Conservative hero Tucker Carlson to take secret liberal Megyn Kelly's slot!

I can't believe you folks even watch these shows..

Especially since they constantly bitch about the news not being objective.
It is not that most of us get our views from Fox, it is about being able to watch media without constantly wanting to strangle the source to death through the tv screen.

Exactly. You watch what you enjoy.
I watch what I don't hate.
I like Tucker, but much prefer looking at Megyn.

Is that sexist?
Yep but it's okay, we're in the Trumpian Era now so being politically incorrect is not only okay, it is rewarded.


They should have replaced her with Kimberly Guilfoyle or Eboni Williams... Megyn is cute but either of those two would have been an upgrade. :D
What a sexist thing to say. I suppose you'll blame Trump.
I can't believe you folks even watch these shows..

Especially since they constantly bitch about the news not being objective.
It is not that most of us get our views from Fox, it is about being able to watch media without constantly wanting to strangle the source to death through the tv screen.

Exactly. You watch what you enjoy.
I watch what I don't hate.
But liberals love to hate.
No, that's the "genius" twerp, Malcolm Gladwell. Tucker has substance.

Tucker Carlson is the Walter Denton of Fox 'news?' I have no idea who this Photo portrays.
He's also a founder of The Daily Caller, one of the most dishonest rightwing propaganda sites on the internet.

Of course the RWnuts like him.
I question everything Libs call dishonest since they lie.

No, you question anything we call dishonest because you don't know the difference between truth and fiction;

you only know what you like, and that is what you imagine to be true.
No. Libs lie. They lie about jobs,They lie about the economy, they lie about voter fraud in their own party,they lie about the environment, they like about law enforcement, they lie about the Military. If their lips are moving you can guarantee they are lying.
If somebody is winning who exactly is losing? Carlson finally has a good solo gig with Fox, and Kelly has a potentially sweet gig with NBC. This wasn't some sort of political game.
What Kelly got was a daytime gig so she can now have her evenings with her 3 small children like a normal family.

Agreed. My point was that this thread seems to be celebrating some sort of victory for conservative programming. In fact both parties got exactly what they wanted. Kelly actually took less from NBC than Fox was offering to keep her so that she could spend time with her kids, and Carlson received a nice time slot. Everybody won in the end.
Technically conservatives win either way.

If Megyn Kelly goes on NBC, the network will change and not Megyn(she is already a moderate Democrat and she won't really have a reason to go further left). Tucker will push Fox a little further right as well.

Not to mention Greta possibly going to MSNBC and changing them as well....
He's also a founder of The Daily Caller, one of the most dishonest rightwing propaganda sites on the internet.

Of course the RWnuts like him.
In other words, The Daily Caller exposes leftwing hypocrisy daily. You're the typical leftwing douche bag who thinks CNN and the New York Times are credible news sources.
He's also a founder of The Daily Caller, one of the most dishonest rightwing propaganda sites on the internet.

Of course the RWnuts like him.
I question everything Libs call dishonest since they lie.

No, you question anything we call dishonest because you don't know the difference between truth and fiction;

you only know what you like, and that is what you imagine to be true.
We question it because we know you're a loyal party hack and a leftwinger, which means you're a liar. Whatever helps the party you defend. Whatever hurts the party you denounce. It's that simple
Tucker Carlson is perhaps the most annoying out of the conservative news show host. At least Hannity and O'Rielly are entertaining. Carlson is just annoying.

Yes.....he is annoying to left wing morons because he makes them look like idiots.....
He didn't make the gun control guy look like an idiot the other night. Tucker looked like the whining brat with no real argument that he is.

Yes he did.....the gun control guy lied over and Tucker asked him about Vermont and New the video again....
If somebody is winning who exactly is losing? Carlson finally has a good solo gig with Fox, and Kelly has a potentially sweet gig with NBC. This wasn't some sort of political game.
What Kelly got was a daytime gig so she can now have her evenings with her 3 small children like a normal family.

Agreed. My point was that this thread seems to be celebrating some sort of victory for conservative programming. In fact both parties got exactly what they wanted. Kelly actually took less from NBC than Fox was offering to keep her so that she could spend time with her kids, and Carlson received a nice time slot. Everybody won in the end.
Technically conservatives win either way.

If Megyn Kelly goes on NBC, the network will change and not Megyn(she is already a moderate Democrat and she won't really have a reason to go further left). Tucker will push Fox a little further right as well.

Not to mention Greta possibly going to MSNBC and changing them as well....
Sounds to me like NBC is trying to moderate. Steal a bit of Fox's viewership.
He's also a founder of The Daily Caller, one of the most dishonest rightwing propaganda sites on the internet.

Of course the RWnuts like him.
I question everything Libs call dishonest since they lie.

No, you question anything we call dishonest because you don't know the difference between truth and fiction;

you only know what you like, and that is what you imagine to be true.
We question it because we know you're a loyal party hack and a leftwinger, which means you're a liar. Whatever helps the party you defend. Whatever hurts the party you denounce. It's that simple
Which brings up the comment earlier about Megan's 20 million dollar job offer. Ever notice that Libs never mind astronomical wages when the people getting the money push their agenda?
I can't believe you folks even watch these shows..

Especially since they constantly bitch about the news not being objective.

These aren't news shows...they are opinion shows moron.....they interview guests and the hosts have obvious biases.....what we object to is morons who work for the main stream networks and claim to be objective...then secretly help hilary attack Trump....and then are stupid enough to get caught doing it....
Tucker Carlson is the poster child for the one percent. He is not smart, not even a little bit. His education background amounts to "studying history at Trinity College", and judging from some of his statements, he didn't study much of that.

Born wealthy, he doesn't need a degree. All he has to do is kiss ass and parrot the same tired old talking points. In a true meritocracy Tucker Carlson would be lucky to be shift leader at McDonalds. In today's America he is now heading off prime time at the propaganda network kissing Trump ass when six months ago he was screaming about how terrible Trump was.
I don't know anything about Tucker Carlson but…
Megan never lets her guests speak. Her ego won't let her.
Well her ego just netted her a $20 million contract along with all the rest of her demands so I guess she's doing something right.

"You go girl "
Well that was what FOX was paying her too so...
If I'm not mistaken her current contract is $15 million at Fox and apparently she wanted a day time slot to facilitate more family time, which according to what I've read Fox wasn't in a position to give her.

... not to mention I'd imagine the whole Roger Ailes episode didn't exactly endear her to the culture at Fox, of course now she has to deal with the douche bags NBC.

All in all it appears she got what she wanted so good for her.
He's also a founder of The Daily Caller, one of the most dishonest rightwing propaganda sites on the internet.

Of course the RWnuts like him.
I question everything Libs call dishonest since they lie.

No, you question anything we call dishonest because you don't know the difference between truth and fiction;

you only know what you like, and that is what you imagine to be true.
like you with the clinton network news?
You retarded idiot, Maygayn is not "right wing" whatever that means. You faggot pretending to be a woman!

Oh for fucksakes, go away Snouter.
That post was wholly unnecessary.

Is your big mouth big enough to blow me is the question you must ask yourself. You limp wristed qu33r.
She is too a right wing mouthpiece. Maybe not extreme enough for you, though. But I think you might be right that she is a moderate beneath that paid for hire Fox commentator act.
I can't believe you folks even watch these shows..

Especially since they constantly bitch about the news not being objective.
It is not that most of us get our views from Fox, it is about being able to watch media without constantly wanting to strangle the source to death through the tv screen.

Exactly. You watch what you enjoy.
and that's bad? isn't that what you do?
Tucker Carlson once admitted that when he was on Crossfire, sometimes the producers would require him to take a side of an issue he didn't actually agree with,

just to create left/right adversaries on a topic. Such integrity.
Well, to be fair to Tucker, pain in the butt that he is, a good debater can take any point of view and win the point. He prides himself on his debating skills, although he doesn't follow the rules about giving the other side time to reply. Kinda like the primary debates.
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