Congress to Trump.....Turn over the tapes

Trump is more Nixonian than Nixon.

were you even there or is this just talk so you can spout stuff?

much of watergate / nixon was also around using gov agencies to attack other gov agencies not in "power" so to speak. this was highly looked down upon in the day and a huge reason for his fall.

obama, on the other hand, did it daily and no one on his side cared at all about it.
Ok Mr President....Admit you have no evidence on Comey and was bluffing or turn the evidence over to Congress

Republicans and Democrats agree: If Trump has tapes, he’ll need to turn them over to Congress

. Congress should be ashamed at how they cherry pick their political battles, and then lay low when the heat is on a burning star in which they foolishly supported in the most biased bull crap way ever. Don't you people get sick of the bull crap finally ?
If Trump has evidence of wrongdoing by Comey, he needs to turn it over to the bipartisan investigation

If he doesn't....he needs to admit it
Why? Is Congress also investigating Trump's firing of Comey? What has Congress got to do with a conversation they had over dinner or what Comey said to a friend later or what Trump tweeted about it?
Congress ought to start doing their job and stop sniffing after every crumb dropped by the White House. I don't hear many Republicans with the stomach for saying the President did anything wrong. So what is the sense? Who is asking for the tapes? Lemme guess, a couple of Democrats?
Personally, I hate what Trump did but he legally had the right and if he muffed the "roll out," it won't be the first time (try the travel ban).
What else can you derive from Trump claims that Obama taps his wires and he has tapes of his conversations with Comdy?

Trump still had an 8 Track in his car and a Beta VCR

More chunks from the board phony when you're fully aware the NYTimes headline used the word "wiretapped". Trump puts quotes around it...that means somebody else said it for your braindead brethren here.
Naw, he put it in quotes because we don't use tapes anymore. He meant recordings.
Ok Mr President....Admit you have no evidence on Comey and was bluffing or turn the evidence over to Congress

Republicans and Democrats agree: If Trump has tapes, he’ll need to turn them over to Congress

. Congress should be ashamed at how they cherry pick their political battles, and then lay low when the heat is on a burning star in which they foolishly supported in the most biased bull crap way ever. Don't you people get sick of the bull crap finally ?
If Trump has evidence of wrongdoing by Comey, he needs to turn it over to the bipartisan investigation

If he doesn't....he needs to admit it

Why does he need to admit it?

Lol he is trolling again.

Trump has evidence to support a Congressional investigation and won't release it?


Trump trolls and that's what you despise he is one of you..

This is what upsets you the most and so enjoyable to us middle class guys that the Democrats left behind.

The RussianWr vote for the best Troller for President. That's their criteria.
Maybe he'll one day learn from his mistakes. I hope it is soon.

Who Comey?

You can't mean Trump. SINCE DAY ONE, everything this guy has said and done was decreed a big mistake by the political elite. Often a FATAL mistake. Yet each time it all worked out well for him. Now, four months into office, people still haven't learned and are still warning he better change his MO very soon or else!

Lesson One: Donald Trump does NOT march to your drummer. He will reshape Congress to his needs as he will much of the world.

What has worked out well for Trump?

Well, just about everything? But then, what would you know? If they listed them on TV you would change the channel, if I listed them here you would claim they weren't true. You just play word games, so you are a total waste of anyone's time, and by your message count, you have wasted an awful lot of it.
So...again...what has worked out well? The wall? Defunding Planned Parenthood? The budget? The end of legal abortion? Respect of the International Community?
Nothing has worked it well for him.

The WH is in chaos, his approval ratings are tanking and his HC plan is being gutted by the Senate.

Another set of empty liberal talking points. Just throwing them out there hoping one of them actually sticks. Already cost you three elections, and you're shooting to lose another. Good!
What have you gained in winning "three" elections?
No staffing shake ups being contemplated at the WH?

Approvals aren't at 35% ?

The House HC bill will make it through the Senate intact?

Staff shake-ups? A couple people let go for good reasons? What you call a "shake-up," I call a realignment. A good thing. Approval ratings? Pleeeeeaze. Approval ratings are manipulated by the media and the media works for the democratic party. The only approval rating that matters is the one in four years. Healthcare bill? OF COURSE it will be altered!!! They always are! That is how government works! What would you prefer, another piece of sausage laid out there like a big fat, 2000 page heap of dung for Dems to sign without anyone even knowing what was in it to blow up in our face again? Let them work on it till hell freezes over so long as they get a bill best as can be had. Meantime, Obamacare is collapsing all around our feet.

Funny how you try to take everything and spin it negative. No mention of the zillion great things Trump has already done. Latest I heard was the new natural gas deal and cattle deals with China which opens up huge benefits for the cattle and gas industry they never had before. Good deals. Promises kept. Getting that girl out of Egypt who had languished there for 3 1/2 years under Obama. Trump got her out in one minute with al-Sisi. Trump trying to get Russia and the Ukraine talking to work out a peace deal. Nope. All the media told you was that Trump had the Russians to the Whitehouse (like it was some sort of further proof of a Russian connection).

Then there is the healthcare bill. How do you possibly spin it negative? Trump made that happen. Another promise kept. WE HAVE IT. It's going to happen. So much more would be going on if not for all the crap from the Democrats. And yes, THAT is reality.
No staffing shake ups being contemplated at the WH?

Approvals aren't at 35% ?

The House HC bill will make it through the Senate intact?

Staff shake-ups? A couple people let go for good reasons? What you call a "shake-up," I call a realignment. A good thing. Approval ratings? Pleeeeeaze. Approval ratings are manipulated by the media and the media works for the democratic party. The only approval rating that matters is the one in four years. Healthcare bill? OF COURSE it will be altered!!! They always are! That is how government works! What would you prefer, another piece of sausage laid out there like a big fat, 2000 page heap of dung for Dems to sign without anyone even knowing what was in it to blow up in our face again? Let them work on it till hell freezes over so long as they get a bill best as can be had. Meantime, Obamacare is collapsing all around our feet.

Funny how you try to take everything and spin it negative. No mention of the zillion great things Trump has already done. Latest I heard was the new natural gas deal and cattle deals with China which opens up huge benefits for the cattle and gas industry they never had before. Good deals. Promises kept. Getting that girl out of Egypt who had languished there for 3 1/2 years under Obama. Trump got her out in one minute with al-Sisi. Trump trying to get Russia and the Ukraine talking to work out a peace deal. Nope. All the media told you was that Trump had the Russians to the Whitehouse (like it was some sort of further proof of a Russian connection).

Then there is the healthcare bill. How do you possibly spin it negative? Trump made that happen. Another promise kept. WE HAVE IT. It's going to happen. So much more would be going on if not for all the crap from the Democrats. And yes, THAT is reality.

It's the media! :laugh2:
What have you gained in winning "three" elections?

The Supreme Court, the judiciary, the EPA, reconstituting the Military, pipelines, energy exploration, turning the National Parks back to the people, 2nd Amendment protection, suffocating regs on business lifted, billion$ in new investments, the House, the Senate, most of the governor chairs, Hillary wandering around in the woods drunk on her ass.....I could go on but you're not apt to even get this far without bawling and asking your "wife" for a hanky. :lol:
No staffing shake ups being contemplated at the WH?

Approvals aren't at 35% ?

The House HC bill will make it through the Senate intact?

Staff shake-ups? A couple people let go for good reasons? What you call a "shake-up," I call a realignment. A good thing. Approval ratings? Pleeeeeaze. Approval ratings are manipulated by the media and the media works for the democratic party. The only approval rating that matters is the one in four years. Healthcare bill? OF COURSE it will be altered!!! They always are! That is how government works! What would you prefer, another piece of sausage laid out there like a big fat, 2000 page heap of dung for Dems to sign without anyone even knowing what was in it to blow up in our face again? Let them work on it till hell freezes over so long as they get a bill best as can be had. Meantime, Obamacare is collapsing all around our feet.

Funny how you try to take everything and spin it negative. No mention of the zillion great things Trump has already done. Latest I heard was the new natural gas deal and cattle deals with China which opens up huge benefits for the cattle and gas industry they never had before. Good deals. Promises kept. Getting that girl out of Egypt who had languished there for 3 1/2 years under Obama. Trump got her out in one minute with al-Sisi. Trump trying to get Russia and the Ukraine talking to work out a peace deal. Nope. All the media told you was that Trump had the Russians to the Whitehouse (like it was some sort of further proof of a Russian connection).

Then there is the healthcare bill. How do you possibly spin it negative? Trump made that happen. Another promise kept. WE HAVE IT. It's going to happen. So much more would be going on if not for all the crap from the Democrats. And yes, THAT is reality.
Granted Trump has done stuff and I'd prefer to be hearing about that and about the things the President and the Congress are working on, rather than all this bloviating. But you are wrong that the media works for the Democratic party. The media detests Trump because he is detestable on a personal level and a clown on the political level. What he's achieved has been carefully choreographed for him by the Republicans. The rest of the chaos and the tweets and the B.S. is all on him. Sorry, but you guys elected the poorest excuse for a President anyone could possibly imagine. Even Crooked Hillary would have been 100% better and that's not saying much.
Granted Trump has done stuff and I'd prefer to be hearing about that and about the things the President and the Congress are working on, rather than all this bloviating. But you are wrong that the media works for the Democratic party. The media detests Trump because he is detestable on a personal level and a clown on the political level. What he's achieved has been carefully choreographed for him by the Republicans. The rest of the chaos and the tweets and the B.S. is all on him. Sorry, but you guys elected the poorest excuse for a President anyone could possibly imagine. Even Crooked Hillary would have been 100% better and that's not saying much.

Good grief....and I once thought there was hope for you....not no more. :nono:
Granted Trump has done stuff and I'd prefer to be hearing about that and about the things the President and the Congress are working on, rather than all this bloviating. But you are wrong that the media works for the Democratic party. The media detests Trump because he is detestable on a personal level and a clown on the political level. What he's achieved has been carefully choreographed for him by the Republicans. The rest of the chaos and the tweets and the B.S. is all on him. Sorry, but you guys elected the poorest excuse for a President anyone could possibly imagine. Even Crooked Hillary would have been 100% better and that's not saying much.

Good grief....and I once thought there was hope for you....not no more. :nono:
I'm an Independent all the way through, but that doesn't necessarily mean a conservative.
Stay on the fools path with that thought.


Ok Mr President....Admit you have no evidence on Comey and was bluffing or turn the evidence over to Congress

Republicans and Democrats agree: If Trump has tapes, he’ll need to turn them over to Congress

LMAO! Trump has every politician in DC so frazzled they don't know whether to shit or run.
Maybe he'll one day learn from his mistakes. I hope it is soon.

Who Comey?

You can't mean Trump. SINCE DAY ONE, everything this guy has said and done was decreed a big mistake by the political elite. Often a FATAL mistake. Yet each time it all worked out well for him. Now, four months into office, people still haven't learned and are still warning he better change his MO very soon or else!

Lesson One: Donald Trump does NOT march to your drummer. He will reshape Congress to his needs as he will much of the world.

What has worked out well for Trump?

Well, just about everything? But then, what would you know? If they listed them on TV you would change the channel, if I listed them here you would claim they weren't true. You just play word games, so you are a total waste of anyone's time, and by your message count, you have wasted an awful lot of it.
So...again...what has worked out well? The wall? Defunding Planned Parenthood? The budget? The end of legal abortion? Respect of the International Community?

That is just plain stupid. It is like you people stick your heads in a hole in the ground so you can deliberately not see anything, then you pop up to announce that nothing has happened. But I know it is deliberate spin over ignorance because notice how you ONLY pick issues you can attack! Yes, the wall is already being worked on and sections are being restored. It is only beginning. HOW F---CKING AMAZING how people like you criticize a guy for not already getting done in a few months what no other president has made happen in 60 years! The border wall will definitely happen, and Mexico will ultimately pay for it, but direct funding will have to wait for new negotiations with Mexico + the next budget due to continuing resolution obligations to the last administration (as if you didn't know).

Same thing with Planned Parenthood. Who gives a crap about that anyway. Is that really your biggest issue? Let it get taken off the federal roles and put back into the states. The budget? Same thing again. End of legal abortion? What odd issues to hover on! Same thing as Planned Parenthood. And respect for the international community? Don't even know what that is supposed to mean. To hell with respecting them, time for us to get back respect from them. Another bizarre choice considering we just came from a president who spent 8 years trouncing all trust and respect the world had for us, alienating every ally we had on the planet.
Man, you ARE the spokesman for COGNITIVE DISSONANCE! 4 out of 5 of your named issues are all allied together under one cause and effect and the other is pretty meaningless.

Where is the mention of U.S. employers adding jobs beyond expectations in both January (238,000) and February (235,000), with the unemployment rate falling to 4.7% and wages growing 2.8%. In just his first 50 days:
Trump has cut the U.S. debt burden by $68 billion dollars.
Manufacturing is at its most robust since 1984.
The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index is at its highest level since 2004. Economic confidence is surging.
The stock market keeps topping record highs.
Several military aircraft contracts renegotiated.
Samsung is moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.
Carrier was kept here.
Exxon moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.
Fiat will invest $1 billion in two U.S. factories.
Hasbro is to start making play-doh in the U.S. again.
Trump signed an executive order ending Obama’s onerous regulations on the coal industry.
Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.
Illegal immigration from Mexico is down 40 per cent in Trump’s first month. Now down by 70%.
Trump issued an executive order to end “sanctuary cities”. Still working on that.
Trump began the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.
Trump selected Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.
Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline.
Trump cut funding for international abortions.
Trump returned the power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to the states.

If we look at his full 100 days,The US Stock Markets are at record highs and millions of Americans are benefiting in their retirement savings accounts.
* NATO announced Allied spending is up $10 Billion because of President Trump.
* The President has signed 66 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations as of April 19th, including:

* Notifying Congress of a strike on Syria after it was reported that the country used gas on its citizens.
* Dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives.
* Dodd-Frank is going.
* Travel bans for individuals from a select number of countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities. Soon to go to SCOTUS.
* Enforcing regulatory reform.
* Protecting Law enforcement.
*Action to fix and improve the VA.
* Mandating that for every new regulation, to eliminate two others.
* A plan for defeating ISIS.
* Rebuilding the military.
* Building a border wall.
* Reducing regulations on manufacturers.
* Placing a hiring freeze on federal employees.
Not to mention new cattle and natural gas deals for China, negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, getting a girl prisoner released from Egypt, and meeting with leaders all over the world.

Trump and his team have accomplished all of this in just under 100 days, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and the deep state to sabotage his new administration is at every stage. This list would be a phenomenal achievement for a president who is entering office with momentum, political capital and fair media treatment, but Trump has accomplished it all even in the face of total resistance, sabotage and dirty tricks from the left and the establishment media.

Out of all that and much more, all you got was that he is just beginning on the border wall, and gave the democrats a good budget deal giving them many of the things they wanted while getting many for his party as well. Nice.
Last edited:
when will people learn ? Trump doesnt have any tapes.

He had a loud mouth. He wants people to pay attention to him.
What have you gained in winning "three" elections?

The Supreme Court, the judiciary, the EPA, reconstituting the Military, pipelines, energy exploration, turning the National Parks back to the people, 2nd Amendment protection, suffocating regs on business lifted, billion$ in new investments, the House, the Senate, most of the governor chairs, Hillary wandering around in the woods drunk on her ass.....I could go on but you're not apt to even get this far without bawling and asking your "wife" for a hanky. :lol:

Really amazes me how people with 90,000 and 100,000 posts here regularly embarrass themselves apparently not having learned a thing from all the posts they've read! Admitting that they are either that ignorant to still not know so much spending half their day on a political message forum over YEARS, or, are that partisan to try to foist such crap on us in light of all the evidence and documentation posted daily!
Maybe he'll one day learn from his mistakes. I hope it is soon.

Who Comey?

You can't mean Trump. SINCE DAY ONE, everything this guy has said and done was decreed a big mistake by the political elite. Often a FATAL mistake. Yet each time it all worked out well for him. Now, four months into office, people still haven't learned and are still warning he better change his MO very soon or else!

Lesson One: Donald Trump does NOT march to your drummer. He will reshape Congress to his needs as he will much of the world.

What has worked out well for Trump?

Well, just about everything? But then, what would you know? If they listed them on TV you would change the channel, if I listed them here you would claim they weren't true. You just play word games, so you are a total waste of anyone's time, and by your message count, you have wasted an awful lot of it.
So...again...what has worked out well? The wall? Defunding Planned Parenthood? The budget? The end of legal abortion? Respect of the International Community?

That is just plain stupid. It is like you people stick your heads in a hole in the ground so you can deliberately not see anything, then you pop up to announce that nothing has happened. But I know it is deliberate spin over ignorance because notice how you ONLY pick issues you can attack! Yes, the wall is already being worked on and sections are being restored. It is only beginning. HOW F---CKING AMAZING how people like you criticize a guy for not already getting done in a few months what no other president has made happen in 60 years! The border wall will definitely happen, and Mexico will ultimately pay for it, but direct funding will have to wait for new negotiations with Mexico + the next budget due to continuing resolution obligations to the last administration (as if you didn't know).

Same thing with Planned Parenthood. Who gives a crap about that anyway. Is that really your biggest issue? Let it get taken off the federal roles and put back into the states. The budget? Same thing again. End of legal abortion? What odd issues to hover on! Same thing as Planned Parenthood. And respect for the international community? Don't even know what that is supposed to mean. To hell with respecting them, time for us to get back respect from them. Another bizarre choice considering we just came from a president who spent 8 years trouncing all trust and respect the world had for us, alienating every ally we had on the planet.
Man, you ARE the spokesman for COGNITIVE DISSONANCE! 4 out of 5 of your named issues are all allied together under one cause and effect and the other is pretty meaningless.

Where is the mention of U.S. employers adding jobs beyond expectations in both January (238,000) and February (235,000), with the unemployment rate falling to 4.7% and wages growing 2.8%. In just his first 50 days:
Trump has cut the U.S. debt burden by $68 billion dollars.
Manufacturing is at its most robust since 1984.
The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index is at its highest level since 2004. Economic confidence is surging.
The stock market keeps topping record highs.
Several military aircraft contracts renegotiated.
Samsung is moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.
Carrier was kept here.
Exxon moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.
Fiat will invest $1 billion in two U.S. factories.
Hasbro is to start making play-doh in the U.S. again.
Trump signed an executive order ending Obama’s onerous regulations on the coal industry.
Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.
Illegal immigration from Mexico is down 40 per cent in Trump’s first month. Now down by 70%.
Trump issued an executive order to end “sanctuary cities”. Still working on that.
Trump began the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.
Trump selected Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.
Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline.
Trump cut funding for international abortions.
Trump returned the power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to the states.

If we look at his full 100 days,The US Stock Markets are at record highs and millions of Americans are benefiting in their retirement savings accounts.
* NATO announced Allied spending is up $10 Billion because of President Trump.
* The President has signed 66 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations as of April 19th, including:

* Notifying Congress of a strike on Syria after it was reported that the country used gas on its citizens.
* Dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives.
* Dodd-Frank is going.
* Travel bans for individuals from a select number of countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities. Soon to go to SCOTUS.
* Enforcing regulatory reform.
* Protecting Law enforcement.
*Action to fix and improve the VA.
* Mandating that for every new regulation, to eliminate two others.
* A plan for defeating ISIS.
* Rebuilding the military.
* Building a border wall.
* Reducing regulations on manufacturers.
* Placing a hiring freeze on federal employees.
Not to mention new cattle and natural gas deals for China, negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, getting a girl prisoner released from Egypt, and meeting with leaders all over the world.

Trump and his team have accomplished all of this in just under 100 days, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and the deep state to sabotage his embryonic administration is at every stage. This list would be a phenomenal achievement for a president who is entering office with momentum, political capital and fair media treatment, but Trump has accomplished it all even in the face of total resistance, sabotage and dirty tricks from the left and the establishment media.

Out of all that and much more, all you got was that he is just beginning on the border wall, and gave the democrats a good budget deal giving them many of the things they wanted while getting many for his party as well. Nice.
Same thing with Planned Parenthood. Who gives a crap about that anyway. Is that really your biggest issue? Let it get taken off the federal roles and put back into the states. The budget? Same thing again. End of legal abortion? What odd issues to hover on! Same thing as Planned Parenthood.
They're not minor or unimportant to women. Over half the country is opposed to the Republican stance on these "odd issues."

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