taking of 55 million babies and has no end in sight unless this nation does something about it.
So in your mind, you are 9 months older than your birth certificate says?
When does life begin? Congress knows but does nothing to declare that a human life begins at conception.

They never will because both parties know that abortion is the single biggest vote guarantee out there. That is why all this time after RvW we still have basically the same abortion rate per pregnancy as we did then.
When does life begin? Congress knows but does nothing to declare that a human life begins at conception.

They never will because both parties know that abortion is the single biggest vote guarantee out there. That is why all this time after RvW we still have basically the same abortion rate per pregnancy as we did then.
When does life begin? Congress knows but does nothing to declare that a human life begins at conception.

They never will because both parties know that abortion is the single biggest vote guarantee out there. That is why all this time after RvW we still have basically the same abortion rate per pregnancy as we did then.

Facts. Something you seem allergic to.
Opinions. You can't stand mine. :laughing0301:
When does life begin? Congress knows but does nothing to declare that a human life begins at conception.

They never will because both parties know that abortion is the single biggest vote guarantee out there. That is why all this time after RvW we still have basically the same abortion rate per pregnancy as we did then.

Facts. Something you seem allergic to.
Opinions. You can't stand mine. :laughing0301:

I agree with your view of when life starts, I just told you why Congress will not do anything about it. Neither party is willing to give up guaranteed votes.
When does life begin? Congress knows but does nothing to declare that a human life begins at conception.

They never will because both parties know that abortion is the single biggest vote guarantee out there. That is why all this time after RvW we still have basically the same abortion rate per pregnancy as we did then.

Facts. Something you seem allergic to.
Opinions. You can't stand mine. :laughing0301:

I agree with your view of when life starts, I just told you why Congress will not do anything about it. Neither party is willing to give up guaranteed votes.
We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.
They never will because both parties know that abortion is the single biggest vote guarantee out there. That is why all this time after RvW we still have basically the same abortion rate per pregnancy as we did then.

Facts. Something you seem allergic to.
Opinions. You can't stand mine. :laughing0301:

I agree with your view of when life starts, I just told you why Congress will not do anything about it. Neither party is willing to give up guaranteed votes.
We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. .

Thanks for the chuckle.
We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.


Your President didn't even become pro-life till he choose to run as a Repub. As is evident by the fact neither of this first two SCOTUS picks favor overturning RvW.

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