Conservative hero Tucker Carlson to take secret liberal Megyn Kelly's slot!

Tucker Carlson once admitted that when he was on Crossfire, sometimes the producers would require him to take a side of an issue he didn't actually agree with,

just to create left/right adversaries on a topic. Such integrity.
Well, to be fair to Tucker, pain in the butt that he is, a good debater can take any point of view and win the point. He prides himself on his debating skills, although he doesn't follow the rules about giving the other side time to reply. Kinda like the primary debates.
What do you mean give time to reply? that's hilarious. When someone asks a question, the proper technique is to answer the question. Not, defer the talking time to discuss an agenda. That isn't debating. And that my friend is why he interjects and interrupts, his show his audience and he doesn't want a guest to ramble. The folks he asks on wander all over the place. If you ask someone for the time, you don't need an answer on how to build a clock. kapeesh?
You retarded idiot, Maygayn is not "right wing" whatever that means. You faggot pretending to be a woman!

Oh for fucksakes, go away Snouter.
That post was wholly unnecessary.

Is your big mouth big enough to blow me is the question you must ask yourself. You limp wristed qu33r.
She is too a right wing mouthpiece. Maybe not extreme enough for you, though. But I think you might be right that she is a moderate beneath that paid for hire Fox commentator act.
Kelly is a leftwinger who hasn't done a good job of hiding her bias.
I have not seen any that don't...lately...Which is the main reason I don't participate by watching...
No, you question anything we call dishonest because you don't know the difference between truth and fiction;

you only know what you like, and that is what you imagine to be true.
We question it because we know you're a loyal party hack and a leftwinger, which means you're a liar. Whatever helps the party you defend. Whatever hurts the party you denounce. It's that simple
Which brings up the comment earlier about Megan's 20 million dollar job offer. Ever notice that Libs never mind astronomical wages when the people getting the money push their agenda?
I think the high salaries are ridiculous, since it drives up the cost that the advertisers and cable subscribers have to pay..
She makes twice the salary of the majority of insurance provider CEO's you Libs cry about. Actually probably Triple the salaries.

Which means that point has always been partisan BS.
If that is the way you see it, so be it.i have always held to the belief that no one, should be paid or accumulate massive amounts of wealth when there are folks in the world dying from hunger, lack of medical care , housing or clothing....It's my Christian background...
Are you paid? Is there hunger? shame on you.
Tuck blew Greta's ratings away when he took her time slot. Have to wait and see what happen's vs. Meg's.
He will no doubt crush her ratings....

Can't wait to see how she adjusts to having a few hundred people watch her where she is going...:lol:
A few hundred that will trash her nightly on twitter for being to far right and racist.
If somebody is winning who exactly is losing? Carlson finally has a good solo gig with Fox, and Kelly has a potentially sweet gig with NBC. This wasn't some sort of political game.
What Kelly got was a daytime gig so she can now have her evenings with her 3 small children like a normal family.

I support that, good for her putting family ahead of career.
We question it because we know you're a loyal party hack and a leftwinger, which means you're a liar. Whatever helps the party you defend. Whatever hurts the party you denounce. It's that simple
Which brings up the comment earlier about Megan's 20 million dollar job offer. Ever notice that Libs never mind astronomical wages when the people getting the money push their agenda?
I think the high salaries are ridiculous, since it drives up the cost that the advertisers and cable subscribers have to pay..
She makes twice the salary of the majority of insurance provider CEO's you Libs cry about. Actually probably Triple the salaries.

Which means that point has always been partisan BS.
If that is the way you see it, so be it.i have always held to the belief that no one, should be paid or accumulate massive amounts of wealth when there are folks in the world dying from hunger, lack of medical care , housing or clothing....It's my Christian background...
Are you paid? Is there hunger? shame on you.
Yes I was paid at one time, yet I didn't demand or want a million dollar income...
What do you mean give time to reply? that's hilarious. When someone asks a question, the proper technique is to answer the question. Not, defer the talking time to discuss an agenda. That isn't debating. And that my friend is why he interjects and interrupts. The folks he asks on wander all over the place. If you ask someone for the time, you don't need an answer on how to build a clock. kapeesh?

"Vincent Antonelli: Are you trying to say capisce?

Barney: Yeah.

Vincent Antonelli: Well don't do it, cause it hurts my ears when you do it
" -- My Blue Heaven
What do you mean give time to reply? that's hilarious. When someone asks a question, the proper technique is to answer the question. Not, defer the talking time to discuss an agenda. That isn't debating. And that my friend is why he interjects and interrupts. The folks he asks on wander all over the place. If you ask someone for the time, you don't need an answer on how to build a clock. kapeesh?

"Vincent Antonelli: Are you trying to say capisce?

Barney: Yeah.

Vincent Antonelli: Well don't do it, cause it hurts my ears when you do it
" -- My Blue Heaven
If somebody is winning who exactly is losing? Carlson finally has a good solo gig with Fox, and Kelly has a potentially sweet gig with NBC. This wasn't some sort of political game.
What Kelly got was a daytime gig so she can now have her evenings with her 3 small children like a normal family.

I support that, good for her putting family ahead of career.

Fox was offering her more, but she's still getting something like $10 million for her NBC deal isn't she? Sounds like a win/win on her part.
Tucker Carlson is perhaps the most annoying out of the conservative news show host. At least Hannity and O'Rielly are entertaining. Carlson is just annoying.

Yes.....he is annoying to left wing morons because he makes them look like idiots.....
He didn't make the gun control guy look like an idiot the other night. Tucker looked like the whining brat with no real argument that he is.

Yes he did.....the gun control guy lied over and Tucker asked him about Vermont and New the video again....

That was not impressive. Tucker started off by lying, claiming gun ownership was up, it is down, and he got called out on it. And Vermont, seriously? Perhaps for one of Tucker's upcoming shows he can go buy a gun in Vermont. Besides, everyone knows New York's guns come from down South, ever hear of the Iron Pipeline? And any gun runner worth a lick knows it is much easier to get a gun into Chicago than into New York, prices reflect as much.
Tucker Carlson is perhaps the most annoying out of the conservative news show host. At least Hannity and O'Rielly are entertaining. Carlson is just annoying.

Yes.....he is annoying to left wing morons because he makes them look like idiots.....
He didn't make the gun control guy look like an idiot the other night. Tucker looked like the whining brat with no real argument that he is.

Yes he did.....the gun control guy lied over and Tucker asked him about Vermont and New the video again....

That was not impressive. Tucker started off by lying, claiming gun ownership was up, it is down, and he got called out on it. And Vermont, seriously? Perhaps for one of Tucker's upcoming shows he can go buy a gun in Vermont. Besides, everyone knows New York's guns come from down South, ever hear of the Iron Pipeline? And any gun runner worth a lick knows it is much easier to get a gun into Chicago than into New York, prices reflect as much.

All we have left is corporate state media attempting to shape the perceptual reality of the masses.
Tucker Carlson is perhaps the most annoying out of the conservative news show host. At least Hannity and O'Rielly are entertaining. Carlson is just annoying.

Yes.....he is annoying to left wing morons because he makes them look like idiots.....
He didn't make the gun control guy look like an idiot the other night. Tucker looked like the whining brat with no real argument that he is.

Yes he did.....the gun control guy lied over and Tucker asked him about Vermont and New the video again....

That was not impressive. Tucker started off by lying, claiming gun ownership was up, it is down, and he got called out on it. And Vermont, seriously? Perhaps for one of Tucker's upcoming shows he can go buy a gun in Vermont. Besides, everyone knows New York's guns come from down South, ever hear of the Iron Pipeline? And any gun runner worth a lick knows it is much easier to get a gun into Chicago than into New York, prices reflect as much.

All we have left is corporate state media attempting to shape the perceptual reality of the masses.
But, but, corporations are held up as honorable by rightist.. They consider them the bedrock of our greatness in capitalism...
Yes.....he is annoying to left wing morons because he makes them look like idiots.....
He didn't make the gun control guy look like an idiot the other night. Tucker looked like the whining brat with no real argument that he is.

Yes he did.....the gun control guy lied over and Tucker asked him about Vermont and New the video again....

That was not impressive. Tucker started off by lying, claiming gun ownership was up, it is down, and he got called out on it. And Vermont, seriously? Perhaps for one of Tucker's upcoming shows he can go buy a gun in Vermont. Besides, everyone knows New York's guns come from down South, ever hear of the Iron Pipeline? And any gun runner worth a lick knows it is much easier to get a gun into Chicago than into New York, prices reflect as much.

All we have left is corporate state media attempting to shape the perceptual reality of the masses.
But, but, corporations are held up as honorable by rightist.. They consider them the bedrock of our greatness in capitalism...

The point of american style capitalism is to concentrate wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer.
Tucker will not be able to get the viewership Megan got unless he grows tits, changes his hair color and wears a short skirt.
I've seen Tucker in a short skirt. Trust me. It won't help his ratings.
Tucker Carlson is perhaps the most annoying out of the conservative news show host. At least Hannity and O'Rielly are entertaining. Carlson is just annoying.

Yes.....he is annoying to left wing morons because he makes them look like idiots.....
He didn't make the gun control guy look like an idiot the other night. Tucker looked like the whining brat with no real argument that he is.

Yes he did.....the gun control guy lied over and Tucker asked him about Vermont and New the video again....

That was not impressive. Tucker started off by lying, claiming gun ownership was up, it is down, and he got called out on it. And Vermont, seriously? Perhaps for one of Tucker's upcoming shows he can go buy a gun in Vermont. Besides, everyone knows New York's guns come from down South, ever hear of the Iron Pipeline? And any gun runner worth a lick knows it is much easier to get a gun into Chicago than into New York, prices reflect as much.
Welcome, Winston. Sure am glad to meet you.
Tucker Carlson is perhaps the most annoying out of the conservative news show host. At least Hannity and O'Rielly are entertaining. Carlson is just annoying.

Yes.....he is annoying to left wing morons because he makes them look like idiots.....
He didn't make the gun control guy look like an idiot the other night. Tucker looked like the whining brat with no real argument that he is.

Yes he did.....the gun control guy lied over and Tucker asked him about Vermont and New the video again....

That was not impressive. Tucker started off by lying, claiming gun ownership was up, it is down, and he got called out on it. And Vermont, seriously? Perhaps for one of Tucker's upcoming shows he can go buy a gun in Vermont. Besides, everyone knows New York's guns come from down South, ever hear of the Iron Pipeline? And any gun runner worth a lick knows it is much easier to get a gun into Chicago than into New York, prices reflect as much.

All we have left is corporate state media attempting to shape the perceptual reality of the masses.
Well no matter what the corporate state media says, Megyn's hair looks as if she just rolled out of bed. I will NOT be influenced by that look, no matter what.
Tucker Carlson is perhaps the most annoying out of the conservative news show host. At least Hannity and O'Rielly are entertaining. Carlson is just annoying.

Yes.....he is annoying to left wing morons because he makes them look like idiots.....
He didn't make the gun control guy look like an idiot the other night. Tucker looked like the whining brat with no real argument that he is.

Yes he did.....the gun control guy lied over and Tucker asked him about Vermont and New the video again....

That was not impressive. Tucker started off by lying, claiming gun ownership was up, it is down, and he got called out on it. And Vermont, seriously? Perhaps for one of Tucker's upcoming shows he can go buy a gun in Vermont. Besides, everyone knows New York's guns come from down South, ever hear of the Iron Pipeline? And any gun runner worth a lick knows it is much easier to get a gun into Chicago than into New York, prices reflect as much.
You're fucking dumbass moron if you believe that shit, first of all the vast majority of firearms used in violent crimes are stolen and/or come from south of the border.
Firearms used in violent crimes are not legally bought generally, they are not going to buy firearms from gun shows because they are too damn expensive for one there is not enough supple and it's much easier to steal them from other fucking criminals you fucking shitfaced moron. God no wonder people don't trust fucking progressive like yourself fucking moron to the core.:lmao:

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