Connecticut governor: NRA is a 'terrorist organization'

What does a scandal have to do with being a terrorist moron?

According to fuckheads like you, to disagree with YOUR brand of baised politics makes one a "terrorist.....BUT, to be embroiled in constant corruptions, indictments and scandals makes YOUR ilk the "American way," correct?
Remember when libs were spouting all repub candidates had been indicted....and then the indictments all went away.....its a malicious abuse of the system to paint a dishonest picture to the electorate because your message for the country doesn't sell.
The Communists are now branding anyone fighting for our Constitution, a 'Terrorist.' Just another phase of their Agenda. The US Constitution must go. Americans better wake up and understand what the Communists/Democrats are doing. They're very dangerous.
I can't stop yawning.

Your half brain is starved for oxygen???...........LOL

No. Your posts are repetitious, nonsensical and boring.

"True".....its difficult to match your "erudition" in calling the almost 1/3 of people who vote "democrat," terrorists, right you fucking moron???...............LOL

You seem tense. Perhaps a button has been pushed?

That would be the saveliberty has shown in my thread oh shit button.
Dont address the fucking left like the OP or any comment by the commie democrats. They are all fucking deranged losers.
The world is upside down and ass backward in the liberal mind. Criminals who enter the U.S. illegally and injure and murder American citizens are befriended and protected. Islamic fundamentalists who plot to murder Americans are protected by liberals. CUSA operates openly in the U.S. and even lobbies (mostly democrats) in government but an organization that promote firearm safety and trains Police Officers and civilians and who's membership included half a dozen U.S. presidents and war heroes and Veterans (including JFK) is labeled by elitist angry lefties as a terrorist organization. Go figure.
No, promoting sedition against the FBI, the media, or the government, makes you a terrorist.

No, that makes you an American.

Our founders didn't design this country so that government (or their entities) have unlimited power over the people. When we see corruption, our right to freedom of speech allows us to call it. Our ability to vote gives us the power to remove people or parties out of office. Our Constitution gives us the ability to bring such people to answer for their actions.
White, out of touch, New England, rich liberal doesn't want minorities to have guns to protect themselves. Shocking.

The NRA does NOTHING to protect the rights of minorities and urban legal gun ownership.

They got their Uncle Tom...

NRA: "He's so articulate. He's one of the good ones."

Just callin' it like it is.
You are a liar. The NRA does all it can to protect rights. Liberal scumbags like you on the other hand...

The NRA protects profit, nothing else. It uses the 2nd Amendment as a means to an end$.

They could care less about your "rights". They just want you to spend as much money on weapons and ammo. Why do you think they protect extended clips. To sell more Ammo. Duh! The profit is not in the clip itself, but all the ammo gun nutters have to buy to fill the clips so they can blow the hell out of cans and melons.

They care even less about the rights of people of color and anyone who openly opposes or questions them.

But they bought themselves a token black to seem less racist.

The NRA does not sell weapons or ammo
All the money they get is from membership fees and donations

And Groups like the NRA and Gun Owners of America are the only organizations fighting to protect our second amendment rights
The Communists are now branding anyone fighting for our Constitution, a 'Terrorist.' Just another phase of their Agenda. The US Constitution must go. Americans better wake up and understand what the Communists/Democrats are doing. They're very dangerous.

Liberals aren’t “communists”, the NRA opposes freedom of the press, the FBI, teachers, the federal government, and all provisions of the Constitution except the 2nd Amendment.

The NRA is fighting a propaganda campaign against the duly elected US government. That campaign is being funded with money received from the Russian government.
No, promoting sedition against the FBI, the media, or the government, makes you a terrorist.

No, that makes you an American.

Our founders didn't design this country so that government (or their entities) have unlimited power over the people. When we see corruption, our right to freedom of speech allows us to call it. Our ability to vote gives us the power to remove people or parties out of office. Our Constitution gives us the ability to bring such people to answer for their actions.

That’s not what the NRA are currently advocating. They are calling them members to an armed conflict against the duly elected forces arrayed against them.
No, promoting sedition against the FBI, the media, or the government, makes you a terrorist.

No, that makes you an American.

Our founders didn't design this country so that government (or their entities) have unlimited power over the people. When we see corruption, our right to freedom of speech allows us to call it. Our ability to vote gives us the power to remove people or parties out of office. Our Constitution gives us the ability to bring such people to answer for their actions.

That’s not what the NRA are currently advocating. They are calling them members to an armed conflict against the duly elected forces arrayed against them.
Keep lying it suits you so well.
No, promoting sedition against the FBI, the media, or the government, makes you a terrorist.

No, that makes you an American.

Our founders didn't design this country so that government (or their entities) have unlimited power over the people. When we see corruption, our right to freedom of speech allows us to call it. Our ability to vote gives us the power to remove people or parties out of office. Our Constitution gives us the ability to bring such people to answer for their actions.

That’s not what the NRA are currently advocating. They are calling them members to an armed conflict against the duly elected forces arrayed against them.
Keep lying it suits you so well.

This is hate speech:


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