Conservatism VS Liberalism

What isn't mentioned in the OP is that the GOP governor and President Trump have cut and done away with State/Federal educational spending. There is no wood shop.

Actually, the wood shop was replaced by multiculturalism and diversity studies under the recently defeated Democrat governor and the outgoing sham-president Obama.

There'll be some changes made.

Hopefully, a class on sentence structure is coming next.
What isn't mentioned in the OP is that the GOP governor and President Trump have cut and done away with State/Federal educational spending. There is no wood shop.
Yes, because all wood shops are the product of government intervention. But thanks for the liberal perspective.

If it’s in a public school, it is. Where do you think schools come from? Please humor us with your “intellect”.
I've been thinking of good way to teach people what each one means and may have come up with the parable. Wood shop. Yes that icky physical labor lefties hate so much. But it fits.

You step into wood shop on day one and have a choice to make. You can choose to be a liberal craftsman or a conservative one.

If you choose to be a liberal you will have the choice of all pine blocks cut exactly the same, same size, same weight and same grain. And you will make that into smaller blocks, perfectly square if you can but if you can't do that it's fine. You are guaranteed to get a D in the class. You can't make anything other than square blocks, you can never get a C for making better blocks than anyone else but you can't fail either if you never even get a block cut out. It's all fair. No winners, no special treatment for those that did well, everything is equal.

If you choose to be a conservative craftsman you walk into a room full of all kinds of lumber. Oak, Walnut, Redwood etc. 100's of varieties. You can make anything you want, out of anything you want. What you don't get is the guaranteed D for the class. You can get an F, but you can also get an A,B or C. All you have to do is make something people like. If you make perfectly square blocks like the libs you'll probably get an F. Nobody needs those they're pretty basic. Put in a little effort though and the sky is the limit.

If you want the guaranteed barely passing grade you need to be a liberal. If you want the A and all that comes with that success you need to be a conservative. It's really that simple.

There's the old saw about how to teach your children about 1/3 of their ice cream.
I like your analogy even better.
Tell me when in US history there has never been taxes paid to the federal government?
I've been thinking of good way to teach people what each one means and may have come up with the parable. Wood shop. Yes that icky physical labor lefties hate so much. But it fits.

You step into wood shop on day one and have a choice to make. You can choose to be a liberal craftsman or a conservative one.

If you choose to be a liberal you will have the choice of all pine blocks cut exactly the same, same size, same weight and same grain. And you will make that into smaller blocks, perfectly square if you can but if you can't do that it's fine. You are guaranteed to get a D in the class. You can't make anything other than square blocks, you can never get a C for making better blocks than anyone else but you can't fail either if you never even get a block cut out. It's all fair. No winners, no special treatment for those that did well, everything is equal.

If you choose to be a conservative craftsman you walk into a room full of all kinds of lumber. Oak, Walnut, Redwood etc. 100's of varieties. You can make anything you want, out of anything you want. What you don't get is the guaranteed D for the class. You can get an F, but you can also get an A,B or C. All you have to do is make something people like. If you make perfectly square blocks like the libs you'll probably get an F. Nobody needs those they're pretty basic. Put in a little effort though and the sky is the limit.

If you want the guaranteed barely passing grade you need to be a liberal. If you want the A and all that comes with that success you need to be a conservative. It's really that simple.
...and the liberal/progressive has never "built" anything in their life
Here is what should happen to the blocks of wood afterword...

Awww... Do you want a participation trophy?
Okay, I'll do it for you.

Here's Merriam Webster


a : disposition in politics to preserve what is established

See? You don't want new wood, you want the same ol' same ol'.

Proving exactly what in this thread? As for your analysis of the OP please enlighten the world as to your English comp degree and where it was presented. I have to retype some of my posts because my old keyboard drops letters sometimes. This is a forum, not an English Comp 101 class, you would do well not to begin an inspection process for all of your threads. But I am just a conservative who voted against tyranny, and treason, so try again to explain how conservatives are less PROGRESSIVE than liberals since liberals want monarchy and dictatorship while conservatives want freedom and choice. DID you catch the sentence beginning with a WHAT?????
Here is what should happen to the blocks of wood afterword...

That picture is actually perfect. Liberalism in a drawing. Every peasant gets the same shitty view of the game. And none will ever be allowed in the stadium to take seat.
What isn't mentioned in the OP is that the GOP governor and President Trump have cut and done away with State/Federal educational spending. There is no wood shop.

Actually, the wood shop was replaced by multiculturalism and diversity studies under the recently defeated Democrat governor and the outgoing sham-president Obama.

There'll be some changes made.

Hopefully, a class on sentence structure is coming next.

Feel free to diagram it.
What isn't mentioned in the OP is that the GOP governor and President Trump have cut and done away with State/Federal educational spending. There is no wood shop.

This is kind of cool

Looks like the doors to the fridge would hit the too-small island.
No counter space in the back corner. Usually storage is on the cook's side of the island and, unless, you like facing the fridge instead of the rest of the's awkward.
I've been thinking of good way to teach people what each one means and may have come up with the parable. Wood shop. Yes that icky physical labor lefties hate so much. But it fits.

You step into wood shop on day one and have a choice to make. You can choose to be a liberal craftsman or a conservative one.

If you choose to be a liberal you will have the choice of all pine blocks cut exactly the same, same size, same weight and same grain. And you will make that into smaller blocks, perfectly square if you can but if you can't do that it's fine. You are guaranteed to get a D in the class. You can't make anything other than square blocks, you can never get a C for making better blocks than anyone else but you can't fail either if you never even get a block cut out. It's all fair. No winners, no special treatment for those that did well, everything is equal.

If you choose to be a conservative craftsman you walk into a room full of all kinds of lumber. Oak, Walnut, Redwood etc. 100's of varieties. You can make anything you want, out of anything you want. What you don't get is the guaranteed D for the class. You can get an F, but you can also get an A,B or C. All you have to do is make something people like. If you make perfectly square blocks like the libs you'll probably get an F. Nobody needs those they're pretty basic. Put in a little effort though and the sky is the limit.

If you want the guaranteed barely passing grade you need to be a liberal. If you want the A and all that comes with that success you need to be a conservative. It's really that simple.

think you lost the leftards at "wood shop"


you really believe these folks have a clue as to what you are posting


Liberals tout policies rooted in class warfare. Take Income Inequality. They believe this can be resolved through redistribution of other peoples' money. How's that working out?
The OP doesn't even understand that conservatives want things to stay the same. That's what the name means. A conservative does not want new things, he does not want new wood. I know the idea of words meaning things is anathema to US conservatives.
That is not conservatism. Conservatism would preserve a distinct, innocuous government, not the society.

Understand terms, Lefty.
What isn't mentioned in the OP is that the GOP governor and President Trump have cut and done away with State/Federal educational spending. There is no wood shop.
Yes, because all wood shops are the product of government intervention. But thanks for the liberal perspective.

If it’s in a public school, it is. Where do you think schools come from? Please humor us with your “intellect”.

Really... you believe that all wood shops are products of government? So before public schools existed, there was never anyone who did wood work? There was never apprentices at wood shops? No one on the face of the earth, worked with wood until government came alone and created wood working class?

You make a joke about 'intellect' while displaying your lack of any 'intellect'.

Typical left-wing idiocy. Apparently the dawn of human existence began with a politician decreeing it exist.
Liberals tout policies rooted in class warfare. Take Income Inequality. They believe this can be resolved through redistribution of other peoples' money. How's that working out?

Built the greatest civilization ever in the known universe.

Are you crazy? The standard of living, and wealth creation in this country, was significantly higher between 1776 and 1910. Moreover, there is a direct relationship between economic growth and taxes.

Basic logic should be all that is required to figure this out. If I have less money... obviously I can't buy as many goods and services, or invest that money into growth.

This is why when Calvin Coolidge faced a much steeper recession than we did in 2008, all he did was cut spending, and cut taxes, and the result was the roaring 20s.

When Obama pushed massive spending, and increasing taxes, we had the great recession, and the slowest recovery in US history.

Redistribution of wealth does not result in economic growth. There isn't a country in this world today, that has pushed that as their national policy, that resulted in anything good.
A liberal sees a hungry man and feels compassion. So he confiscates or steals a fish from a hard working fisherman and gives it to the hungry person. He never worries about the effect that stealing the fish has on the fisherman, he only wants to "help" the "poor, hungry person". He then cries like a baby......the liberal then goes back to his apartment jerks off into a tissue.

A conservative sees a hungry man and feels compassion. Instead of giving the poor schlub a "free" fish, he offers to teach him how to fish. He knows that nobody places value on things they do not EARN. If the "poor hungry person" declines the offer to work, the conservative moves on with his life. He does not cry.......the conservative then goes back to his home and makes love to his wife.

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