Congress sleeps, Unions Forced Pro-life teachers to pay for abortions, fetuses called "parasites"

When is Congress going to acknowledge that life begins at conception inside the mother?

  • Never. It's okay to kill an unborn American.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Now. It's not okay to kill an unborn American.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • I haven't decided

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No opinion

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  • Discuss below

    Votes: 1 14.3%

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We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.


Your President didn't even become pro-life till he choose to run as a Repub. As is evident by the fact neither of this first two SCOTUS picks favor overturning RvW.
That's because he received the blessing of God on Inauguration Day. God made him his Man to make changes, to keep his promises to the Founders of America who prayed for us to stand for the things of his Kingdom. God listens to prayer. Laugh if you like, but God works in strange ways.
We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.


Your President didn't even become pro-life till he choose to run as a Repub. As is evident by the fact neither of this first two SCOTUS picks favor overturning RvW.
That's because he received the blessing of God on Inauguration Day. God made him his Man to make changes, to keep his promises to the Founders of America who prayed for us to stand for the things of his Kingdom. God listens to prayer. Laugh if you like, but God works in strange ways.

Trump is today's version of King Saul...
So in your mind, you are 9 months older than your birth certificate says?
Key word, BIRTH certificate. But, yes, your LIFE, as a human being, began 9 months earlier.

So we're all 9 months (give or take) older than we think?

Were you not there before you popped out? :auiqs.jpg:
Of course he was. It says so here: Psalms 139
13 For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.​
We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.


Your President didn't even become pro-life till he choose to run as a Repub. As is evident by the fact neither of this first two SCOTUS picks favor overturning RvW.
That's because he received the blessing of God on Inauguration Day. God made him his Man to make changes, to keep his promises to the Founders of America who prayed for us to stand for the things of his Kingdom. God listens to prayer. Laugh if you like, but God works in strange ways.

Trump is today's version of King Saul...
Thank you for not saying Naaman. :thanks:

And as long as President Trump keeps his nose clean and respects the Lord, he will have a crown in glory. He already has some jewels in that crown on account of the Obama/Hillary/Steele pact to frame him.
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We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.


Your President didn't even become pro-life till he choose to run as a Repub. As is evident by the fact neither of this first two SCOTUS picks favor overturning RvW.
That's because he received the blessing of God on Inauguration Day. God made him his Man to make changes, to keep his promises to the Founders of America who prayed for us to stand for the things of his Kingdom. God listens to prayer. Laugh if you like, but God works in strange ways.

Trump is today's version of King Saul...
Thank you for not saying Naaman. :thanks:

And as long as he keeps his nose clean and respects the Lord, he will have a crown in glory. He already has some jewels in that crown on account of the Obama/Hillary/Steele pact to frame him.

what jewel did he get on his crown for nailing Stormy while his wife was home after just having a baby?
We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.


Your President didn't even become pro-life till he choose to run as a Repub. As is evident by the fact neither of this first two SCOTUS picks favor overturning RvW.
That's because he received the blessing of God on Inauguration Day. God made him his Man to make changes, to keep his promises to the Founders of America who prayed for us to stand for the things of his Kingdom. God listens to prayer. Laugh if you like, but God works in strange ways.

Trump is today's version of King Saul...
Thank you for not saying Naaman. :thanks:

And as long as he keeps his nose clean and respects the Lord, he will have a crown in glory. He already has some jewels in that crown on account of the Obama/Hillary/Steele pact to frame him.

what jewel did he get on his crown for nailing Stormy while his wife was home after just having a baby?
The woman who broke her nondisclosure agreement when her lawyer's $20 million dollar extortion plot failed? Would you like to have someone try to extort your family's money away and break your partner's heart in the process ten years afterwards?

Trust me, President Trump paid a price for his error. But he did the right thing and faced his demons. Stormy Daniels is so dishonestly evil she doesn't use her real name, Stephanie Clifford.
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When does life begin? Congress knows but does nothing to declare that a human life begins at conception.

They never will because both parties know that abortion is the single biggest vote guarantee out there. That is why all this time after RvW we still have basically the same abortion rate per pregnancy as we did then.

I dunno...when we try to reduce the number of abortions in this country, we have been successful.

Access to free birth control reduces abortion rates | Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
They never will because both parties know that abortion is the single biggest vote guarantee out there. That is why all this time after RvW we still have basically the same abortion rate per pregnancy as we did then.

Facts. Something you seem allergic to.
Opinions. You can't stand mine. :laughing0301:

I agree with your view of when life starts, I just told you why Congress will not do anything about it. Neither party is willing to give up guaranteed votes.
We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.

Oh please. He's terrified of damn near everything.

Be that as it may, the arbitrary decision of when life begins is meaningless. I should not have the right to make your life decisions for you. Our most personal decisions should not be up to the state. RWNJs and fake christians should get the fuck out of our bedrooms.

If you are not the woman, its none of your business.

Facts. Something you seem allergic to.
Opinions. You can't stand mine. :laughing0301:

I agree with your view of when life starts, I just told you why Congress will not do anything about it. Neither party is willing to give up guaranteed votes.
We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.

Oh please. He's terrified of damn near everything.

Be that as it may, the arbitrary decision of when life begins is meaningless. I should not have the right to make your life decisions for you. Our most personal decisions should not be up to the state. RWNJs and fake christians should get the fuck out of our bedrooms.

If you are not the woman, its none of your business.
As the spokeswoman for 55 million dead preborn Americans, it is too my business and Planned Parenthood better get out of the way, because they lead young women to death and they tossed out planning parenthood follow the low road of convincing young women to extinguish the very life they participated in bringing about as did their partner.

What's the old military saying? Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Don't get in God's way, pal. Just sayin'.
Post natal abortion? During WW2 the German army had serious problems with their troops refusing to kill women and children. They had to create special units of the most hard core nazi scum to carry out such things. Is this really where were at?
Post natal abortion? During WW2 the German army had serious problems with their troops refusing to kill women and children. They had to create special units of the most hard core nazi scum to carry out such things. Is this really where were at?
Frightening, isn't it. :(
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So in your mind, you are 9 months older than your birth certificate says?
Even if that were the case so what? that is one of those media spitballs, they can say it but do not have to explain it, your age is determined by the day you were given birth to, hence the term "birthdday" if you want to be 9 months older then you must refer to it as human life day...
The entire premise of your point is based on the belief that you are not a life until you exit the womb i.e. if instead of extracting the baby/fetus from the womb at that moment you just took its brains and collapsed the skull instead, then your argument is that you did not end a life...while I admit that example has an emotional element to it, that element is built in not contrived.
We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.


Your President didn't even become pro-life till he choose to run as a Repub. As is evident by the fact neither of this first two SCOTUS picks favor overturning RvW.
That's because he received the blessing of God on Inauguration Day. God made him his Man to make changes, to keep his promises to the Founders of America who prayed for us to stand for the things of his Kingdom. God listens to prayer. Laugh if you like, but God works in strange ways.
You are starting to make me a believer. As a matter of fact, I'm starting to think trump is the second coming of Christ.

Hallelujah!!! Praise trump!!!
So in your mind, you are 9 months older than your birth certificate says?
Even if that were the case so what? that is one of those media spitballs, they can say it but do not have to explain it, your age is determined by the day you were given birth to, hence the term "birthdday" if you want to be 9 months older then you must refer to it as human life day...
The entire premise of your point is based on the belief that you are not a life until you exit the womb i.e. if instead of extracting the baby/fetus from the womb at that moment you just took its brains and collapsed the skull instead, then your argument is that you did not end a life...while I admit that example has an emotional element to it, that element is built in not contrived.
There have been a few scientific studies that found the person receiving the torture of brain removal experience serious pain. Do they tell the mothers in an interview prior to her procedure that her baby will experience pain as its only knowledge of life? Do the mothers know the "mess of cells" already has a soul because it is known by the Lord and creator of mankind?

If any of them knew how serious to somebody else's chance at life their decision to kill the fetus/cellmass, they would not do this craven thing to somebody else who could hurt them back.

Abortion is what it is. It is an outrage against another human being at a stage in his or her life called formation. Birth is a stage of life. A baby's first step and walking is a stage of life. Cutting teeth is a stage of life. The closure of the baby's fontenelle during toddlerhood is a stage of life, Weaning is a stage of life, learning to get along with other children is a stage, learning to read , to add and subtract, to purchase a store item is a stage, there are just many stages of life. The first stage is conception. Once that fusion has occurred, the next stage is cell division as the DNA gives orders for paths of formation of the body's many parts. Life is beautiful. And it takes patience to make it good.
So in your mind, you are 9 months older than your birth certificate says?
That is no more accurate then claiming a baby born prematurely is younger than his/her birth certificate says he/she is in your mind...this is the kind of confused thinking that develops when you believe birth and human life start at the same time.
We have a President who ain't afraid of nohtin'. And he's tired of the 55 million count of dead wannabe Americans since Roe v. Wade. And he's flexing about beautiful American lives that need living. They can't get there if they are meeting the guy with the pliers, chisel and hammer to cruelly end their little lives while still in the womb. And it hurts like hell.


Your President didn't even become pro-life till he choose to run as a Repub. As is evident by the fact neither of this first two SCOTUS picks favor overturning RvW.
That's because he received the blessing of God on Inauguration Day. God made him his Man to make changes, to keep his promises to the Founders of America who prayed for us to stand for the things of his Kingdom. God listens to prayer. Laugh if you like, but God works in strange ways.
Omg...STOP IT!

Received the blessing of God on Inauguration Day...
Trump is blessed every day he is alive...
Every day he is given to get right with Him

God placed Obama too...and every president before him

God is creating the circumstances,
which will bring about what He has planned

What, you think abortion snuck past Him?

Seriously, you think Trump is a man after God's heart?

Seriously, you don't think God could do better...
IF He chose?

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