Congressman Steve King: Obama Lacked 'American Experience' Growing Up; Can't Vouch Where He Was Born

the facts as I understand them. Please feel free to disagree but say how and why you disagree.

1. Obama was born in Hawaii, the newpaper notices would be hard to forge.
His birth certificate he released on April 27, 2011

Actually Barack Obama originally released his birth certificate in 2008- and the State of Hawaii confirmed that it was authentic.

In 2011, Barack Obama released a certified photocopy of his original birth certificate, which the State of Hawaii confirmed was authentic.

HONOLULU – The Hawai„i State Health Department recently complied with a request by
President Barack Obama for certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth,
which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “long form” birth certificate.
“We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to
President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawai„i,” Hawai„i
Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. “I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in
On April 22, 2011, President Obama sent a letter to Director Fuddy, requesting two
certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth. Also on that day, Judith Corley,
the President‟s personal attorney, made the same request in writing on behalf of the
President. (Letters from President Obama and Ms. Corley are attached).
On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama‟s request, Director Fuddy personally
witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the
authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the

But that doesn't prevent the racists from claiming otherwise.
What "American Experiences" did Obama miss out on growing up?
Learning to put his hand over his heart when saying the pledge. He missed out on being born to two U.S. citizen parents which would have guaranteed constitutional Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizenship granting him born sole allegiance and love to America. He missed out being raised a Christian rather than a Muslim.


Ah Stevie- if you were magically forced to stop lying, you wouldn't be able to post at all- would you? Barack Obama and the National Anthem

Stevie- How did you miss out being raised an American?
Snopes is in the tank for Obama and have obfuscated facts many times. It is run by a democrat husband/wife team.

Yea, these two libs are the bearers of all ass!

Much better record of truth than Stevie the racist anti-semite liar.
Wow, I like this guy and he tells it like it is. He is right about Obama growing up without a 'American Experience' which would have instilled traditional American values in him making him learn how exceptional we are as a nation. As for where he was born, I agree with the congressman since the article gets it wrong trying to obfuscate and lay cover for Obama.

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenager shot in the head by the Taliban for campaigning for girls' education, didn't have the American experience, but I think
you would agree she is exceptional. How many people do you know who are as strong and courageous as she is?

Silly- Malala is not white.

Stevie doesn't think anyone who isn't white has anything to commend.
What "American Experiences" did Obama miss out on growing up?

Playing for his High School Basketball team?
Dating white girls?
Going to the prom?
Hanging out with his friends?

Having an American mother?
Who was a race traitor mudshark (who later gave up her child) and communist sympathizer all wrapped up into one vile un-American package.
Only an antiAmerican and hater of American values would ask such a question.

What "American values" did his mother exemplify?

No deflection, asshole. We are talking about Steve's lack of values.
Ol Big ears Obama has never been in a 4th of July parade or a Boy scout uniform, on a high school sports team, making out at the local drive in, playing cowboys and Indians, there is nothing about him that is in any way like me or anyone that I know. He has been a danger to this Nation and will continue to be until he shamelessly walks his ass back to where ever it was from which he came.

Actually he has done most of those things.

Prove that he did not, since it is your assertion without proof.
don't know about education , birth or anything other than the opinion of Steve King that the prez was not raised as an American and I agree with that opinion 'Jake Starkey' . Pirate McCain , well , I think that he is crazy, addled or has alzhiemers [sp] . Ted Cruz , think he was born in Canada in early 70s and moved to Texas with his parents a few years after his birth and was raised in Texas . I haven't looked up the facts on Ted so if I'm incorrect please correct me . In my opinion if the title of American was mine to give I'd only give it to TED CRUZ out of the 3 men mentioned in this thread !!
ll decent Americans know that Obama was born in Hawaii and he had as much interaction with American culture as the foreign born John McCain and Ted Cruz.

McCain grew up in an American military base and family, Ted Cruz....grew up in a family that loved this country....obama...not so much...he spent a good deal of his youngest, most informative years in Indonesia....raised by an anti American mother, Grand father and "mentor"

Obama was spent most of his childhood in Hawaii- ages 1-6 and 10-18. Played in little league teams and on his high school basketball team- went to his prom.

President Obama was raised by his mother- who devoted her life to helping small business's in the third world succeed- and his grandparents- his World War 2 veteran grandfather, and his grandmother who worked her way up from secretary to Bank Vice President.

But yeah- for Conservatives- they have a hard time accepting that Hawaii is really part of America....they are just glad they don't have to change money when they go their with their second or third wives.

Thank you for showing up the antiAmerican racist liars that can't stand a black man is their president. Fuck em.
What "American Experiences" did Obama miss out on growing up?

Playing for his High School Basketball team?
Dating white girls?
Going to the prom?
Hanging out with his friends?

Having an American mother?
Who was a race traitor mudshark (who later gave up her child) and communist sympathizer all wrapped up into one vile un-American package.
Only an antiAmerican and hater of American values would ask such a question.

What "American values" did his mother exemplify?

No deflection, asshole. We are talking about Steve's lack of values.
I am a God loving Christian patriotic natural born Citizen who loves the Constitution and Country.
What "American Experiences" did Obama miss out on growing up?

Playing for his High School Basketball team?
Dating white girls?
Going to the prom?
Hanging out with his friends?

Growing up in America with American parents?
Just checked my copy of the Constitution....Is President Obama a natural born Citizen? Check. Has President Obama been a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years? Check. Had President Obama attained the Age of thirty five Years before his first election in 2008? Check.

Where does the Constitution REQUIRE a President to grow up in America with American parents?
the facts as I understand them. Please feel free to disagree but say how and why you disagree.

1. Obama was born in Hawaii, the newpaper notices would be hard to forge.
2. He was raised in his early years not in America but in Indonesia by his step Father and Mother. That is where his documents were forged saying his name was Barry Soroto.
3. Using his allias he attended a muslim school for a number of years.
4. When abandoned by both his mother and father he was then raised in Hawaii by his Maternal Grandmother and Grandfather.
5. He was deeply influenced by Frank Davis.
6. He admits to both the frequent use of MJ, cocaine and driving DUI.
7. Somehow someway with admittedly marginal grades he was accepted to Columbia and then Harvard Law school. Where, without writing much of note he was made president of the Harvard Law Review.
8. Somehow being a community organizer he also became a millionaire.
9. Having never lived in Connecticut he has a SS number indicating that he did.
10. He won elections not so much on merit but by destroying his opponents.
11. He traveled, at times, to countries not allowed to US citizens.

There is more but by what we know his experience is not exactly that of most Americans and certainly not that of black Americans.

But the OP is right, Obama never loved America. If he had he would not wish to fundamentally change America. A person does not change what they love. Michelle was never proud of America and Obama never loved America. Even though both did better here then they would have in Obama's Homeland of Kenya. (her words)


Reading RW lies kills brain cells.

Malala is exceptional.

Stevie and his racist pals are not even subaverage.

Just sub.
the facts as I understand them. Please feel free to disagree but say how and why you disagree.

1. Obama was born in Hawaii, the newpaper notices would be hard to forge.
His birth certificate he released on April 27, 2011 at the White House was found to be a 100% forgery after a lengthy investigation by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office. During the first press conference revealing their evidence confirming their findings, Lead investigator Mike Zullo was asked by a reporter "What about the newspaper birth announcements?". His response at the press conference in in the video below in his own words. Go to exactly 118:00 in the video and pay attention closely.

sheriff arpaio obama birth certificate - YouTube

That is all well and good but the one announcement said this: "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy., son, Aug. 4." The address belonged to the parents of Ann Dunham, Obama's mother.

Now, how can that just be them listing a foreign birth? Does not make sense.
Having an American mother?
Who was a race traitor mudshark (who later gave up her child) and communist sympathizer all wrapped up into one vile un-American package.
Only an antiAmerican and hater of American values would ask such a question.

What "American values" did his mother exemplify?

No deflection, asshole. We are talking about Steve's lack of values.
I am a God loving Christian patriotic natural born Citizen who loves the Constitution and Country.

No, actually, you are not.
Everyone one of these haters on the Board have accomplished almost nothing. Malala tops them as a teenager, Obama tops them tremendously on the balance of his life.
What "American Experiences" did Obama miss out on growing up?
Learning to put his hand over his heart when saying the pledge. He missed out on being born to two U.S. citizen parents which would have guaranteed constitutional Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizenship granting him born sole allegiance and love to America. He missed out being raised a Christian rather than a Muslim.

Is that a criminal offense now? And, let me ask.....was that picture taken DURING the pledge? Was it just before? Was it just after? How do you know what was going on At....That....Moment when the picture was taken?
the facts as I understand them. Please feel free to disagree but say how and why you disagree.

1. Obama was born in Hawaii, the newpaper notices would be hard to forge.
His birth certificate he released on April 27, 2011

Actually Barack Obama originally released his birth certificate in 2008- and the State of Hawaii confirmed that it was authentic.

In 2011, Barack Obama released a certified photocopy of his original birth certificate, which the State of Hawaii confirmed was authentic.

HONOLULU – The Hawai„i State Health Department recently complied with a request by
President Barack Obama for certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth,
which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “long form” birth certificate.
“We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to
President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawai„i,” Hawai„i
Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. “I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in
On April 22, 2011, President Obama sent a letter to Director Fuddy, requesting two
certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth. Also on that day, Judith Corley,
the President‟s personal attorney, made the same request in writing on behalf of the
President. (Letters from President Obama and Ms. Corley are attached).
On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama‟s request, Director Fuddy personally
witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the
authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the

But that doesn't prevent the racists from claiming otherwise.
The Maricopa County Sheriffs Office is not racist. They are a authoritative law enforcement agency.
the facts as I understand them. Please feel free to disagree but say how and why you disagree.

1. Obama was born in Hawaii, the newpaper notices would be hard to forge.
His birth certificate he released on April 27, 2011 at the White House was found to be a 100% forgery after a lengthy investigation by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office. During the first press conference revealing their evidence confirming their findings, Lead investigator Mike Zullo was asked by a reporter "What about the newspaper birth announcements?". His response at the press conference in in the video below in his own words. Go to exactly 118:00 in the video and pay attention closely.

sheriff arpaio obama birth certificate - YouTube

That is all well and good but the one announcement said this: "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy., son, Aug. 4." The address belonged to the parents of Ann Dunham, Obama's mother.

Now, how can that just be them listing a foreign birth? Does not make sense.

Two annoucements in two different newspapers, placed there by the state helath department.

Easy to explain though -

Before birth, Obama transported from Kenya, which did not even exist then, to Hawaii, placed the two announcements and then transported back to non-existent Kenya in time to be born.

What "American Experiences" did Obama miss out on growing up?

Playing for his High School Basketball team?
Dating white girls?
Going to the prom?
Hanging out with his friends?

Having an American mother?
Who was a race traitor mudshark (who later gave up her child) and communist sympathizer all wrapped up into one vile un-American package.
Ah....let the RWrs gather round and support Steverino on this.
What "American Experiences" did Obama miss out on growing up?

Playing for his High School Basketball team?
Dating white girls?
Going to the prom?
Hanging out with his friends?

Growing up in America with American parents?

Hawaii isn't America?

What made Steve Kings "American Experience" better than Obamas

I bet if they compared notes, Obama dated better looking girls

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