Congressional Black Caucus: Ferguson Decision a Slap in the Face to Blacks


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?
Fudge. A rather unfortunate name. Unless of course one is in the confectionery business.
Retards like this already had their minds made up that the police officer was guilty. Screw the evidence. And then compound the problem by making inflammatory statements.
There will never ever be an end to racial spin in this country. Fuck it. I'm moving to Canada.
There will never ever be an end to racial spin in this country. Fuck it. I'm moving to Canada.
Before Obama came into the picture, I thought things were really getting better.
Well for sure, while they wail all about it from their Ivory Towers. that group needs to be disbanded. they are not there to look out for the "black people". they are out for blood and vengaence
If justice being served is considered a "slap to the face of black people", then i say let the slappings begin.
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?

The problem is not necessarily with the Ferguson decision; the problem is that the outcome is always the same when cops kill blacks, even when it is more than obvious that the killing was unwarranted and could well be considered outright murder. This happens in case after case, so the Black community is up in arms. It's not just about Ferguson and Officer Wilson. Wilson may well have been justified in killing this kid, but the feeling in much of America is that cops can do whatever they want and we are no longer safe from the police. They are more of a threat to us than they are protecting us. I'm white, and I don't trust any of them anymore. They believe they are above the law, and in one case after another, juries reinstate this idea that they are above the law by letting them get off without even being charged and having to face a real jury.
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?

The problem is not necessarily with the Ferguson decision; the problem is that the outcome is always the same when cops kill blacks, even when it is more than obvious that the killing was unwarranted and could well be considered outright murder. This happens in case after case, so the Black community is up in arms. It's not just about Ferguson and Officer Wilson. Wilson may well have been justified in killing this kid, but the feeling in much of America is that cops can do whatever they want and we are no longer safe from the police. They are more of a threat to us than they are protecting us. I'm white, and I don't trust any of them anymore. They believe they are above the law, and in one case after another, juries reinstate this idea that they are above the law by letting them get off without even being charged and having to face a real jury.
Please point to any case where the cop was exhonerated and the killing was unwarranted.
There are none. There are cases like this because black people feel empowered to commit crimes. Then they are shocked when police show up and attempt to enforce the law.
The Congressional Black Caucus needs to be up on charges of inciting riot.

As for the cops protecting anyone. Put a stick of gum on it.
OK enough is enough, these are elected representatives, who took an oath
How in the fuck is this a slap in the face of Blacks? Especially if the evidence did not warrant a different verdict?

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?

Only a slap in the face to stupid people who assault a police officer after robbing a convenience store. Dunno why some groups are using this as a personal affront to all who share his skin color. Do whites all get uppity when ever a white criminal meets justice? Of course not. Why keep throwing your lot in with criminals?

"Quit doing stupid stuff." - President Obama
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?

If anyone need a slap in the face, it's the Black Congressional Caucus, as well as all these race baiters and supporters of the dead thug.

No one gives a shit about their social justice, anti-white America propaganda. Of course they won't get that message, they just see it as more justification for phoney outrage over black thugs being put in their place.

The Agenda must be served, so the race baiters will obey and carry out their marching orders.
They are more of a threat to us than they are protecting us. watch too much of the media wing of the democrat party......
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?

The problem is not necessarily with the Ferguson decision; the problem is that the outcome is always the same when cops kill blacks, even when it is more than obvious that the killing was unwarranted and could well be considered outright murder. This happens in case after case, so the Black community is up in arms. It's not just about Ferguson and Officer Wilson. Wilson may well have been justified in killing this kid, but the feeling in much of America is that cops can do whatever they want and we are no longer safe from the police. They are more of a threat to us than they are protecting us. I'm white, and I don't trust any of them anymore. They believe they are above the law, and in one case after another, juries reinstate this idea that they are above the law by letting them get off without even being charged and having to face a real jury.


Given Miz law, this should never have even gone to a grand jury.
A slap in the face, huh? Is it a harder or softer slap than the thousands of blacks who murder and maim other blacks every year? You know, all those black murders the race pimps and other lefties never take to the streets to protest, riot, burn, and loot over.

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