Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

Conservative leaning patriotic Americans are kicking liberal butt at every opportunity around here and throughout the country.

I'd say that's a huge and obvious improvement since Trump came on the political seen.
Glad he tells it like it is , hopefully more will come out and call this terrorist organization out for what it is

Gov. Dannel Malloy compared the NRA to such groups multiple times, saying it has evolved into a different organization from what it used to be more than a decade ago.

Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

Good move.

Calling 5 to 6 million law abiding members of the NRA terrorists.

Guess you jumped right on that bandwagon with the rest of the morons.
Glad he tells it like it is , hopefully more will come out and call this terrorist organization out for what it is

Gov. Dannel Malloy compared the NRA to such groups multiple times, saying it has evolved into a different organization from what it used to be more than a decade ago.

Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

And which terrorist deeds have they committed?

Oh, nothing of course.

Apart from keeping Americans armed and able to protect themselves against this master looter and his special interest (criminal gangs).
Glad he tells it like it is , hopefully more will come out and call this terrorist organization out for what it is

Gov. Dannel Malloy compared the NRA to such groups multiple times, saying it has evolved into a different organization from what it used to be more than a decade ago.

Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

Dumb shit....the NRA trains police and other law enforcement agents....they train civilians in gun asswipes can push that lie all you simply reveals what vile human beings you are...

The real criminals are the democrat party....who constantly fights to release violent gun criminals from prison.....all the time....they keep doing it over and over again.......
Again...thank you democrats for putting gun confiscation on the ballot for the 2018 midterm elections....the Republican base was getting just woke them up.....the CNN town hall where all you numb nuts chanted to ban and confiscate all semi auto weapons....priceless.....thanks......we need more Republicans in the Senate....
Democrats obsession with gun control started with their beloved KKK and their Jim Crow laws, hell, they still have their most restrictive gun control measures on minorities (particularly Blacks) in their ghetto zones..They consider South Chicago their greatest liberal Democrat success story..
Democrats obsession with gun control started with their beloved KKK and their Jim Crow laws, hell, they still have their most restrictive gun control measures on minorities (particularly Blacks) in their ghetto zones..They consider South Chicago their greatest liberal Democrat success story..

They are really idiots, aren't they? Just think how their stupid worthless gun in Chicago culls out almost a thousand potential Democrat voters each year.
Wow... so this guy is calling my dad, who put his life on the line for his country fighting terrorists, a terrorist? Yep, he's a card carrying member of the NRA. He's not a terrorist, he's a hero.

I'll soon join the NRA myself, and I dare any liberal on this board to call me a terrorist for doing so.

Really, or what exactly?
Glad he tells it like it is , hopefully more will come out and call this terrorist organization out for what it is

Gov. Dannel Malloy compared the NRA to such groups multiple times, saying it has evolved into a different organization from what it used to be more than a decade ago.

Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'
I live in CT and our governor is the most inept person I have ever seen in charge of anything much less an entire state

His idiocy is one of the reason I actually joined the NRA and Gun Owners of America
White, out of touch, New England, rich liberal doesn't want minorities to have guns to protect themselves. Shocking.

The NRA does NOTHING to protect the rights of minorities and urban legal gun ownership.

They got their Uncle Tom...

NRA: "He's so articulate. He's one of the good ones."

Just callin' it like it is.
I consider the Democratic Party to be a terrorist organization. So there.

"I'm rubber you're glue..."

Well played.



Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.
White, out of touch, New England, rich liberal doesn't want minorities to have guns to protect themselves. Shocking.

The NRA does NOTHING to protect the rights of minorities and urban legal gun ownership.

They got their Uncle Tom...

NRA: "He's so articulate. He's one of the good ones."

Just callin' it like it is.
You are a liar. The NRA does all it can to protect rights. Liberal scumbags like you on the other hand...
White, out of touch, New England, rich liberal doesn't want minorities to have guns to protect themselves. Shocking.

The NRA does NOTHING to protect the rights of minorities and urban legal gun ownership.

They got their Uncle Tom...

NRA: "He's so articulate. He's one of the good ones."

Just callin' it like it is.
You are a liar. The NRA does all it can to protect rights. Liberal scumbags like you on the other hand...

The NRA protects profit, nothing else. It uses the 2nd Amendment as a means to an end$.

They could care less about your "rights". They just want you to spend as much money on weapons and ammo. Why do you think they protect extended clips. To sell more Ammo. Duh! The profit is not in the clip itself, but all the ammo gun nutters have to buy to fill the clips so they can blow the hell out of cans and melons.

They care even less about the rights of people of color and anyone who openly opposes or questions them.

But they bought themselves a token black to seem less racist.
Glad he tells it like it is , hopefully more will come out and call this terrorist organization out for what it is

Gov. Dannel Malloy compared the NRA to such groups multiple times, saying it has evolved into a different organization from what it used to be more than a decade ago.

Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

NRA = Terrorists
illegal wetbacks = Not terrorists

While the NRA fights to retain constitutional rights for REAL Americans....illegal wetbacks are hard at work raping and killing real Americans.
Do you Loons really wonder why nobody but other wackos takes you serious anymore?
White, out of touch, New England, rich liberal doesn't want minorities to have guns to protect themselves. Shocking.

The NRA does NOTHING to protect the rights of minorities and urban legal gun ownership.

They got their Uncle Tom...

NRA: "He's so articulate. He's one of the good ones."

Just callin' it like it is.
You are a liar. The NRA does all it can to protect rights. Liberal scumbags like you on the other hand...

The NRA protects profit, nothing else. It uses the 2nd Amendment as a means to an end$.

They could care less about your "rights". They just want you to spend as much money on weapons and ammo. Why do you think they protect extended clips. To sell more Ammo. Duh! The profit is not in the clip itself, but all the ammo gun nutters have to buy to fill the clips so they can blow the hell out of cans and melons.

They care even less about the rights of people of color and anyone who openly opposes or questions them.

But they bought themselves a token black to seem less racist.

I never knew the NRA sold ammo. Do you have a site with their prices? :21:

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