Conservative Christians Express Frustration Toward Congressional Republicans

No fool. They hold an opinion that is anti-American and unConstitutional.
And they want these beliefs codified into the laws of our country. On what authority do they think these ideas should be binding? Is it, humanism? Protection of individual rights? Compassion, or altruism, or collectivism?

No, they cite only one authority: Gawd.

And this simple truth is what makes these apologists twist themselves into little pretzels to defend their bullshit. They know how ridiculous it is to simply say, "Because I think gawd said so, that's why!" So they have to equivocate, and lie, and backward think in an attempt to drudge up bullshit reasons for their bullshit beliefs. They should unburden themselves of this stupidity, and just admit their magical bullahit is no more important than any other voodoo, when it comes to writing laws.

All political groups want their beliefs codified into laws.

That you single out Christian groups for that to be a "problem" is you being the bigot.
No one is singling out Christian groups. The FRC is neither Christian nor do they have value.
"No one is singling out Christian groups"

100% correct.

I see a lot of attacks by lefties on Christian groups like this.

NOt so much JEwish Groups, or Islamic Groups, or ect ect ect.

The United States is not a theocracy. Never was. Never will be. Radical right-wing Christian groups want their view of Christianity codified in law. It bears no resemblance to Christ's teachings.
SO, they hold an opinion that offends you, that's the extend of them being a "hate group"?

That's not generally enough to call someone a hate group. Do they do anything beyond disagreeing with the liberal agenda?
No fool. They hold an opinion that is anti-American and unConstitutional.
And they want these beliefs codified into the laws of our country. On what authority do they think these ideas should be binding? Is it, humanism? Protection of individual rights? Compassion, or altruism, or collectivism?

No, they cite only one authority: Gawd.

And this simple truth is what makes these apologists twist themselves into little pretzels to defend their bullshit. They know how ridiculous it is to simply say, "Because I think gawd said so, that's why!" So they have to equivocate, and lie, and backward think in an attempt to drudge up bullshit reasons for their bullshit beliefs. They should unburden themselves of this stupidity, and just admit their magical bullahit is no more important than any other voodoo, when it comes to writing laws.

All political groups want their beliefs codified into laws.

That you single out Christian groups for that to be a "problem" is you being the bigot.
No one is singling out Christian groups. The FRC is neither Christian nor do they have value.

What other religious groups have you personally attacked like this?
Most satanic cults like the FRC
“At the Values Voters Summit, thousands of conservative Christians are expressing their simmering frustration toward Republicans in Congress for not doing enough to support President Trump.”

Conservative Christians Express Frustration Toward Congressional Republicans

What ‘values’ do they support.

They value lies.

They value stupidity.

They value hatred.

They value ignorance.

They value bigotry.

They value misanthropy and misogyny.

Fortunately there are a few Republicans who refuse to advance conservative Christians’ agenda of fear, bigotry and hate.

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.

Your vile lies are dismissed.

Did I call you an asshole?

Yeah well they won with Reagan and Bush I and II as well and their bigotry, misogyny and racism wasn't institutional adopted then either. Donnie can't get this stuff done either. No sane person would vote for such blatantly unconstitutional crap.

Yeah, FUck you.

The point is they/we won, and it's not happening.

That's not good. It indicates that just winning elections is not longer an avenue of change.

What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

(your slander is dismissed. YOu are an asshole.)
By the voting together for the same candidate, those groups showed a willingness to work together that should be reflected by their representatives.

If winning EVERYTHING, does not lead to change, then what is the avenue to get the change that we want?

Your insulting partisan swill is dismissed as you just being an ass.
If winning EVERYTHING, does not lead to change, then what is the avenue to get the change that we want?

Move to Iran, or the Taliban in Afghanistan would probably make you happy.

Your post was just you being an ass.

My question is still unanswered.

If winning EVERYTHING, does not lead to change, then what is the avenue to get the change that we want?
If your opinion does not lead to change, you obviously do not hold a common opinion.

So, in your opinion, the power of the Congress and the Presidency and the Court, UNITED, is being checked by "opinion"?
LOL they are not united. Where did you get this nonsense?

It's as united as it can be in this form of government, ie all under one party/President

My question stands.

So, in your opinion, the power of the Congress and the Presidency and the Court, UNITED, is being checked by "opinion"?
And they want these beliefs codified into the laws of our country. On what authority do they think these ideas should be binding? Is it, humanism? Protection of individual rights? Compassion, or altruism, or collectivism?

No, they cite only one authority: Gawd.

And this simple truth is what makes these apologists twist themselves into little pretzels to defend their bullshit. They know how ridiculous it is to simply say, "Because I think gawd said so, that's why!" So they have to equivocate, and lie, and backward think in an attempt to drudge up bullshit reasons for their bullshit beliefs. They should unburden themselves of this stupidity, and just admit their magical bullahit is no more important than any other voodoo, when it comes to writing laws.

All political groups want their beliefs codified into laws.

That you single out Christian groups for that to be a "problem" is you being the bigot.
No one is singling out Christian groups. The FRC is neither Christian nor do they have value.
"No one is singling out Christian groups"

100% correct.

I see a lot of attacks by lefties on Christian groups like this.

NOt so much JEwish Groups, or Islamic Groups, or ect ect ect.

The United States is not a theocracy. Never was. Never will be. Radical right-wing Christian groups want their view of Christianity codified in law. It bears no resemblance to Christ's teachings.

Err, I pointed out, correctly and reasonably, that you lefties attack a lot of christian groups, but not jewish or islamic.

Your response is to attack christian groups.

Mmm, Thanks?

Cause you just made my point for me.
“At the Values Voters Summit, thousands of conservative Christians are expressing their simmering frustration toward Republicans in Congress for not doing enough to support President Trump.”

Conservative Christians Express Frustration Toward Congressional Republicans

What ‘values’ do they support.

They value lies.

They value stupidity.

They value hatred.

They value ignorance.

They value bigotry.

They value misanthropy and misogyny.

Fortunately there are a few Republicans who refuse to advance conservative Christians’ agenda of fear, bigotry and hate.

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.

Your vile lies are dismissed.

Did I call you an asshole?

Yeah well they won with Reagan and Bush I and II as well and their bigotry, misogyny and racism wasn't institutional adopted then either. Donnie can't get this stuff done either. No sane person would vote for such blatantly unconstitutional crap.

Yeah, FUck you.

The point is they/we won, and it's not happening.

That's not good. It indicates that just winning elections is not longer an avenue of change.

What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

(your slander is dismissed. YOu are an asshole.)
What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

No fool. They hold an opinion that is anti-American and unConstitutional.
And they want these beliefs codified into the laws of our country. On what authority do they think these ideas should be binding? Is it, humanism? Protection of individual rights? Compassion, or altruism, or collectivism?

No, they cite only one authority: Gawd.

And this simple truth is what makes these apologists twist themselves into little pretzels to defend their bullshit. They know how ridiculous it is to simply say, "Because I think gawd said so, that's why!" So they have to equivocate, and lie, and backward think in an attempt to drudge up bullshit reasons for their bullshit beliefs. They should unburden themselves of this stupidity, and just admit their magical bullahit is no more important than any other voodoo, when it comes to writing laws.

All political groups want their beliefs codified into laws.

That you single out Christian groups for that to be a "problem" is you being the bigot.
No one is singling out Christian groups. The FRC is neither Christian nor do they have value.

What other religious groups have you personally attacked like this?
Most satanic cults like the FRC

So, translated for Vile Bigot speak, I take that to mean more Christians groups.

Well, thanks for the admission.

So, that's the end. This thread is nothing but an expression of left wing bigotry against Christians.

“At the Values Voters Summit, thousands of conservative Christians are expressing their simmering frustration toward Republicans in Congress for not doing enough to support President Trump.”

Conservative Christians Express Frustration Toward Congressional Republicans

What ‘values’ do they support.

They value lies.

They value stupidity.

They value hatred.

They value ignorance.

They value bigotry.

They value misanthropy and misogyny.

Fortunately there are a few Republicans who refuse to advance conservative Christians’ agenda of fear, bigotry and hate.

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.

Your vile lies are dismissed.

Did I call you an asshole?

Yeah well they won with Reagan and Bush I and II as well and their bigotry, misogyny and racism wasn't institutional adopted then either. Donnie can't get this stuff done either. No sane person would vote for such blatantly unconstitutional crap.

Yeah, FUck you.

The point is they/we won, and it's not happening.

That's not good. It indicates that just winning elections is not longer an avenue of change.

What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

(your slander is dismissed. YOu are an asshole.)
What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

Time travel to 1920?
“At the Values Voters Summit, thousands of conservative Christians are expressing their simmering frustration toward Republicans in Congress for not doing enough to support President Trump.”

Conservative Christians Express Frustration Toward Congressional Republicans

What ‘values’ do they support.

They value lies.

They value stupidity.

They value hatred.

They value ignorance.

They value bigotry.

They value misanthropy and misogyny.

Fortunately there are a few Republicans who refuse to advance conservative Christians’ agenda of fear, bigotry and hate.

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.

Your vile lies are dismissed.

Did I call you an asshole?

Yeah well they won with Reagan and Bush I and II as well and their bigotry, misogyny and racism wasn't institutional adopted then either. Donnie can't get this stuff done either. No sane person would vote for such blatantly unconstitutional crap.

Yeah, FUck you.

The point is they/we won, and it's not happening.

That's not good. It indicates that just winning elections is not longer an avenue of change.

What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

(your slander is dismissed. YOu are an asshole.)
What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?


I asked a serious question. You admit that the normal avenues of political changed are closed to those on the right.

What avenues then, are open to those on the right who want to seek political change?
If winning EVERYTHING, does not lead to change, then what is the avenue to get the change that we want?

Move to Iran, or the Taliban in Afghanistan would probably make you happy.

Your post was just you being an ass.

My question is still unanswered.

If winning EVERYTHING, does not lead to change, then what is the avenue to get the change that we want?
If your opinion does not lead to change, you obviously do not hold a common opinion.

So, in your opinion, the power of the Congress and the Presidency and the Court, UNITED, is being checked by "opinion"?
LOL they are not united. Where did you get this nonsense?

It's as united as it can be in this form of government, ie all under one party/President

My question stands.

So, in your opinion, the power of the Congress and the Presidency and the Court, UNITED, is being checked by "opinion"?
LOL trump hates the republican Congress & vice versa

Too funny
“At the Values Voters Summit, thousands of conservative Christians are expressing their simmering frustration toward Republicans in Congress for not doing enough to support President Trump.”

Conservative Christians Express Frustration Toward Congressional Republicans

What ‘values’ do they support.

They value lies.

They value stupidity.

They value hatred.

They value ignorance.

They value bigotry.

They value misanthropy and misogyny.

Fortunately there are a few Republicans who refuse to advance conservative Christians’ agenda of fear, bigotry and hate.

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.

Your vile lies are dismissed.

Did I call you an asshole?
The majority voted for the other side. Where do their interests get a mention ?

WHy do you respond when you don't actually address anything I said?

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.
But 3 million more Americans rejected their agenda. How can that be right ?

The nature of America as a union of STATES with structures in place to prevent larger states from dominating smaller states has been common knowledge for over 200 years.

Stop playing stupid.

My point stands.

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.
And now the majority will be dictated to by the minority. I understand your tradition but the number of votes cast against the fundie agenda suggests that theAmerican people reject it.
“At the Values Voters Summit, thousands of conservative Christians are expressing their simmering frustration toward Republicans in Congress for not doing enough to support President Trump.”

Conservative Christians Express Frustration Toward Congressional Republicans

What ‘values’ do they support.

They value lies.

They value stupidity.

They value hatred.

They value ignorance.

They value bigotry.

They value misanthropy and misogyny.

Fortunately there are a few Republicans who refuse to advance conservative Christians’ agenda of fear, bigotry and hate.

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.

Your vile lies are dismissed.

Did I call you an asshole?

Yeah well they won with Reagan and Bush I and II as well and their bigotry, misogyny and racism wasn't institutional adopted then either. Donnie can't get this stuff done either. No sane person would vote for such blatantly unconstitutional crap.

Yeah, FUck you.

The point is they/we won, and it's not happening.

That's not good. It indicates that just winning elections is not longer an avenue of change.

What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

(your slander is dismissed. YOu are an asshole.)
What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?


I asked a serious question. You admit that the normal avenues of political changed are closed to those on the right.

What avenues then, are open to those on the right who want to seek political change?
You asked a VERY general question. You got an anti-American clown infesting America's House with an R after it. That's change.
“At the Values Voters Summit, thousands of conservative Christians are expressing their simmering frustration toward Republicans in Congress for not doing enough to support President Trump.”

Conservative Christians Express Frustration Toward Congressional Republicans

What ‘values’ do they support.

They value lies.

They value stupidity.

They value hatred.

They value ignorance.

They value bigotry.

They value misanthropy and misogyny.

Fortunately there are a few Republicans who refuse to advance conservative Christians’ agenda of fear, bigotry and hate.

I am frustrated with all Washington lifers.

The Swamp is deep and full of creatures fleecing the taxpayer.
“At the Values Voters Summit, thousands of conservative Christians are expressing their simmering frustration toward Republicans in Congress for not doing enough to support President Trump.”

Conservative Christians Express Frustration Toward Congressional Republicans

What ‘values’ do they support.

They value lies.

They value stupidity.

They value hatred.

They value ignorance.

They value bigotry.

They value misanthropy and misogyny.

Fortunately there are a few Republicans who refuse to advance conservative Christians’ agenda of fear, bigotry and hate.

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.

Your vile lies are dismissed.

Did I call you an asshole?

Yeah well they won with Reagan and Bush I and II as well and their bigotry, misogyny and racism wasn't institutional adopted then either. Donnie can't get this stuff done either. No sane person would vote for such blatantly unconstitutional crap.

Yeah, FUck you.

The point is they/we won, and it's not happening.

That's not good. It indicates that just winning elections is not longer an avenue of change.

What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

(your slander is dismissed. YOu are an asshole.)
What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

Time travel to 1920?

I asked a serious question.
Your post was just you being an ass.

My question is still unanswered.

If winning EVERYTHING, does not lead to change, then what is the avenue to get the change that we want?
If your opinion does not lead to change, you obviously do not hold a common opinion.

So, in your opinion, the power of the Congress and the Presidency and the Court, UNITED, is being checked by "opinion"?
LOL they are not united. Where did you get this nonsense?

It's as united as it can be in this form of government, ie all under one party/President

My question stands.

So, in your opinion, the power of the Congress and the Presidency and the Court, UNITED, is being checked by "opinion"?
LOL trump hates the republican Congress & vice versa

Too funny

Your position is that they can't move their agenda because of "opinion".

Are you admitting that was wrong? And moving on to a new argument?
They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.

Your vile lies are dismissed.

Did I call you an asshole?

Yeah well they won with Reagan and Bush I and II as well and their bigotry, misogyny and racism wasn't institutional adopted then either. Donnie can't get this stuff done either. No sane person would vote for such blatantly unconstitutional crap.

Yeah, FUck you.

The point is they/we won, and it's not happening.

That's not good. It indicates that just winning elections is not longer an avenue of change.

What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

(your slander is dismissed. YOu are an asshole.)
What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?


I asked a serious question. You admit that the normal avenues of political changed are closed to those on the right.

What avenues then, are open to those on the right who want to seek political change?
You asked a VERY general question. ....

And you haven't answered it.

What avenues then, are open to those on the right who want to seek political change?
“At the Values Voters Summit, thousands of conservative Christians are expressing their simmering frustration toward Republicans in Congress for not doing enough to support President Trump.”

Conservative Christians Express Frustration Toward Congressional Republicans

What ‘values’ do they support.

They value lies.

They value stupidity.

They value hatred.

They value ignorance.

They value bigotry.

They value misanthropy and misogyny.

Fortunately there are a few Republicans who refuse to advance conservative Christians’ agenda of fear, bigotry and hate.

I am frustrated with all Washington lifers.

The Swamp is deep and full of creatures fleecing the taxpayer.
Then you should be all for letting independent organizations redraw congressional districts based on mathematics, and public funding of elections. This seems to be a place where people of all political stripes should find common ground.
They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.

Your vile lies are dismissed.

Did I call you an asshole?
The majority voted for the other side. Where do their interests get a mention ?

WHy do you respond when you don't actually address anything I said?

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.
But 3 million more Americans rejected their agenda. How can that be right ?

The nature of America as a union of STATES with structures in place to prevent larger states from dominating smaller states has been common knowledge for over 200 years.

Stop playing stupid.

My point stands.

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.
And now the majority will be dictated to by the minority. I understand your tradition but the number of votes cast against the fundie agenda suggests that theAmerican people reject it.

By our government structure the "minority" should be able to "dictate" at this point in time.

But it is not happening.

This is a real problem. The normal avenue of change is broken.
Yeah well they won with Reagan and Bush I and II as well and their bigotry, misogyny and racism wasn't institutional adopted then either. Donnie can't get this stuff done either. No sane person would vote for such blatantly unconstitutional crap.

Yeah, FUck you.

The point is they/we won, and it's not happening.

That's not good. It indicates that just winning elections is not longer an avenue of change.

What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?

(your slander is dismissed. YOu are an asshole.)
What avenues are open to those on the Right who want change?


I asked a serious question. You admit that the normal avenues of political changed are closed to those on the right.

What avenues then, are open to those on the right who want to seek political change?
You asked a VERY general question. ....

And you haven't answered it.

What avenues then, are open to those on the right who want to seek political change?
Well, apparently throwing a tantrum and stomping your feet ain't workin out for ya, Hoss.

By the way, what change are you desperate for?
The majority voted for the other side. Where do their interests get a mention ?

WHy do you respond when you don't actually address anything I said?

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.
But 3 million more Americans rejected their agenda. How can that be right ?

The nature of America as a union of STATES with structures in place to prevent larger states from dominating smaller states has been common knowledge for over 200 years.

Stop playing stupid.

My point stands.

They won the election. Across the board.

And their interests and agenda, their ACTUAL, interests and agenda, not your asshole lies, are not being advanced.

That is a valid complaint.

There is something wrong with our nation when one side can win EVERYTHING, and still not get to have it's interests represented.
And now the majority will be dictated to by the minority. I understand your tradition but the number of votes cast against the fundie agenda suggests that theAmerican people reject it.

By our government structure the "minority" should be able to "dictate" at this point in time.

But it is not happening.

This is a real problem. The normal avenue of change is broken.
You whine that the fundies cant get their agenda implemented but the majority of Americans rejected that agenda. I cant see the problem.

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