Congressional Term Limits and the Reformation of the Supreme Court

Sep 30, 2011
Dear Fellow Citizens of the United States:

I'm writing this message to you in order to get support for this latest petition I've written in regards to congressional term limits and the reformation of the supreme court. It is time that we, as a People, address the core problem concerning why we have a dysfunctional congress and a Court that is need for desperate reformation. I'm calling for support from all Citizens whether you're a starch Conservative-Republican, a Liberal-Democrat or merely a Centrist like myself. We, the People need to use the tools that we've been given in this digital age and the White House under President Barack Obama is willing to listen to our message. I urge you to stand up by supporting this petition to the Obama Administration because this nation is on a bring of collapse. We need to a sound government that gives us solutions; we cannot wait until an election season to achieve this goal. The President and his Administration has come up with a fresh new site called, "We the People" if you didn't know where we, the People, can create petition and gain followers then hopefully get a response if it meets the signature threshold. There have been numerous responses from the White House and they are all taken serious and a couple of them ended up being in recent executive orders by the President and in the works. This is a great opportunity to change our government in such a way where its appropriate at this time, this is a great time to let the Obama Administration know that we want congressional term limits with the elimination of life tenure of judges in the Court. I've given detailed ideas on the petition if you're interested which I hope that you'll be interested and then add your signature. If you're still on the fence whether or not to support this petition, I've be willing to provide a stronger argument for you; we can commune in a debate in this very thread. :eusa_angel:

Sign and Support the Petition:!/petition/propose-amendment-regards-congressional-term-limits-and-reformation-supreme-court/l3Tl3kC2

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