Congressman who led the Mayorkas impeachment says it all


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Congressman Mark Green (R-TN), chair of the Homeland Security Committee, led the Mayorkas impeachment effort. With the impeachment succeeding — by a one vote margin (214-213) — Green announced he would not seek re-election because “Congress is broken.”

"Our country–and our Congress–is broken beyond most means of repair," the Tennessee Lookout reports Green as saying. "I have come to realize our fight is not here within Washington, our fight is with Washington. As I have done my entire life, I will continue serving this country — but in a new capacity."

Green, a physician, West Point graduate and uncanny stock trader who reportedly showed 122% gains on investments he made as a Congressman in 2023, did not immediately reveal what the “new capacity” will be.

He is right. The Mayorkas impeachment is just a symptom of the greater issue of a government that is literally at war with the American people. Despite the impeachment, there is no removing Mayorkas, just like there is no removing those at war with US citizens who are dying of drug overdoses from drugs flowing across the border at a rate of 200 people a day. Mayorkas may be a disgrace, as he lied about there being no border crisis for 3 years and all of a sudden claiming there is one now while blaming Trump for it, but he is just a cog in a very sick wheel.
Despite the impeachment, there is no removing Mayorkas, Mayorkas may be a disgrace, as he lied about there being no border crisis for 3 years and all of a sudden claiming there is one now while blaming Trump for it, but our fight is with Washington.

If that were true then we cannot honestly say we have a true democracy left or a republic of laws. But as to there being no choices, the Constitution always leaves bare ONE final choice when all else fails, and this is what they fear most because there are 200 million gun owners in this country and many of them are vets, military, or combat trained, and the military is not going to turn against their own.

If that were true then we cannot honestly say we have a true democracy left or a republic of laws. But as to there being no choices, the Constitution always leaves bare ONE final choice when all else fails, and this is what they fear most because there are 200 million gun owners in this country and many of them are vets, military, or combat trained, and the military is not going to turn against their own.

T.F; @ least we Americans now know who the enemy of the American people are. I could not even believe it when I seen a link about St. Louis black Americans not being able to afford their rent. They were evicted from their quarters & illegal aliens were given the quarters for free!!! I am noticing more & more Americans of all stripes are furious with the dem marxinazis screwing them over. Next thing it will be our Native American Indian tribes getting run off their lands so the illegal Aliens can move onto their lands. Good Christ those dem marxinazis don't have a shred of honor/compassion left in them. They want their "one world without borders"(death of humanity) with such a drive so they can control ALL of humanity. Just say NO to the dem marxinazis or for that matter ANYONE that does not respect our U.S. federal Constitution & B.O.R.
Physician, heal thyself.

Green, a physician, West Point graduate and uncanny stock trader who reportedly showed 122% gains on investments he made as a Congressman in 2023
and the military is not going to turn against their own.
unless they get enough illegal aliens in the military who have been brainwashed into thinking old white men are NAZI White Supremacists.

The true thread of the open border policy. Our adversaries are smart.
unless they get enough illegal aliens in the military who have been brainwashed into thinking old white men are NAZI White Supremacists.

The true thread of the open border policy. Our adversaries are smart.

Yes, our adversaries only have to be smarter than the average Democratic voter to destroy our country. Unfortunately, that is a VERY low bar that is being lowered every day.
...Next thing it will be our Native American Indian tribes getting run off their lands so the illegal Aliens can move onto their lands. Good Christ those dem marxinazis don't have a shred of honor/compassion left in them. They want their "one world without borders"(death of humanity) with such a drive so they can control ALL of humanity. Just say NO to the dem marxinazis or for that matter ANYONE that does not respect our U.S. federal Constitution & B.O.R.
I think the Indians are being attacked, I have not read much of this story but at least it seems they are winning in federal court

The decision by U.S. Court of International Trade Judge Jennifer Choe-Graves is the culmination of 12 years of litigation that pitted the tribe and federal authorities against Enel. During the construction of the project, the company illegally mined rock owned by the tribe, and it continued to do so even after being ordered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to stop. Instead of halting work, the company sped up construction. Enel must now remove the 84 turbines that it built on 8,400 acres of the Tallgrass Prairie located between Pawhuska and Fairfax. Removing the turbines will cost Enel some $300 million.

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