Conservatism in action - Schools likely to physically collapse due to underfunding

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

A school collapse in England that causes death or injury is "very likely" - but the government does not have sufficient information to manage "critical" risks to the safety of pupils and staff, a watchdog has warned.

Around 700,000 children in England are attending schools that need major repairs after years of underfunding, the National Audit Office (NAO) said.

The head of the public spending watchdog said that, despite assessing the possibility of building collapse or failure causing death or injury as "critical and very likely" in 2021, the Department for Education (DfE) "has not been able to reduce this risk".

Why dont they do the simple thing and give the repair work to their mates ? Of course tory kids are well looked after in expensive private schools. The falling down schools cater for poor kids.

Poor kids might as well be getting shot in AMerican schools. They would probably be safer.

If you accept that the good management of public assets is a basic task of govt then,once again, the tories have failed miserably.
Good repairs are expensive ... why doesn't the individual school districts issue bonds? ... build new schools ...

I know I know I know ... English trying to save their old buildings ... [shakes head] ... if you wanna teach kids in 16th Century Manor Houses, be prepared to spend tons of money on repairs ... here in the US, we just raze the old structures and build modern schools ... with internet connections this time ...

"It's the cheapskate who spends the most" -- Klick and Klack the Tappet Brothers ...

A school collapse in England that causes death or injury is "very likely" - but the government does not have sufficient information to manage "critical" risks to the safety of pupils and staff, a watchdog has warned.

Around 700,000 children in England are attending schools that need major repairs after years of underfunding, the National Audit Office (NAO) said.

The head of the public spending watchdog said that, despite assessing the possibility of building collapse or failure causing death or injury as "critical and very likely" in 2021, the Department for Education (DfE) "has not been able to reduce this risk".

Why dont they do the simple thing and give the repair work to their mates ? Of course tory kids are well looked after in expensive private schools. The falling down schools cater for poor kids.

Poor kids might as well be getting shot in AMerican schools. They would probably be safer.

If you accept that the good management of public assets is a basic task of govt then,once again, the tories have failed miserably.

You mean in terms of actually teaching? Yes, our Progressive public school Indoctrination system is in freefall

A school collapse in England that causes death or injury is "very likely" - but the government does not have sufficient information to manage "critical" risks to the safety of pupils and staff, a watchdog has warned.

Around 700,000 children in England are attending schools that need major repairs after years of underfunding, the National Audit Office (NAO) said.

The head of the public spending watchdog said that, despite assessing the possibility of building collapse or failure causing death or injury as "critical and very likely" in 2021, the Department for Education (DfE) "has not been able to reduce this risk".

Why dont they do the simple thing and give the repair work to their mates ? Of course tory kids are well looked after in expensive private schools. The falling down schools cater for poor kids.

Poor kids might as well be getting shot in AMerican schools. They would probably be safer.

If you accept that the good management of public assets is a basic task of govt then,once again, the tories have failed miserably.

This is a problem in places where leftist governments have too much power.
Good repairs are expensive ... why doesn't the individual school districts issue bonds? ... build new schools ...

I know I know I know ... English trying to save their old buildings ... [shakes head] ... if you wanna teach kids in 16th Century Manor Houses, be prepared to spend tons of money on repairs ... here in the US, we just raze the old structures and build modern schools ... with internet connections this time ...

"It's the cheapskate who spends the most" -- Klick and Klack the Tappet Brothers ...
Our conservative govt is more concerned with giving away our school estate to academies. I think you call them charter schools.
They are a scam set up to funnel public moneyi into private corporations.
In the old daysschools were maintained and more serious work was carried out in the school holidays.
Under the conservatives the teachers have to buy materials to carry out the lessons.
Conservatism in action.
Our conservative govt is more concerned with giving away our school estate to academies. I think you call them charter schools.
They are a scam set up to funnel public moneyi into private corporations.
In the old daysschools were maintained and more serious work was carried out in the school holidays.
Under the conservatives the teachers have to buy materials to carry out the lessons.
Conservatism in action.

For everyone's benefit, when Brits say "conservatives", that is their version of our DemoKKKrat party. So this is all to be expected.
Our conservative govt is more concerned with giving away our school estate to academies. I think you call them charter schools.
They are a scam set up to funnel public moneyi into private corporations.
In the old daysschools were maintained and more serious work was carried out in the school holidays.
Under the conservatives the teachers have to buy materials to carry out the lessons.
Conservatism in action.

School boards tend to be conservative ... why do you think that's bad? ... or do you think local control is bad ...

The government is conservative because the voters are conservative ... and the voters get what they want ... the tyranny of democracy ...
Our conservative govt is more concerned with giving away our school estate to academies. I think you call them charter schools.
They are a scam set up to funnel public moneyi into private corporations.
In the old daysschools were maintained and more serious work was carried out in the school holidays.
Under the conservatives the teachers have to buy materials to carry out the lessons.
Conservatism in action.
The usual crap you get from unthinking Communists who like Tummy Turd hide as scum Labout Party members. Public Warning -- Tummy is Welsh and spends his life in a tent in Wrexham FC car park . A squatter. Does not work and contributes zero taxes to help provide amenities and necessities .Just a professional whiner and system victim.
School boards tend to be conservative ... why do you think that's bad? ... or do you think local control is bad ...

The government is conservative because the voters are conservative ... and the voters get what they want ... the tyranny of democracy ...
Britain's "conservatives" are to the left of Susan Collins.
School boards tend to be conservative ... why do you think that's bad? ... or do you think local control is bad ...

The government is conservative because the voters are conservative ... and the voters get what they want ... the tyranny of democracy ...
Schools used to be run by the local education authorites.Now they are mainly run by corporations for profit
Its a scam. Head teachers get paid more than the Prime Minsiter. Expensive maintenance is not high on their list of priorities. It will be when a roof collapses and kills infants. .
Schools used to be run by the local education authorites.Now they are mainly run by corporations for profit
Its a scam. Head teachers get paid more than the Prime Minsiter. Expensive maintenance is not high on their list of priorities. It will be when a roof collapses and kills infants. .

British priorities are backwards ... in the United States, the highest paid government employees are the head football coaches ... just one major university's athletic department gets more pay that our entire Congress ...

The rank-and-file school teachers should be paid more than your Prime Minister ...
British priorities are backwards ... in the United States, the highest paid government employees are the head football coaches ... just one major university's athletic department gets more pay that our entire Congress ...

The rank-and-file school teachers should be paid more than your Prime Minister ...
They should be paid more than THIS Prime minister..

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