Congress to Trump.....Turn over the tapes

No staffing shake ups being contemplated at the WH?

Approvals aren't at 35% ?

The House HC bill will make it through the Senate intact?

Staff shake-ups? A couple people let go for good reasons? What you call a "shake-up," I call a realignment. A good thing. Approval ratings? Pleeeeeaze. Approval ratings are manipulated by the media and the media works for the democratic party. The only approval rating that matters is the one in four years. Healthcare bill? OF COURSE it will be altered!!! They always are! That is how government works! What would you prefer, another piece of sausage laid out there like a big fat, 2000 page heap of dung for Dems to sign without anyone even knowing what was in it to blow up in our face again? Let them work on it till hell freezes over so long as they get a bill best as can be had. Meantime, Obamacare is collapsing all around our feet.

Funny how you try to take everything and spin it negative. No mention of the zillion great things Trump has already done. Latest I heard was the new natural gas deal and cattle deals with China which opens up huge benefits for the cattle and gas industry they never had before. Good deals. Promises kept. Getting that girl out of Egypt who had languished there for 3 1/2 years under Obama. Trump got her out in one minute with al-Sisi. Trump trying to get Russia and the Ukraine talking to work out a peace deal. Nope. All the media told you was that Trump had the Russians to the Whitehouse (like it was some sort of further proof of a Russian connection).

Then there is the healthcare bill. How do you possibly spin it negative? Trump made that happen. Another promise kept. WE HAVE IT. It's going to happen. So much more would be going on if not for all the crap from the Democrats. And yes, THAT is reality.
Granted Trump has done stuff and I'd prefer to be hearing about that and about the things the President and the Congress are working on, rather than all this bloviating. But you are wrong that the media works for the Democratic party. The media detests Trump because he is detestable on a personal level and a clown on the political level. What he's achieved has been carefully choreographed for him by the Republicans. The rest of the chaos and the tweets and the B.S. is all on him. Sorry, but you guys elected the poorest excuse for a President anyone could possibly imagine. Even Crooked Hillary would have been 100% better and that's not saying much.

That's not even worth responding to. If you really believe that, good for you.
when will people learn ? Trump doesnt have any tapes.

He never said he did....he said "what if" and your yapping hyenas went for it....there may be hope for you yet...

......but I doubt it. :poke:

Donald J. Trump


James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

7:26 AM - 12 May 2017
....And what was the WH"s response to questions about whether there are such tapes? No response.
Keep yer pants on. Comey testifies tomorrow.
And Comey's testimony will have what to do with whether Trump taped their conversations?
I just googled it and couldn't find anything. I don't think he's testifying tomorrow, unfortunately.
TY for sharing, but that observation really belongs in direct response to this post -- Congress to Trump.....Turn over the tapes -- not mine.
Stay on the fools path with that thought.


Ok Mr President....Admit you have no evidence on Comey and was bluffing or turn the evidence over to Congress

Republicans and Democrats agree: If Trump has tapes, he’ll need to turn them over to Congress

LMAO! Trump has every politician in DC so frazzled they don't know whether to shit or run.
Well, just look at yourself. It's not a stretch.
Ok Mr President....Admit you have no evidence on Comey and was bluffing or turn the evidence over to Congress

Republicans and Democrats agree: If Trump has tapes, he’ll need to turn them over to Congress.

Can't Trump do what Hillary and the IRS did by saying the tapes have been destroyed, or does that only work for Dims?

No, Conservatives would never be believed as being that incompetent. Trump needs to get a dog at the Whitehouse like Bo so he can tell everyone the dog ate my recordings!
Should have known better, you live in mASSoura!


Stay on the fools path with that thought.


Ok Mr President....Admit you have no evidence on Comey and was bluffing or turn the evidence over to Congress

Republicans and Democrats agree: If Trump has tapes, he’ll need to turn them over to Congress

LMAO! Trump has every politician in DC so frazzled they don't know whether to shit or run.
Well, just look at yourself. It's not a stretch.
Should have known better, you live in mASSoura!


Stay on the fools path with that thought.


Ok Mr President....Admit you have no evidence on Comey and was bluffing or turn the evidence over to Congress

Republicans and Democrats agree: If Trump has tapes, he’ll need to turn them over to Congress

LMAO! Trump has every politician in DC so frazzled they don't know whether to shit or run.
Well, just look at yourself. It's not a stretch.
Jesus, you spent way too much time on that come back to have it be so lame. It must be sad being you.
Nah! It's to easy with dopes like you!
You voted for the pile of excrement in the whitehouse.
See!! Stupid is as stupid does.

Should have known better, you live in mASSoura!


Stay on the fools path with that thought.


Ok Mr President....Admit you have no evidence on Comey and was bluffing or turn the evidence over to Congress

Republicans and Democrats agree: If Trump has tapes, he’ll need to turn them over to Congress

LMAO! Trump has every politician in DC so frazzled they don't know whether to shit or run.
Well, just look at yourself. It's not a stretch.
Jesus, you spent way too much time on that come back to have it be so lame. It must be sad being you.

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