Cons make yet another big oil mess for liberals to clean up

All these cons lining up to defend the polluting of the earth. They're blatantly enjoying destroying their own country. How stupid is it to shit in your own food bowl?
Seriously? "Destroying the country." Are you even remotely capable of understanding the wholesale destruction your so-called presidential "leader" has visited on this Republic? OMG! You and your ilk are astoundingly ignorant, obtuse, and incapable of any type of rational thought or considered reasoning.
100,000 gallons of oil spilled on the beaches of Santa Barbara California. At least they fucked up the rich pukes beaches this time. But it's the liberals that are cleaning it up. Liberals are the ones that care about the environment and the wild life. God Damn cons are going to be keeping liberals busy cleaning up oil messes from Canada to Texass with the new pipeline, How long will it take for this country to realize that cons only fuck up everything?

15 Photos of the Massive 100 000 Gallon Oil Spill That s Leaking Off the California Coast - Mic
A very silly pathetic rant. Who caused the oil spill? Was it done intentionally? Did anyone gain from it? Your "Liberal" "Conservative" rant and blame is baseless, as well as uneducated and pathetic. Where does the blame actually lie? And, was the spill an accident or was it an act making someone look bad to get even for something? Have we not had this type of accident in the past? Who cleans up our polluted rivers and streams, our polluted land, and our polluted oceans? Do ships dump waste in the ocean? Do industrial plants pollute rivers and streams? Are some of our lakes polluted? Who's at fault for all pollution? Who cleans up after each disaster?

This spill has absolutely nothing to with "Liberals" nor with "Conservatives". This was an accident. And, I'm sure many are involved in the clean-up, both Liberals and Conservatives. Or, do you have stats and data that show that only one or the other is actually involved in the clean-up? Or, is this post just a morning rant fishing for an argument? Curious minds want to know.
Man, it was not an accident. More than half the pipelines in this nation are overage, and these kinds of accidents are happening on almost a weekly basis. The oil companies have been making billions per quarter, why can they not replace those worn out pipelines?
100,000 gallons of oil spilled on the beaches of Santa Barbara California. At least they fucked up the rich pukes beaches this time. But it's the liberals that are cleaning it up. Liberals are the ones that care about the environment and the wild life. God Damn cons are going to be keeping liberals busy cleaning up oil messes from Canada to Texass with the new pipeline, How long will it take for this country to realize that cons only fuck up everything?

15 Photos of the Massive 100 000 Gallon Oil Spill That s Leaking Off the California Coast - Mic
A very silly pathetic rant. Who caused the oil spill? Was it done intentionally? Did anyone gain from it? Your "Liberal" "Conservative" rant and blame is baseless, as well as uneducated and pathetic. Where does the blame actually lie? And, was the spill an accident or was it an act making someone look bad to get even for something? Have we not had this type of accident in the past? Who cleans up our polluted rivers and streams, our polluted land, and our polluted oceans? Do ships dump waste in the ocean? Do industrial plants pollute rivers and streams? Are some of our lakes polluted? Who's at fault for all pollution? Who cleans up after each disaster?

This spill has absolutely nothing to with "Liberals" nor with "Conservatives". This was an accident. And, I'm sure many are involved in the clean-up, both Liberals and Conservatives. Or, do you have stats and data that show that only one or the other is actually involved in the clean-up? Or, is this post just a morning rant fishing for an argument? Curious minds want to know.
Man, it was not an accident. More than half the pipelines in this nation are overage, and these kinds of accidents are happening on almost a weekly basis. The oil companies have been making billions per quarter, why can they not replace those worn out pipelines?
Good Point.
All these cons lining up to defend the polluting of the earth. They're blatantly enjoying destroying their own country. How stupid is it to shit in your own food bowl?
Seriously? "Destroying the country." Are you even remotely capable of understanding the wholesale destruction your so-called presidential "leader" has visited on this Republic? OMG! You and your ilk are astoundingly ignorant, obtuse, and incapable of any type of rational thought or considered reasoning.
Are you serious? When President Obama took office, this nation was on the verge of a second
Great Republican Depression. 500,000 jobs going down the drain every month. The market dropping to less than half it's value. And now? The market in record territory, 18,000+, unemployment at 5.4%. And you liars call that a recession?
100,000 gallons of oil spilled on the beaches of Santa Barbara California. At least they fucked up the rich pukes beaches this time. But it's the liberals that are cleaning it up. Liberals are the ones that care about the environment and the wild life. God Damn cons are going to be keeping liberals busy cleaning up oil messes from Canada to Texass with the new pipeline, How long will it take for this country to realize that cons only fuck up everything?

15 Photos of the Massive 100 000 Gallon Oil Spill That s Leaking Off the California Coast - Mic
A very silly pathetic rant. Who caused the oil spill? Was it done intentionally? Did anyone gain from it? Your "Liberal" "Conservative" rant and blame is baseless, as well as uneducated and pathetic. Where does the blame actually lie? And, was the spill an accident or was it an act making someone look bad to get even for something? Have we not had this type of accident in the past? Who cleans up our polluted rivers and streams, our polluted land, and our polluted oceans? Do ships dump waste in the ocean? Do industrial plants pollute rivers and streams? Are some of our lakes polluted? Who's at fault for all pollution? Who cleans up after each disaster?

This spill has absolutely nothing to with "Liberals" nor with "Conservatives". This was an accident. And, I'm sure many are involved in the clean-up, both Liberals and Conservatives. Or, do you have stats and data that show that only one or the other is actually involved in the clean-up? Or, is this post just a morning rant fishing for an argument? Curious minds want to know.
Man, it was not an accident. More than half the pipelines in this nation are overage, and these kinds of accidents are happening on almost a weekly basis. The oil companies have been making billions per quarter, why can they not replace those worn out pipelines?
this is California rocks,in the wealthy area no less......those pipes are was human error,had to of been.... ....a republican i believe someone said....:dunno:
Conservatives don't want oils spills any more than some liberal puke, and to say different is pure unsubstantiated nonsense.
All these cons lining up to defend the polluting of the earth. They're blatantly enjoying destroying their own country. How stupid is it to shit in your own food bowl?
Seriously? "Destroying the country." Are you even remotely capable of understanding the wholesale destruction your so-called presidential "leader" has visited on this Republic? OMG! You and your ilk are astoundingly ignorant, obtuse, and incapable of any type of rational thought or considered reasoning.
Are you serious? When President Obama took office, this nation was on the verge of a second
Great Republican Depression. 500,000 jobs going down the drain every month. The market dropping to less than half it's value. And now? The market in record territory, 18,000+, unemployment at 5.4%. And you liars call that a recession?
FYI - The Stock Market is NOT an economic indicator. The stock market goes up and down whether we have good times or bad times. And, the published unemployment rate is political propaganda, at best. Main Street America tells the real story of the economy in this country. Obama pushed the economy and kept us breathing with astronomical government debt, which is the only catalyst keeping us afloat today. We have less home ownership, pension funds in trouble, cities going bankrupt, growing poverty and homelessness, 45.7 million on food stamps, many millions receiving some form of government assistance, our jobs market consist of part-time, temporary, and low-wage employment, and our infrastructure is in bad need of repairs and upgrades. Employers are offering less company paid benefits, the cost of living has increased, health care has increased, the cost of higher education has increased, and we're still being flooded with illegal immigrants.

We're still sending soldiers to war, we still have government corruption, we still have a Lobbyists' controlled Congress, We still have a judicial system of injustice, our streets are war zones between law enforcement and citizens, and rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. We've lost the right to privacy, and freedom is still one's luck. So, tell me how much better we have it now? Oh, we're still waiting for those "shovel ready projects" and the promised "hope and change".
All these cons lining up to defend the polluting of the earth. They're blatantly enjoying destroying their own country. How stupid is it to shit in your own food bowl?
About as stupid as dumping millions of gallons of drinking water in the ocean to save a sardine. Instead of saving it for the humans. Liberalism is a disease.
^^^Perfect example of cons not dealing with reality.^^^^^
All these cons lining up to defend the polluting of the earth. They're blatantly enjoying destroying their own country. How stupid is it to shit in your own food bowl?
Seriously? "Destroying the country." Are you even remotely capable of understanding the wholesale destruction your so-called presidential "leader" has visited on this Republic? OMG! You and your ilk are astoundingly ignorant, obtuse, and incapable of any type of rational thought or considered reasoning.
^^^^Perfect example of cons not dealing with reality.^^^^
It's a pandemic of cons stupidity.
All these cons lining up to defend the polluting of the earth. They're blatantly enjoying destroying their own country. How stupid is it to shit in your own food bowl?
Seriously? "Destroying the country." Are you even remotely capable of understanding the wholesale destruction your so-called presidential "leader" has visited on this Republic? OMG! You and your ilk are astoundingly ignorant, obtuse, and incapable of any type of rational thought or considered reasoning.
^^^^Perfect example of cons not dealing with reality.^^^^
It's a pandemic of cons stupidity.

Go drink your bong water. Dick.

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