Congressman Warns of Obamacare “Secret Security Force”


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Pelosi said that we'd have to pass the bill to see what's in it. Every day, we read or find that some congressman actually read something that is hidden in the bill. Why the hell do we need another police force, under the command of the Surgeon General (who answers to the President) to help in times of crisis? We already have the National Guard and local authorities that have successfully dealt with crises before. This is apparently part of Obie's plan to create his own gestapo.

Under the Affordable Care Act, the Ready Reserve Corps is directed to “assist full-time Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions.”


“It says it is for international health crises, but then it doesn’t include the word ‘health’ when it talks about national emergencies,” said Gohmert.
While that does not translate into giving Obama a “secret security force,” it does stoke concern given that Obama himself called for the creation of a “civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded (as the U.S. military)” before he was elected.

Infowars » Congressman Warns of Obamacare ?Secret Security Force? » Print
I know Louie.

He is a crazed socon individual from East Texas who is two steps from being certifiably insane.
We should be very concerned about how things are worded in the new disaster of a law. We keep hearing about how complicated the law is and how many pages there are in it. That is always the excuse for why the idiots didn't read it before or after they passed it. The law was written by lawyers and other experts who knew exactly what power the government wanted when it came to our health care and many other things. There are no mistakes or oversights, just deliberate language giving the government certain powers. As soon as it passed, the government had more control over us and it doesn't matter if people know what the law says or not.

If it's in the law, there is a reason. If the wording is vague, it gives the regime more power because it doesn't restrict government. That was the real goal of the law, not improving health care. Obama did talk about having a security force stronger than the military. Usually, only dictators want personal armies. We don't need a secret security force and it is downright tyrannical for a president to create his own special forces to use against the people.
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We should be very concerned about how things are worded in the new disaster of a law. We keep hearing about how complicated the law is and how many pages there are in it. That is always the excuse for why the idiots didn't read it before or after they passed it. The law was written by lawyers and other experts who knew exactly what power the government wanted when it came to our health care and many other things. There are no mistakes or oversights, just deliberate language giving the government certain powers. As soon as it passed, the government had more control over us and it doesn't matter if people know what the law says or not.

If it's in the law, there is a reason. If the wording is vague, it gives the regime more power because it doesn't restrict government. That was the real goal of the law, not improving health care. Obama did talk about having a security force stronger than the military. Usually, only dictators want personal armies. We don't need a secret security force and it is downright tyrannical for a president to create his own special forces to use against the people.
Maybe, just maybe, if republicans had stood on their hind legs and worked toward making ACA better instead of doing everything in their power to kill the bill it would have been a much better bill. The true fact of the matter is that the republicans have done everything in their power to make ACA fail. If it does fail they will immediately pat themselves on the back for a job well done while millions of Americans will be condemned to living with no insurance. Way to go republicans. Very American of you to stomp your fellow Americans into the dirt. Very American!!!!
This thread should be moved to "Conspiracy Theories"...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
Edmund Burke

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog
There is NO security force that comes with the ACA.

Now we need to fear doctors, nurses and EMT's...

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.
I know Louie.

He is a crazed socon individual from East Texas who is two steps from being certifiably insane.

We should be very concerned about how things are worded in the new disaster of a law. We keep hearing about how complicated the law is and how many pages there are in it. That is always the excuse for why the idiots didn't read it before or after they passed it. The law was written by lawyers and other experts who knew exactly what power the government wanted when it came to our health care and many other things. There are no mistakes or oversights, just deliberate language giving the government certain powers. As soon as it passed, the government had more control over us and it doesn't matter if people know what the law says or not.

If it's in the law, there is a reason. If the wording is vague, it gives the regime more power because it doesn't restrict government. That was the real goal of the law, not improving health care. Obama did talk about having a security force stronger than the military. Usually, only dictators want personal armies. We don't need a secret security force and it is downright tyrannical for a president to create his own special forces to use against the people.
Maybe, just maybe, if republicans had stood on their hind legs and worked toward making ACA better instead of doing everything in their power to kill the bill it would have been a much better bill. The true fact of the matter is that the republicans have done everything in their power to make ACA fail. If it does fail they will immediately pat themselves on the back for a job well done while millions of Americans will be condemned to living with no insurance. Way to go republicans. Very American of you to stomp your fellow Americans into the dirt. Very American!!!!

This is the dumbest conspiracy theory I have ever heard. It isn't even fun. :-(
Perhaps you all should read directly from the bill. Instead, you choose to dismiss what other people say is in the bill based on your opinion of that person.

[MENTION=35790]ron4342[/MENTION]: Maybe, just maybe if Nancy Pelosi had not locked the Republicans out of the back room where this abortion called "Affordable" Care Act was created, the Republicans could have prevented some of the atrocious, vague language that does nothing more than heap more controlling factors on the public.

Maybe, just maybe if Harry Reid would allow some of the 200 some odd bills he sent to die in Senate committees to be voted upon, the Republicans could accomplish some good for the public.

Maybe, if just maybe if pigs could fly...

Liberalism is a mental disorder! The only real problem I have with its existence is that it affects ALL of us.
Many loyal Obamabots are gonna be shocked when the IRS comes calling. The Dictator didn't hire all those Thousands of new IRS Henchmen for nothin. Most of his supporters are low-information moochers. They have no idea what they supported. For once the Democrats should do what's best for the Country, not the Party...Repeal this Obamacare Obomination.
Obamacare advocate poised to become next U.S. surgeon general

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will nominate the head of a doctors group that promotes his signature healthcare law to be the next U.S. surgeon general, the White House said on Thursday, shortly after Obama proposed a "fix" for the latest problem with the law.

Vivek Hallegere Murthy, president of Doctors for America, will succeed Rear Admiral Boris Lushniak, who has been acting as the surgeon general since July, overseeing public health endeavors around the country, after Regina Benjamin completed her four-year term.

Doctors for America is a group of 15,000 physicians and medical students that has rallied behind Obamacare through participating in marches, filing an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case on the law, and even visiting the Republican National Convention to promote it, according to the group's website.

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Click sure to read the comments.

Here's an interesting one from Peter:

15,000 physicians ( IF the # is accurate ) out of 800,000 in the USA support this disaster, less than 2%. No wonder the people with a brain keep saying that these newly "insured" will be lucky to get an appointment within 6 months of needing to see a doctor!

...and Peter overlooked the fact that the article said:
Doctors for America is a group of 15,000 physicians and medical students that has rallied behind Obamacare through participating in marches, filing an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case on the law, and even visiting the Republican National Convention to promote it, according to the group's website.

Maybe "Doctors for America" consists of 3 doctors and 14,997 mediocre medical students who want government jobs as "doctors" if and when they get a diploma.
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Far right crazies with a radical reactionary agenda.

No IRS is going to call on you. It will garnish your wages with fees and penalties plus principal if you are stupid.
Anyone been hauled off by the Black Panther thugs yet?

They are coming for you, you know. I suggest you all retreat to your bunkers.
We should be very concerned about how things are worded in the new disaster of a law. We keep hearing about how complicated the law is and how many pages there are in it. That is always the excuse for why the idiots didn't read it before or after they passed it. The law was written by lawyers and other experts who knew exactly what power the government wanted when it came to our health care and many other things. There are no mistakes or oversights, just deliberate language giving the government certain powers. As soon as it passed, the government had more control over us and it doesn't matter if people know what the law says or not.

If it's in the law, there is a reason. If the wording is vague, it gives the regime more power because it doesn't restrict government. That was the real goal of the law, not improving health care. Obama did talk about having a security force stronger than the military. Usually, only dictators want personal armies. We don't need a secret security force and it is downright tyrannical for a president to create his own special forces to use against the people.

Geez Louise didn't you read jake's reply? It doesn't really say what it says because the Rep. is crazy.

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