Congressional staffer resigns after posting racist comments on Facebook

big deal. When did we lose our first amendment right to free speech?

A common mistake.
The First Amendment doesn't guarantee your right to say whatever you want, whenever you want, and wherever you want. It also doesn't prevent your boss from firing you or asking for your resignation over stupid comments. It just means you can't be arrested or sued successfully.
That's stunningly wrong.
You have the right to say whatever you want, whenever you, whereever you want, subject to some very narrow exceptions.
If people are punished for their speech then effectively there is no free speech. It's like saying you can say what you want as long as being deported to the gulag is OK with you.
You can say whatever you want. Just don't whine that your free speech is being repressed if no one wants to hire your bigoted ass.

So go ahead. Say whatever you wish.
I thought blacklists went out with the McCarthy era. I recall that liberals were outraged that Hollywood blacklisted writers and actors just because they had some vague connection to Communists.
Liberals are the new fascists.
Hyperbolic bullshit.

My employees represent my company. I will lose customers if I have a bigoted asshole working for me, so I would fire him.

That's not blacklisting.
You firing one employee is not blacklisting.
A person whom no one will hire because he expresses an unpopular view is blacklisting.
A person whom no one will hire because he cannot do his job appropriately is not blacklisting.
See the difference?
So who got arrested for blacklisting?

People had a First Amendment right to say how horrible they thought it was.
I post links to articles or other people's content, occasionally commenting on the stuff. But nothing too offensive to others.

Facebook is more open domain than emails or phone calls (which get read by the government) as it is potentially propagating content to millions on a social platform.

But some people still don't get that when they share content even between 'friends', that content gets spread very fast, and can come back to bite people.
A common mistake.
The First Amendment doesn't guarantee your right to say whatever you want, whenever you want, and wherever you want. It also doesn't prevent your boss from firing you or asking for your resignation over stupid comments. It just means you can't be arrested or sued successfully.
That's stunningly wrong.
You have the right to say whatever you want, whenever you, whereever you want, subject to some very narrow exceptions.
If people are punished for their speech then effectively there is no free speech. It's like saying you can say what you want as long as being deported to the gulag is OK with you.
You can say whatever you want. Just don't whine that your free speech is being repressed if no one wants to hire your bigoted ass.

So go ahead. Say whatever you wish.
I thought blacklists went out with the McCarthy era. I recall that liberals were outraged that Hollywood blacklisted writers and actors just because they had some vague connection to Communists.
Liberals are the new fascists.
Hyperbolic bullshit.

My employees represent my company. I will lose customers if I have a bigoted asshole working for me, so I would fire him.

That's not blacklisting.
You firing one employee is not blacklisting.
A person whom no one will hire because he expresses an unpopular view is blacklisting.
A person whom no one will hire because he cannot do his job appropriately is not blacklisting.
See the difference?
More hyperbolic bullshit.

A blacklist is an actual list.

A person no one will hire because he is a bigoted asshole is not blacklisting. It is called "a bigoted asshole making a public spectacle of himself".

The guy ADVERTISED his bigotry.

He blackballed himself.
That's stunningly wrong.
You have the right to say whatever you want, whenever you, whereever you want, subject to some very narrow exceptions.
If people are punished for their speech then effectively there is no free speech. It's like saying you can say what you want as long as being deported to the gulag is OK with you.
You can say whatever you want. Just don't whine that your free speech is being repressed if no one wants to hire your bigoted ass.

So go ahead. Say whatever you wish.
I thought blacklists went out with the McCarthy era. I recall that liberals were outraged that Hollywood blacklisted writers and actors just because they had some vague connection to Communists.
Liberals are the new fascists.
Hyperbolic bullshit.

My employees represent my company. I will lose customers if I have a bigoted asshole working for me, so I would fire him.

That's not blacklisting.
You firing one employee is not blacklisting.
A person whom no one will hire because he expresses an unpopular view is blacklisting.
A person whom no one will hire because he cannot do his job appropriately is not blacklisting.
See the difference?
More hyperbolic bullshit.

A blacklist is an actual list.

A person no one will hire because he is a bigoted asshole is not blacklisting. It is called "a bigoted asshole making a public spectacle of himself".

The guy ADVERTISED his bigotry.

He blackballed himself.
He's not a bigot. Any more than people condemning looting in Ferguson are bigots.
'Cole wrote on his Facebook page that he thought, "They should build a mosque on White House grounds." He also wrote in the comments of that post that "It would be nice for the President to have his own house of worship, since he's not been able to find one suitable in DC since 2004 when he moved here."'

He sounds just like one of our own USMB rightwing nitwits.

That sounds like awfully tame stuff. I recall all the nasty cracks all you liberal turds were making about Romney's religion, and no one got incenses about "racism." For that matter, the cracks you make about any politician who is a practicing Christian are just as nasty.

This incident is the result of typical left-wing hypocrisy and hypersensitivity.
He's not a bigot.

Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.
Actually he isnt.
It really doesnt matter how black and Muslim communities perceive people. It is unfortunate the congressman did not come out and say "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views."
OK, Rabbi - Let's say you own a doughnut shop. One of your employee's shows up to work wearing a T-Shirt that says "The Owner of this Shop is a Fucking Faggot"

You gonna let him wear the shirt for his entire 8-hour shift? .... because he has a First Amendment "right" to wear it?
He's not a bigot.

Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.
Actually he isnt.
It really doesnt matter how black and Muslim communities perceive people. It is unfortunate the congressman did not come out and say "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views."

Apparently it mattered more than you thought.
He's not a bigot.

Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.
Actually he isnt.
It really doesnt matter how black and Muslim communities perceive people. It is unfortunate the congressman did not come out and say "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views."

Free speech means he cannot be prosecuted for what he says. It has never meant that there are no consequences for what you say

Tell your boss that his wife dresses like a fat whore and then claim "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views"
He's not a bigot.

Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.

No, the real reason is they knew a bunch of liberal hypocrites would try to blow it up into a scandal. There's nothing racist about it. It's purely an attack on Obama's religious beliefs. If the left can attack Christians for their beliefs, then why can't someone on the right attack Obama, whether it's justified or not?

It's just another example of the normal liberal double standard.
He's not a bigot.

Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.
Actually he isnt.
It really doesnt matter how black and Muslim communities perceive people. It is unfortunate the congressman did not come out and say "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views."

Free speech means he cannot be prosecuted for what he says. It has never meant that there are no consequences for what you say

Tell your boss that his wife dresses like a fat whore and then claim "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views"

When are Democrats going to suffer some consequences for the stupid things they say?
He's not a bigot.

Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.
Actually he isnt.
It really doesnt matter how black and Muslim communities perceive people. It is unfortunate the congressman did not come out and say "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views."

Free speech means he cannot be prosecuted for what he says. It has never meant that there are no consequences for what you say

Tell your boss that his wife dresses like a fat whore and then claim "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views"

When are Democrats going to suffer some consequences for the stupid things they say?

EVERYTIME someone calls them on it.
He's not a bigot.

Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.
Actually he isnt.
It really doesnt matter how black and Muslim communities perceive people. It is unfortunate the congressman did not come out and say "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views."

Free speech means he cannot be prosecuted for what he says. It has never meant that there are no consequences for what you say

Tell your boss that his wife dresses like a fat whore and then claim "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views"

When are Democrats going to suffer some consequences for the stupid things they say?

EVERYTIME someone calls them on it.

Nope. They get called on it all the time, and then the praetorian media circles the wagons.
He's not a bigot.

Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.

No, the real reason is they knew a bunch of liberal hypocrites would try to blow it up into a scandal. There's nothing racist about it. It's purely an attack on Obama's religious beliefs. If the left can attack Christians for their beliefs, then why can't someone on the right attack Obama, whether it's justified or not?

It's just another example of the normal liberal double standard.

The only thing this incident is an example of is blatant racism.
Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.
Actually he isnt.
It really doesnt matter how black and Muslim communities perceive people. It is unfortunate the congressman did not come out and say "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views."

Free speech means he cannot be prosecuted for what he says. It has never meant that there are no consequences for what you say

Tell your boss that his wife dresses like a fat whore and then claim "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views"

When are Democrats going to suffer some consequences for the stupid things they say?

EVERYTIME someone calls them on it.

Nope. They get called on it all the time, and then the praetorian media circles the wagons.

You mean they exercise THEIR First Amendment rights to say "those criticisms were full of shit" ???
He's not a bigot.

Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.
Actually he isnt.
It really doesnt matter how black and Muslim communities perceive people. It is unfortunate the congressman did not come out and say "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views."

Free speech means he cannot be prosecuted for what he says. It has never meant that there are no consequences for what you say

Tell your boss that his wife dresses like a fat whore and then claim "In America free speech is protected, I disagree with my staffer's comments but he is entitled to his views"

When are Democrats going to suffer some consequences for the stupid things they say?
What makes you think they don't?


He's not a bigot.

Actually, he is.

And that is how the black and Muslim communities will perceive him. The congressman is smart enough to realize this. That's why he fired him.

No, the real reason is they knew a bunch of liberal hypocrites would try to blow it up into a scandal. There's nothing racist about it. It's purely an attack on Obama's religious beliefs. If the left can attack Christians for their beliefs, then why can't someone on the right attack Obama, whether it's justified or not?

It's just another example of the normal liberal double standard.

The only thing this incident is an example of is blatant racism.

Islam isn't a race. How does it have anything to do with racism?

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