Conn. Heavily Controls Guns : Result : 20 Children Slaughtered

If we actually did try to make schools safe by putting armed guards in them, the same conservative clowns who are clamoring for it would be the first to complain about getting their taxes raised to pay for it.

Or they could stop wasting a gazillion $$ elsewhere to pay for it. Every motherfucking thing you libs want to do involves taxing somebody else to pay for it.

Your personal lives must be train-wrecks if this how you lefties conduct your personal affairs... no wonder we had people making $30,000 taking out $250,000 mortgages.

We'll take it right out of the military budget, and we'll put a priority on hiring veterans for the jobs.

How about that?

As long as you take proportionately a little out of EVERY budget item.. I'm FINE with that.
You can't board a plane with a tube of toothpaste.

And the gun nuts bitch about having to fill out paperwork.

Fuck 'em.

They were all for profiling the brown people at the airport. THAT portion of the Constitution wasn't quite as important to them.

Whoever the fuck said anything about brown people? Why are you always dragging race into everything?

Fucking racist.
You can't board a plane with a tube of toothpaste.

And the gun nuts bitch about having to fill out paperwork.

Fuck 'em.

The feds are responsible for that, at your insistence. Thank them. Do you feel safer?
As well they should.. CA sends out IOU's in lieu of actual refunds, taxes the shit out of its citizenry and then runs billion dollar deficits.

I don't know why anybody stays in that shit-hole state.

Expected high in Yorba Linda CA tomorrow - 66...

Nuff said.

Well, there is that.. I used to work in SFO a couple of months a year.. absolutely gorgeous.

But my God... my Brother in Law finally got out of San Jose... lost his ass on his house... his $475,000 "fixer-upper"..

You can't board a plane with a tube of toothpaste.

And the gun nuts bitch about having to fill out paperwork.

Fuck 'em.

The feds are responsible for that, at your insistence. Thank them. Do you feel safer?

He doesn't feel anything... he's an emotionally dead asshole who makes political points out of dead children. I think half this board have put that waste of humanity on ignore over the last few days.
I warned you to actually read it kid.

But last year, his administration took a less muted tone as it submitted its 2012 Education Department budget to Congress that eliminated the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) funding, which for years provided between $20 million and $30 million in annual grants to help schools create emergency and crisis preparation and prevention plans for tragedies just like the one that unfolded Friday.

Once again you show your lack of any real ability to comprehend what you read, or in thie case didn't read :)

The Justice Dept, the Boy King's Justice Dept allowed it to lapse.

Sorry kid, your messiah has a hand in these deaths.

Ah, that would be a Republican Congress now controlling the purse strings.

There, I made the word a little easier to read.
I warned you to actually read it kid.

But last year, his administration took a less muted tone as it submitted its 2012 Education Department budget to Congress that eliminated the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) funding, which for years provided between $20 million and $30 million in annual grants to help schools create emergency and crisis preparation and prevention plans for tragedies just like the one that unfolded Friday.

Once again you show your lack of any real ability to comprehend what you read, or in thie case didn't read :)

The Justice Dept, the Boy King's Justice Dept allowed it to lapse.

Sorry kid, your messiah has a hand in these deaths.

There, I made the word a little easier to read.

How does that change the fact that Republicans control the House, where revenue bills originate?

btw, coming from people like you who want the federal government out of education altogether, this is pretty rich.
Wooow, DOJ background check and a waiting period ha...

Make them wait for 2 weeks and the psychos will get bored and give up ha...

Waiting periods are retarded - a "solution" the moron left came up with. DOJ background checks are common sense, though.

Can not imagine what if they did not have to wait for 2 weeks to get their killing machines, scary...

So why do you lie so much? Is it that you know your arguments are fallacious to the point of absurd? Or do you not know the facts and just make shit up?

Purchasing guns in this country is as easy as buying popcorn in a movie theater. You haven't seen any "strict" gun laws so you apparently think 2 weeks waiting period is a strict policy. But I have seen societies where they have really strict gun laws. They don't let cherry boys handle guns like a sucker candy. They are aware of the responsibility of this because they are aware why guns are for, killing. Capish???
God help this fucking world if people like you are going to be in charge.

The Funds weren't requested kid...good lord.

I warned you to actually read it kid.

But last year, his administration took a less muted tone as it submitted its 2012 Education Department budget to Congress that eliminated the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) funding, which for years provided between $20 million and $30 million in annual grants to help schools create emergency and crisis preparation and prevention plans for tragedies just like the one that unfolded Friday.

There, I made the word a little easier to read.

How does that change the fact that Republicans control the House, where revenue bills originate?

btw, coming from people like you who want the federal government out of education altogether, this is pretty rich.
I warned you to actually read it kid.

But last year, his administration took a less muted tone as it submitted its 2012 Education Department budget to Congress that eliminated the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) funding, which for years provided between $20 million and $30 million in annual grants to help schools create emergency and crisis preparation and prevention plans for tragedies just like the one that unfolded Friday.

There, I made the word a little easier to read.

How does that change the fact that Republicans control the House, where revenue bills originate?

btw, coming from people like you who want the federal government out of education altogether, this is pretty rich.

And oddly, your username comes from this:

(Military / Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (formerly) a soldier equipped with a carbine
Well, enough people thinking the same way, you can kiss your guns a goodbye...

Gotta love democracy :)

Are you in 3rd grade?

Revoking civil rights that are protected by the Constitution legally takes a hell of a lot more than a popular vote.

You won't even be able to recreate the 1994 scary looking guns ban. Even Harry Reid won't vote for it.

Well, apparently you couldn't make it to the 2nd grade cause you are quoting "enough" and changing that to "popular".

One day someone will ask for votes of people to stop this madness, and despite all your whinings and hysterical cryings, I will do everything in my power for him or her to succeed...

I really need to discuss these issues with adults, not cherry boys like you that have no idea what the difference is between a sucker candy and a gun...
Well, enough people thinking the same way, you can kiss your guns a goodbye...

Gotta love democracy :)

Are you in 3rd grade?

Revoking civil rights that are protected by the Constitution legally takes a hell of a lot more than a popular vote.

You won't even be able to recreate the 1994 scary looking guns ban. Even Harry Reid won't vote for it.

Well, apparently you couldn't make it to the 2nd grade cause you are quoting "enough" and changing that to "popular".

One day someone will ask for votes of people to stop this madness, and despite all your whinings and hysterical cryings, I will do everything in my power for him or her to succeed...

I really need to discuss these issues with adults, not cherry boys like you that have no idea what the difference is between a sucker candy and a gun...

What the fuck are you babbling about? Cherry boy? Suckers and guns?

Are you high or just emotionally stunted?
What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.

Every single person in America should serve at least 2 years in the military at the grunt level. Everyone needs to know not only weapons and how to deal with combat but also to know what your fellow Americans are going through to keep you free!
Purchasing guns in this country is as easy as buying popcorn in a movie theater.

More moronic fucking lies.

What a douche you are.

You haven't seen any "strict" gun laws so you apparently think 2 weeks waiting period is a strict policy.

Not only are you a lying douche, you can't read.

Waiting periods are stupid and serve no purpose.

But I have seen societies where they have really strict gun laws. They don't let cherry boys handle guns like a sucker candy. They are aware of the responsibility of this because they are aware why guns are for, killing. Capish???

I suggest you put in for a passport to North Korea - the society you dream of awaits you.

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