Congress's First Power Demolishes Tea Party's "Constitutional Principle"

Well when 50% of the population owns 2.5% of the overall wealth of the country, there is NOTHING to tax those people on.
False. You can tax them on any number of things.
Income. Property. Purchases.
Huh? If they collectively own 2.5% of the total wealth there is practically nothing left to tax them on. You don't make any sense. :confused:
On the contrary - there are all kinds of things to tax them on:

Their income.
Their property.
The things that they buy.

I ran this past my 5-yr old daughter. It made sense to her. Not sure what -your- issue is in that regard.
False. You can tax them on any number of things.
Income. Property. Purchases.
Huh? If they collectively own 2.5% of the total wealth there is practically nothing left to tax them on. You don't make any sense. :confused:
On the contrary - there are all kinds of things to tax them on:

Their income.
Their property.
The things that they buy.

I ran this past my 5-yr old daughter. It made sense to her. Not sure what -your- issue is in that regard.

What income? What property? Collectively (that means all of them put together) barely own any property, don't have very much income. How do you tax them on something that they don't have? I'm not surprised you're consulting a 5 year old on this, that does explain a lot.
Huh? If they collectively own 2.5% of the total wealth there is practically nothing left to tax them on. You don't make any sense. :confused:
On the contrary - there are all kinds of things to tax them on:

Their income.
Their property.
The things that they buy.

I ran this past my 5-yr old daughter. It made sense to her. Not sure what -your- issue is in that regard.
What income? What property?...How do you tax them on something that they don't have?
50% of the people in the US don't have income?
50% of the people in the US don't have property?
Show this to be true.

I'm not surprised you're consulting a 5 year old on this, that does explain a lot.
Well, I figured that since I was talking with one, I'd look to her for reference.
On the contrary - there are all kinds of things to tax them on:

Their income.
Their property.
The things that they buy.

I ran this past my 5-yr old daughter. It made sense to her. Not sure what -your- issue is in that regard.
What income? What property?...How do you tax them on something that they don't have?
50% of the people in the US don't have income?
50% of the people in the US don't have property?
Show this to be true.

Seriously? What part about they COLLECTIVELY own 2.5% of the wealth are you not grasping? 50% of our population own so little property, make so little of an income, and own so little of the wealth that if you add them ALL together, they only own a combined 2.5% of the total wealth of the entire country. Since they possess so little wealth, this means there is very little you can tax them on. I don't know how else to explain this any other way.

I'm honestly unclear as to whether you're just being difficult for the sake of being difficult or if you genuinely aren't smart enough to grasp what we're talking about.
What income? What property?...How do you tax them on something that they don't have?
50% of the people in the US don't have income?
50% of the people in the US don't have property?
Show this to be true.
Seriously? What part about they COLLECTIVELY own 2.5% of the wealth are you not grasping?
You said:
What income? What property?...How do you tax them on something that they don't have?
I rsesponded:
50% of the people in the US don't have income?
50% of the people in the US don't have property?
Show this to be true.
Get busy showing those things to be true - else my statements stand.
50% of the people in the US don't have income?
50% of the people in the US don't have property?
Show this to be true.
Seriously? What part about they COLLECTIVELY own 2.5% of the wealth are you not grasping?
You said:
What income? What property?...How do you tax them on something that they don't have?
I rsesponded:
50% of the people in the US don't have income?
50% of the people in the US don't have property?
Show this to be true.
Get busy showing those things to be true - else my statements stand.

And I've already done that, but I'll repost for you. You're welcome.

I'll wait for your insightful response.
LOL, you clicked the first graph only and decided to eliminate ALL the other charts based upon what you deem to be insufficient data size in a single graph that still supports my point. How lazy are you? Pick another graph in the results if you don't like the dataset in the first graph....there are plenty to choose from that support what I said. Pathetic.
I clicked on a bunch of them, and they all suffered from the same lack of definitions. The term "wealth" is not unambiguous and I shouldn't have to figure out how they are defining it, they should tell me. I'm a six sigma black belt, a math major, and an MBA and when you present charts you define your terms, something they consistently failed to do. When that happens and you see numbers and they start drawing specific conclusions from them with no definition of what was measured much less how it was measured, two terms pop in to a critical mind:

1) agenda

2) BS

Lazy is not caring what they meant by "wealth" and just getting off because the conclusions drawn served your political agenda

So you're an outright liar too? Because if you spent 10 minutes looking for how they defined "wealth" you would have found it but you're too stubborn to actually look

I'll do your legwork AGAIN

Those are just two of the studies that you could have easily found if you weren't completely lazy that clearly establish how they define wealth. No, instead you felt the need to inform me how smart you are. LOL.

Feel free to post anything that proves me wrong with data that you feel is sufficiently qualified. I'd LOVE to see it.

Kaz, where are you? I was waiting to see you flex that MBA of yours with some amazing data and evidence to dispute anything that I posted. It's weird you suddenly stopped posting in this thread. :eusa_whistle:
Seriously? What part about they COLLECTIVELY own 2.5% of the wealth are you not grasping?
You said:

I rsesponded:
50% of the people in the US don't have income?
50% of the people in the US don't have property?
Show this to be true.
Get busy showing those things to be true - else my statements stand.

And I've already done that, but I'll repost for you. You're welcome.

I'll wait for your insightful response.
Neither of these sources show that:

-50% of the people in the US have no income.
-50% of the people in the US have no property

My statement thus stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.
You said:

I rsesponded:

Get busy showing those things to be true - else my statements stand.

And I've already done that, but I'll repost for you. You're welcome.

I'll wait for your insightful response.
Neither of these sources show that:

-50% of the people in the US have no income.
-50% of the people in the US have no property

My statement thus stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.

LOL, you went through both documents in 8 minutes? Now you're just a liar. At least be honest and tell me you don't want to read what I posted. Pathetic.
I'm really confused by the article and the OP.

Who has ever argued that it is unconstitutional for Congress to levy taxes?
And I've already done that, but I'll repost for you. You're welcome.

I'll wait for your insightful response.
Neither of these sources show that:

-50% of the people in the US have no income.
-50% of the people in the US have no property

My statement thus stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.
LOL, you went through both documents in 8 minutes? Now you're just a liar. At least be honest and tell me you don't want to read what I posted. Pathetic.
You're simply avoiding the point, that neither source supports the assertion that:

-50% of the people in the US have no income
-50% of the people in the US have no property

So, again, my statement stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.
Neither of these sources show that:

-50% of the people in the US have no income.
-50% of the people in the US have no property

My statement thus stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.
LOL, you went through both documents in 8 minutes? Now you're just a liar. At least be honest and tell me you don't want to read what I posted. Pathetic.
You're simply avoiding the point, that neither source supports the assertion that:

-50% of the people in the US have no income
-50% of the people in the US have no property

So, again, my statement stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.

First of all, those two statements were made by you twisting what I said which was that 50% of the population owns 2.5% of the total wealth. That is fully explained and shown in what I posted. In fact the bottom 25% of the country has a negative net worth.

I can see now what I'm dealing with here. You didn't read what I posted nor do you want to, because if you did we could have an intelligent discussion. But you'd rather repeat the same thing over and over.

LOL, you went through both documents in 8 minutes? Now you're just a liar. At least be honest and tell me you don't want to read what I posted. Pathetic.
You're simply avoiding the point, that neither source supports the assertion that:

-50% of the people in the US have no income
-50% of the people in the US have no property

So, again, my statement stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.
First of all, those two statements were made by you twisting what I said which was that 50% of the population owns 2.5% of the total wealth.
You then said that you cannot tax the income or property of this 50% of the people because they have no income and no property.
You have failed thus far to support your assertion, that they have no income or property.

That is fully explained and shown in what I posted. In fact the bottom 25% of the country has a negative net worth.
This in no way means that they have no income and no property.

You have also completely avoided the issue of taxing their purchases.
Let me guess - they don't buy anything?

So, again, my statement stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.
You're simply avoiding the point, that neither source supports the assertion that:

-50% of the people in the US have no income
-50% of the people in the US have no property

So, again, my statement stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.
First of all, those two statements were made by you twisting what I said which was that 50% of the population owns 2.5% of the total wealth.
You then said that you cannot tax the income or property of this 50% of the people because they have no income and no property.
You have failed thus far to support your assertion, that they have no income or property.

That is fully explained and shown in what I posted. In fact the bottom 25% of the country has a negative net worth.
This in no way means that they have no income and no property.

So, again, my statement stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.

I said they had very little wealth (2.5% to be exact) among a large portion (50% to be exact) of the population. Average that little amount of wealth over a large portion of the population and you get very little wealth per to nothing. Especially compared to what the upper 10% own. You can continue to be stubborn, be a concrete-thinker, but I've proven more then enough evidence to support what I said.

50% of the population owns 2.5% of the wealth

You have also completely avoided the issue of taxing their purchases.
Let me guess - they don't buy anything?
Who's talking about sales tax? What does that have to do with wealth?
First of all, those two statements were made by you twisting what I said which was that 50% of the population owns 2.5% of the total wealth.
You then said that you cannot tax the income or property of this 50% of the people because they have no income and no property.
You have failed thus far to support your assertion, that they have no income or property.

This in no way means that they have no income and no property.

So, again, my statement stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.
I said they had very little wealth (2.5% to be exact) among a large portion (50% to be exact) of the population. Average that little amount of wealth over a large portion of the population and you get very little wealth per to nothing. Especially compared to what the upper 10% own. You can continue to be stubborn, be a concrete-thinker, but I've proven more then enough evidence to support what I said.
You said they could not be taxed - "there is nothing to tax them on"

I said you could tax their income and their property and their purchases.

You then said they had no income or property TO tax - "how can you tax them on something they do not have"?

Nothing you have posted so far backs up the assertion that they have no income and no property.

And thus, my assertion that there IS something to tax them on - their income and their property and their purchases - stands.

Who's talking about sales tax?
I was, when I contered your statement that there is nothing to tax that 50% on.
Pay attention.
You then said that you cannot tax the income or property of this 50% of the people because they have no income and no property.
You have failed thus far to support your assertion, that they have no income or property.

This in no way means that they have no income and no property.

So, again, my statement stands.
Let me know when you have something to refute it.
I said they had very little wealth (2.5% to be exact) among a large portion (50% to be exact) of the population. Average that little amount of wealth over a large portion of the population and you get very little wealth per to nothing. Especially compared to what the upper 10% own. You can continue to be stubborn, be a concrete-thinker, but I've proven more then enough evidence to support what I said.
You said they could not be taxed - "there is nothing to tax them on"

I said you could tax their income and their property and their purchases.

You then said they had no income or property TO tax - "how can you tax them on something they do not have"?

Nothing you have posted so far backs up the assertion that they have no income and no property.

And thus, my assertion that there IS something to tax them on - their income and their property and their purchases - stands.

Who's talking about sales tax?
I was, when I contered your statement that there is nothing to tax that 50% on.
Pay attention.
My statement was that 50% of the people possess 2.5% of the wealth in this country. Do you wish to dispute this?
I said they had very little wealth (2.5% to be exact) among a large portion (50% to be exact) of the population. Average that little amount of wealth over a large portion of the population and you get very little wealth per to nothing. Especially compared to what the upper 10% own. You can continue to be stubborn, be a concrete-thinker, but I've proven more then enough evidence to support what I said.
You said they could not be taxed - "there is nothing to tax them on"

I said you could tax their income and their property and their purchases.

You then said they had no income or property TO tax - "how can you tax them on something they do not have"?

Nothing you have posted so far backs up the assertion that they have no income and no property.

And thus, my assertion that there IS something to tax them on - their income and their property and their purchases - stands.

Who's talking about sales tax?
I was, when I contered your statement that there is nothing to tax that 50% on.
Pay attention.
My statement was that 50% of the people possess 2.5% of the wealth in this country. Do you wish to dispute this?
The quotes I supplied and the links to them list exactly what your statements were, and my replies to them.

My assertion that you CAN tax that 50% stands, uncountered and undaunted.
You said they could not be taxed - "there is nothing to tax them on"

I said you could tax their income and their property and their purchases.

You then said they had no income or property TO tax - "how can you tax them on something they do not have"?

Nothing you have posted so far backs up the assertion that they have no income and no property.

And thus, my assertion that there IS something to tax them on - their income and their property and their purchases - stands.

I was, when I contered your statement that there is nothing to tax that 50% on.
Pay attention.
My statement was that 50% of the people possess 2.5% of the wealth in this country. Do you wish to dispute this?
The quotes I supplied and the links to them list exactly what your statements were, and my replies to them.

My assertion that you CAN tax that 50% stands, uncountered and undaunted.

Forget it. Someone that think that sales tax has anything to do with wealth or this conversation is someone who is just not a smart person. Simple as that.
I have to continue to remind myself that more often then not on this site I am trying to have conversations with people who aren't educated past the 10th grade and who have no interest or ability to engage in meaningful discussion. I am thankful though that people like you are far from the majority in this country and that fact gives me hope that once your closed minded generation dies out there is hope for this country after all. Thanks for reminding me.
My statement was that 50% of the people possess 2.5% of the wealth in this country. Do you wish to dispute this?
The quotes I supplied and the links to them list exactly what your statements were, and my replies to them.

My assertion that you CAN tax that 50% stands, uncountered and undaunted.
Forget it. Someone that think that sales tax has anything to do with wealth or this conversation is someone who is just not a smart person. Simple as that.
You stated that you could not tax the people in that 50%.
I stated that you could, and gave examples: sales tax, income tax, property tax.
-Nothing- you said since that statement has negated said statemment or those examples.

Thus, your statement that those people cannot be taxed, because they have nothing TO tax is wrong. Period.

I'm sorry that this fact forces you to respond like pre-puubescent child - but that's on you, and no one else.
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