Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team

Just watch for yourself. More and more lies....more and more liars being revealed.

Rep Adam Smith and Adam Schiff have said there was no Stand Down Order. The Benghazi Security Team who was actually on the ground say Smith and Schiff are lying.

Tonight Smith will face off with Benghazi Security Team. Worth seeing first hand.

Durr hurr hurr, there was a terror attack overseas and pyyple died. And? Did you expect something different to happen?

Why do Wrongpublicans insist upon making Benghazi another "9/11 NEVER FORGET" even in American history? What makes it so special in your mind that you just can't let it go?

Speaking of 9/11, how many hearings did Congress have on Bush's "complete failure to protect American lives hurr durr muh talking points" or whatever garbage you're leveling against President Obama? Why have you allowed the whole thermite/controlled demolition bullshit conspiracy theory to die, but not this one? Don't you just hate President Obama because he's African-American and successful? Isn't that really all you have against him?

Why Benghazi should matter to every American

By K.T. McFarland

Published May 01, 2014

But everybody is missing the big-picture story of the Benghazi affair and its cover-up. It’s about the White House using the intelligence community for its own political purposes, and lying to the American public in order to win an election. It’s about abuse of power, and that is a big deal.

Benghazi is no longer just a political issue. It’s not just a partisan witch hunt. It goes to the heart of what our system of government is all about.

If it turns out that Benghazi and the cover-up were just a series of junior level mistakes, that is the end of it. But if it turns out the administration was using the military and intelligence communities for political purposes prior to the attack, during the attack and in a subsequent cover-up, it must be held accountable. Because once the precedent is set, future administrations will feel no reluctance to do the same.

Why Benghazi should matter to every American Fox News
Well, the Congressmen were pummeled last night and we'll keep advertising that!
The 10 gazillionth talking point about Benghazi is going to be the magic one that overturns Obamacare....

...oh wait, that is another dead horse that the extreme right can't stop beating.

This is about trying to find something to impeach Obama, no wait, that was Fast & Furious - but didn't they use that rotting carcass to censor the AG?

They opted to sue Obama over doing something about illegal immigration because Boehner couldn't herd the cats in his own caucus to get anything done about it, right?

Dammit, trying to figure out what the extreme right is wasting of taxpayer dollars on du jour can be a pain in the butt.

Does anyone have a scorecard or an app that keeps track of this twaddle?
The 10 gazillionth talking point about Benghazi is going to be the magic one that overturns Obamacare....

...oh wait, that is another dead horse that the extreme right can't stop beating.

This is about trying to find something to impeach Obama, no wait, that was Fast & Furious - but didn't they use that rotting carcass to censor the AG?

They opted to sue Obama over doing something about illegal immigration because Boehner couldn't herd the cats in his own caucus to get anything done about it, right?

Dammit, trying to figure out what the extreme right is wasting of taxpayer dollars on du jour can be a pain in the butt.

Does anyone have a scorecard or an app that keeps track of this twaddle?

Did you watch it last night?

That's what I thought.

The only one doing talking points is you. Anyone who watched knows that.
And I'll keep asking any one of you who comments without having watched it. You will be pummeled just like the Congressmen were.
If it's on Hannity! it must be true

RW, I don't care who's show it's on. These are the actual people who were on the ground. When libs resist something like this, it makes them look even more partisan.
RW doesn't care. His comments are merely to draw in opposition to them. Bwess his wittle hrt. At least he's consistent. Props for dat! :lol:
The 10 gazillionth talking point about Benghazi is going to be the magic one that overturns Obamacare....

...oh wait, that is another dead horse that the extreme right can't stop beating.

This is about trying to find something to impeach Obama, no wait, that was Fast & Furious - but didn't they use that rotting carcass to censor the AG?

They opted to sue Obama over doing something about illegal immigration because Boehner couldn't herd the cats in his own caucus to get anything done about it, right?

Dammit, trying to figure out what the extreme right is wasting of taxpayer dollars on du jour can be a pain in the butt.

Does anyone have a scorecard or an app that keeps track of this twaddle?

Did you watch it last night?

That's what I thought.

The only one doing talking points is you. Anyone who watched knows that.

Life is too short to watch reruns!

We all know how this turns out in the end.

Getting your jollies from this isn't going to make one iota of difference in this election or the next.
The 10 gazillionth talking point about Benghazi is going to be the magic one that overturns Obamacare....

...oh wait, that is another dead horse that the extreme right can't stop beating.

This is about trying to find something to impeach Obama, no wait, that was Fast & Furious - but didn't they use that rotting carcass to censor the AG?

They opted to sue Obama over doing something about illegal immigration because Boehner couldn't herd the cats in his own caucus to get anything done about it, right?

Dammit, trying to figure out what the extreme right is wasting of taxpayer dollars on du jour can be a pain in the butt.

Does anyone have a scorecard or an app that keeps track of this twaddle?

Did you watch it last night?

That's what I thought.

The only one doing talking points is you. Anyone who watched knows that.

Life is too short to watch reruns!

We all know how this turns out in the end.

Getting your jollies from this isn't going to make one iota of difference in this election or the next.

Really? Watch.
But I love how you demonstrate to independent thinkers how much you resist even looking at new facts. Thanks for showing that. That's one of my goals.
Social media is lighting up about this slap down of two Congressmen, LOL.
But I love how you demonstrate to independent thinkers how much you resist even looking at new facts. Thanks for showing that. That's one of my goals.

Please provide a list of these "new facts" that have not been rehashed umpteen times before?

I love listening to you guys LOL. I worked in the nervecenter of the Pentagon. I'm one of those Americans that actually understands how that whole mission was supposed to work and how the NCA was supposed to react.

You know what the NCA is?

Oh wow you must be so knowledgable!

ATTENTION USMB EconChick knows better than EVERYONE OF US! Just give up guys she is a LEGEND among those who have worked in the nervecenter of the Pentagon! We're all a bunch of stoopid boobs in her presence!!!

P.S. National Command Authority. Unless you're referring to the Nubile Chicas of Appalachia. Am I close?

Good, you're one step ahead of the liberal idiots around here.

I notice instead of debating the topic, you, like many of the Obamabots around here, lowered yourself to personal comments.

I thought you were smarter than that, but hey, I'm still learning about some of you.

They are all pro's at the deflection game.

Benghazi was a pur-d-fuckup by Barry's State Department and Hilbat. A fuckup they lied about for weeks blamming it on a fucking video.

Barry then jetted off to his fundraiser.

I'd much rather listen to guys who were there. Guys who fought those dirtbage. Guys who actually knew what the hell was going on.

Don't hold your breath for Shitting Bull or the other liberal assholes on this board to want the same. They'd rather believe whatever that fuck in the WH tells them to believe.

Thats the difference between Obamabots and real folks.
so again, it's pretty clear that they weren't told to stand down, that being told to wait is not the same as a stand down order, that characterizing it as such is a blatant ploy to sell books, and their speculation on what caused the attacks is irresponsible and poorly informed.

in other words, they did not do anything to the congressmen who was more than polite to them.
I love listening to you guys LOL. I worked in the nervecenter of the Pentagon. I'm one of those Americans that actually understands how that whole mission was supposed to work and how the NCA was supposed to react.

You know what the NCA is?

Oh wow you must be so knowledgable!

ATTENTION USMB EconChick knows better than EVERYONE OF US! Just give up guys she is a LEGEND among those who have worked in the nervecenter of the Pentagon! We're all a bunch of stoopid boobs in her presence!!!

P.S. National Command Authority. Unless you're referring to the Nubile Chicas of Appalachia. Am I close?

Good, you're one step ahead of the liberal idiots around here.

I notice instead of debating the topic, you, like many of the Obamabots around here, lowered yourself to personal comments.

I thought you were smarter than that, but hey, I'm still learning about some of you.

They are all pro's at the deflection game.

Benghazi was a pur-d-fuckup by Barry's State Department and Hilbat. A fuckup they lied about for weeks blamming it on a fucking video.

Barry then jetted off to his fundraiser.

I'd much rather listen to guys who were there. Guys who fought those dirtbage. Guys who actually knew what the hell was going on.

Don't hold your breath for Shitting Bull or the other liberal assholes on this board to want the same. They'd rather believe whatever that fuck in the WH tells them to believe.

Thats the difference between Obamabots and real folks.

DEFLECTION is RIGHT, Claudette. Thank you.

If I were a Democrat, I'd be deflecting like nobody's business today after that slapdown last night.

And we're not going to let them, just like your post indicates.

Wait till this video goes viral, LMAO.

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