Connect The Dots: One World Government

Here we have a phenomenon so ubiquitous that it cries out for inspection...

1. Specific linked notes and quotes from or about “global warming,” a Supreme Court Justice, the CIA Director, the Vice-President, President Obama's National Economic Council director, and the Department of Justice…

Taken singly or together, they clearly represent an attack on the sovereignty and design of the Unite States of America.

2. Yet, Torte-boy, wingy, floppsy, paintball, deanie, Stalin, konny, in short….the ‘usual suspects’ unanimously post ‘is not, is not’ responses.

3. If every one of the five items in the is accurate and correct, isn’t ‘is not, is not’ tepid at the very best?

And is not an attack on the very nature of the United States pretty serious, if true? Isn’t our independence the reason for America’s exceptional history?

4. Are the Left’s posters so weak, so insipid that they can’t muster an insightful attack to show that
a. the items in the OP are untrue?
b. or that world governance is a good idea?

5. Seems Coulter was correct:
“Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…”

I realize you are just playing with us as you giggle "look at the line if shit I got those libbies to buy"

In fact, we cannot even gain cooperation in our own country, yet you somehow envision we can work out some global order of international brotherhood

Yes, I still reccomend you be fitted for those tin foil panties

My poor, poor buddy, wingy...

Straining to be relevant, to author a pity post....but reduced to this...what, adumbration?

Speaking of which....did you hear of the cartoonist found dead? Details are sketchy....

Did you find the following beyond your abilities?
" Are the Left’s posters so weak, so insipid that they can’t muster an insightful attack to show that
a. the items in the OP are untrue?
b. or that world governance is a good idea?"

I've seen you play this game many times before. You might rile up the other Libs but I'm not biting

It is a blatant conspiracy theory which you are taunting Libs.....You can't prove my crazy theories wrong

You want to talk Joe McCarthy again?
I realize you are just playing with us as you giggle "look at the line if shit I got those libbies to buy"

In fact, we cannot even gain cooperation in our own country, yet you somehow envision we can work out some global order of international brotherhood

Yes, I still reccomend you be fitted for those tin foil panties

My poor, poor buddy, wingy...

Straining to be relevant, to author a pity post....but reduced to this...what, adumbration?

Speaking of which....did you hear of the cartoonist found dead? Details are sketchy....

Did you find the following beyond your abilities?
" Are the Left’s posters so weak, so insipid that they can’t muster an insightful attack to show that
a. the items in the OP are untrue?
b. or that world governance is a good idea?"

I've seen you play this game many times before. You might rile up the other Libs but I'm not biting

It is a blatant conspiracy theory which you are taunting Libs.....You can't prove my crazy theories wrong

You want to talk Joe McCarthy again?

"You might rile up the other Libs but I'm not biting."

a. While I can't deny that I revel in the former....

b. can't deny that you can't find anything untrue in the OP, nor can you
defend the abnegation of United States sovereignty.

At the risk of mixing metaphors, it's not that you're not biting, it's
that you have no ammunition.
One World Government? HA!

Only if it is this one...



Sandwich, if only you had the ability to understand the situation, ....sigh....
....your posts might actually have moment.

What was I thinking??? Here, let me help:
mo·ment (mmnt)
Outstanding significance or value; importance
moment - definition of moment by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

But, please...continue to work to ability.
How kind of you to show up just in time to prove that when data accumulates to prove an anti-progressive thesis....

....Liberals can never.....


...connect the dots.

Thanks much, Torte....

And crazed conspiracy driven right wingers can't recognize propaganda when they see it.

[ame=]Biden: "We Want To Create What's Called A Global Minimum Tax" - YouTube[/ame]

That was some fine bitch slapping in those posts. :clap2::clap2:
My poor, poor buddy, wingy...

Straining to be relevant, to author a pity post....but reduced to this...what, adumbration?

Speaking of which....did you hear of the cartoonist found dead? Details are sketchy....

Did you find the following beyond your abilities?
" Are the Left’s posters so weak, so insipid that they can’t muster an insightful attack to show that
a. the items in the OP are untrue?
b. or that world governance is a good idea?"

I've seen you play this game many times before. You might rile up the other Libs but I'm not biting

It is a blatant conspiracy theory which you are taunting Libs.....You can't prove my crazy theories wrong

You want to talk Joe McCarthy again?

"You might rile up the other Libs but I'm not biting."

a. While I can't deny that I revel in the former....

b. can't deny that you can't find anything untrue in the OP, nor can you
defend the abnegation of United States sovereignty.

At the risk of mixing metaphors, it's not that you're not biting, it's
that you have no ammunition.

Guess what?

The US is a sovereign nation and happens to be leader of the free world. That, in itself refutes everything in your OP. On the global stage, we are the 800 lb gorilla.
That does not mean we do not participate in the United Nations and engage in global diplomacy which involves signing treaties and agreements when it is in our best interests

Now I know that someone who is obviously as intelligent as yourself and knows how to use the term abnegation in a sentence would understand all this

Your attempts to play rightwing extremist and try to use this as evidence that we are forfeiting our sovereignty is humorous and I'm not biting
Did you find the following beyond your abilities?
" Are the Left’s posters so weak, so insipid that they can’t muster an insightful attack to show that
a. the items in the OP are untrue?
b. or that world governance is a good idea?"

It's the assumptions and conclusions in your OP that you make which are either false or logical fallacies. Signing a climate change treaty does not mean the UN "taking control" of the country. Saying that foreigners don't value the US constitution as much as Americans do - an extremely arrogant supposition - does not mean a Justice hates the constitution. A "global minimum tax" means the US Treasury will tax companies on worldwide income, not some supranational organization will impose a tax on the US. Changing the colours on the DoJ website is not a harkening to some communist movement 80 years ago - real or imagined. As for the thing about the oceans, given how inaccurate, irrelevant and shrill the other four points in the OP are, and given that it comes from the extremist site, WND, we'll take a ginormous grain of salt.

I hope the sun is shining where you are today PC.
I've seen you play this game many times before. You might rile up the other Libs but I'm not biting

It is a blatant conspiracy theory which you are taunting Libs.....You can't prove my crazy theories wrong

You want to talk Joe McCarthy again?

"You might rile up the other Libs but I'm not biting."

a. While I can't deny that I revel in the former....

b. can't deny that you can't find anything untrue in the OP, nor can you
defend the abnegation of United States sovereignty.

At the risk of mixing metaphors, it's not that you're not biting, it's
that you have no ammunition.

Guess what?

The US is a sovereign nation and happens to be leader of the free world. That, in itself refutes everything in your OP. On the global stage, we are the 800 lb gorilla.
That does not mean we do not participate in the United Nations and engage in global diplomacy which involves signing treaties and agreements when it is in our best interests

Now I know that someone who is obviously as intelligent as yourself and knows how to use the term abnegation in a sentence would understand all this

Your attempts to play rightwing extremist and try to use this as evidence that we are forfeiting our sovereignty is humorous and I'm not biting

Aw....gowan'......take a bite......
Who's behind the racial strife, civil disobedience groups like the Occupados, recall elections based on sour grapes, entitlement and unsustainable union protectionism, bankrupting profitable but politically unpopular industries for those that are darlings of their political sect, and shutting down free speech and the will of the people through the courts and intimidating sponsors? Oh and don't forget trying to force religions to knuckle under and obey the tenants of government rather than God.

Just who do you think is doing that? Where on the left is there any peacemaking, unifying force for this nation if it does not submit to your politics?

What about income imbalance, drives to turn back environmental laws, legislating against women, subordinating equal rights to religious doctrine? It goes both ways. Who's winning and will it really matter in the end, since One World Government is coming anyway?

1. Problem: income imbalance

Solution: work harder

...see how easy that was?

2. "...will it really matter in the end,..."
This could only be penned by a dunce who has never studied history.

Pinned the tail on the donkey, didn't I konny?

While that may be true, what does that have to do with One World Government? Pinned the tail on what? Are you delerious? Seems you can't even keep on the topic of your own OP! :lmao:
Isn't that part of the plan? Magnify the misery to accelerate the change? Who's trying harder? :eusa_shifty:
Who's behind the racial strife, civil disobedience groups like the Occupados, recall elections based on sour grapes, entitlement and unsustainable union protectionism, bankrupting profitable but politically unpopular industries for those that are darlings of their political sect, and shutting down free speech and the will of the people through the courts and intimidating sponsors? Oh and don't forget trying to force religions to knuckle under and obey the tenants of government rather than God.

Just who do you think is doing that? Where on the left is there any peacemaking, unifying force for this nation if it does not submit to your politics?

What about income imbalance, drives to turn back environmental laws, legislating against women, subordinating equal rights to religious doctrine? It goes both ways. Who's winning and will it really matter in the end, since One World Government is coming anyway?
Let's see.

Strawman List

What about income imbalance

You have equality of opportunity, not equality of results.

drives to turn back environmental laws

Regulation without proof of danger (AGW) or a positive cost/benefit analysis that shows direct improvement of quality of life is not uniting. It prevents people from being able to have liberty OR a pursuit of happiness.

Besides, it's a global market, and every regulation that slows, or hurts business hurts this nation's economy. Cost/Benefit analysis and a check of constitutionality should be legally required from an independent source before any environmental law goes into place.

legislating against women

But legislating against a religion is fine? Secondly, nobody's legislating against women. There are hundreds of groups offering (if not thousands) free birth control not to mention it's cheap and you can buy it over the counter for a 10th of what the shill claimed.

subordinating equal rights to religious doctrine

Who's telling the Catholic church they cannot act according to their belief systems by trying to force them to pay for immoral activity they have ALWAYS denounced by government fiat? Talk about your failed attempt at creating victim status on the aggressor.

It goes both ways.

Really? I'd love to see you guys come our way for even a tenth of the time. But let's not quibble over percentages, your implication that you want it both ways is an abject lie easily seen.

Who's winning and will it really matter in the end

If P-BOcare survives, this nation will cease to be America as it was founded and be nothing more than an oligarchy of party politics just like the USSR, the PRC, WW2 Italy and Nazi Germany were. So ultimately, if the left won't back down on it's desire to destroy or 'mutate' the constitution away, it will come to a blood. Hope you're ready for it, because it's going to be a horror that's not been seen in quite a while.

since One World Government is coming anyway

Highly assumptive and 'Conventional Wisdom' is often wrong because it counts the chickens before they're hatched. Too many nations will not join, and every global empire has failed within a decade to a generation. People will always rebel against enslavement over time because the individual cannot be extinguished.

Nice to see that the left really is clueless. That will make the look on their faces all the more funny when it all falls apart.
Yep.... that "Global minimum tax" is the start of a one world government.... You're a moron.

What that does is protect the AMERICAN people from the GLOBALIZATION of our financial and business sector. It's saying that Companies who choose to invest overseas instead of RIGHT HERE AT HOME will no longer get special government subsidies to do so.

So in fact, it's curtailing GLOBALIZATION, not promoting it.

Because trust me... ideological differences vary greatly from country to country.... Politics will not bring about a "one world government". But there is one common denominator that can.... MONEY.

Yes, I believe that if a One World Government is possible... it will ONLY be through the financial and business sector. Once again.... the right refuses to see the brainwashing that their media outlets bombard them with. Useful idiots indeed.
I believe we are at least a hundred years from a one world government. You can't have a one world government as long as political and cultural divides follow national boundaries. We are moving rapidly, but we have long ways to go.
Isn't that part of the plan? Magnify the misery to accelerate the change? Who's trying harder? :eusa_shifty:
Who's behind the racial strife, civil disobedience groups like the Occupados, recall elections based on sour grapes, entitlement and unsustainable union protectionism, bankrupting profitable but politically unpopular industries for those that are darlings of their political sect, and shutting down free speech and the will of the people through the courts and intimidating sponsors? Oh and don't forget trying to force religions to knuckle under and obey the tenants of government rather than God.

Just who do you think is doing that? Where on the left is there any peacemaking, unifying force for this nation if it does not submit to your politics?

A useful strategy that the KGB found highly successful...

....and added by the Main Stream Media.

Often difficult to see where KGB ends and MSM begins.....

They authored same as agitprop as far back as 1935. Today it is combined with Alinsky tactics, and, as you can see....pretty successful.
Latest edition is the Zimmerman-Martin case.

Smert Komitet Gossudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti-
(Death to the KGB)
Social media has only made these tactics faster and more devastating too.
1. The big push by the Left at Global Governance, called 'global warming'

LOL I can't believe it. Even when, overall, you're right, you still get it wrong.

There is in fact a push for global governance. It has little to do with global warming, though. It arises from the fact that, economically and culturally, the world IS unifying. I communicate daily with people from all over the world; one of my clients is in Australia or New Zealand (not sure which), another is in Austria, and a third is in the Middle East somewhere.

One of the main tasks of government is to medicate conflicts among people in its jurisdiction, but in the new world that's emerging, there is no national government that has jurisdiction over all of the possible vectors of conflict. And so increasingly, pressure arises for governing institutions of global scope, and they are in the process of being created.

We cannot stop this. All we can hope to do, is to steer it in a preferred direction.
For large corporations nationalism is a hindrance to business because it highlights differences between people, emphasizing an identification with a nation. Our large multinationals profit from commonality of nations, not differences. In the end, it may be large corporations that will be most responsible for tearing down national boundaries.
The Globalist Elites have been planning their NWO for a long time. And they're making steady progress towards their goal. They have a lot of patience. They knew it would take many years. Their number one goal is to destroy nations' sovereignty. But they realize the U.S. will be the toughest nut to crack on that one. Most American Citizens truly do value their Constitution and sovereignty. But that is changing, as we observe the rise of the Big Government Socialists/Progressives and Neocons. They're both fervent Big Government Globalism supporters. Both have very little use for our Constitution. So our Nation's sovereignty is slipping away. Only true Constitutional Conservatives can save us now. I just hope more Americans realize that soon. Before it's too late.
When your country's leaders do such things as forcing your workers to compete head to head with workers overseas making 30 cents an hour, and policies of that nature,

that is what brings about one world government.

The corporate internationalists and the politicians they bankroll are the true perpetrators of the quest for that one world government.
When your country's leaders do such things as forcing your workers to compete head to head with workers overseas making 30 cents an hour, and policies of that nature,

that is what brings about one world government.

The corporate internationalists and the politicians they bankroll are the true perpetrators of the quest for that one world government.
:lmao: :rofl: :lmao:

Who's pushing for international control over everything???

Oh my gawd! :lol: You think for ONE SECOND anyone's going to buy that this isn't all some scheme of the internationalist fascisti to cease global control so nobody can escape them? Corporatism and it's kith and kin socialism, liberalism, progressivism and the like put false choices and dichotomies in front of the public all the time to make them think these are the only choices they have. The only thing that changes is the tailoring and methodology of tyrannical application.

You have the audacity to blame this on a strive for individual liberty and freedom?

You're a bigger fool than I gave you credit for being! And that's damn big seeing how many years I've seen you dribbling on.

One question. Is the problem that another country pays it's workers 30 cents on the dollar, or is that government has made the societal costs for the standard of living sustainably high?

Can you even comprehend that question?
The Globalist Elites have been planning their NWO for a long time. And they're making steady progress towards their goal. They have a lot of patience. They knew it would take many years. Their number one goal is to destroy nations' sovereignty. But they realize the U.S. will be the toughest nut to crack on that one. Most American Citizens truly do value their Constitution and sovereignty. But that is changing, as we observe the rise of the Big Government Socialists/Progressives and Neocons. They're both fervent Big Government Globalism supporters. Both have very little use for our Constitution. So our Nation's sovereignty is slipping away. Only true Constitutional Conservatives can save us now. I just hope more Americans realize that soon. Before it's too late.

What makes you think they haven't taken over already?

They are making plans to turn us into corporate slaves right now
Let's see...................

The GOP Christians (a lot of 'em anyway) are scared that Obama is the Anti Christ, which is why they are scared of a one world government.

But.............after Christ comes back, isn't HE supposed to be ruling the world for the next 1,000 years?

Face it, even if you're Christian, you're gonna have to be part of a one world government.
Let's see...................

The GOP Christians (a lot of 'em anyway) are scared that Obama is the Anti Christ, which is why they are scared of a one world government.

But.............after Christ comes back, isn't HE supposed to be ruling the world for the next 1,000 years?

Face it, even if you're Christian, you're gonna have to be part of a one world government.

only if the aliens don't get here first...

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