Zone1 Congressional Black Caucus Chair: 'Black people are under attack'


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This is a reality that shows itself here daily. But the attacks on things like CRT, DEI, Affirmative Action, history and almost everything else show that we still have a major problem in America and watch as the responses to this OP prove the claim made by the title. There are Americans who want to return to a past that could only be described as fascist.

Where I live White people are under attack. They're afraid to go out alone at night lest some evil doer in a hoodie physically assaults them.
Where I live White people are under attack. They're afraid to go out alone at night lest some evil doer in a hoodie physically assaults them.
Nice try, but since 85 percent of whites who are murdered are murdered by other whites, then that evildoer in a hoodie is more likely to be white. And as for public policy, whites are protected and preferred.
Nice try, but since 85 percent of whites who are murdered are murdered by other whites, then that evildoer in a hoodie is more likely to be white. And as for public policy, whites are protected and preferred.

Did I say the evil doer in a hoodie was necessarily Black? No you just inferred it.
This is a reality that shows itself here daily. But the attacks on things like CRT, DEI, Affirmative Action, history and almost everything else show that we still have a major problem in America and watch as the responses to this OP prove the claim made by the title. There are Americans who want to return to a past that could only be described as fascist.

I evaluate Negroes as individuals using the same criteria I used when I evaluate whites. All one of any race needs to pass my mild standards is to behave and perform reasonably well, and to have no felony convictions and no illegitimate children.

What is wrong with that, IM2?
Nice try, but since 85 percent of whites who are murdered are murdered by other whites, then that evildoer in a hoodie is more likely to be white. And as for public policy, whites are protected and preferred.
Thank you for the opportunity to, once again, show how you continue to lie about major crimes, blacks, and whites. Once again, thanks!


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Forever the victim
Yep, you are indeed forever the victim. Because you have chosen to continue adopting the white supremacist narrative as a non white person in order to seek acceptance from whites. Now as you are a person who has responsibility, it would behoove you not to troll threads as that is a violation. The thread topic is about how the CBC has stated that blacks are under attack. Their arguments for that premise are supported by plenty of receipts. So as you want to please the racists, present evidence refuting the CBC.
You know it's funny how some non whites want to be white so bad that they lose all personal pride.

Today I was talking to the person who is working with me on a project I have undertaken. She is half Filipino and half Japanese. She told me in no uncertain terms how she faces white racism. In working with me on my project, she doesn't adopt the white supremacist position that standing up to racism means you think you're some kind of victim. How ignorant can a person be to make such a statement when they themselves face white racism. It's really stupid.
Instead you decided to describe the culprits as hoodie wearing people which is a pretty loud dogwhistle.

My mum wears hoodies all the time ..
She can't even whistle quietly
You know it's funny how some non whites want to be white so bad that they lose all personal pride.

Today I was talking to the person who is working with me on a project I have undertaken. She is half Filipino and half Japanese. She told me in no uncertain terms how she faces white racism. In working with me on my project, she doesn't adopt the white supremacist position that standing up to racism means you think you're some kind of victim. How ignorant can a person be to make such a statement when they themselves face white racism. It's really stupid.
It’s not surprising that a person with that attitude would be attracted to working with you. A fish rots from the head down, the employer sets the moral tone of the organization. Any organization headed by a racist like you will be full of other racists.
It’s not surprising that a person with that attitude would be attracted to working with you. A fish rots from the head down, the employer sets the moral tone of the organization. Any organization headed by a racist like you will be full of other racists.
And it will go out of business.
This is a reality that shows itself here daily. But the attacks on things like CRT, DEI, Affirmative Action, history and almost everything else show that we still have a major problem in America and watch as the responses to this OP prove the claim made by the title. There are Americans who want to return to a past that could only be described as fascist.

CRT, DEI, an AA are mass racist discriminatory policies targeted at whites and to a lesser extent asians. Blacks are under attack by other blacks.
CRT, DEI, an AA are mass racist discriminatory policies targeted at whites and to a lesser extent asians. Blacks are under attack by other blacks.
Critical race theory teaches that whites are responsible for black social pathology. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are synonymous with affirmative action. They are efforts to lower standards for Negroes, and consequently to discriminate against whites and Orientals.

All of these need to come to an end, along with most of the welfare system. It is particularly important that the government stop supporting illegitimate children with welfare money, and that reparations never be paid.

We also need a much tougher, meaner criminal justice system. Because the police are under a lot of stress, and know how to handle criminals, police brutality needs to be de criminalized. Those who draw attention to police brutality against black criminals need to be punished severely, because the attention frequently provokes black ghetto riots.
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Critical race theory teaches that whites are responsible for black social pathology. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are synonymous with affirmative action. They are efforts to lower standards for Negroes, and consequently to discriminate against whites and Orientals.

All of these need to come to an end, along with most of the welfare system. It is particularly important that the government stop supporting illegitimate children with welfare money. .
All Critical Theories created by the Frankfurt School losers were designed to criticize the Western norms (and even non Western norms really anything normal) while offering no solutions.....although by 67' Marcuse went as far as saying whites in the USA do not deserve constitutional protections which means genocide.
This is a reality that shows itself here daily. But the attacks on things like CRT, DEI, Affirmative Action, history and almost everything else show that we still have a major problem in America and watch as the responses to this OP prove the claim made by the title. There are Americans who want to return to a past that could only be described as fascist.

Isn't that what Trump is telling white uneducated voters? Have you seen this?

death rates had been rising dramatically since 1999 among middle-aged white Americans

economists say they have a better understanding of what's causing these "deaths of despair" by suicide, drugs and alcohol.

a lack of steady, well-paying jobs for whites without college degrees has caused pain, distress and social dysfunction to build up over time. The mortality rate for that group, ages 45 to 54, increased by a half percent each year from 1999 to 2013.

But whites with college degrees haven't suffered the same lack of economic opportunity and haven't seen the same loss of life expectancy.
White uneducated people. We knew suicides were going up rapidly, and that overdoses mostly from prescription drugs were going up, and that alcoholic liver disease was going up. The deeper questions were why those were happening — there's obviously some underlying malaise, reasons for which we [didn't] know.

On what's driving these early deaths

These deaths of despair have been accompanied by reduced labor force participation, reduced marriage rates, increases in reports of poor health and poor mental health. So we are beginning to thread a story in that it's possible that [the trend is] consistent with the labor market collapsing for people with less than a college degree. In turn, those people are being less able to form stable marriages, and in turn that has effects on the kind of economic and social supports that people need in order to thrive.

In general, the longer you're in the labor force, the more you earn — in part because you understand your job better and you're more efficient at your job, you've had on-the-job training, you belong to a union, and so your wages go up with age.

How long have whites told blacks who lived in areas with no economic opportunities to lift themselves up by their boot straps? Go to school. Start your own company. No excuses. Well now it seems that it's uneducated whites who are the ones struggling. Let's see if they take their own advice.

My guess is they will blame the wrong people. Reminds me of poor people in red states who vote for guys like Mitch McConnell over god, gays, guns and racism.
But whites with college degrees haven't suffered the same lack of economic opportunity and haven't seen the same loss of life expectancy.
A college degree is not the guarantee of a middle class income that it used to be. A liberal arts or social sciences degree from a college without an academic reputation is virtually worthless on the job market.

A lot of hiring managers think someone with one of those degrees is over qualified for an unskilled job, and not qualified for anything better.

Nevertheless, someone with one of those degrees might get a job as a sales clerk in an expensive department store. The hiring manager may think such a college graduate will be able to talk to the affluent customers.

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