Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

No, promoting sedition against the FBI, the media, or the government, makes you a terrorist.

No, that makes you an American.

Our founders didn't design this country so that government (or their entities) have unlimited power over the people. When we see corruption, our right to freedom of speech allows us to call it. Our ability to vote gives us the power to remove people or parties out of office. Our Constitution gives us the ability to bring such people to answer for their actions.

That’s not what the NRA are currently advocating. They are calling them members to an armed conflict against the duly elected forces arrayed against them.
Keep lying it suits you so well.

This is hate speech:

That is absolutely dead-on accurate.
The Communists are now branding anyone fighting for our Constitution, a 'Terrorist.' Just another phase of their Agenda. The US Constitution must go. Americans better wake up and understand what the Communists/Democrats are doing. They're very dangerous.

Liberals aren’t “communists”, the NRA opposes freedom of the press, the FBI, teachers, the federal government, and all provisions of the Constitution except the 2nd Amendment.

The NRA is fighting a propaganda campaign against the duly elected US government. That campaign is being funded with money received from the Russian government.

Liberals/progressives are for the most part fabian socialists if not outright marxists. Those that are not or claim to not be marxists, are simply useful idiots because they are unknowingly pushing a communist agenda. How you came to the conclusion that the NRA opposes freedom of this corporate owned lamestream media that was infiltrated by CIA operatives and members of the CFR whose corporate CEOs ( of which there are six that control 90 percent of all media) also have a seat on the CFR and Committee of 300 only exposes your ignorance.

The NRA opposes the FBI.INC? The same agency that was involved in COINTEL-PRO and a number of false flag events that were used to pass further draconian legislation? If they truly are, then it shows that they are awake as well.

The NRA is fighting AGAINST propaganda being spewed by certain segments of "da gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity as a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated duties (in a for profit venture) per their corporate charter constitution. They are no different than Wal-Mart in the legal sense per Black's Law dictionary.

Russians are funding the NRA? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there ANYTHING that the ROOSKIES can't do? They are EVERYWHERE!!! According to idiots such as yourself. (Sigh) So many leftist idiots to educate, so little time.........
Glad he tells it like it is , hopefully more will come out and call this terrorist organization out for what it is

Gov. Dannel Malloy compared the NRA to such groups multiple times, saying it has evolved into a different organization from what it used to be more than a decade ago.

Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

That is hilarious....coming from a commie governor that helped give the world "Sandy Hoax"......
No, promoting sedition against the FBI, the media, or the government, makes you a terrorist.

No, that makes you an American.

Our founders didn't design this country so that government (or their entities) have unlimited power over the people. When we see corruption, our right to freedom of speech allows us to call it. Our ability to vote gives us the power to remove people or parties out of office. Our Constitution gives us the ability to bring such people to answer for their actions.

That’s not what the NRA are currently advocating. They are calling them members to an armed conflict against the duly elected forces arrayed against them.

They are? News to me. Have any credible links to support your claim?
The NRA does not sell weapons or ammo
All the money they get is from membership fees and donations


This Is How The Gun Industry Funds The NRA - Business Insider
Not paying to read a link

and the NRA does not sell guns or ammo but it does accept donations exactly like the organizations you support

The money powering the NRA

The organization's overall revenue, which includes membership dues, program fees and other contributions, has boomed in recent years – rising to nearly $350 million in 2013. The majority of this money funds NRA initiatives like member newsletters, sporting events and gun safety education and training programs.

A CNNMoney analysis of federal campaign finance records shows that much of this money comes from everyday Americans. And these contributions, which the NRA uses to keep pro-gun lawmakers in office, are on the rise.


New billboard in Pensacola calls NRA a terrorist organization
Glad he tells it like it is , hopefully more will come out and call this terrorist organization out for what it is

Gov. Dannel Malloy compared the NRA to such groups multiple times, saying it has evolved into a different organization from what it used to be more than a decade ago.

Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

Perhaps it's insane outbursts like this that have resulted in Malloy having the lowest approval rating of any sitting governor, at 23%

Morning Consult: Malloy Is Least Popular Governor Still In Office
Glad he tells it like it is , hopefully more will come out and call this terrorist organization out for what it is

Gov. Dannel Malloy compared the NRA to such groups multiple times, saying it has evolved into a different organization from what it used to be more than a decade ago.

Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

Perhaps it's insane outbursts like this that have resulted in Malloy having the lowest approval rating of any sitting governor, at 23%

Morning Consult: Malloy Is Least Popular Governor Still In Office

Bugs has had the dubious pleasure of meeting Malloy

Left unsaid in this "analysis" is the NRA's long history of stoking and exploiting racial fears, prime examples of which are racially charged comments by both NRA leader Wayne LaPierre and NRA board member Ted Nugent, an NRA-produced graphic novel that critics say had "deliberate racial overtones," and an NRA report that claimed race, not access to guns, plays a "significant" role in murders.

NRA Says "Race-Baiting" "Mainstream Media" Puts On A "Modern-Day Minstrel Show"
No, promoting sedition against the FBI, the media, or the government, makes you a terrorist.

No, that makes you an American.

Our founders didn't design this country so that government (or their entities) have unlimited power over the people. When we see corruption, our right to freedom of speech allows us to call it. Our ability to vote gives us the power to remove people or parties out of office. Our Constitution gives us the ability to bring such people to answer for their actions.

That’s not what the NRA are currently advocating. They are calling them members to an armed conflict against the duly elected forces arrayed against them.
Keep lying it suits you so well.

This is hate speech:

Truth is are pathetic
Glad he tells it like it is , hopefully more will come out and call this terrorist organization out for what it is

Gov. Dannel Malloy compared the NRA to such groups multiple times, saying it has evolved into a different organization from what it used to be more than a decade ago.

Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

He is wrong. It is the same organization it always was. It's just no one was trying to steal our guns a decade ago. They have stepped up to stop you from stepping all over our rights.

The NRA dupes people with this "They are coming for your guns" bullshit. Evidently, just like they did you.
No, promoting sedition against the FBI, the media, or the government, makes you a terrorist.

No, that makes you an American.

Our founders didn't design this country so that government (or their entities) have unlimited power over the people. When we see corruption, our right to freedom of speech allows us to call it. Our ability to vote gives us the power to remove people or parties out of office. Our Constitution gives us the ability to bring such people to answer for their actions.

That’s not what the NRA are currently advocating. They are calling them members to an armed conflict against the duly elected forces arrayed against them.
Keep lying it suits you so well.

This is hate speech:

Be specific and tell us what she said that was NOT true. You liberals have gone crazy since Trump won rioting attacking people lying repeatedly.
Left unsaid in this "analysis" is the NRA's long history of stoking and exploiting racial fears, prime examples of which are racially charged comments by both NRA leader Wayne LaPierre and NRA board member Ted Nugent, an NRA-produced graphic novel that critics say had "deliberate racial overtones," and an NRA report that claimed race, not access to guns, plays a "significant" role in murders.

NRA Says "Race-Baiting" "Mainstream Media" Puts On A "Modern-Day Minstrel Show"
You deny that over 50 percent of all murder is done by blacks? A group that makes up 13 percent of the population?
Left unsaid in this "analysis" is the NRA's long history of stoking and exploiting racial fears, prime examples of which are racially charged comments by both NRA leader Wayne LaPierre and NRA board member Ted Nugent, an NRA-produced graphic novel that critics say had "deliberate racial overtones," and an NRA report that claimed race, not access to guns, plays a "significant" role in murders.

NRA Says "Race-Baiting" "Mainstream Media" Puts On A "Modern-Day Minstrel Show"
You deny that over 50 percent of all murder is done by blacks? A group that makes up 13 percent of the population?
Just more bleating and mewing of the dying NRA demographic

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