Zone1 Congressional Black Caucus Chair: 'Black people are under attack'

A college degree is not the guarantee of a middle class income that it used to be. A liberal arts or social sciences degree from a college without an academic reputation is virtually worthless on the job market.

A lot of hiring managers think someone with one of those degrees is over qualified for an unskilled job, and not qualified for anything better.

Nevertheless, someone with one of those degrees might get a job as a sales clerk in an expensive department store. The hiring manager may think such a college graduate will be able to talk to the affluent customers.
Thank you. I wanted to point out how while people without college degrees are struggling, you mother fucking Republicans are making the argument why people shouldn't go to college.

What a loser mentality.

I hear a lot of rich Republicans with kids make this argument. Guess what? All their kids are going to college.

People with a college degree make $1 million dollars more over 30 years than a person without one. I am an example of that. I have a Communications degree and make almost $100K.

Average annual salary nationwide: $59,428.

I am almost the perfect example of a person who

a. Has a "bullshit" college degree

b. Makes $1 million dollars more than the average person in America

Now you may not like the current system but it is what it is. What are you suggesting? How else is a guy like me going to get a job in white collar America without a college degree?

Are companies going to stop preferring people with college degrees?

There is a part of me who agrees with you. I wanted to go into sales. Why did I have to get a bachelor degree for that? I'll tell you why. Because companies who pay a lot of money won't hire you to sell their product even if you are the best used car salesman without a degree. Or no matter how good you are selling washing machines at Home Depot, you will never get a high paying job in corporate America.

I shouldn't have to explain it. All you need to know is over 30 years, people with bachelor degrees make $1 million dollars more. And we are not in despair like uneducated whites. It's you guys who are killing yourselves because you are so depressed.

And Republicans say a college degree isn't a guarantee. That's true. But not getting a college degree is almost a guarantee you will make $33,000 less every year. And this is making you guys turn to Oxycotton, Fentynol and Alcohol.

Your only solution to our economic problems is we should all become plumbers. I remember in the 2000's your go to response was to start our own business'.
A college degree is not the guarantee of a middle class income that it used to be. A liberal arts or social sciences degree from a college without an academic reputation is virtually worthless on the job market.

A lot of hiring managers think someone with one of those degrees is over qualified for an unskilled job, and not qualified for anything better.

Nevertheless, someone with one of those degrees might get a job as a sales clerk in an expensive department store. The hiring manager may think such a college graduate will be able to talk to the affluent customers.
One of my client sites is a large drug manufacturer. Everyday there are 50-100 outside contractors on site, sheet metal, hvac, plumbing, construction, roofing, all these guys are knocking down over 100K a year easily. 99% white.
One of my client sites is a large drug manufacturer. Everyday there are 50-100 outside contractors on site, sheet metal, hvac, plumbing, construction, roofing, all these guys are knocking down over 100K a year easily. 99% white.
Going to a trade school that teaches those skills is a better choice than going to an obscure liberal arts college somewhere that lacks an academic reputation, and getting a degree in philosophy. If one gets a degree in mathematics, biology, chemistry, or even English, history, or political science one might get a position teaching in a high school, but high schools rarely teach philosophy.
Not victim. Survivor.
How come you and IM2 aren't all over these whites over the recent study that showed the only demographic in America dying younger and not living longer is specifically uneducated whites? Take away their economic opportunities and look at them. For centuries, since the day we freed the slaves, these whites have asked what's wrong with blacks. Why can't they do for themselves like us whites. And in the Reagan era they mocked your communities for being hooked on crack. When it was whites pumping that shit into their communities. Today uneducated whites are hooked on fentynol, oxy, heroine, alcohol and committing suicide at an alarming rate.

Every other demographic is gradually doing better. And Republicans will pit us against each other. They'll say these uneducated whites are struggling because brown people are doing better. They'll blame affirmative action.

They'll never blame the corporations and the system which we live in that is now designed to pay them what they've been paying you. $15 hr. That's what they think blue collar jobs are worth.

These morons benefited from unions but look at how they are anti union. They don't know that's the key to them having a better life. They think Trump's going to MAGA.
Thank you. I wanted to point out how while people without college degrees are struggling, you mother fucking Republicans are making the argument why people shouldn't go to college.

What a loser mentality.

I hear a lot of rich Republicans with kids make this argument. Guess what? All their kids are going to college.

People with a college degree make $1 million dollars more over 30 years than a person without one. I am an example of that. I have a Communications degree and make almost $100K.

Average annual salary nationwide: $59,428.

I am almost the perfect example of a person who

a. Has a "bullshit" college degree

b. Makes $1 million dollars more than the average person in America

Now you may not like the current system but it is what it is. What are you suggesting? How else is a guy like me going to get a job in white collar America without a college degree?

Are companies going to stop preferring people with college degrees?

There is a part of me who agrees with you. I wanted to go into sales. Why did I have to get a bachelor degree for that? I'll tell you why. Because companies who pay a lot of money won't hire you to sell their product even if you are the best used car salesman without a degree. Or no matter how good you are selling washing machines at Home Depot, you will never get a high paying job in corporate America.

I shouldn't have to explain it. All you need to know is over 30 years, people with bachelor degrees make $1 million dollars more. And we are not in despair like uneducated whites. It's you guys who are killing yourselves because you are so depressed.

And Republicans say a college degree isn't a guarantee. That's true. But not getting a college degree is almost a guarantee you will make $33,000 less every year. And this is making you guys turn to Oxycotton, Fentynol and Alcohol.

Your only solution to our economic problems is we should all become plumbers. I remember in the 2000's your go to response was to start our own business'.
That $1 million difference only applies when you compare all college graduates to all non-college graduates.

If you were to compare college graduates with useless degrees with non-college graduates with training for a useful trade, the difference would disappear.

I believe we need to encourage the most smart, capable people among us to major in valuable majors (which they mostly do already, since they’re smart), and that STEM degrees should be provided by taxpayers to the top 1% of SAT takers.

Kids who major in General Studies, Ethnic Studies, LBGTQ Studies are on their own to pay for it.

P.S. Did you really have to throw in the comment about “brown people” and make this about race? It is totally irrelevant.
How come you and IM2 aren't all over these whites over the recent study that showed the only demographic in America dying younger and not living longer is specifically uneducated whites? Take away their economic opportunities and look at them. For centuries, since the day we freed the slaves, these whites have asked what's wrong with blacks. Why can't they do for themselves like us whites. And in the Reagan era they mocked your communities for being hooked on crack. When it was whites pumping that shit into their communities. Today uneducated whites are hooked on fentynol, oxy, heroine, alcohol and committing suicide at an alarming rate.

Every other demographic is gradually doing better. And Republicans will pit us against each other. They'll say these uneducated whites are struggling because brown people are doing better. They'll blame affirmative action.

They'll never blame the corporations and the system which we live in that is now designed to pay them what they've been paying you. $15 hr. That's what they think blue collar jobs are worth.

These morons benefited from unions but look at how they are anti union. They don't know that's the key to them having a better life. They think Trump's going to MAGA.


Election 2020: A vote for Trump is a vote for economic progress for African Americans

Before the pandemic, African Americans were thriving economically. Looking ahead, Trump's promises are ambitious, but his track record is impressive.​

Patrice Onwuka
Published Nov 1, 2020


Election 2020: A vote for Trump is a vote for economic progress for African Americans

Before the pandemic, African Americans were thriving economically. Looking ahead, Trump's promises are ambitious, but his track record is impressive.​

Patrice Onwuka
Published Nov 1, 2020

Yea everyone but Trump's core. Uneducated whites. The only demographic not doing better. Perhaps Trump's tax breaks didn't work.
This is a reality that shows itself here daily. But the attacks on things like CRT, DEI, Affirmative Action, history and almost everything else show that we still have a major problem in America and watch as the responses to this OP prove the claim made by the title. There are Americans who want to return to a past that could only be described as fascist.

Just what we need, another race baiting Congressman. Non-story.
Thank you. I wanted to point out how while people without college degrees are struggling, you mother fucking Republicans are making the argument why people shouldn't go to college.

What a loser mentality.

I hear a lot of rich Republicans with kids make this argument. Guess what? All their kids are going to college.

People with a college degree make $1 million dollars more over 30 years than a person without one. I am an example of that. I have a Communications degree and make almost $100K.

Average annual salary nationwide: $59,428.

I am almost the perfect example of a person who

a. Has a "bullshit" college degree

b. Makes $1 million dollars more than the average person in America

Now you may not like the current system but it is what it is. What are you suggesting? How else is a guy like me going to get a job in white collar America without a college degree?

Are companies going to stop preferring people with college degrees?

There is a part of me who agrees with you. I wanted to go into sales. Why did I have to get a bachelor degree for that? I'll tell you why. Because companies who pay a lot of money won't hire you to sell their product even if you are the best used car salesman without a degree. Or no matter how good you are selling washing machines at Home Depot, you will never get a high paying job in corporate America.

I shouldn't have to explain it. All you need to know is over 30 years, people with bachelor degrees make $1 million dollars more. And we are not in despair like uneducated whites. It's you guys who are killing yourselves because you are so depressed.

And Republicans say a college degree isn't a guarantee. That's true. But not getting a college degree is almost a guarantee you will make $33,000 less every year. And this is making you guys turn to Oxycotton, Fentynol and Alcohol.

Your only solution to our economic problems is we should all become plumbers. I remember in the 2000's your go to response was to start our own business'.
I am a registered Democrat. I have only voted for two Republicans during my life. I forget their names.

A professional degree from an elite college matters. A liberal arts degree from Nothing College in Nowhere, Arkansas does not.
I am a registered Democrat. I have only voted for two Republicans during my life. I forget their names.

A professional degree from an elite college matters. A liberal arts degree from Nothing College in Nowhere, Arkansas does not.
I disagree. There are lots of jobs in corporate America that you can only get with a college degree. And any degree will do.

I just started a new thread. I hope you join it. Manufacturing is done. With robots and AI??? In the past 30% of workers worked on a farm. Should we bring those jobs back? So you better go to college. If not, you fall into the demographic of

a. uneducated whites living with economic despair, dying earlier than ever before
b. Making $1 million less because you don't have a degree.

I get what you are saying. But you are wrong. Because corporate America requires you get a degree. Sometimes even just a bullshit degree will do. Because they can teach you logistics, or shipping, or marketing or HR. To get your foot in the door you need a degree. And to get a management position you need a degree.

When this is no longer the case maybe I'll agree with you.

I think the secret is to have fewer kids so you can afford to send them to college. If you can't afford to send your kid to college, you shouldn't have them. You can't afford them.

Not everyone can or wants to go into "skilled trades" or plumbing. Or start their own business. These masses who are doing bad are going to have slacker kids. We're trying to make life better for them. Are you saying that's asking too much? We invented it after WW2. I know circumstances have changed so just beware the population needs to drop for your way to work.
Prove it. I am certainly not obsessed about race like you are.

Racism is not defined as being as being concerned about issues that affect my personal survival. But to white racists who are the ones actually obsessed with race, it is. Racism is the belief that your race makes you superior, and you along with many other whites here have expressed your belief that whites are superior. That's what racism is, not what you make up because you can't face a black person who won't back down from your racism.

Funny how you don't tell whites here how they are obsessed with race and the problem with whites like you is that you suffer from a psychosis whereby you don't understand that white is a race.
Racism is not defined as being as being concerned about issues that affect my personal survival. But to white racists who are the ones actually obsessed with race, it is. Racism is the belief that your race makes you superior, and you along with many other whites here have expressed your belief that whites are superior. That's what racism is, not what you make up because you can't face a black person who won't back down from your racism.

Funny how you don't tell whites here how they are obsessed with race and the problem with whites like you is that you suffer from a psychosis whereby you don't understand that white is a race.
Heard that before. It does nothing for me. This is a distraction and a waste of time.
How come you and IM2 aren't all over these whites over the recent study that showed the only demographic in America dying younger and not living longer is specifically uneducated whites?
For me it’s a cultural thing. Taking the path of least resistance. I have found it pointless to attempt to show them anything. I always get met with 'TDS' 'fake news.' Basically they don't believe a word I say. Discussions end up being shouting matches and it accomplishes nothing, so I'm not doing it anymore. What I do is drop some nuggets of truth with the hope that someone will get curious and do some research. Kinda like what you did. My comment made you curious, so you asked about it. What happened to my ancestors does affect me. Generational trauma. It's a real thing. Just like this thing in Israel. It will have a lasting effect of Jews for generations to come. Makes me wonder if Lisa558 will consider herself a victim or a survivor.

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