Congressmen Move to Overturn 'Merry Christmas' Ban...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
What is it with this banning stuff coming from Government? Seems like they're always in such a rush to ban everything. Banning 'Merry Christmas' in greetings? Come on Big Government. You can do better than that. Good to see some in Government trying to reverse this trend.

Rep. Joe Walsh, an Illinois Republican, and Rep. Mike Ross, an Arkansas Democrat, are trying to overturn a rule that forbids the use of “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Hanukkah” in taxpayer-funded congressional correspondence.

Congressional rules state that mail containing holiday greetings cannot be “franked” — Hill lingo for receiving taxpayer reimbursement for postage — according to a memo from the “Franking Commission Staff” obtained by The Washington Examiner.

Members may “make reference to the season as a whole using language along the lines of ‘Have a safe and happy holiday season” but only if it is “incidental to the piece rather than the primary purpose of the communication,” the memo said.

In response to the memo, Walsh and Ross circulated a letter Monday encouraging both Republican and Democratic members to demand the rule be rescinded.

“We are not celebrating winter this December,” the letter reads in part. “We are celebrating significant moments in two religions that have fundamentally shaped our nation — and as Members of Congress who represent thousands of constituents celebrating these holidays, we ask you to reconsider these outdated and restrictive rules.”

Read more: Merry Christmas Ban | House of Representatives | Joe Walsh | The Daily Caller
What is it with this banning stuff coming from Government? Seems like they're always in such a rush to ban everything. Banning 'Merry Christmas' in greetings? Come on Big Government. You can do better than that. Good to see some in Government trying to reverse this trend.

Rep. Joe Walsh, an Illinois Republican, and Rep. Mike Ross, an Arkansas Democrat, are trying to overturn a rule that forbids the use of “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Hanukkah” in taxpayer-funded congressional correspondence.

Congressional rules state that mail containing holiday greetings cannot be “franked” — Hill lingo for receiving taxpayer reimbursement for postage — according to a memo from the “Franking Commission Staff” obtained by The Washington Examiner.

Members may “make reference to the season as a whole using language along the lines of ‘Have a safe and happy holiday season” but only if it is “incidental to the piece rather than the primary purpose of the communication,” the memo said.

In response to the memo, Walsh and Ross circulated a letter Monday encouraging both Republican and Democratic members to demand the rule be rescinded.

“We are not celebrating winter this December,” the letter reads in part. “We are celebrating significant moments in two religions that have fundamentally shaped our nation — and as Members of Congress who represent thousands of constituents celebrating these holidays, we ask you to reconsider these outdated and restrictive rules.”

Read more: Merry Christmas Ban | House of Representatives | Joe Walsh | The Daily Caller

Maybe we should stop their franking privileges altogether. Can you believe the hullaboo about this?
Holy shit. Ravi hasn't been in this thread yet to whine, caterwaul and bitch, moan and groan?

The fat old cow is slowing down.
Banning light bulbs and 'Merry Christmas' greetings? I don't know a single person who sent their representatives to Washington to ban lightbulbs and 'Merry Christmas' greetings. So what's going on with our Government?
Why do so many Americans support Big Government banning so much? That always amazes me. I'm beginning to get the feeling most Americans really do fear Freedom & Liberty now. It's like they need that Big Government to control their lives now. But i guess that's what the Big Government plan was all along. So many are so dependent on Big Government making decisions for them. It's very sad.
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The fucking atheists are winning their war against Christians. That's what it means.
What is it with this banning stuff coming from Government?

Hmm. Perhaps you can show us in the article where I am banned from wishing someone a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah? Because it seems, I am not being banned from doing anything. Which means, you are once again being an overly dramatic baby.
What is it with this banning stuff coming from Government?

Hmm. Perhaps you can show us in the article where I am banned from wishing someone a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah? Because it seems, I am not being banned from doing anything. Which means, you are once again being an overly dramatic baby.

Never claimed you were banned. Read the article.
holy toledo

well on the bright side I am going to be spending the last part of December educating little children that the guy that started Kwanza ordered the murders of two head honchos in the Black Panthers.

I love my life.

Kwanza head dude offed Panthers.
What is it with this banning stuff coming from Government?

Hmm. Perhaps you can show us in the article where I am banned from wishing someone a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah? Because it seems, I am not being banned from doing anything. Which means, you are once again being an overly dramatic baby.

Never claimed you were banned. Read the article.

I did read the article. Did you? It seems like you didn't or you don't understand it, since you said
I'm beginning to get the feeling most Americans really do fear Freedom & Liberty now. It's like they need that Big Government to control their lives now.
But yet, as you just claimed, I am not banned from anything. Neither are you. Neither is anyone on this board.

So .... why are you trying to make it appear that way?
Id like to hear all the conservatives who complain about who Union bosses support with other members dues who might not agree explain why using our money to print Merry Christmas is different.
Hmm. Perhaps you can show us in the article where I am banned from wishing someone a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah? Because it seems, I am not being banned from doing anything. Which means, you are once again being an overly dramatic baby.

Never claimed you were banned. Read the article.

I did read the article. Did you? It seems like you didn't or you don't understand it, since you said
I'm beginning to get the feeling most Americans really do fear Freedom & Liberty now. It's like they need that Big Government to control their lives now.
But yet, as you just claimed, I am not banned from anything. Neither are you. Neither is anyone on this board.

So .... why are you trying to make it appear that way?

And, to top it off, when the BIG GUBMINT GOP really bans personal freedoms the Wingnuts don't say a word....
As Mr. O'Reilly pointed out. Christmas is a federal holiday. Federal workers receive taxpayer money being paid to take the Federal Holiday.. and yet. We can't say Merry Christmas on a card if it's funded by federal dollars??

How fucking stupid can ewe get?
Hmm. Perhaps you can show us in the article where I am banned from wishing someone a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah? Because it seems, I am not being banned from doing anything. Which means, you are once again being an overly dramatic baby.

Never claimed you were banned. Read the article.

I did read the article. Did you? It seems like you didn't or you don't understand it, since you said
I'm beginning to get the feeling most Americans really do fear Freedom & Liberty now. It's like they need that Big Government to control their lives now.
But yet, as you just claimed, I am not banned from anything. Neither are you. Neither is anyone on this board.

So .... why are you trying to make it appear that way?

Your interpretation of what i stated is inaccurate. I was speaking more about a general support by most Americans of Big Government bannings. The article was speaking about a particular issue. Read it.
As Mr. O'Reilly pointed out. Christmas is a federal holiday. Federal workers receive taxpayer money being paid to take the Federal Holiday.. and yet. We can't say Merry Christmas on a card if it's funded by federal dollars??

How fucking stupid can ewe get?

Stuck on stupid. Big Government at its finest.
Your interpretation of what i stated is inaccurate. I was speaking more about a general support by most Americans of Big Government bannings. The article was speaking about a particular issue. Read it.

Again, I did read it. Did you? I don't think you did because you keep talking about "bannings", yet you freely admit that I am not banned from anything. Neither are you. Neither is anyone on this board.

Do you know what the word "banning" means?
Your interpretation of what i stated is inaccurate. I was speaking more about a general support by most Americans of Big Government bannings. The article was speaking about a particular issue. Read it.

Again, I did read it. Did you? I don't think you did because you keep talking about "bannings", yet you freely admit that I am not banned from anything. Neither are you. Neither is anyone on this board.

Do you know what the word "banning" means?

Pick up a Newspaper sometime or use yer Internets more. You're banned from doing all sorts of things. And that list grows longer & longer everyday. Live in denial if you want to though. I guess i can't change that. But this article was addressing a particular issue. My opinions are my opinions and i stand by what i stated. Most Americans do seem very supportive of Big Government controlling their lives at this point. Just my observation anyway.
The use of the phrases 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Hanukkah' in and of themselves should not be barred. However, they 'should not' be the central theme to the mailing.

If my tax dollars are paying for the mailing, then it should be primarily business related. Including the above mentioned greetings (or similar) in a primarily business related mailing is acceptable to me.

While I understand and largely agree with your sentiments regarding big government, your ire is misplaced on this one. The restrictions on this ban are placed on the what the government can do, not what individuals can do. While I think this restriction is a bit silly, I wholly endorse the larger concept of limiting what the government is allowed to do.
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