Conservative columnist ask, "Where is Ted Cruz now?"

Krauthammer was one of the very few conservative columnists "invited" to have a discussion at the white house.

He probably wants his children to live.
Krauthammer was one of the very few conservative columnists "invited" to have a discussion at the white house.

He probably wants his children to live.

The Republicans don't want anyone's children to live unless they have health insurance. I think they are a much bigger threat.
Cruz is looking at the newest poll numbers showing the popularity of Republicans has plummeted to a record low since September and he is trying to think of a way to blame the darkies. Even Republicans are sick of the Republican Party fondling Ted Cruz's balls. 27 percent of them. That's a huge segment of your base you can't afford to alienate before the mid-terms.

Every threat of a shutdown from here forward is going to induce a Pavlovian response of disgust in more and more people.
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A smart warrior knows not to show his head when there are rifles aimed at his direction.

A smart warrior knows what to do to take those who hold and aim those rifles by surprise.

Denigrate Ted Cruz at your own peril.

Is as if Jim Jones passed out the Kool Aide then went off to some bar and got drunk on beer.
A smart warrior knows not to show his head when there are rifles aimed at his direction.

A smart warrior knows what to do to take those who hold and aim those rifles by surprise.

Denigrate Ted Cruz at your own peril.

How do you know you are dealing with an idiot?

You know you are dealing with an idiot when their answer to your post is an emoticon.

Worth repeating.
Cruz is looking at the newest poll numbers showing the popularity of Republicans has plummeted to a record low since September and he is trying to think of a way to blame the darkies. Even Republicans are sick of the Republican Party fondling Ted Cruz's balls. 27 percent of them. That's a huge segment of your base you can't afford to alienate before the mid-terms.

Every threat of a shutdown from here forward is going to induce a Pavlovian response of disgust in more and more people.

Now I don't think I have heard the term "darkies" in some time. I think since my grandmother used it in the 60s. If someone from the Tea Party sees it, they will send you a fund raising letter.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Cruz is worried about Cruz. He made his stupid cat in the hat oratory and then he ran off and hid in a corner. He can read the polls like everyone else.

I hope the GOP does run him in 2016. We could use a Canadian President!
How do you know you are dealing with an idiot?

You know you are dealing with an idiot when their answer to your post is an emoticon.

Worth repeating.

How do you know when you are dealing with an idiot?

When the only response their comment is worthy of is a belly laugh.
Its as thought the Republicans really do not want to ever win another election.


Actually Ted Cruz does not have a government health insurance plan. He has a cadillac health insurance plan from his wife's employer, Goldman Sachs. Something in the ballpark of a $40,000 health insurance plan.

He does not feel your pain, and I don't imagine he will ever do anything that hurts Goldman Sachs's feelings.
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WELL we are all happy that blew your skirt up over what some writer of a column has to say

but, YAWN yawn yawn

Cruzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the new Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh, the new Rushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the new

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A smart warrior knows not to show his head when there are rifles aimed at his direction.

A smart warrior knows what to do to take those who hold and aim those rifles by surprise.

Denigrate Ted Cruz at your own peril.

Nominate him at yours.

So a smart warrior "cuts and runs"? You are a joke.
WELL we are all happy that blew your skirt up

but, YAWN yawn yawn

Cruzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the new Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh, the new Rushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the new


Cruz begged for the attention. And now he's got it.

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