Congresswoman whose district covers El Paso say's Trump is not welcome in El Paso

Until he fired the first round, he was considered a law abiding citizen. This is Texas. His rampage only lasted 45 seconds. Now, that's a pretty good response rate of stopping him, I would say. Since it is Texas, I can bet that there were at least 10 armed citizens in the mix but not a single one pulled out that old hogleg and fired back. For those of you that have never been under fire, you won't understand why. Citizens with guns are usually more dangerous to themselves and others around them than they are the bad guy. And when faced with an AR with a 100 round mag (that hasn't jammed like Aurora) that's a lot of firepower and maybe just saving your own bacon is very high on your list of things to do that day.

They were all chickenshit mexicans.
They wont fight for their homeland so what makes you think they'd fight for their countrymen?
Trump didn't fight for his country.

So who did barry fight for? Or any other president for that matter.
We fought for a free America while mexicans gave their country to Spain.

Who is WE? When did YOU fight for America? I served with some pretty fair Hombres who fought for America and didn't see you there. And even in the Texas Revolution Texans were also made up of MexTexes as well that fought and died for the Republic of Texas. 10 years ago, it was the Black Skins that were so sought after in the racist rants by your bunch. Now, it's still the Blacks but you are not going head over heals about the browns. IT was wrong then and it's wrong now. The problem is, you have been at it so long that it's become a habit. Can't wait for your BS to be legally called exactly what it is; Hate Speech. Us Indian (Native American) and Irish certain relate to this BS. So keep Trumping up your hate speech. When he is gone, there is a damned good chance that your Habit will no longer be tolerated.
I served in two branches of the military and in combat. I never saw you there Mr. will work for food. Your psychotic diatribes are incoherent, inaccurate, and just plain fucking dumb.

Should we ave started a war just so you can see him? Whose side did you fit for? You are describing your posts which shows why you are a Trump supporter. You are stupid and rely on Trump to tell you wat to say.
El Paso is considered to be one of the safest cities in the USA. The person who did the shooting at the Wal Mart is actually from Dallas. He drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, and when he got there that morning, he started his shooting spree. No, the person who did the shooting in El Paso wasn't from there.

Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

Until he fired the first round, he was considered a law abiding citizen. This is Texas. His rampage only lasted 45 seconds. Now, that's a pretty good response rate of stopping him, I would say. Since it is Texas, I can bet that there were at least 10 armed citizens in the mix but not a single one pulled out that old hogleg and fired back. For those of you that have never been under fire, you won't understand why. Citizens with guns are usually more dangerous to themselves and others around them than they are the bad guy. And when faced with an AR with a 100 round mag (that hasn't jammed like Aurora) that's a lot of firepower and maybe just saving your own bacon is very high on your list of things to do that day.

They were all chickenshit mexicans.
They wont fight for their homeland so what makes you think they'd fight for their countrymen?
Trump didn't fight for his country.
He is now...saving her from a Marxist overthrow.

You are the fascist white supremacist trying to take over the country.
The President of the United States has been told he's not welcome in an American city by an elected official.

Way to make a call for unity ! Unfuckingbelievable.

Texas House rep says Trump not welcome in El Paso after shooting
She's the politician who is aiding illegal immigrants. Dem Congresswoman Accused of Aiding & Abetting Illegals – American Retirement Insider
Hardly surprising she would do this. She's an ultra partisan pro illegal shitbag.
If she's aiding illegal invaders, she should be charged and tried for her violation of our laws.

Trump is giving aid and comfort to white supremacists. Trump is the one who should be in jail.
If the POTUS wants to go to El Paso. He will go and that Dem Rep can kiss his ass.

Mass shooters are murderous assholes who get guns. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

Find a way to ban, control and regulate murderous assholes and there will be no more mass shootings.

Good luck with that.

She certainly has no power to keep him away, it's just disgusting that a community leader would publicly demonstrate her divisivness.

Trump is the disgusting one. Trump is the divider. and the one who gave encouragement to the shooter. There is a special place in hell reserved for Trump.

Brain dead liberals. You clowns are funny. You morons blame Trump for everything. Keep doing it please because people are waking up and realizing how fucked up the Democrats really are. Hopefully when Trump wins 2020 you morons who said you would leave the country will actually leave. We will even start a go fund me page for your airfare.

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Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

Until he fired the first round, he was considered a law abiding citizen. This is Texas. His rampage only lasted 45 seconds. Now, that's a pretty good response rate of stopping him, I would say. Since it is Texas, I can bet that there were at least 10 armed citizens in the mix but not a single one pulled out that old hogleg and fired back. For those of you that have never been under fire, you won't understand why. Citizens with guns are usually more dangerous to themselves and others around them than they are the bad guy. And when faced with an AR with a 100 round mag (that hasn't jammed like Aurora) that's a lot of firepower and maybe just saving your own bacon is very high on your list of things to do that day.

They were all chickenshit mexicans.
They wont fight for their homeland so what makes you think they'd fight for their countrymen?
Trump didn't fight for his country.
He is now...saving her from a Marxist overthrow.

You are the fascist white supremacist trying to take over the country.
It is not a country without borders. For most people this is not about the color of people coming here. It is the amount of men and women coming here. And of that amount a continuous stream of legal and illegal for a half century without a slowdown making it impossible to assimilate all. That makes it easy to make this into a racial cauldron by people who live off of it. What is worse is that the purveyors of the change of a government system are using this to do just that. It takes some years for people to adjust totally and become comfortable as Americans. We have done that for a percentage of people coming here. But the numbers do not stop and it looks like there are many not being giving the chance to be part of it all. This has caused massive dislocations and divisions in our general population and within the Hispanic people also. The sell out politicians/media/entertainment people have caused massive damage to America. They should know better. So they are stupid or their careers are pushed more for being in agreement with the globalist manifesto.
El Paso is considered to be one of the safest cities in the USA. The person who did the shooting at the Wal Mart is actually from Dallas. He drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, and when he got there that morning, he started his shooting spree. No, the person who did the shooting in El Paso wasn't from there.

Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

If hate equals violence then all the liberal hate out there just perpetuates it. Trump nothing to do with any mass shootings.

Trump uses the same language as the shooter. Trump lied about El Paso and those lies were probably used by the shooter to target the city. Trump lied and people died.
El Paso is a dangerous motherfucking place.

Very low crime rate.

not at all.

In actuality, El Paso has a higher crime rate than 69.9% of American cities.
Seems pretty average for a major city
Crime rate has dropped in half since 2000

El Paso doesn’t even rank in the top 20 most dangerous cities in Texas

20 Most Dangerous Cities In Texas
Goddamn illegals are ruining Texas.

Goddamn Republicans are ruining Texas.
Texas has been a good conservative state for generations. Liberals are ruining Texas. Look at that fucking dope infested freak show called Austin. In 1964 a mass shooting occurred at the University of Texas from the clock tower. Back then male’s (students included) stopped their pick-up trucks, pulled out rifles and shot back. That was a day when we had real men in this country.
El Paso is considered to be one of the safest cities in the USA. The person who did the shooting at the Wal Mart is actually from Dallas. He drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, and when he got there that morning, he started his shooting spree. No, the person who did the shooting in El Paso wasn't from there.

Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

The city itself is very safe. It's only when nutjobs from other cities decide they don't like brown people. He drove all night, and interestingly enough, he didn't choose the Wal Mart ahead of time, he simply stopped there because he was hungry and wanted something to eat. When he saw all the Hispanic people in the store, he went back out, got his gun out of the car, and then went back inside and shot up the place. Considering that the police were there in less than 60 seconds (thanks for the info Daryl Hunt), I'd say that their response time was pretty freaking good.

And, how exactly would they have been able to stop him before the shooting? Unless he did something that would get him pulled over, there would have been no reason to stop his car and search it. Unless, of course, you believe we should live in a police state and sacrifice freedom for security. There was nothing prior that would have put him under watch.
El Paso is a dangerous motherfucking place.

It wasn't until Trump targeted the city you lying asshole.
Trump “targeted” El Paso? With what? Cruise missiles?

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