Conn. Heavily Controls Guns : Result : 20 Children Slaughtered

Well, apparently you couldn't make it to the 2nd grade cause you are quoting "enough" and changing that to "popular".

The problem is, stupid fuck - revoking civil liberties requires a constitutional amendment.

Good luck with that.

One day someone will ask for votes of people to stop this madness, and despite all your whinings and hysterical cryings, I will do everything in my power for him or her to succeed...

I really need to discuss these issues with adults, not cherry boys like you that have no idea what the difference is between a sucker candy and a gun...

You're not here to "discuss' with anyone. You're here to spew hysterical lies in some odd hope that you can override the constitution with your idiocy.

You're a fucking moron, now slink back to the gutter.
And the facts stands solid like a rock, if guns were not sold in grocery stores, his mother would not have had a gun, and yet 20 kids would still be alive, just like all other people that have been killed by legally sold arms till to date.

I have been reading posts for days now and nobody ever could make any argument to falsify this fact. All speculations, all fooling themselves and each other.

If I was the father of any of those kids (which I feel like one when I think about it); I don't own guns, I don't want to own guns. So I don't care about guns. I don't care about your right to acquire guns either. Who the fuck are you. Screw you. My kid is the most important thing in this life. If they are going to be safer without your guns laying around then FUCK you all, FUCK your weapons too. You can take your guns and shove it up yours.

Oh, so YOU know how to get criminals to obey the law.

What's your plan?

Oh, so you will stop the criminals ha. You think you are one of those super heroes or something?
I won't stop the criminals. Armed victims will stop them.

For some reason, you think that's a terrible idea. Do you believe it's morally superior to be raped and/or murdered than to defend yourself with a gun?

Because it sure looks that way.
If letting people acquire guns was the answer to criminal activity, USA would be the safest place on earth. I know for a fact that it is far from it because every psychopath can get a killing machine like they get popcorns in a movie theater. just want to disarm only law-abiding people, thus creating more victims.

How will that help?

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this issue any thought. Just emotion.
Wooow, DOJ background check and a waiting period ha...

Make them wait for 2 weeks and the psychos will get bored and give up ha...

Waiting periods are retarded - a "solution" the moron left came up with. DOJ background checks are common sense, though.

Can not imagine what if they did not have to wait for 2 weeks to get their killing machines, scary...

So why do you lie so much? Is it that you know your arguments are fallacious to the point of absurd? Or do you not know the facts and just make shit up?

Purchasing guns in this country is as easy as buying popcorn in a movie theater. You haven't seen any "strict" gun laws so you apparently think 2 weeks waiting period is a strict policy. But I have seen societies where they have really strict gun laws. They don't let cherry boys handle guns like a sucker candy. They are aware of the responsibility of this because they are aware why guns are for, killing. Capish???
Well, ain't you just an internet badass.

Doesn't mesh will with your pants-wetting fear of guns, though. :lol:
I warned you to actually read it kid.

But last year, his administration took a less muted tone as it submitted its 2012 Education Department budget to Congress that eliminated the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) funding, which for years provided between $20 million and $30 million in annual grants to help schools create emergency and crisis preparation and prevention plans for tragedies just like the one that unfolded Friday.

How does that change the fact that Republicans control the House, where revenue bills originate?

btw, coming from people like you who want the federal government out of education altogether, this is pretty rich.

And oddly, your username comes from this:

(Military / Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (formerly) a soldier equipped with a carbine

:lol: He just shit himself in terror.
Are you in 3rd grade?

Revoking civil rights that are protected by the Constitution legally takes a hell of a lot more than a popular vote.

You won't even be able to recreate the 1994 scary looking guns ban. Even Harry Reid won't vote for it.

Well, apparently you couldn't make it to the 2nd grade cause you are quoting "enough" and changing that to "popular".

One day someone will ask for votes of people to stop this madness, and despite all your whinings and hysterical cryings, I will do everything in my power for him or her to succeed...

I really need to discuss these issues with adults, not cherry boys like you that have no idea what the difference is between a sucker candy and a gun...

What the fuck are you babbling about? Cherry boy? Suckers and guns?

Are you high or just emotionally stunted?
The two are not mutually exclusive.
But...but Washington was RICHHHHHHHHHH!!!

A one percenter to be sure.

Besides, its not like he was talking to the guys who wrote it....
If we actually did try to make schools safe by putting armed guards in them, the same conservative clowns who are clamoring for it would be the first to complain about getting their taxes raised to pay for it.
I see you haven't learned not to say stupid shit yet.

Given that we already had one conservative in this thread who reacted exactly as I described, I'd say you're wrong.
What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.

Every single person in America should serve at least 2 years in the military at the grunt level. Everyone needs to know not only weapons and how to deal with combat but also to know what your fellow Americans are going through to keep you free!

So you are arguing that kindergarten five year olds should be packing heat.
No, I was not. And neither are you. In other words, you're a liar, whose objective is to leave vulnerable children at the mercy of any loon who walks in off the street with the intention of killing them.

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