Conservatism Is Dead


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
"Cause of death: Not conserving anything."

Here is a brilliant speech on why conservatism is dead, and why conservatives failed conserving anything. The speaker is an Amazon best seller, the author of classics such as "Cuckservative" as well as "Why SJWs Always Lie".

Conservatives need to watch it on repeat (until 34:00). The speech will be only available for the next day or two.
- If what you believe in is Western civilization, you need to stand up behind it, and against its enemies. Conservatives stand for nothing.
- Conservatives lie about immigration, which historically equals war.
- Conservatives lie about race.
- Conservatives lie to themselves.
- Communism conserves a nation better than conservatism.
- There is no happy ending to the conservative failure, and even liberals (such as Sam Harris) know what is coming by now. Will you continue to be ignorant?

Highly recommended for those who wonder how we ended up in the current predicament.
People like you killed it. Classic conservatism required one to be knowledgeable about policy and platform but that was too hard. Now all you have to do is follow the leader and reject everything that is complicated.

An occupied loser complains about people not being knowledgeable enough. The irony... SJWs always project.

But in this case even your intellectual faculties should be enough to make the determination. Conservatives repeatedly failed conserving anything.

To conservatives, it should be a clue that leftists who want you dead and gone preferring communism, love the ideology.
Conservatism was hijacked by right wing extremists long ago.

This one is meant for the conservatives, and intelligent people.

Get back to the ghetto.
IM2 is right.

You are wrong.

Any further commenters who can not stay on topic will be reported.
The comments are on point snowflake. You write that conservatism is dead. I agree it is dead. Conservatism means nothing. It is now just a mishmash of populism, extremism and nationalism wrapped up in a confused and contradictory ideology. Conservatism means nothing. Exhibit A of this new “conservatism” is, ironically, yourself.
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Conservatism has been dead for a long time. You can thank Newt Gingrich for taking the brakes off that accelerating slide that started during the Reagan years. Four decades of policy failures. No fresh ideas. Just he same recycled manure year after year, hoping against hope that this time will be different. After Barack Obama was elected, I knew there was no hope for conservatism. It sunk finally in the bile and sludge of the conspiracy theory spouting alt-right. It will take getting rid of the current crop of Republicans and finding some younger voices with new ideas and fresh approaches to resurrect conservatism.
Conservatism was hijacked by right wing extremists long ago.

This one is meant for the conservatives, and intelligent people.

Get back to the ghetto.
IM2 is right.

You are wrong.

Any further commenters who can not stay on topic will be reported.
The comments are on point snowflake. You write that conservatism is dead. I agree it is dead. Conservatism means nothing. It is now just a mishmash of populism, extremism and nationalism wrapped up in a confused and contradictory ideology. Conservatism means nothing. Exhibit A of this new “conservatism” is, ironically, yourself.

You have no clue what I am even talking about. You are just taking a stab at any heroic opponents of your insane far left anti-American ideology.

Again, if you can't stay on topic you will be reported. This is a thread for the conservatives.
People like you killed it. Classic conservatism required one to be knowledgeable about policy and platform but that was too hard. Now all you have to do is follow the leader and reject everything that is complicated.

An occupied loser complains about people not being knowledgeable enough. The irony... SJWs always project.

But in this case even your intellectual faculties should be enough to make the determination. Conservatives repeatedly failed conserving anything.

To conservatives, it should be a clue that leftists who want you dead and gone preferring communism, love the ideology.
LOL you could not have an actual policy discussion if your life depended on it. So much easier to just call people bad names and let your leaders do whatever they want. The right became so politically lazy they do not even care what their leaders are doing in their names.
If this thread has shown something, it is that far leftists are very appreciative of conservatives.

Conservatives are playing on the enemy side indeed. I will now start reporting the off-topic replies, take them to the underground.
"Cause of death: Not conserving anything."

Here is a brilliant speech on why conservatism is dead, and why conservatives failed conserving anything. The speaker is an Amazon best seller, the author of classics such as "Cuckservative" as well as "Why SJWs Always Lie".

Conservatives need to watch it on repeat (until 34:00). The speech will be only available for the next day or two.
- If what you believe in is Western civilization, you need to stand up behind it, and against its enemies. Conservatives stand for nothing.
- Conservatives lie about immigration, which historically equals war.
- Conservatives lie about race.
- Conservatives lie to themselves.
- Communism conserves a nation better than conservatism.
- There is no happy ending to the conservative failure, and even liberals (such as Sam Harris) know what is coming by now. Will you continue to be ignorant?

Highly recommended for those who wonder how we ended up in the current predicament.

pffft...yeah...for like 20 years...maybe longer.
People like you killed it. Classic conservatism required one to be knowledgeable about policy and platform but that was too hard. Now all you have to do is follow the leader and reject everything that is complicated.

An occupied loser complains about people not being knowledgeable enough. The irony... SJWs always project.

But in this case even your intellectual faculties should be enough to make the determination. Conservatives repeatedly failed conserving anything.

To conservatives, it should be a clue that leftists who want you dead and gone preferring communism, love the ideology.
LOL you could not have an actual policy discussion if your life depended on it. So much easier to just call people bad names and let your leaders do whatever they want. The right became so politically lazy they do not even care what their leaders are doing in their names.
Kinda opposes what George Washington and the vast majority of the foundes said. I think I'm gonna stick with the Founders

It's projection, leftists won't compromise. They want everything destroyed at all costs so that they can feel as if everyone else was a loser who never achieved anything as they are. And that is frankly one reason why they have been winning while conservatives have not conserved a god damn thing.

I am ready to take a stand for the Western civilization... also known as civilization. There won't be compromises, bending the knee, or any other stupidity that fails conserving anything. Only the West for the Westerners will do.

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