Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team

and the one question I keep asking that has not yet been answered....

The administration said that there was not enough time to get an air rescue mission to Benghazi before the attack ended. It was confirmed when the military agreed that it would have taken 10 hours to get there.

What it doesn't answer, however, is how the administration knew that the siege would end in 10 years. As it was, it ended in 8 hours. How did they know those 3 men on the roof would not have been able to hold them off for another 2 hours?

They didn't. We all know that. So then why did they not, at the very least, get the ball rolling and have the mission in progress and abort it if the siege ended before they got there?

Yep, no one has answered that yet.
moronette alert !

Dude, I can't stop falling out of my chair with laughter that you think anyone other than some of the low lifes on this forum think you have the upper hand on this subject.

LMAO, I have GOT to get your name so I can sell you some bridges....
and the one question I keep asking that has not yet been answered....

The administration said that there was not enough time to get an air rescue mission to Benghazi before the attack ended. It was confirmed when the military agreed that it would have taken 10 hours to get there.

What it doesn't answer, however, is how the administration knew that the siege would end in 10 years. As it was, it ended in 8 hours. How did they know those 3 men on the roof would not have been able to hold them off for another 2 hours?

They didn't. We all know that. So then why did they not, at the very least, get the ball rolling and have the mission in progress and abort it if the siege ended before they got there?

Yep, no one has answered that yet.

“To send some small number of special forces or other troops in without knowing what the environment is, without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence in terms of what is actually going on on the ground, I think, would have been very dangerous,” said Gates in an interview aired on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
“Personally, I would not have approved that because we just don't it's sort of a cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces,” he continued. “The one thing that our forces are noted for is planning and preparation before we send people in harm's way. And there just wasn't time to do that.”
Current and former State Department officials testified last week before Congress, as GOP lawmakers press their probe of the administration’s handling of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya last September, which left four Americans dead.
One whistleblower, diplomat Gregory Hicks, testified that a special forces team in Tripoli was ready to assist during the attack, but was told to stand down.
GOP lawmakers have vowed to continue their investigation, questioning if adequate security was provided during and before the attack and if the terrorist nature of the assault was downplayed for political reasons.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday called the Benghazi incident a “cover-up” and said he expected former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to again testify and called for a special committee to probe the attack.
Gates said he had not spoken to Clinton about Benghzai, and suggested he was skeptical State Department officials tried to cover up their handling of the attacks for political reasons.
“I worked with Secretary Clinton pretty closely for two and a half years,” said Gates. “I wouldn't want to try and be somebody trying to convince her to say something she did not think was true.”
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and the one question I keep asking that has not yet been answered....

The administration said that there was not enough time to get an air rescue mission to Benghazi before the attack ended. It was confirmed when the military agreed that it would have taken 10 hours to get there.

What it doesn't answer, however, is how the administration knew that the siege would end in 10 years. As it was, it ended in 8 hours. How did they know those 3 men on the roof would not have been able to hold them off for another 2 hours?

They didn't. We all know that. So then why did they not, at the very least, get the ball rolling and have the mission in progress and abort it if the siege ended before they got there?

Yep, no one has answered that yet.

“To send some small number of special forces or other troops in without knowing what the environment is, without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence in terms of what is actually going on on the ground, I think, would have been very dangerous,” said Gates in an interview aired on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
“Personally, I would not have approved that because we just don't it's sort of a cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces,” he continued. “The one thing that our forces are noted for is planning and preparation before we send people in harm's way. And there just wasn't time to do that.”
Current and former State Department officials testified last week before Congress, as GOP lawmakers press their probe of the administration’s handling of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya last September, which left four Americans dead.
One whistleblower, diplomat Gregory Hicks, testified that a special forces team in Tripoli was ready to assist during the attack, but was told to stand down.
GOP lawmakers have vowed to continue their investigation, questioning if adequate security was provided during and before the attack and if the terrorist nature of the assault was downplayed for political reasons.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday called the Benghazi incident a “cover-up” and said he expected former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to again testify and called for a special committee to probe the attack.
Gates said he had not spoken to Clinton about Benghzai, and suggested he was skeptical State Department officials tried to cover up their handling of the attacks for political reasons.
“I worked with Secretary Clinton pretty closely for two and a half years,” said Gates. “I wouldn't want to try and be somebody trying to convince her to say something she did not think was true.”
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Just what is THIS supposed to prove, LMAO.

Show me where one of the survivors on the ground is quoted in here..............LOL.
So did they ever contradict the Senate Report?

Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond
from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time. During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10
and once again, mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable sources.


Most Americans consider them heroes. You DO know the two former Navy SEALs and IT guy that were killed were also contractors, right, shit for brains.

Do you have any idea how many people consider them the epitome of selflessness?

Well, the guys that are interviewing tonight are an extension of that. Everyone knows that but a few lice-ridden, whacked out cocaine driven self-massaging low lives like you and Siete.

But thanks for bumping the post, dumb ass.

and once again, mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable sources.

and once again Hannity has an obligation to attract idiots to his SHOW so Fox can pay for it's SPONSORS.

Here, I'll cut and paste from my last post since it applies to you too, darling:


Most Americans consider them heroes. You DO know the two former Navy SEALs and IT guy that were killed were also contractors, right, shit for brains.

Do you have any idea how many people consider them the epitome of selflessness?
Well, the guys that are interviewing tonight are an extension of that. Everyone knows that but a few lice-ridden, whacked out cocaine driven self-massaging low lives like you and Siete.

But thanks for bumping the post, dumb ass.

So did they ever contradict the Senate Report?

Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond
from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time. During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10

Boo, you're someone who always seems interested in actual facts. The "facts" keep getting twisted.

Anyone who follows this subject should listen to how the Benghazi Security Team and Rep Smith argue tonight through the semantics that have been twisted.
and once again, mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable sources.


Most Americans consider them heroes. You DO know the two former Navy SEALs and IT guy that were killed were also contractors, right, shit for brains.

Do you have any idea how many people consider them the epitome of selflessness?

Well, the guys that are interviewing tonight are an extension of that. Everyone knows that but a few lice-ridden, whacked out cocaine driven self-massaging low lives like you and Siete.

But thanks for bumping the post, dumb ass.

becoming a mercenary is the epitome of selfishness.
mercenaries have not been the best sources when it comes to benghazi.
especially mercenaries with a book to sell.
and once again, mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable sources.


Most Americans consider them heroes. You DO know the two former Navy SEALs and IT guy that were killed were also contractors, right, shit for brains.

Do you have any idea how many people consider them the epitome of selflessness?

Well, the guys that are interviewing tonight are an extension of that. Everyone knows that but a few lice-ridden, whacked out cocaine driven self-massaging low lives like you and Siete.

But thanks for bumping the post, dumb ass.

becoming a mercenary is the epitome of selfishness.

I can't help you don't know the first thing about this topic. Your incredibly stupid question is confirmation of that.

Again, tens of millions of Americans get it. Why don't you?

Because as we all's in your interest to lie about it..............

and once again, mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable sources.


Most Americans consider them heroes. You DO know the two former Navy SEALs and IT guy that were killed were also contractors, right, shit for brains.

Do you have any idea how many people consider them the epitome of selflessness?

Well, the guys that are interviewing tonight are an extension of that. Everyone knows that but a few lice-ridden, whacked out cocaine driven self-massaging low lives like you and Siete.

But thanks for bumping the post, dumb ass.

becoming a mercenary is the epitome of selfishness.

I can't help you don't know the first thing about this topic. Your incredibly stupid question is confirmation of that.

Again, tens of millions of Americans get it. Why don't you?

Because as we all's in your interest to lie about it..............

i didn't ask a question. i made statements.
tens of millions of people could read that post and understand it. why can't you?
Rep Adam Smith and Adam Schiff have said there was no Stand Down Order. The Benghazi Security Team who was actually on the ground say Smith and Schiff are lying.

Tonight Smith will face off with Benghazi Security Team. Worth seeing first hand.

Durr hurr hurr, there was a terror attack overseas and pyyple died. And? Did you expect something different to happen?

Why do Wrongpublicans insist upon making Benghazi another "9/11 NEVER FORGET" even in American history? What makes it so special in your mind that you just can't let it go?

Speaking of 9/11, how many hearings did Congress have on Bush's "complete failure to protect American lives hurr durr muh talking points" or whatever garbage you're leveling against President Obama? Why have you allowed the whole thermite/controlled demolition bullshit conspiracy theory to die, but not this one? Don't you just hate President Obama because he's African-American and successful? Isn't that really all you have against him?
^ that

and once again, mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable sources.


Most Americans consider them heroes. You DO know the two former Navy SEALs and IT guy that were killed were also contractors, right, shit for brains.

Do you have any idea how many people consider them the epitome of selflessness?

Well, the guys that are interviewing tonight are an extension of that. Everyone knows that but a few lice-ridden, whacked out cocaine driven self-massaging low lives like you and Siete.

But thanks for bumping the post, dumb ass.

becoming a mercenary is the epitome of selfishness.

I can't help you don't know the first thing about this topic. Your incredibly stupid question is confirmation of that.

Again, tens of millions of Americans get it. Why don't you?

Because as we all's in your interest to lie about it..............

i didn't ask a question. i made statements.
tens of millions of people could read that post and understand it. why can't you?

LOL,when you libs lose the argument you move to color of shoelaces or some insignificant stupid argument like that.

So now you want to discuss grammar....................................LOL????

Dude, look at the fucked up grammar and punctuation in your sentences, LMAO ....and you expect someone to take you seriously on that either??????????/

Rep Adam Smith and Adam Schiff have said there was no Stand Down Order. The Benghazi Security Team who was actually on the ground say Smith and Schiff are lying.

Tonight Smith will face off with Benghazi Security Team. Worth seeing first hand.

Durr hurr hurr, there was a terror attack overseas and pyyple died. And? Did you expect something different to happen?

Why do Wrongpublicans insist upon making Benghazi another "9/11 NEVER FORGET" even in American history? What makes it so special in your mind that you just can't let it go?

Speaking of 9/11, how many hearings did Congress have on Bush's "complete failure to protect American lives hurr durr muh talking points" or whatever garbage you're leveling against President Obama? Why have you allowed the whole thermite/controlled demolition bullshit conspiracy theory to die, but not this one? Don't you just hate President Obama because he's African-American and successful? Isn't that really all you have against him?
^ that


Thanks for reminding everyone of the many cover ups in the Admin darlin

and once again, mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable sources.


Most Americans consider them heroes. You DO know the two former Navy SEALs and IT guy that were killed were also contractors, right, shit for brains.

Do you have any idea how many people consider them the epitome of selflessness?

Well, the guys that are interviewing tonight are an extension of that. Everyone knows that but a few lice-ridden, whacked out cocaine driven self-massaging low lives like you and Siete.

But thanks for bumping the post, dumb ass.

becoming a mercenary is the epitome of selfishness.

I can't help you don't know the first thing about this topic. Your incredibly stupid question is confirmation of that.

Again, tens of millions of Americans get it. Why don't you?

Because as we all's in your interest to lie about it..............

i didn't ask a question. i made statements.
tens of millions of people could read that post and understand it. why can't you?

RW's are idiots that's why. Take EC for instance.
and once again, mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable sources.


Most Americans consider them heroes. You DO know the two former Navy SEALs and IT guy that were killed were also contractors, right, shit for brains.

Do you have any idea how many people consider them the epitome of selflessness?

Well, the guys that are interviewing tonight are an extension of that. Everyone knows that but a few lice-ridden, whacked out cocaine driven self-massaging low lives like you and Siete.

But thanks for bumping the post, dumb ass.

becoming a mercenary is the epitome of selfishness.

I can't help you don't know the first thing about this topic. Your incredibly stupid question is confirmation of that.

Again, tens of millions of Americans get it. Why don't you?

Because as we all's in your interest to lie about it..............

i didn't ask a question. i made statements.
tens of millions of people could read that post and understand it. why can't you?

LOL,when you libs lose the argument you move to color of shoelaces or some insignificant stupid argument like that.

So now you want to discuss grammar....................................LOL????

Dude, look at the fucked up grammar and punctuation in your sentences, LMAO ....and you expect someone to take you seriously on that either??????????/

lose the argument? your argument was based on belittling a question i didn't ask.

seriously, these guys are trying to sell books. that's what it boils down to. they haven't said anything that conflicts with the senate report, but they are trying to turn a short delay for gathering resources into a 'stand down order,' and idiots like yourself are eating it up and thus their book sales will benefit.

but then again they are mercenaries. why should they have any scruples when it comes to making a buck?

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