Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team

I love listening to you guys LOL. I worked in the nervecenter of the Pentagon. I'm one of those Americans that actually understands how that whole mission was supposed to work and how the NCA was supposed to react.

You know what the NCA is?

Oh wow you must be so knowledgable!

ATTENTION USMB EconChick knows better than EVERYONE OF US! Just give up guys she is a LEGEND among those who have worked in the nervecenter of the Pentagon! We're all a bunch of stoopid boobs in her presence!!!

P.S. National Command Authority. Unless you're referring to the Nubile Chicas of Appalachia. Am I close?

Good, you're one step ahead of the liberal idiots around here.

I notice instead of debating the topic, you, like many of the Obamabots around here, lowered yourself to personal comments.

I thought you were smarter than that, but hey, I'm still learning about some of you.

They are all pro's at the deflection game.

Benghazi was a pur-d-fuckup by Barry's State Department and Hilbat. A fuckup they lied about for weeks blamming it on a fucking video.

Barry then jetted off to his fundraiser.

I'd much rather listen to guys who were there. Guys who fought those dirtbage. Guys who actually knew what the hell was going on.

Don't hold your breath for Shitting Bull or the other liberal assholes on this board to want the same. They'd rather believe whatever that fuck in the WH tells them to believe.

Thats the difference between Obamabots and real folks.

DEFLECTION is RIGHT, Claudette. Thank you.

If I were a Democrat, I'd be deflecting like nobody's business today after that slapdown last night.

And we're not going to let them, just like your post indicates.

Wait till this video goes viral, LMAO.
did you watch a different video than i did?
But I love how you demonstrate to independent thinkers how much you resist even looking at new facts. Thanks for showing that. That's one of my goals.

Please provide a list of these "new facts" that have not been rehashed umpteen times before?

Just as I anticipated, crickets from the OP when held accountable for her farcical claim of "new facts" being revealed.
Your diversions are entertaining. But thanks for bumping the thread, hacks.
Great can just keep


....while I help get the video out.:banana:
Here are the transcripts of nine military officers testimony before the House Armed Services Committee under oath. All nine say there was no "Stand Down" order given.
Below is the link to their testimony.
Press Releases - News - Armed Services Republicans
I wonder if any of them wrote a book or a screenplay for a movie?

Those military officers weren't on the receiving end; these guys were.

So I take it you're interested in what THEY have to say, right?

Or you don't want to know if it makes your hero look bad?

If you bothered to read the linked transcript you would know that the nine were part of the decision making process to stand down or not to stand down.
But it appears you are too deep in your quest that no matter what contradictory evidence is thrown your way, you ignore it. Why am I not impressed by laziness or being willfully blind to facts?
You spend a ton of time posting, I suggest you take that time to read the transcripts that led Chairman Buck McKeon to be satisfied to whether a stand down order really happened.
Obama isn't my hero, I didn't vote for the man (wrote in Jon Huntman) and I have posted that Obama fucked up. Just like "W" fucked up with the dozen or so attacks on American installations that led to American deaths and just like Ronald Reagan did with the US Barracks bombing in Lebanon that killed over 200 US troops.
The reason I decided to address this is, neither GWB or Reagan faced the multiple investigations that Obama has.
Why is that? Personally, I believe that "W" and Reagan should have faced the firestorm that Obama has because their incompetence lead to American lives lost, just like "O".

Listen, slow-on-the-uptake. For the umpteenth time, they weren't there. These are the people who were told they could not go in.

What's so fucking hard to grasp about the credibility of the people on the ground.

I don't care how many transcripts you say you read, there are few people who have spent as much time monitoring this story from day one as I have.

You know why, genius? I worked in the nerve center of the Pentagon, where there is always an eye on how all these things go down.

And I knew the way the story was being told was bullshit to the Nth degree.

And as time has gone by, more and more of that story has been discredited.

Judicial Watch has put in 40 FOIA requests. The very first FOIA that got answered was pretty earth shattering compared to the lies that had been foisted on gullible people like you. It wasn't quite a smoking gun, but it shattered a lot of lies. We're waiting for the other 39 answers.

When someone makes excuses, I don't care how highbrowed the excuse like "I've read a zillion transcripts," their credibility is immediately questioned when he or she refuses to listen to the people on the ground.

So no, you're not the least bit persuasive.

So those 9 who are part of the chain of command who issued orders either lied or are clueless?
Your diversions are entertaining. But thanks for bumping the thread, hacks.

Are you trying to discourage me from exposing your Benghazi obsession?

Because I have no problem whatsoever bringing that to everyone's attention and having others laughing at your expense.

Now what happened to all of those imaginary "new facts" of yours?

Did they evaporate?

Did your dog eat them?

Or were they just a figment of your obsessed imagination?

'Fess up!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Why isn't anyone willing to point out the "new information"?

Watch it straight from their mouths instead of the spin you hacks engage in. People need to hear it straight from their mouths.
Your diversions are entertaining. But thanks for bumping the thread, hacks.

Are you trying to discourage me from exposing your Benghazi obsession?

Because I have no problem whatsoever bringing that to everyone's attention and having others laughing at your expense.

Now what happened to all of those imaginary "new facts" of yours?

Did they evaporate?

Did your dog eat them?

Or were they just a figment of your obsessed imagination?

'Fess up!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You're helping the American public just fine, hack. LOL

Just keep bumping this thread for me. Independents will thank you.

Why isn't anyone willing to point out the "new information"?

Watch it straight from their mouths instead of the spin you hacks engage in. People need to hear it straight from their mouths.
why can't you tell us what the 'new information' was? i've watched the video. i learned nothing new, except that the mercenaries are still willing to give uneducated opinions about the cause of the attack. i guess that's not new information though.
Why isn't anyone willing to point out the "new information"?

Watch it straight from their mouths instead of the spin you hacks engage in. People need to hear it straight from their mouths.
I'm not spinning anything. I asked a simple question. I don't want to watch a long ass Hannity show, I already wasted eight minutes watching the clip on this page. Why can't you just refer to the exact topic of the alleged new information?
Sorry can't be here all day like some of you welfare queens, but I'm confident you will bump the thread for me while I'm gone, LOL.

Your diversions are entertaining. But thanks for bumping the thread, hacks.

Are you trying to discourage me from exposing your Benghazi obsession?

Because I have no problem whatsoever bringing that to everyone's attention and having others laughing at your expense.

Now what happened to all of those imaginary "new facts" of yours?

Did they evaporate?

Did your dog eat them?

Or were they just a figment of your obsessed imagination?

'Fess up!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You're helping the American public just fine, hack. LOL

Just keep bumping this thread for me. Independents will thank you.

Newsflash for the OP, I am an independent and if you are deluding yourself that your Benghazi obsession is going to sway a single one of them then it is little wonder that the extreme right is dragging the GOP into political irrelevance.
Your diversions are entertaining. But thanks for bumping the thread, hacks.

Are you trying to discourage me from exposing your Benghazi obsession?

Because I have no problem whatsoever bringing that to everyone's attention and having others laughing at your expense.

Now what happened to all of those imaginary "new facts" of yours?

Did they evaporate?

Did your dog eat them?

Or were they just a figment of your obsessed imagination?

'Fess up!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You're helping the American public just fine, hack. LOL

Just keep bumping this thread for me. Independents will thank you.

Newsflash for the OP, I am an independent and if you are deluding yourself that your Benghazi obsession is going to sway a single one of them then it is little wonder that the extreme right is dragging the GOP into political irrelevance.

LOL, you can call yourself Queen of Sheba for all I care. And you are NOT an independent thinker, LMAO.
Your diversions are entertaining. But thanks for bumping the thread, hacks.

Are you trying to discourage me from exposing your Benghazi obsession?

Because I have no problem whatsoever bringing that to everyone's attention and having others laughing at your expense.

Now what happened to all of those imaginary "new facts" of yours?

Did they evaporate?

Did your dog eat them?

Or were they just a figment of your obsessed imagination?

'Fess up!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Please continue. That's just the topic about which Obama's flunkies keep saying there's nothing to it. The more they have to say it, the deeper the hole they're digging.

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