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Cons want a divorce from the United States

It's been a long time since I was in school, but my recollection is that there were neither Republicans nor Democrats around when this country was founded. Original settlers came here from various countries fleeing many things, not the least of which was freedom from religious persecution, excessive taxation, "serfdom" under various forms of oppressive governments, and a sense of individual liberty.

The Founding Fathers (as they are so snidely referred to these days) were men who sought to gather all these various colonies, recognizing the differences between the colonies, into a nation of themselves working together to form a civilized government that would ensure the cares, concerns, hopes and dreams of these colonies would be guaranteed and protected.

These Founding Fathers were of various religious backgrounds - Episcopal, Catholic, Quaker, etc. and NOWHERE in these discussions of how to organize and form this country was it ever demanded that there would be ONE official, national religion to which all colonists must subscribe. The citizens of this new country could freely follow and practice the religion of their choice without persecution from members of any other religious following.

They set about to form a government of checks and balances whereby no one part of government would have unbridled power over the other. Considerations of the differences between the colonies resulted in a method whereby these proposed new states could establish laws relative to the particular population of those states. The final results that became the Constitution of the United States of America was a magnificent document, unlike constitutions or other means of governance of other countries.

Along the way there were people who disagreed, and in more modern times, yearned for that absolute power of old. They seem to have some selfish need to have absolute control to dictate what others will and won't do. They want absolute slavery. They are neither Republican nor Democrat. They have, generally speaking, latched themselves onto today's Democrat Party (which is not the same Democrat Party of times gone by) and they want to obliterate all the things that were so carefully considered and deliberated in what was ultimately so beautifully laid out in our Constitution. These are INDIVIDUALS as opposed to collective parties. Wealth has nothing to do with it. Individual greed, jealousy, lust for power and a number of other unhealthy qualities does.
The United States has always been a marriage between libs and cons, that's the "united" in United States. But a marriage only works if there is compromise. If one can't except the other for who they are, it won't work. You can't try to force someone to be the way you want them to be.

The best times in America has been when both sides worked together. The worst times was when the Civil war happened because neither side would compromise. Looks like this country is going back to that same old stupidity.

When a family goes through a divorce the children suffer, and the economy of the family diminishes. As a result of the republicans wanting to secede from the U.S., our country is no longer the economic leader of the world, China is.

When a family goes through a divorce, the children usually become less educated. The U.S. is now one of the most uneducated industrialized countries in the world.

When a family goes through a divorce, the home falls into disrepair. America's roads, bridges and infrastructure is in shambles.

If this divorce happens, it will be very easy for the new super power to take us over. Look what's happening to Ukraine.

I'm assuming you wrote this. Congratulations on a terrific short essay.

You are absolutely right. Our government, nee, our country, was founded on compromise. That the tea party refuses to acknowledge it may spell doom for our political system.
You go first.
The United States has always been a marriage between libs and cons, that's the "united" in United States. But a marriage only works if there is compromise. If one can't except the other for who they are, it won't work. You can't try to force someone to be the way you want them to be.

The best times in America has been when both sides worked together. The worst times was when the Civil war happened because neither side would compromise. Looks like this country is going back to that same old stupidity.

When a family goes through a divorce the children suffer, and the economy of the family diminishes. As a result of the republicans wanting to secede from the U.S., our country is no longer the economic leader of the world, China is.

When a family goes through a divorce, the children usually become less educated. The U.S. is now one of the most uneducated industrialized countries in the world.

When a family goes through a divorce, the home falls into disrepair. America's roads, bridges and infrastructure is in shambles.

If this divorce happens, it will be very easy for the new super power to take us over. Look what's happening to Ukraine.

Fuck you. I don't want to work with you or with people like you.

I want to destroy you.

And it looks pretty good for us right now....

Which is the ONLY reason dimocrap scum are 'reaching out'

Fuck them. I want them absolutely destroyed. I want us to treat them like we treated Japan and Germany during WWII. I want them destroyed, devastated and razed to the ground so that they can never rise and infest our Country with their disease ever again.

Think 'Third Punic War'

Get a Conservative to explain it to you

USA Today: Republicans lead generic ballot, looking better than in 2010, 1994 | Conservative Intelligence Briefing


an example of why this country is in the shape its in...
The United States has always been a marriage between libs and cons, that's the "united" in United States. But a marriage only works if there is compromise. If one can't except the other for who they are, it won't work. You can't try to force someone to be the way you want them to be.

The best times in America has been when both sides worked together. The worst times was when the Civil war happened because neither side would compromise. Looks like this country is going back to that same old stupidity.

When a family goes through a divorce the children suffer, and the economy of the family diminishes. As a result of the republicans wanting to secede from the U.S., our country is no longer the economic leader of the world, China is.

When a family goes through a divorce, the children usually become less educated. The U.S. is now one of the most uneducated industrialized countries in the world.

When a family goes through a divorce, the home falls into disrepair. America's roads, bridges and infrastructure is in shambles.

If this divorce happens, it will be very easy for the new super power to take us over. Look what's happening to Ukraine.

We just want a divorce from the moron running the show.
Put the bottle down and think for a while lefties. Bill Ayers and his gang and the entire left advocated the violent overthrow of the government with bombs and robbery and murder. Now the left wing is afraid of a bunch of old bald headed guys and grey haired old ladies of the Tea Party who even clean up the area after a meeting.

Conveniently, you left out the Koch brothers.
Put the bottle down and think for a while lefties. Bill Ayers and his gang and the entire left advocated the violent overthrow of the government with bombs and robbery and murder. Now the left wing is afraid of a bunch of old bald headed guys and grey haired old ladies of the Tea Party who even clean up the area after a meeting.

Conveniently, you left out the Koch brothers.


oh gosh yes; no liberal crybaby whine is complete without a petty insult on the Koch Brothers!1

idiots and hypocrites
It's more than just the ability to compromise. There are no points on which compromise is possible. In fact the parts are getting further apart. Yes it makes us weaker. Liberals should have thought of that before their war on the American people.

Remember Archie and Edith Bunker? Archie was a con, and treated Edith like shit. She finally grew a spine, and told the asshole to take a hike. It's the intolerance of the cons that's the war on the American people, and you know it.

But you are wrong in saying a marriage works ONLY if there is compromise.
Marriage as too the country should be based on mutual principles. As a consequence there would NOT be compromises.
You'd love being married in a Sharia law country.

Anyone notice that liberals' reality is shaped by movies, TV shows and the like? They always default to these things to explain their position.
Conservatives' reality is shaped by studies and news stories.

I'm with Edge. Today's liberals are a pox. There is no working with people who think the problem with America is America.

and there aint no working with a group of people who have you and edges mindset...and hungover is an example of a lefty with that mindset....he hates anyone who doesnt agree with him too.......people have always disagreed, but it was rare that they would wish them death.....now look at it......and you people wonder why this Country is so divided?.....
Cons want a divorce from the progressives who are in both parties.
Their political ideology is the opposite of our Constitution.
Put the bottle down and think for a while lefties. Bill Ayers and his gang and the entire left advocated the violent overthrow of the government with bombs and robbery and murder. Now the left wing is afraid of a bunch of old bald headed guys and grey haired old ladies of the Tea Party who even clean up the area after a meeting.

Conveniently, you left out the Koch brothers.

Probably because the Koch brothers haven't done any of the above.. unlike Obama's buddies actually have done.

Do try and keep up Nutty Luddite.
Remember Archie and Edith Bunker? Archie was a con, and treated Edith like shit. She finally grew a spine, and told the asshole to take a hike. It's the intolerance of the cons that's the war on the American people, and you know it.

You'd love being married in a Sharia law country.

Remember drunk teddy leaving his girlfriend in the car to drown. That was the start of the war on women.

I do remember Shrub leaving 1800 Americans to drown in New Orleans. The best you can do is go off topic.

Actually, bush didn't do that but teddy really did that.
Lefties run 2/3 of the federal government but they haven't stopped whining for almost five years. They complain about the unfairness of the republican majority in congress and the alleged racism directed at Obama but they freaking forgot how bad it was during the 60's and 70's when there was anarchy in the streets and (Lt) Kerry teamed up with Jane Fonda to create the fake "winter soldiers" gang which they thought would unite the anti-war and the civil rights factions. Nobody would dispute that Bill Ayers is guilty of felony murder and about a hundred other felonies but he and his former domestic terrorist wife and movers and shakers in the democrat party. Cindy Sheehan's crazy anti-war radicals said terrible things about George Bush and burned and lynched effigies of the president but they suddenly disappeared when Obama was elected. Hollywood promoted a freaking movie showing how to assassinate George Bush while he was in office and made another anti-Bush movie "W" while he was in office that they show over and over on cable TV. We had a standoff between BLM bullies and ranchers and small minded lefties think it's the freaking Civil War all over just because a timid democrat is in the White House.
No it has not. The country would not have been founded had these two worthless parties been around in the late 1700s.

^^^^^^Slept through history class.

^^^^Excellent example of public school indoctrination...can't think.

There is nothing remotely even close to the founders and today's political parties.
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No it has not. The country would not have been founded had these two worthless parties been around in the late 1700s.

^^^^^^Slept through history class.

he is right.....the people in those days cared about the Country not their fucking party....if people like the Democrats and Republicans of today went back in time right now,you would all be put on a boat back to England....
No it has not. The country would not have been founded had these two worthless parties been around in the late 1700s.

^^^^^^Slept through history class.

he is right.....the people in those days cared about the Country not their fucking party....if people like the Democrats and Republicans of today went back in time right now,you would all be put on a boat back to England....

Hell, king george would have passed on today's parties.
Compromise according to democrats: the GOP goes along with everything we want.

Working together according to democrats: see above.

It was Boehner, the con leader of the House that bragged he got 98% of what he wanted.

And Republicans who said "compromise" means 'doing it our way'.

Read the posts here - they do want the country split and an end to the middle class.

If the rw trend continues, we are entering a new Dark Ages and if they're not stopped, the US will become a Third World country.

That IS what they say they want.

i got news for you Luddy....the guy called Hangover is no different than those he hates....read some of his i hate Republicans threads.....he sure as hell aint no "uniter"....and he aint no "Independent" either....
The United States has always been a marriage between libs and cons, that's the "united" in United States. But a marriage only works if there is compromise.

Wrong. The United in "United States" refers to the STATES (thus the name). IT had nothing whatsofuckingever to do with the union of libs and cons.

If one can't except the other for who they are, it won't work. You can't try to force someone to be the way you want them to be. * * * *

Holy shit. LIBERAL Arts education at work undermining actual education and hungover is Exhibit "A." The word is ACCEPT, you twit, not "except." And that a con might not be able to accept a lib for the moron he is STILL has nothing at all to do with your topic sentence, you idiot.

And the balance of your post is mindless touchy-feely drivel. No conservative wants to "force" any dopey liberal to "be" what we'd like them to be: i.e., smarter and conservative. It is desirable, however, to seek to persuade you mindless goobers with facts and logic. It's not our fault you treat those things like deadly poison.

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