Congress throws a Zuckerberg-hotseat dog and pony show.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As Mark Zuckerberg finds himself in the hotseat about whether or not Facebook should fact-check political ads, reasonable Americans need to realize that if they don’t like something about Facebook, they are free to vote with their feet and stop using Facebook. We don’t need Congress to impose draconian rules that will end up as partisan tools to stifle the free flow of information.

If congress is so worried about political advertising, it should ban all political ads from most television channels and sequester them on a few channels like C-Span. This would be an actual useful thing Congress could do give the people a real choice to avoid the carpet-bombing effect of political advertising as elections get closer.

Instead of wasting the people’s time on trying to undo an election, Congress might also to want to examine the glut of prescription drug advertising on American television. When visitors from foreign countries view US TV, they can scarcely believe what they see. Dangerous experimental chemicals are being pushed like soft drinks on living room screens in colorful, creative ads.

Faced with a terrible national opioid epidemic, Congress appears to be more worried about political spin on internet sites. When lawyers lobbied Congress years ago to allow the pharmaceutical industry to flood the homes of TV viewers with ads for various poisons that carried platonic warnings ignored like the text on the sides of cigarette packages, they laid the foundation for the opioid crisis.

If congress wants to regain our respect it should act to go after the real problems delivered by bad advertising but that is unlikely to happen because it’s really all about the money and gold-laden lobbyists know that. The absurd sight of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez interrogating Zuckerberg about the veracity of political ads is a parody of what Congress should be all about.

The US congress is as useless and dysfunctional as it’s ever been and meaningful change to protect and benefit the people isn’t even on the horizon. Cassius said it best: “The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars/ But in ourselves”. Congress is hell Bent on removing a president and its dog and pony show that purports to investigate false political advertising is ridiculously transparent.

The rub is that there is a legitimate case to made about bad advertising causing misery. A fistful of dollars buries that case.
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Correct. I think it's ALL a Dog and Pony Show.
Congress works for the Deep Pockets (and themselves via great lifetime benefits etc). Not for the American people.

It's been a long time since Congress gave a rat's ass about the American People.

And as long as we The People continue to prove we have an indifferent and helpless attitude towards Congress, it will progressively get worse as it has been doing for 200 years now.

Ironically, people on the Right wail and moan about how unfair Facebook and Google are....then continue using and supporting them. The Right hasn't even made an attempt to launch a Facebook alternative of their own, probably because it is well known right Wingers would choose to continue patronizing Facebook and Google even if viable sites without bias were created. You tell me....who is worse.....Radical Leftists or complaisant Right wingers?

Mostly the losers have themselves to blame. That's the bottom line.
But modern America is the poster child example of how freedom is lost and tyranny replaces it.
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As Mark Zuckerberg finds himself in the hotseat about weather or not Facebook should fact-check political ads, reasonable Americans need to realize that if they don’t like something about Facebook, they are free to vote with their feet and stop using Facebook. We don’t need Congress to impose draconian rules that will end up as partisan tools to stifle the free flow of information.

Zuck was in a hotseat about weather?
We also don't need corporations spying on everything about our life, keeping the info then losing the info to hackers because they can't keep up with security measures....
As Mark Zuckerberg finds himself in the hotseat about weather or not Facebook should fact-check political ads, reasonable Americans need to realize that if they don’t like something about Facebook, they are free to vote with their feet and stop using Facebook. We don’t need Congress to impose draconian rules that will end up as partisan tools to stifle the free flow of information.

Zuck was in a hotseat about weather?
We also don't need corporations spying on everything about our life, keeping the info then losing the info to hackers because they can't keep up with security measures....

Thanks, the wife is working so she didn't proofread it.
Correct. I think it's ALL a Dog and Pony Show.
Congress works for the Deep Pockets (and themselves via great lifetime benefits etc). Not for the American people.

It's been a long time since Congress gave a rat's ass about the American People.

And as long as we The People continue to prove we have an indifferent and helpless attitude towards Congress, it will progressively get worse as it has been doing for 200 years now.

Ironically, people on the Right wail and moan about how unfair Facebook and Google are....then continue using and supporting them. The Right hasn't even made an attempt to launch a Facebook alternative of their own, probably because it is well known right Wingers would choose to continue patronizing Facebook and Google even if viable sites without bias were created. You tell me....who is worse.....Radical Leftists or complaisant Right wingers?

Mostly the losers have themselves to blame. That's the bottom line.
But modern America is the poster child example of how freedom is lost and tyranny replaces it.
That's the situation with most things americans moan and wail on endlessly about. They whine, piss, moan and bitch, as they cooperate with and participate in the very things they decry.

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