Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team


Most Americans consider them heroes. You DO know the two former Navy SEALs and IT guy that were killed were also contractors, right, shit for brains.

Do you have any idea how many people consider them the epitome of selflessness?

Well, the guys that are interviewing tonight are an extension of that. Everyone knows that but a few lice-ridden, whacked out cocaine driven self-massaging low lives like you and Siete.

But thanks for bumping the post, dumb ass.

becoming a mercenary is the epitome of selfishness.

I can't help you don't know the first thing about this topic. Your incredibly stupid question is confirmation of that.

Again, tens of millions of Americans get it. Why don't you?

Because as we all's in your interest to lie about it..............

i didn't ask a question. i made statements.
tens of millions of people could read that post and understand it. why can't you?

LOL,when you libs lose the argument you move to color of shoelaces or some insignificant stupid argument like that.

So now you want to discuss grammar....................................LOL????

Dude, look at the fucked up grammar and punctuation in your sentences, LMAO ....and you expect someone to take you seriously on that either??????????/

lose the argument? your argument was based on belittling a question i didn't ask.

seriously, these guys are trying to sell books. that's what it boils down to. they haven't said anything that conflicts with the senate report, but they are trying to turn a short delay for gathering resources into a 'stand down order,' and idiots like yourself are eating it up and thus their book sales will benefit.

but then again they are mercenaries. why should they have any scruples when it comes to making a buck?

Once again, you show what a clueless idiot you are. All the money in the world doesn't matter if your DEAD, dumbass.

Do you even know any of these people?

I know hundreds of them. I'd put my life in their hands before I'd trust it to a slime ball like you. Oh wait, I did put my life in their hands in the Middle East.

Oops, guess you've been revealed as clueless again. But thanks for the bump, clod. :)
Here are the transcripts of nine military officers testimony before the House Armed Services Committee under oath. All nine say there was no "Stand Down" order given.
Below is the link to their testimony.
Press Releases - News - Armed Services Republicans
I wonder if any of them wrote a book or a screenplay for a movie?

Those military officers weren't on the receiving end; these guys were.

So I take it you're interested in what THEY have to say, right?

Or you don't want to know if it makes your hero look bad?

If you bothered to read the linked transcript you would know that the nine were part of the decision making process to stand down or not to stand down.
But it appears you are too deep in your quest that no matter what contradictory evidence is thrown your way, you ignore it. Why am I not impressed by laziness or being willfully blind to facts?
You spend a ton of time posting, I suggest you take that time to read the transcripts that led Chairman Buck McKeon to be satisfied to whether a stand down order really happened.
Obama isn't my hero, I didn't vote for the man (wrote in Jon Huntman) and I have posted that Obama fucked up. Just like "W" fucked up with the dozen or so attacks on American installations that led to American deaths and just like Ronald Reagan did with the US Barracks bombing in Lebanon that killed over 200 US troops.
The reason I decided to address this is, neither GWB or Reagan faced the multiple investigations that Obama has.
Why is that? Personally, I believe that "W" and Reagan should have faced the firestorm that Obama has because their incompetence lead to American lives lost, just like "O".
Here are the transcripts of nine military officers testimony before the House Armed Services Committee under oath. All nine say there was no "Stand Down" order given.
Below is the link to their testimony.
Press Releases - News - Armed Services Republicans
I wonder if any of them wrote a book or a screenplay for a movie?

Those military officers weren't on the receiving end; these guys were.

So I take it you're interested in what THEY have to say, right?

Or you don't want to know if it makes your hero look bad?

If you bothered to read the linked transcript you would know that the nine were part of the decision making process to stand down or not to stand down.
But it appears you are too deep in your quest that no matter what contradictory evidence is thrown your way, you ignore it. Why am I not impressed by laziness or being willfully blind to facts?
You spend a ton of time posting, I suggest you take that time to read the transcripts that led Chairman Buck McKeon to be satisfied to whether a stand down order really happened.
Obama isn't my hero, I didn't vote for the man (wrote in Jon Huntman) and I have posted that Obama fucked up. Just like "W" fucked up with the dozen or so attacks on American installations that led to American deaths and just like Ronald Reagan did with the US Barracks bombing in Lebanon that killed over 200 US troops.
The reason I decided to address this is, neither GWB or Reagan faced the multiple investigations that Obama has.
Why is that? Personally, I believe that "W" and Reagan should have faced the firestorm that Obama has because their incompetence lead to American lives lost, just like "O".

Listen, slow-on-the-uptake. For the umpteenth time, they weren't there. These are the people who were told they could not go in.

What's so fucking hard to grasp about the credibility of the people on the ground.

I don't care how many transcripts you say you read, there are few people who have spent as much time monitoring this story from day one as I have.

You know why, genius? I worked in the nerve center of the Pentagon, where there is always an eye on how all these things go down.

And I knew the way the story was being told was bullshit to the Nth degree.

And as time has gone by, more and more of that story has been discredited.

Judicial Watch has put in 40 FOIA requests. The very first FOIA that got answered was pretty earth shattering compared to the lies that had been foisted on gullible people like you. It wasn't quite a smoking gun, but it shattered a lot of lies. We're waiting for the other 39 answers.

When someone makes excuses, I don't care how highbrowed the excuse like "I've read a zillion transcripts," their credibility is immediately questioned when he or she refuses to listen to the people on the ground.

So no, you're not the least bit persuasive.
Congressman Schiff and Smith lied about what these guys experienced so they told them to tell it to their faces. They dared them to come on Hannity (CNN isn't interested in the truth) and tell them to their faces.

I think you're going to see some zigging and zagging occurring with the one Congressman that agreed to come. :)
So did they ever contradict the Senate Report?

Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond
from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time. During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10

Boo, you're someone who always seems interested in actual facts. The "facts" keep getting twisted.

Anyone who follows this subject should listen to how the Benghazi Security Team and Rep Smith argue tonight through the semantics that have been twisted.

We know they wanted to race to the Consulate immediately, without getting extra support. But their commander told them to cool their jets until he could secure more support before they counter attacked. He may well have saved their lives. Maybe, maybe not, we'll never know.

So they haven't had their debate yet??????
Last edited:
So did they ever contradict the Senate Report?

Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond
from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time. During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10

Boo, you're someone who always seems interested in actual facts. The "facts" keep getting twisted.

Anyone who follows this subject should listen to how the Benghazi Security Team and Rep Smith argue tonight through the semantics that have been twisted.

We know they wanted to race to the Consulate immediately, without getting extra support. But their commander told them to cool their jets until he could secure more support before they counter attacked. He may well have saved their lives. Maybe, maybe not, we'll never know.

So they haven't had their debate yet??????

It was taped, being shown tonight.

These guys aren't there to save their lives first, they're there to save others' lives.
So did they ever contradict the Senate Report?

Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond
from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time. During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10

Boo, you're someone who always seems interested in actual facts. The "facts" keep getting twisted.

Anyone who follows this subject should listen to how the Benghazi Security Team and Rep Smith argue tonight through the semantics that have been twisted.

We know they wanted to race to the Consulate immediately, without getting extra support. But their commander told them to cool their jets until he could secure more support before they counter attacked. He may well have saved their lives. Maybe, maybe not, we'll never know.

So they haven't had their debate yet??????

It was taped, being shown tonight.

These guys aren't there to save their lives first, they're there to save others' lives.

Pretty tough to save lives if you're dead.
So did they ever contradict the Senate Report?

Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond
from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time. During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10

Boo, you're someone who always seems interested in actual facts. The "facts" keep getting twisted.

Anyone who follows this subject should listen to how the Benghazi Security Team and Rep Smith argue tonight through the semantics that have been twisted.

We know they wanted to race to the Consulate immediately, without getting extra support. But their commander told them to cool their jets until he could secure more support before they counter attacked. He may well have saved their lives. Maybe, maybe not, we'll never know.

So they haven't had their debate yet??????

It was taped, being shown tonight.

These guys aren't there to save their lives first, they're there to save others' lives.

Pretty tough to save lives if you're dead.

Boo, UR one of the libs I like on here, but that statement shows you don't understand their credo at all, hon.
So did they ever contradict the Senate Report?

Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond
from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time. During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10

Boo, you're someone who always seems interested in actual facts. The "facts" keep getting twisted.

Anyone who follows this subject should listen to how the Benghazi Security Team and Rep Smith argue tonight through the semantics that have been twisted.

We know they wanted to race to the Consulate immediately, without getting extra support. But their commander told them to cool their jets until he could secure more support before they counter attacked. He may well have saved their lives. Maybe, maybe not, we'll never know.

So they haven't had their debate yet??????

It was taped, being shown tonight.

These guys aren't there to save their lives first, they're there to save others' lives.

Pretty tough to save lives if you're dead.

Boo, UR one of the libs I like on here, but that statement shows you don't understand their credo at all, hon.
The credo of a mercenary?
Boo, you're someone who always seems interested in actual facts. The "facts" keep getting twisted.

Anyone who follows this subject should listen to how the Benghazi Security Team and Rep Smith argue tonight through the semantics that have been twisted.

We know they wanted to race to the Consulate immediately, without getting extra support. But their commander told them to cool their jets until he could secure more support before they counter attacked. He may well have saved their lives. Maybe, maybe not, we'll never know.

So they haven't had their debate yet??????

It was taped, being shown tonight.

These guys aren't there to save their lives first, they're there to save others' lives.

Pretty tough to save lives if you're dead.

Boo, UR one of the libs I like on here, but that statement shows you don't understand their credo at all, hon.
The credo of a mercenary?

Let's see you say that to their face, coward.
Boo, you're someone who always seems interested in actual facts. The "facts" keep getting twisted.

Anyone who follows this subject should listen to how the Benghazi Security Team and Rep Smith argue tonight through the semantics that have been twisted.

We know they wanted to race to the Consulate immediately, without getting extra support. But their commander told them to cool their jets until he could secure more support before they counter attacked. He may well have saved their lives. Maybe, maybe not, we'll never know.

So they haven't had their debate yet??????

It was taped, being shown tonight.

These guys aren't there to save their lives first, they're there to save others' lives.

Pretty tough to save lives if you're dead.

Boo, UR one of the libs I like on here, but that statement shows you don't understand their credo at all, hon.
The credo of a mercenary?

You'd be all shaking at the knees, lips would be trembling, arms crossing your chest and bent over.

I've watched them put cowards like you in their place.

It's a site to behold. You'd look a lot like this:

I posted the video of their story.

They were there and they fought there.............

But low and behold we are supposed to listen to those well away from the fight for what really happened. These guys went in with only 4 people and helped hold the compound for 12 and half hours. One was wounded by the same mortars that killed 2 on the roof top.

I'll go with these guys because they were there. They were ex-military there to do a job, and they did it well.

BRAVO ZULU to these guys.
I posted the video of their story.

They were there and they fought there.............

But low and behold we are supposed to listen to those well away from the fight for what really happened. These guys went in with only 4 people and helped hold the compound for 12 and half hours. One was wounded by the same mortars that killed 2 on the roof top.

I'll go with these guys because they were there. They were ex-military there to do a job, and they did it well.

BRAVO ZULU to these guys.
So well said I pasted your quotes again:

They were there and they fought there.............

But low and behold we are supposed to listen to those well away from the fight for what really happened. These guys went in with only 4 people and helped hold the compound for 12 and half hours. One was wounded by the same mortars that killed 2 on the roof top.

I'll go with these guys because they were there. They were ex-military there to do a job, and they did it well.

BRAVO ZULU to these guys
Tonight you'll see them cut through the BS Congressman Adam Smith was selling
Tonight you'll see them cut through the BS Congressman Adam Smith was selling

Oh yes, I expect it'll be a watershed moment in history.

It's a video moment.............The GREAT VIDEO caused all this chit moment. They tried to lie about what went down, got called on it then did a 180 and said that was the original story.

All POLITICAL BASED. If you fuck up or people get killed because of a planned attack in a violent area then GROW A SET and tell the TRUTH about. it.

Which is what we don't have in the WH. The video did it campaign was absolute NONSENSE and Lies.
We know they wanted to race to the Consulate immediately, without getting extra support. But their commander told them to cool their jets until he could secure more support before they counter attacked. He may well have saved their lives. Maybe, maybe not, we'll never know.

So they haven't had their debate yet??????

It was taped, being shown tonight.

These guys aren't there to save their lives first, they're there to save others' lives.

Pretty tough to save lives if you're dead.

Boo, UR one of the libs I like on here, but that statement shows you don't understand their credo at all, hon.
The credo of a mercenary?

Let's see you say that to their face, coward.
Yeah. I have no problem calling a spade a spade. Of course, I'll never meet them, so we can continue to thump our internet chests all we want
It was taped, being shown tonight.

These guys aren't there to save their lives first, they're there to save others' lives.

Pretty tough to save lives if you're dead.

Boo, UR one of the libs I like on here, but that statement shows you don't understand their credo at all, hon.
The credo of a mercenary?

Let's see you say that to their face, coward.
Yeah. I have no problem calling a spade a spade. Of course, I'll never meet them, so we can continue to thump our internet chests all we want

Like I said, coward, you would NEVER have the balls to say it to their faces, I guarantee you that.

They ALL have more integrity and honor in their little fingers than you have in your entire body.

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