Conservative consider liberals are young and naive

the demographic where liberals are most represented is the 18-29 year old age bracket

libs are lying to themselves

oh and they too will get more conservative as they get older
People tend to grow more liberal as they age. Liberalism goes along with maturity.

So why are conservatives older? Because that whole generation started out much more conservative. Even within that conservative demographic, the individuals have probably gotten more liberal. For example, most of them probably opposed interracial marriage when young, but now support it.
Did you miss out on having a flat top and hard sole shoes as a kid?
I wonder if most conservatives are old people? Or did they have an experience of being liberal. I don't understand how they've equated being liberal with being young and having no idea what you're talking about. i tend to disagree with them. Liberals are not welcome of late.
But why do we have such prejudices about them?

have you ever spoke to a young liberal?

totally brainwashed zombies
If only you could hear yourself...


:chillpill:Sounds more like a long winded punk, rambling, bitching, whining about his victim complex......Throwing stones but hiding behind his glass tower.....Not realizing what an unsavory character he exudes to show us the true screaming, blue in the face conservative....and I bet he has a hand towel for the spittle.....
At the risk of quoting someone else:

"If you aren't a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you aren't a conservative by age 40, you have no brain."

We were all liberals once .... then, we grew up and found out how the world really works.
At the risk of quoting someone else:

"If you aren't a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you aren't a conservative by age 40, you have no brain."

We were all liberals once .... then, we grew up and found out how the world really works.

Oh? Elaborate on how the world "really works" if you would, please.
At the risk of quoting someone else:

"If you aren't a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you aren't a conservative by age 40, you have no brain."

We were all liberals once .... then, we grew up and found out how the world really works.

Oh? Elaborate on how the world "really works" if you would, please.

to sum it up in a way you MIGHT understand

libs are losers who lie

to themselves
At the risk of quoting someone else:

"If you aren't a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you aren't a conservative by age 40, you have no brain."

We were all liberals once .... then, we grew up and found out how the world really works.

Oh? Elaborate on how the world "really works" if you would, please.

to sum it up in a way you MIGHT understand

libs are losers who lie

to themselves

Gee, a lazy response from a lazy mind.

Conservatism is what happens when you give up. That is the simplest way to put it. It is the simple sound-byte response to the OP insofar as liberalism is what happens to a person who doesn't give up and continues to evolve. At the root level, this is what the difference is. You needn't look any further than bedowin62 to see Exhibit A. Each and every post is an insult or straight from the lazy and flawed research done for him/her by right wing media.

If I searched the word "yawn" and his/her user name. How many different hits do you think I would get? Five, ten, thirty? Two hundred. Two hundred in the last 90 days. I'm sure I'll get one to this post too.

How predictable
At the risk of quoting someone else:

"If you aren't a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you aren't a conservative by age 40, you have no brain."

We were all liberals once .... then, we grew up and found out how the world really works.

Oh? Elaborate on how the world "really works" if you would, please.

to sum it up in a way you MIGHT understand

libs are losers who lie

to themselves

Gee, a lazy response from a lazy mind.

Conservatism is what happens when you give up. That is the simplest way to put it. It is the simple sound-byte response to the OP insofar as liberalism is what happens to a person who doesn't give up and continues to evolve. At the root level, this is what the difference is. You needn't look any further than bedowin62 to see Exhibit A. Each and every post is an insult or straight from the lazy and flawed research done for him/her by right wing media.

If I searched the word "yawn" and his/her user name. How many different hits do you think I would get? Five, ten, thirty? Two hundred. Two hundred in the last 90 days. I'm sure I'll get one to this post too.

How predictable

Or, let's tell it another way ...

Liberalism is what you adopt when you don't have the personal wherewithal to help others ... instead, you want to push that off onto the 'government'. You are willing to help anybody as long as it doesn't cost you anything. You use liberalism to feed an ego, and arrogance, that you are better than everybody else ... and the minions clearly need to you tell them how to live. Liberalism is having no confidence in your country, your neighbors, or your family. By leveling the results, your mediocrity appears to be the penultimate. "From those who have more than I do, to those I think will acknowledge my inherent superiority."
"A man who is not a Liberal in his youth, has no heart.

A man who is not a Conservative in his later years, has no brains."

( apocryphyally attributed to Winston Churchill )

The older I get, the more liberal I become.

it's a mental affliction ...

Yes, it's called intelligence. You haven't been inflicted yet. Foxy is letting you post on other threads?

If this is the best you can do, I'm not sure if you would recognize intelligence if it ran you over. Why did you feel it necessary to resort to personal attacks? Simple - to cover your own shortfalls.
"A man who is not a Liberal in his youth, has no heart.

A man who is not a Conservative in his later years, has no brains."

( apocryphyally attributed to Winston Churchill )

The older I get, the more liberal I become.

it's a mental affliction ...

Yes, it's called intelligence. You haven't been inflicted yet. Foxy is letting you post on other threads?

If this is the best you can do, I'm not sure if you would recognize intelligence if it ran you over. Why did you feel it necessary to resort to personal attacks? Simple - to cover your own shortfalls.

Coming from a "man" who 20 seconds ago called me "mentally afflicted", your faux outrage means little.
At the risk of quoting someone else:

"If you aren't a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you aren't a conservative by age 40, you have no brain."

We were all liberals once .... then, we grew up and found out how the world really works.

Oh? Elaborate on how the world "really works" if you would, please.

to sum it up in a way you MIGHT understand

libs are losers who lie

to themselves

Gee, a lazy response from a lazy mind.

Conservatism is what happens when you give up. That is the simplest way to put it. It is the simple sound-byte response to the OP insofar as liberalism is what happens to a person who doesn't give up and continues to evolve. At the root level, this is what the difference is. You needn't look any further than bedowin62 to see Exhibit A. Each and every post is an insult or straight from the lazy and flawed research done for him/her by right wing media.

If I searched the word "yawn" and his/her user name. How many different hits do you think I would get? Five, ten, thirty? Two hundred. Two hundred in the last 90 days. I'm sure I'll get one to this post too.

How predictable

Or, let's tell it another way ...

Liberalism is what you adopt when you don't have the personal wherewithal to help others ... instead, you want to push that off onto the 'government'. You are willing to help anybody as long as it doesn't cost you anything.
I likely spent more in hotel/motel, sales, and rental car taxes on my last two vacations than you'll pay to Uncle Sam next year sonny. The difference is that I will not see one benefit from THOSE taxes that stay in their municipality. Federal taxes stoke the fires that warm the entire society. People who paid taxes before you kept the fires going and your taxes keep the fires going for those who will be warmed by them after we leave.

It has zero to do with what one person is able to pull off on his or her own but it is telling that a lot of the billionaires who make it known, are often liberal on their politics and are often spending their own monies to start foundations or contribute to those that were founded by other liberals. I'm sure there are a lot of conservatives that do the same thing but are not open about it; the founders of Hobby Lobby are one such family according to Time magazine.

You use liberalism to feed an ego, and arrogance, that you are better than everybody else ...
Oh brother.

Yeah, you and Foxy spent a whole month deciding that the framers got the constitution wrong (on one part you disagree with) and now you're calling others arrogant? You make me laugh.

and the minions clearly need to you tell them how to live.
Yes, that is why GOP governors have passed abortion restrictions on top of abortion restrictions--to tell women that they are not to be trusted. Again, you make me laugh.

Liberalism is having no confidence in your country, your neighbors, or your family. By leveling the results, your mediocrity appears to be the penultimate. "From those who have more than I do, to those I think will acknowledge my inherent superiority."

Liberalism is having the ultimate in confidence that your nation, your neighbors, and it's institutions are for the most part good and for whatever the failings of the past (and those to happen in the future as well) the US is still the greatest nation on earth; bar none.

Again, you make me laugh.
"A man who is not a Liberal in his youth, has no heart.

A man who is not a Conservative in his later years, has no brains."

( apocryphyally attributed to Winston Churchill )

The older I get, the more liberal I become.

it's a mental affliction ...

Yes, it's called intelligence. You haven't been inflicted yet. Foxy is letting you post on other threads?

If this is the best you can do, I'm not sure if you would recognize intelligence if it ran you over. Why did you feel it necessary to resort to personal attacks? Simple - to cover your own shortfalls.

Coming from a "man" who 20 seconds ago called me "mentally afflicted", your faux outrage means little.

I did NOT say you were mentally afflicted ... the jury is still out on that one.

I said that liberalism is a mental affliction.
The older I get, the more liberal I become.

it's a mental affliction ...

Yes, it's called intelligence. You haven't been inflicted yet. Foxy is letting you post on other threads?

If this is the best you can do, I'm not sure if you would recognize intelligence if it ran you over. Why did you feel it necessary to resort to personal attacks? Simple - to cover your own shortfalls.

Coming from a "man" who 20 seconds ago called me "mentally afflicted", your faux outrage means little.

I did NOT say you were mentally afflicted ... the jury is still out on that one.

I said that liberalism is a mental affliction.

With reasoning like that, I can see where you got lost in your own statements. Who ties your shoes for you?

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