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Cons want a divorce from the United States

At least half of what used to be the nation known as the United States will be very liberal. If some foreign power in charge lets you.
The United States has always been a marriage between libs and cons, that's the "united" in United States.

Not even close.

The fundamental difference between modern liberals and conservatives, is that conservatives believe you have the right to keep what you earn, while liberals believe (or at least vote for people who believe, and implement) that other people have a right to take from you what you earn in ever-increasing amounts.

If what you said were so, then the "United Bank" that's on the corner near where I live, would be a union between people who deposit and withdraw in the normal way, and bank robbers. And it would have rules saying that both have equal rights to the money in the bank, and no one can interfere with either one's activities.

"United States" referred to a union between some states that did mostly farming, and some that had more industry. Between states where people were catholic and Presbyterian. Between people who though drinking on Sunday was OK and people who didn't. Etc.

The diminution of property rights that this new crop of liberals has brought with them, is something new in our country's history, that pretty much started in the last hundred years or so. Before then, taking money or resources from one person to give it to another with no expectation of reciprocity, was variously called either "charity" or "theft". And both were forbidden to any government, for good reason.
They are welcome to all this:
Has anyone asked Condi Rice about liberal intolerance?

Both sides are growing increasingly intolerant of the other. Rather than lament how conservatives are so unwilling to be liberals, there should be discussion on the best way to handle the coming dissolution.
The United States has always been a marriage between libs and cons, that's the "united" in United States. But a marriage only works if there is compromise. If one can't except the other for who they are, it won't work. You can't try to force someone to be the way you want them to be.

The best times in America has been when both sides worked together. The worst times was when the Civil war happened because neither side would compromise. Looks like this country is going back to that same old stupidity.

When a family goes through a divorce the children suffer, and the economy of the family diminishes. As a result of the republicans wanting to secede from the U.S., our country is no longer the economic leader of the world, China is.

When a family goes through a divorce, the children usually become less educated. The U.S. is now one of the most uneducated industrialized countries in the world.

When a family goes through a divorce, the home falls into disrepair. America's roads, bridges and infrastructure is in shambles.

If this divorce happens, it will be very easy for the new super power to take us over. Look what's happening to Ukraine.

When in modern days has the left ever been willing to compromise on anything? Furthermore, what's to compromise on? We don't want the U.S. turned into a European style, Fabian Socialist nanny state.
we need to become 8-9 smaller, more homogenous countries, for a fact.
No, we don't. We just need to make property rights more ironclad, and leave charity to individuals or private groups, as it must be.

And then let the people who don't like it, leave.
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It's more than just the ability to compromise. There are no points on which compromise is possible. In fact the parts are getting further apart. Yes it makes us weaker. Liberals should have thought of that before their war on the American people.

Remember Archie and Edith Bunker? Archie was a con, and treated Edith like shit. She finally grew a spine, and told the asshole to take a hike. It's the intolerance of the cons that's the war on the American people, and you know it.

But you are wrong in saying a marriage works ONLY if there is compromise.
Marriage as too the country should be based on mutual principles. As a consequence there would NOT be compromises.
You'd love being married in a Sharia law country.

Anyone notice that liberals' reality is shaped by movies, TV shows and the like? They always default to these things to explain their position.
Conservatives' reality is shaped by studies and news stories.

I'm with Edge. Today's liberals are a pox. There is no working with people who think the problem with America is America.

MASH was a tv show too, but Frank Burns accurately portrayed the con mentality. His "reality" got him taken to the looney bin where he belonged.

It's so funny that you claim to have your reality shaped by "the liberal media" news stories. or do you just follow FUX NEWS? That would say a lot about cons. What about all those "global warming" studies?
[some] Cons want a divorce from the United States

Not going to get it.
The United States has always been a marriage between libs and cons, that's the "united" in United States. But a marriage only works if there is compromise. If one can't except the other for who they are, it won't work. You can't try to force someone to be the way you want them to be.

The best times in America has been when both sides worked together. The worst times was when the Civil war happened because neither side would compromise. Looks like this country is going back to that same old stupidity.

When a family goes through a divorce the children suffer, and the economy of the family diminishes. As a result of the republicans wanting to secede from the U.S., our country is no longer the economic leader of the world, China is.

When a family goes through a divorce, the children usually become less educated. The U.S. is now one of the most uneducated industrialized countries in the world.

When a family goes through a divorce, the home falls into disrepair. America's roads, bridges and infrastructure is in shambles.

If this divorce happens, it will be very easy for the new super power to take us over. Look what's happening to Ukraine.

I'm assuming you wrote this. Congratulations on a terrific short essay.

Long on glossy rhetoric, short on truth.

The best liberal screeds always are.
the people who's own Dear Leader told the other Party to "go sit in the back of the bus"

and to basically shut up because "elections have consequences"

have the audacity to be crying like the little hypocritical babies they are that the OTHER side are the ones that wont compromise?

what else did you expect from idiotic Left-wing losers who lie TO THEMSELVES on a daily basis?
It's more than just the ability to compromise. There are no points on which compromise is possible. In fact the parts are getting further apart. Yes it makes us weaker. Liberals should have thought of that before their war on the American people.

Remember Archie and Edith Bunker? Archie was a con, and treated Edith like shit. She finally grew a spine, and told the asshole to take a hike. It's the intolerance of the cons that's the war on the American people, and you know it.

But you are wrong in saying a marriage works ONLY if there is compromise.
Marriage as too the country should be based on mutual principles. As a consequence there would NOT be compromises.
You'd love being married in a Sharia law country.

Remember drunk teddy leaving his girlfriend in the car to drown. That was the start of the war on women.

I do remember Shrub leaving 1800 Americans to drown in New Orleans. The best you can do is go off topic.
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Remember Archie and Edith Bunker? Archie was a con, and treated Edith like shit. She finally grew a spine, and told the asshole to take a hike. It's the intolerance of the cons that's the war on the American people, and you know it.

You'd love being married in a Sharia law country.

Remember drunk teddy leaving his girlfriend in the car to drown. That was the start of the war on women.

I do remember Shrub leaving 1800 Americans to drown in New Orleans.

Were you hit severely on the head, sustaiining trauma?
Put the bottle down and think for a while lefties. Bill Ayers and his gang and the entire left advocated the violent overthrow of the government with bombs and robbery and murder. Now the left wing is afraid of a bunch of old bald headed guys and grey haired old ladies of the Tea Party who even clean up the area after a meeting.
It's more than just the ability to compromise. There are no points on which compromise is possible. In fact the parts are getting further apart. Yes it makes us weaker. Liberals should have thought of that before their war on the American people.

Remember Archie and Edith Bunker? Archie was a con, and treated Edith like shit. She finally grew a spine, and told the asshole to take a hike. It's the intolerance of the cons that's the war on the American people, and you know it.

But you are wrong in saying a marriage works ONLY if there is compromise.
Marriage as too the country should be based on mutual principles. As a consequence there would NOT be compromises.
You'd love being married in a Sharia law country.

But with your current desire for "compromise" you are closer to living in a Sharia law country then you know!

The continued hue and cry for compromise is also accompanied by almost EVERYONE including conservatives (which I am one..) using the EXCEPTION
and making it the RULE in writing rules and regulations.

Perfect example...
WHY were 18 million people forced (due to compromise) to spend money for services they don't WANT or NEED. But now they are being TAXED for something
they didn't want or need.
WHY if our Federal government is so efficient and competent were 14 million people NOT included by the government in enrollment but instead a gross
destruction of 1/6th of the economy instead of making sure the government does their job right!

Two examples of where for the sake of "compromise" we will see another example of the "unintended consequences"!
Remember Archie and Edith Bunker? Archie was a con, and treated Edith like shit. She finally grew a spine, and told the asshole to take a hike. It's the intolerance of the cons that's the war on the American people, and you know it.

You'd love being married in a Sharia law country.

Remember drunk teddy leaving his girlfriend in the car to drown. That was the start of the war on women.

I do remember Shrub leaving 1800 Americans to drown in New Orleans. The best you can do is go off topic.

Uhm, I think you mean Ray Nagin (who btw, is on his way to prison for 19 various charges) and Kathleen Babbling Blanco.
Compromise according to democrats: the GOP goes along with everything we want.

Working together according to democrats: see above.

It was Boehner, the con leader of the House that bragged he got 98% of what he wanted.

And Republicans who said "compromise" means 'doing it our way'.

Read the posts here - they do want the country split and an end to the middle class.

If the rw trend continues, we are entering a new Dark Ages and if they're not stopped, the US will become a Third World country.

That IS what they say they want.
Put the bottle down and think for a while lefties. Bill Ayers and his gang and the entire left advocated the violent overthrow of the government with bombs and robbery and murder. Now the left wing is afraid of a bunch of old bald headed guys and grey haired old ladies of the Tea Party who even clean up the area after a meeting.

Truth is an enemy to the left...
Remember Archie and Edith Bunker? Archie was a con, and treated Edith like shit. She finally grew a spine, and told the asshole to take a hike. It's the intolerance of the cons that's the war on the American people, and you know it.

You'd love being married in a Sharia law country.

Remember drunk teddy leaving his girlfriend in the car to drown. That was the start of the war on women.

I do remember Shrub leaving 1800 Americans to drown in New Orleans. The best you can do is go off topic.

Considering he was okay murdering hundreds of thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan, why would he worry about a mere 1800 Americans drowing?

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